George Fulwell Wilkins
From Bill Wilkins "Ye Olde Ghote"Searching WILKINS and all names from NORTHAMPTON CO, VA.
1. George Fulwell Wilkins b. 26-Aug-1888, Northampton Co., Va., ref: Gi-94, m. 14-Jan-1932, in Baltimore, Md., Ora Pearl Bird Byrd. George died 15-Apr-1959, Northampton Co., Va., buried: Cape Charles, Northampton Co., Va.
Parents 2. William W. Wilkins b. 30-Nov-1850, Northampton Co., Va., ref: Gi-95, occupation Doctor, m. Heneritta "Hettie" Laurie Weddell. William died 16-Dec-1933, Northampton Co., Va., buried: Cape Charles, Cen '60 # 162, Cen.'70 #197e, Northampton Co., Va.
3. Heneritta "Hettie" Laurie Weddell b. 27-Dec-1855, Belfast, Ireland, ref: Gi-94, d. 6-Oct-1923, buried: Cape Charles, Northampton Co., Va.
Grand Parents
4. William W. Wilkins b. 1800, occupation Farmer, m. 26-Jun-1843, in ( Bond mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., Elizabeth Custis Kendall. William died circa 1864, Cen '50 # 172, Cen '60 # 162, Northampton Co., Va.
5. Elizabeth Custis Kendall b. 28-Mar-1822, d. 3-May-1859, buried: Fredonia, Cen '50 # 172, Northampton Co. Va.
6. William Weddell b. 1-Aug-1816, East Calder, Scotland, ref: VHS-Weddell Cht, m. 9-Dec-1851, in Petersburg, Va., Clara "Jeannie" Jane Weddel. William died 2-Jan-1878.
7. Clara "Jeannie" Jane Weddel b. 27-Jan-1826, Perth, Scotland, ref: Bible, d. 14-Feb-1915, VHS-Weddell Cht.
Great Grand Parents
8. William Wilkins b. 23-Sep-1762, ref: w-164 nw-537, m. 11-Jan-1790, in ( Bond mlbm-128), Northampton Co., Va., Peggy Scott. William died c. 1828, pers rec.
9. Peggy Scott b. by. 1790, ref: mlbm w-159, d. liv. 1800.
10. Custis Kendall Jr. b. by. 1816, ref: nlc-107 nw-519, m. 20-Feb-1816, in ( Bond mlbm-65 ), Northampton Co., Va., Elizabeth W. Jarvis. Custis died 1822.
11. Elizabeth W. Jarvis b. 4-Jan-1801, ref: Spady FB, d. 21-Jan-1867, buried: Fredonia, Northampton Co. Va., Cen '50 # 141, Cen '60 # 121, Northampton Co., Va.
12. Archibald Weddell b. 28-Jun-1772, West Calder, Scotland, ref: cd-114, m. 1803, Henrietta Laurie. Archibald died 6-Jan-1860, Blandford Cem., VHS-Weddell Cht. In 1823 they were living in Brickfield near Leith, Scotland
13. Henrietta Laurie b. 21-Apr-1779, East Calder, Scotland, ref: cd-114, d. 10-Jan-1837, Blandford Cem.
14. Peter Weddel m. 1805, Mary Dow. Peter buried: Scotland.
15. Mary Dow b. 14-Jun-1786, ref: Bible, d. 8-Nov-1855, buried: Sotland.
Great Great Grand Parents
16. William Wilkins Sr. b. 15-May-1736, ref: w-164 pers rec., m. (1) 9-Nov-1758, in ( Bond-mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., Agnes Stratton, m. (2) 12-Aug-1773, in ( Bond-mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., bond 11-Aug-1773, Elizabeth Goffigon. William died 11-Dec-1797(by), Northampton Co., Va., w-205 nw-537.
17. Agnes Stratton b. 9-Jan-1740, ref: w-164 pers rec., d. 21-May-1773, sick 5 weeks 4 days, nw-346-357.
18. William Scott IV. b. by 1745, ref: w-159-136, m. ( poss. Hannah White ). William died 1804, nw-329-318.
19. ( poss. Hannah White ).
20. John Kendall Jr. b. by. 1779, ref: w-211 nw-518, m. 1779 (mlbm 65), in Northampton Co. Va., Lucretia Guy. John died 14-Jan-1794(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-478.
21. Lucretia Guy b. 1765, ref: w-211 nlc-106, d. 1823, nw-451-518.
22. William Jarvis Jr. b. 1770, ref: nw-550, m. (1) 14-Dec-1795, in ( Bond mlbm-58 ), Northampton Co., Va., 15-Dec-1795, mlb says Hunt : Bible Goffigon, Frances "Fanny" Goffigon, m. (2) 30-Aug-1798, in Northampton Co., Va., 25-Aug-1798, ( Bond mlbm-58 ), Northampton Co., Va., Ann "Nancy" Wilkins, m. (3) 1808 (mlbm 58), in Northampton Co. Va., 19-May-1808, Elizabeth Upshur Robins. William died 1-Jan-1831, buried: Piney Forest, Northampton Co. Va., Jarvis FB. Frances: Seems to resolve Hunt-Goffigon name problem but need proof
23. Ann "Nancy" Wilkins b. 29-Jul-1781, ref: nw-537 pers rec, d. 6-Dec-1805, Jarvis FB.
24. Matthew Weddell b. 10-Dec-1728, West Calder, Scotland, ref: VHS-Weddell Cht, m. Janet Meikle. Matthew died liv. 1784, West Calder, Scotland.
25. Janet Meikle ref: VHS-Weddell Cht, d. liv. 1784, West Calder, Scotland.
26. Alexander Laurie ref: Va Hist. Soc., m. Agnes Read Reid.
27. Agnes Read Reid ref: Va. Hist. Soc.
28. James Weddel m. Jean Greanne. James buried: Scotland.
29. Jean Greanne buried: Scotland.
30. William Dow m. Catherine Young. William buried: Scotland.
31. Catherine Young b. Scotland.
3rd Great Grand Parents
32. John Wilkins Sr. b. by. 1705, ref: w-164 pp-684, m. by. 1731, Judith ------. John died 11-Jul-1775(by), Northampton Co., Va., tith 1 nw-442.
33. Judith ------ b. by. 1731, ref: pp-684 nw-307, d. pro by 1775.
34. John Stratton b. 21-Mar-1695/6, ref: w-133 nlc-56, m. (1) Esther Harmanson, m. (2) by. 1721, Susannah ------. John died 15-Apr-1751, will 14-May-1751, Northampton Co., Va., nw-345-219-357. need proof that he is the John Stratton Who married Esther Harmanson
35. Susannah ------ b. by. 1721, ref: pp-683, d. liv. 1754, nw-357-269-346.
36. William Scott III. b. by. 1710, ref: w-159, m. Sarah ( poss. Watts ). William died 11-Dec-1750(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-309-329-318. Sarah: see will of Smith Watts nw-300
37. Sarah ( poss. Watts ) ref: nw-329-300, d. liv. 1750. see will of Smith Watts nw-300
40. Custis Kendall Sr. b. 1708, ref: w-344 nw-459, occupation Colonel, m. (1) 1734, Ann Upshur, m. (2) 1746 (mlbm 65), in Northampton Co. Va., Elizabeth Bowdoin. Custis died 11-Sep-1781(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-369-235.
41. Elizabeth Bowdoin b. by. 1733, ref: nw-302 nw-318, d. liv. 1746.
42. Henry Guy b. un age 1745, ref: mlbm 65 nw-451, m. 18-Oct-1755, in ( Bond-mlbm-47) Northampton Co., Va., Adah Harmanson. Henry died 11-Nov-1777(by), Northampton Co., Va.
43. Adah Harmanson b. by. 1755, ref: nw-451-445-368, d. by. 1777, w-398.
44. William Jarvis b. land b 1760, poss. Accomack Co. Va., ref: w-66-88 nw-550, m. (1) by 1761, Anne Goffigon, m. (2) 1780 (mlbm 58), in Northampton Co. Va., Sarah ------. William died 8-Dec-1800(by), Northampton Co., Va., (aw-155?w-1222), Barbara Cox.
45. Anne Goffigon b. by 1761, ref: smh nw-382, d. by 1780, Barbara Cox.
46. William Wilkins Sr. (see same person above in generation 5) b. 15-May-1736, ref: w-164 pers rec., m. (1) 9-Nov-1758, in ( Bond-mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., Agnes Stratton, m. (2) 12-Aug-1773, in ( Bond-mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., bond 11-Aug-1773, Elizabeth Goffigon. William died 11-Dec-1797(by), Northampton Co., Va., w-205 nw-537.
47. Elizabeth Goffigon b. by. 1761, ref: pers rec w-205, m. (1) 1768 (mlbm 60), in Northampton Co., Va., Powell Johnson, m. (2) 12-Aug-1773, in ( Bond-mlbm-128 ), Northampton Co., Va., bond 11-Aug-1773, William Wilkins Sr. Elizabeth died liv. 1797, ? mother nw-537, nw-392.
48. George Weddell ref: VHS-Weddell Cht, m. ??????. George died liv. 1731, West Calder, Scotland.
49. ?????? ref: VHS-Weddell Cht, d. liv. 1731, West Calder, Scotland.
52. ------ Laurie m. ??????.
53. ??????.
54. ------ Read Reid ref: Va Hist. Soc., m. Agnes ------.
55. Agnes ------ ref: VHS-Weddell Cht.
56. ------ Weddel m. ??????.
57. ??????.
58. ------ Greanne m. ??????.
59. ??????.
60. ------ Dow m. ??????.
61. ??????.
62. ------ Young m. ??????.
63. ??????.
4th Great Grand Parents
64. William Wilkins b. by. 1692, ref: w-164 pp-684, m. Frances ------. William died 13-Nov-1750(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-329-196. Frances: a Francis Wilkkins was a witness to Obedience Robins's will in 1731
65. Frances ------ b. by. 1705, ref: pp-684 nw-307, d. by. 1750. a Francis Wilkkins was a witness to Obedience Robins's will in 1731
68. Benjamin Stratton b. 25-Feb-1657/8, ref: w-127-133pp-683, m. 9-Jun-1681(by), Ann Wilkins. Benjamin died 22-Oct-1717, will 19-Nov-1717, Northampton Co., Va., buried: Stratton Manor, nw-219.
69. Ann Wilkins b. 11-Feb-1662/3, ref: pp-683, d. 16-Jun-1700.
72. William Scott II. b. land 1710, ref: w-158-159, m. Mary ------. William died 9-Mar-1741/2 b, Northampton Co., Va., nw-309, David R. Scott.
73. Mary ------ ref: nw-309, d. by 1741.
74. Smith Watts ref: nw-300 LP-220, m. ??????. Smith died 11-Apr-1738(by), Northampton Co., Va.
75. ?????? ref: nw-300, d. by. 1738.
80. William Kendall III ref: w-344 w-1263, m. Sorrowful Margaret Custis. William died --Jul-1720(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-235.
81. Sorrowful Margaret Custis ref: w-149 pp-438, m. (1) William Kendall III, m. (2) 1723 (mlbm 16), in Northampton Co. Va., Thomas Cable. Sorrowful died 11-Dec-1750(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-330-312-235.
82. Peter Bowdoin b. 1703, ref: w-132 nw-318, m. (1) Grace "Adah" Harmanson, m. (2) 1733 (mlbm 12), in Northampton Co. Va., Susanna Preeson. Peter died 14-Jan-1745/6 b, Northampton Co., Va.
83. Grace "Adah" Harmanson ref: nw-225-302, d. by 1732.
84. Major Guy ref: w-158-117-266, m. (1) Lucreshe Respass, m. (2) Mary Smaw. Major died 9-Apr-1745(by), nw-316.
85. Lucreshe Respass ref: w-158, Bob Mears (Guy).
86. Matthew Harmanson ref: w-364-377, occupation Captain, m. 9-Apr-1740, in ( Bond-mlbm-50 ), Northampton Co., Va., Rachel Roberts. Matthew died 29-Apr-1755(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-367 w-389.
87. Rachel Roberts b. by. 1718, ref: w-365 nw-367, d. liv. 1755, nw-268.
88. (poss. William Jarvis) b. by. 1747, ref: aw-155 w-1222, m. Ann ------. (poss. died liv. 1750.
89. Ann ------ ref: w-1222, d. liv. 1750.
90. James Goffigon b. c. 1697, ref: w-99 nw-305, m. (1) 1738, in lds, Leah Willett, m. (2) 27-Sep-1755, in (mlbm-45), Northampton Co., Va., Mary "Molly" Floyd. James died 12-Jan-1762(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-392-350-228, Barbara Cox. Mary: James Goffigon was witness to her father's will see nw-365/6
91. Leah Willett b. c. 1707, ref: m-99 nw-304, d. by. 1755, Barbara Cox.
94. James Goffigon (see same person above in generation 7) b. c. 1697, ref: w-99 nw-305, m. (1) 1738, in lds, Leah Willett, m. (2) 27-Sep-1755, in (mlbm-45), Northampton Co., Va., Mary "Molly" Floyd. James died 12-Jan-1762(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-392-350-228, Barbara Cox. Mary: James Goffigon was witness to her father's will see nw-365/6
95. Leah Willett (see same person above in generation 7) b. c. 1707, ref: m-99 nw-304, d. by. 1755, Barbara Cox.
5th Great Grand Parents
128. Nathaniel Wilkins b. c. 1638, Northampton Co. Va., ref: w-164 pp-679, m. about 1661, in Northampton Co. Va., Frances Hunt. Nathaniel died 16-Jun-1713(by), Northampton Co. Va., nw-196.
129. Frances Hunt b. by. 1656, ref: w-119 pp-679, m. (1) by. 1656, Edmund Bibby, m. (2) about 1661, in Northampton Co. Va., Nathaniel Wilkins. Frances died by. 1692, Northampton Co. Va., nw-62-49.
136. Thomas Stratton b. 1630, ref: w-102 w-127, m. by. 1657, Agnes Johnson. Thomas died 2-Nov-1659(by), Northampton Co., Va., CP-1-295?nw-76.
137. Agnes Johnson b. land b 1653, ref: w-148-279, m. (1) ------ Barnes, m. (2) by. 1657, Thomas Stratton, m. (3) 6-Jun-1661, in (mlbm-86), Northampton Co., Va., Nicholas Powell. Agnes died liv. 1675, nw-83-68.
138. Nathaniel Wilkins (see same person above in generation 8) b. c. 1638, Northampton Co. Va., ref: w-164 pp-679, m. about 1661, in Northampton Co. Va., Frances Hunt. Nathaniel died 16-Jun-1713(by), Northampton Co. Va., nw-196.
139. Frances Hunt (see same person above in generation 8) b. by. 1656, ref: w-119 pp-679, m. (1) by. 1656, Edmund Bibby, m. (2) about 1661, in Northampton Co. Va., Nathaniel Wilkins. Frances died by. 1692, Northampton Co. Va., nw-62-49.
144. William Scott Sr. b. by 1678, ref: nw-217-196-116, m. (1) by 1682, Elizabeth Hanby, m. (2) 29-Nov-1709(by), Ann Nottingham. William died 20-Jan-1712(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-106, David R. Scott / Mihalkya pc.
145. Elizabeth Hanby b. by 1682, ref: nw-116, d. by 1709, David R. Scott.
160. William Kendall Sr. b. by. 1667, ref: w-344 pp-437, occupation Capitan, m. Ann Mason. William died 28-Jul-1696(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-153-90.
161. Ann Mason ref: w-1263 pp-437, m. (1) William Kendall Sr., m. (2) by 28-Feb-1699, Peter Collier. Ann died 1695.
162. John Custis III b. circa 1654, ref: pp-621 w-108, occupation Colonel, m. (1) Margaret Michael, m. (2) Sarah Littleton. John died 26-Jan-1713/4 b, Northampton Co., Va., nw-203, of hungers.
163. Margaret Michael b. -___-1658, ref: pp 611-21 w-149, d. by. 1713, nw-106.
164. John Bowdoin b. 1678, France, ref: w-132, occupation mariner, m. 1700, Susanna Stockley. John died 20-Apr-1717.
165. Susanna Stockley ref: cd-114, d. liv. 1705.
166. John Harmanson ref: w-271 pp-536, m. Susanna Kendall. John died 20-Oct-1719(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-225.
167. Susanna Kendall b. 12-Aug-1670, ref: w-270-71-259, d. 9-May-1739(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-225-302-141, nw-109-104 bbs mgs.
168. John Guy I. ref: nw-316, m. by 1705, Catherine ------. John died by 1722, Bob Mears (Guy).
169. Catherine ------ ref: nw-316, Bob Mears (Guy).
172. Matthew Harmanson b. by. 1697, ref: nlc-55 nw-189, m. by 1719, Esther Harmanson. Matthew died 1755, nw-157-301.
173. Esther Harmanson ref: w-331 nw-226, d. bef 1740.
174. William Roberts Jr. b. by. 1677, ref: w-365 nw-100, m. Elizabeth ------. William died 16-Dec-1718(by), (need better proof) Northampton Co., Va., nw-218 intestat, nw-205.
175. Elizabeth ------ ref: nw-268-218-205, m. (1) Savage ------, m. (2) William Roberts Jr. Elizabeth died 10-Nov-1731(by), (need better proof) Northampton Co., Va., w-365 LP-227.
176. (poss. Robert Jarvis) ref: aw-155 w-1222, m. ??????. (poss. died 27-Feb-1749/0 b, Accomack Co., Va.
177. ?????? ref: aw-155, d. prob b 1750.
180. Thomas Goffigon ref: nw-228, m. Mary Duparkes. Thomas died 4-Apr-1720(by), Northampton Co., Va., Connie Pruitt.
181. Mary Duparkes b. 1673, ref: nw-228-172, d. prob b 1720, Barbara Cox, Dr. David Scott.
182. William Willett b. 1670, ref: w-98 w-103, m. by. 1694, Ann Stringer. William died 11-Mar-1739/0 b, Northampton Co. Va., nw-304-160.
183. Ann Stringer b. by. 1689, ref: w-98 nw-141-152, d. by. 1739, Northampton Co. Va., nw-160.
6th Great Grand Parents
256. John Wilkins b. circa 1597, England, ref: pp-676, m. (1) Bridgett Craft, m. (2) Anne ------. John died --Dec-1649, will 28-Jan 1650, Northampton Co. Va., CP-1-46/56/84.
257. Anne ------ ref: w-193 pp-677, m. (1) John Wilkins, m. (2) --Feb-1650, Thomas Higby, m. (3) by. 1660, Henry Voss. Anne died 8-Dec-1690(by), Northampton Co. Va., nw-47-143.
258. Thomas Hunt ref: w-119-148, occupation Lt., m. Joane Gawton. Thomas died 29-Jan-1655/6 b, Northampton Co., Va., nw-41.
259. Joane Gawton b. 17-Nov-1602, Rygate, Surry Co., England, ref: w-71 w-986, m. (1) 6-Jun-1622, in Merstham, Surry Co., England, Robert Drake, m. (2) Thomas Hunt. Joane died 26-Feb-1656/7 b, Northampton Co., Va., nw-49-43.
272. Benjamin Stratton ref: w-127, m. Alice Hawkins. Benjamin died by. 1636/7.
273. Alice Hawkins ref: pp-81 w-127, m. (1) Benjamin Stratton, m. (2) ------ Chilcott, m. (3) by Jan.1 1636/7, Henry Bagwell. Alice died liv. 1630, Burton pc.
288. Thomas Scott b. land b 1665, ref: nw-106 w-56, m. Ann ------. Thomas died 27-Feb-1678(by), Northampton Co., Va., David R. Scott.
289. Ann ------ ref: nw-106 w-56, d. prob b 1678, David R. Scott.
290. Richard Hanby ref: w-186 nw-115, m. Susanna ------. Richard died 28-Mar-1683(by), Northampton Co. Va.
291. Susanna ------ ref: w-186 nw-116, d. liv. 1683.
320. William Kendall b. by. 1658, poss. Norfolk, England, ref: w-1252 pp-437, occupation Colonel, m. (1) ??????, m. (2) by. 1658, Susanna Baker, m. (3) 1686 w-248, Sarah ------, m. (4) unknown mistress. William died 28-Jul-1686(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-126, Speaker of The House of Burgesses. see CP-1-321 see Speakers-81
321. Susanna Baker ref: nw-49-59, m. (1) Thomas (Eires) Eyre, m. (2) Francis Pott, m. (3) by. 1658, William Kendall. Susanna died liv. 1667, nw-90. William: see CP-1-321 see Speakers-81
322. Lemuel Mason b. circa 1629, ref: pp-432, m. by 1650, Ann ( Seawell or Sewell ) Sewall. Lemuel died circa 1702.
323. Ann ( Seawell or Sewell ) Sewall b. circa 1635, ref: pp-432, d. 1706.
324. John Custis II b. 1628/9, Holland, ref: w-90 pp-545, occupation General, m. (1) Elizabeth Robinson, m. (2) by 1656, Alicia ------, m. (3) circa 1681, Tabitha Scarbrough. John died 29-Jan-1695/6, will 10-Feb-1795/6 Northampton Co., Va., nw-151, first to Va. circa 1650.
325. Elizabeth Robinson ref: w-108 Chor-141, m. (1) Robert Eyer, m. (2) John Custis II. Elizabeth died by. 1656.
326. John Michale Sr. ref: pp 611-w-148, occupation Capitan, m. (1) Elizabeth Thorowgood, m. (2) by 1671, Anne ------, m. (3) by 1676, Mary ------. John died b.28-Jan-1678/9, w-1334 nw-105, nw-96, Merchant, Graft Holland.
327. Elizabeth Thorowgood b. 1633, ref: pp 611 w-148, d. circa 1670.
328. Pierre (Boudouin) Bowdoin b. La Rochelle, France - Casco Bay, Maine, ref: w-132 pp-465, occupation Doctor, French Hugenot, m. France, Elizabeth (poss. Fixe). Pierre died 8-Sep-1706, Boston, buried: Granary Burying Ground, Boston, ff-76.
329. Elizabeth (poss. Fixe) b. 1643, ref: pp-465 bbs mgs, d. 18-Aug-1720, Boston, Mass., buried: Grannary Cem., Suffolk Co., Maine.
332. Thomas Harmanson Sr. b. by 1650, Brandenburg, Germany, ref: w-206-221 nlc60, m. (1) by. 1661, Joane Andrews, m. (2) circa 1689, Elizabeth ------. Thomas died 28-Nov-1702(by), Northampton Co., Va., pp-653 nw-168.
333. Joane Andrews b. by. 1661, ref: pp 536 w-206, d. by. 1696, nw-268.
334. John Kendall ref: w-274 pp-535, occupation w-1266 nephew of col. Wm., m. 16-Dec-1657(by), in lds says 4-Jun-1667, Accomack Co. Va., 5-Jun-1667, bbs mgs, Susannah Savage. John died 27-Mar-1679(by), Northampton Co., Va., Minutes-267, nw-104.
335. Susannah Savage b. 3-Jun-1649, ref: w-270-71 pp-535, m. (1) 16-Dec-1657(by), in lds says 4-Jun-1667, Accomack Co. Va., 5-Jun-1667, bbs mgs, John Kendall, m. (2) by. 1680, Henry Warren, m. (3) aft. 1693, Hamon ( Haman ) Firkettle. Susannah died by. 1718, nw-141-104.
344. Henry Harmanson ref: nlc 61 w-389, m. (1) Elizabeth Patrick, m. (2) Gertrude Littleton, m. (3) composite, ( either Elizabeth or Gertrude ). Henry died 28-May-1709(by), Northampton Co. Va., pp-580 nw-189.
345. Elizabeth Patrick b. by. 1688, ref: nw-134, d. liv. 1689.
346. John Harmanson (see same person above in generation 8) ref: w-271 pp-536, m. Susanna Kendall. John died 20-Oct-1719(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-225.
347. Susanna Kendall (see same person above in generation 8) b. 12-Aug-1670, ref: w-270-71-259, d. 9-May-1739(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-225-302-141, nw-109-104 bbs mgs.
348. William Roberts b. land b 1672, ref: w-365 nw-100, m. Elizabeth Eastmead. William died 30-Jul-1677(by), Northampton Co., Va.
349. Elizabeth Eastmead b. by. 1677, ref: w-365-363, m. (1) William Roberts, m. (2) Robert Foster. Elizabeth died 18-Jan-1714/5 b, Northampton Co., Va., nw-119-100-145, nw-205.
352. William Jarvis b. by. 1702, ref: nw-172-181, m. by. 1702, Elizabeth Duparkes. William died 28-Feb-1709/0 b, Northampton Co., Va.
353. Elizabeth Duparkes b. by. 1679, ref: nw-110-172-181, d. liv. 1703.
360. James Goffigon Gawagan ref: Connie Pruitt, m. ??????. James died 31-Jan-1687(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-130.
361. ?????? ref: Connie Pruitt.
362. Thomas Duparkes b. 1640, ref: nw-172 w-225, m. 13-Nov-1661, in ( Bond-mlbm-33 ), Northampton Co., Va., Elizabeth Powell. Thomas died 1-Mar-1702/3 b, Northampton Co., Va., Crves-33. Elizabeth: need additional proof this is correct elizabeth Powell, Thomas Duparks was witness to her father's will in 1660
363. Elizabeth Powell b. of age 1660 ?, ref: nw-89-172-142, d. liv. 1702. need additional proof this is correct elizabeth Powell, Thomas Duparks was witness to her father's will in 1660
364. John Willett ref: w-98 nw-111, m. 25-Mar-1699, Elizabeth Douglas. John died 28-Jul-1680(by), Northampton Co. Va., Minutes-303, intestate.
365. Elizabeth Douglas b. by. 1657, ref: w-98 nw-49-111, m. (1) 25-Mar-1699, John Willett, m. (2) Robert Leightenhouse, m. (3) ------ Somerwell, m. (4) ??????. Elizabeth died 1716, Yorktown, Va., Minutes-303.
366. Hillary Stringer b. by. 1689, ref: nw-141-152-156, occupation Captain, m. by. 1689, Mary ------. Hillary died 10-Feb-1695(by), Northampton Co., Va. Mary: poss Savage see Connie Pruitt's line
367. Mary ------ ref: nw-152, d. liv. 1694. poss Savage see Connie Pruitt's line
7th Great Grand Parents
516. ------ Hunt ref: nw-42, m. ??????.
517. ??????.
518. Thomas Gawton m. Patience Best.
519. Patience Best.
544. Thomas Stratton ref: Burton pc, m. Dorothy ------.
545. Dorothy ------ ref: Burton pc.
546. (prob.William) Hawkins ref: nw-21, m. Ann ------. (prob.William) died by 1646.
547. Ann ------ ref: nw-21, d. 11-Nov-1646(by).
582. ?????? m. ??????.
583. ??????.
640. ------ Kendall ref: w-1266, m. ??????.
641. ??????.
642. ------ Baker m. ??????.
643. ??????.
644. Francis Mason b. circa 1595, ref: pp-431 CP-1-134, occupation Lieut., m. (1) Mary ------, m. (2) circa 1624, Alice ( poss. Ganny ) ------. Francis died 7-Nov-1646(by).
645. Alice ( poss. Ganny ) ------ b. 1598, ref: pp-431, d. liv. 1653.
646. Henry ( Seawell or Sewell ) Sewall b. 1610, ref: pp-432, m. ??????. Henry died 1644.
647. ??????.
648. Henry "Harry" Custis b. c. 1596, ref: Chor-25-47, m. Joan ( Johanna ) ------.
649. Joan ( Johanna ) ------ ref: Chor-38-47-105, m. (1) Henry "Harry" Custis, m. (2) ------ Wittingham. Joan died 1661, Rotterdam, Holland, Chor-220.
650. ------ Robinson ref: w-108, m. Elizabeth ------. ------ died by. 1668.
651. Elizabeth ------ ref: w-108 nw-91, d. 28-Jun-1668(by), Shadwell, co. Middlesex, England, buried: the parish of Stebonheath alias Stepney.
652. ------ Michael m. ??????.
653. ??????.
654. Adam Thorowgood b. c. 1603, ref: pp 607,460, occupation Capitan, m. 18-Jul-1627, in St. Annes Church, Blackfriars , London, Sarah Offley. Adam died circa 1640, came to Va., 1621.
655. Sarah Offley b. c. 1609, ref: w-287, m. (1) 18-Jul-1627, in St. Annes Church, Blackfriars , London, Adam Thorowgood, m. (2) 1641, John Gookin, m. (3) Francis Yardley. Sarah died 1657.
666. William Andrews ref: w-206, m. Jane or Joan Taylor. William died circa 1665.
667. Jane or Joan Taylor ref: Burton (Turner).
668. son Kendall ref: w-1266, m. ??????.
669. ??????.
670. John Savage b. 1624, ref: w-270 pp-539, occupation Capitan, m. (1) Ann Elkington, m. (2) circa 1667, Mary Robins. John died 11-Dec-1678(by), pp-463 nw-103.
671. Ann Elkington ref: pp-535, d. by. 1667.
688. Thomas Harmanson Sr. (see same person above in generation 9) b. by 1650, Brandenburg, Germany, ref: w-206-221 nlc60, m. (1) by. 1661, Joane Andrews, m. (2) circa 1689, Elizabeth ------. Thomas died 28-Nov-1702(by), Northampton Co., Va., pp-653 nw-168.
689. Joane Andrews (see same person above in generation 9) b. by. 1661, ref: pp 536 w-206, d. by. 1696, nw-268.
690. Mathew Patricke ref: w-377 w-398, occupation 4888, m. Judith ------. Mathew died 28-Mar-1689(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-137.
691. Judith ------ ref: w-398 nw-157, m. (1) Adolph Johnson, m. (2) Mathew Patricke. Judith died 28-May-1697(by), Northampton Co., Va., Va. Mag. Apr.66, nw-79-137.
698. Thomas Eastmead b. by. 1664, ref: w-363 nw-119, m. Phillis ------. Thomas died 29-Oct-1683(by), Northampton Co., Va., tith2-9.
699. Phillis ------ b. 1637, ref: w-363 nw-119, m. (1) Thomas Eastmead, m. (2) c. 1683, William Williams. Phillis died liv 1683.
706. Thomas Duparkes b. 1640, ref: nw-172 w-225, m. 13-Nov-1661, in ( Bond-mlbm-33 ), Northampton Co., Va., Elizabeth Powell. Thomas died 1-Mar-1702/3 b, Northampton Co., Va., Crves-33. Elizabeth: need additional proof this is correct elizabeth Powell, Thomas Duparks was witness to her father's will in 1660
707. Elizabeth Powell b. of age 1660 ?, ref: nw-89-172-142, d. liv. 1702. need additional proof this is correct elizabeth Powell, Thomas Duparks was witness to her father's will in 1660
724. ------ Duparkes m. ??????.
725. ??????.
726. Samuel Powell ref: nw-89, m. Ann ------. Samuel died 29-Sep-1666, Northampton Co., Va.
727. Ann ------ ref: nw-89-142, d. by. 1689.
730. Edward Douglas ref: w-641 nw-49, occupation Lt. Col., m. Isabella ------. Edward died 12-Nov-1657, Northampton Co., Va.
731. Isabella ------ ref: w-641 nw-59, m. (1) Edward Douglas, m. (2) 1658, Thomas Teackle. Isabella died by 1674, nw-49.
732. John Stringer ref: w-593 nw-141, occupation Colonel, m. Anne ------. John died 21-Dec-1689(by), Northampton Co., Va., nw-43.
733. Anne ------ ref: nw-14 NWG, d. by. 1689.
8th Great Grand Parents
1036. Robert Gawton m. Annis Wright.
1037. Annis Wright.
1038. Nicholas Best m. Elizabeth Pragle.
1039. Elizabeth Pragle.
1296. Edmund (Cliffe) Custis I. b. by. 1592, ref: w-107, m. (1) c. 1590, Bridget Smithier, m. (2) 1615, Alice Groves. Edmund died liv. 1626.
1297. Bridget Smithier b. by. 1590, ref: Chor-25, d. Feb. 1611/12.
1308. William Thorowgood b. 7 th Son, ref: pp 607 Driscoll, m. (1) Anne Edwards, m. (2) Alice Holbeck. William died 16-May-1625, Frelsted, Norfolk, England, 1581 Vicar, St. Botolps, Grimston, Norfolk, England.
1309. Anne Edwards b. Norwich, Norfolk, England, ref: Driscoll, d. Frimston, Norfolk, England.
1310. Robert Offley b. c. 1571, ref: pp 459, m. 3-Feb-1589, in St. Dionis, Backchurch, london, Anne Osburn. Robert died 1625, buried: St. Bennett, Gracechurch, Turkey merchant, of London.
1311. Anne Osburn b. by. 1570, ref: pp 459, d. 14-Jan-1654(by), ( burried ), buried: St. Augustine's.
1336. ------ Kendall ref: w-1266, m. ??????.
1337. ??????.
1340. Thomas Savage b. 1595, ref: w-218 pp-534, occupation Ensign, m. circa 1621, to Va. 1621 ? ? Boston England, Hannah Tyng. Thomas died circa 1633, to Va. 1608.
1341. Hannah Tyng ref: w-219 pp-534, m. (1) circa 1621, to Va. 1621 ? ? Boston England, Thomas Savage, m. (2) 1633, Daniel Cugley. Hannah died 17-May-1641(by), Northampton Co., Va.
1412. ------ Duparkes m. ??????.
1413. ??????.
1414. Samuel Powell ref: nw-89, m. Ann ------. Samuel died 29-Sep-1666, Northampton Co., Va.
1415. Ann ------ ref: nw-89-142, d. by. 1689.
1464. ------ Stringer ref: pp-75, m. ??????. ------ died prob mid 1600.
1465. ??????.
9th Great Grand Parents
2076. Robert Best m. ??????.
2077. ??????.
2594. John Smithier I. b. by. 1590, ref: Chor-26, occupation Yeoman, m. ??????. John died 1626, Arlington, parrish Buybury ,Co. Glos.
2595. ??????.
2616. John Thorowgood m. ------ Lucken.
2617. ------ Lucken.
2618. Henry Edwards m. ??????. Henry Norwich England.
2619. ??????.
2620. Robert Offley ref: pp 459, m. ------ Brakin. Robert died 1596, merchant, of London.
2621. ------ Brakin ref: pp-458, m. (1) ------ Rose, m. (2) Robert Offley. ------ died 1572.
2622. Edward Osburn ref: pp 459, occupation Sir, m. Anne Hewitt. Edward died circa 1592, Lord Mayor of London 1583-85.
2623. Anne Hewitt.
10th Great Grand Parents
5188. ------ Smithier ref: Chor-208, m. ??????. ------ died c. 1600.
5189. ?????? ref: Chor-208, d. c. 1600.
5232. John Thorowgood m. ??????.
5233. ??????.
5240. William Offley m. Elizabeth Rogerson.
5241. Elizabeth Rogerson.
5244. Richard Osburn m. Jane Broughton.
5245. Jane Broughton.
5246. William Hewitt occupation Sir, m. Alice Leverson. William died 1585, Lord Mayor of London 1559.
5247. Alice Leverson.
11th Great Grand Parents
10464. Thomas Thorowgood m. ??????.
10465. ??????.
10480. John Offley m. Margery ------.
10481. Margery ------.
10482. William Rogerson m. ??????.
10483. ??????.
10488. Richard Osburn m. Elizabeth Flydene.
10489. Elizabeth Flydene.
10490. John Broughton m. ??????.
10491. ??????.
10492. Edmund Hewitt m. ??????.
10493. ??????.
10494. Nicholas Leverson m. ??????.
10495. ??????.
12th Great Grand Parents
20928. John Thorowgood m. ??????.
20929. ??????.
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