Archives from the GHOTES Question Book
Questions which others have left.If you can answer any of these questions, please respond to the person by e-mail, and also to the GHOTES listserver at ghotes@esva.net Thank you!This list of questions started on Sept. 22, 1996 Susan Crabb (SCrabb@UP.NET), Tue Apr 8 14:21:53 EDT 1997 Looking for information on Jeremiah REAMES (1746-1789) and parents William and Mary (Merrimoon) Reams of Prince George County. All are Quakers. Address: Sue Crabb 623 E. Arch ST., Marquette, Mich. 49855 (Or EMail) Mona Suggs (suggs@imsweb.net), Sun Apr 6 16:15:12 EDT 1997 I am trying to locate my relatives on my father's side and need some information. My gr-grandfather's name was Maurice Leonard Woodhouse and my gr-grandmother's name was Cora Estelle Whitehurst, both of Princess Anne County Virginia. I am trying to find the name of my gr-grandmother's parents, I am told my gr,gr-grandmother's last name was Franklin. Leon Easter (leon@mindsync.com), Fri Apr 4 08:13:35 EST 1997 In my family lineage, the Shirely's(my grandmother's side) family history has been well estabilished with matters concerning whos-who. My grandfather's side(Easter) I'm not sure what nationality that name is of. I have several ideas, possably of Jewish descent. Please let me know at what racial descent the name is: Easter. Robert Bellamy (BBell75136@aol.com), Thu Apr 3 01:16:55 EST 1997 What is the history of Bellamy, VA? Is there a connection to pirate Samuel Bellamy? I'm looking for names of parents of Benjamin Bellamy. He married Dorothy Ham in 1779 in Goochland (?) County, VA. Benjamin's son was Benjamin II, who had George -> William -> Raymond -> Horace -> Robert -> Me! Thanks! Rosalynd Woodfin (woodfin@erols.com), Wed Apr 2 15:21:07 EST 1997
Marilyn Townsend (Robert T 106), Tue Apr 1 17:37:18 EST 1997 Who was the guardian of Arthur Armitrader's three children after he died in 1742? What was his wife's, Mary, maiden name? Mike Judd (Elaphe2@aol.com), Sun Mar 30 15:17:17 EST 1997 Seeking other descendents of Robert RICHARDSON and Susan SMITH who mar abt 1660-62 and who had plantation named Mt Ephraim initially in VA later found to be Somerset Co/MD. Several land patents in name of her father Richard SMITH dating to 1618. As there appear to be more than one Robert RICHARDSON, Susan SMITH and Richard SMITH on East Shore at the time, some confusion is natural. One place we are trying to sort this out is at http://www.intercom.net/local/richardson Please drop by and lend a hand. Other families are SAWYER, BRATTON/BRATTEN, CADE, HARRIS, STOCKLEY/STECKLEY, SELBY and MUMFORD -- and that just takes us to abt 1700! Jean Johnson (JTJohnson@juno.com), Fri Mar 28 23:47:32 EST 1997 I'm hoping that Judy Jehn (e-mail address: ljehn) will read this. She put in a query on Sept. 28, 1996, regarding the surname: COPES. My mother-in-law is researching Judy's last name of Jehn (which is hard to find on the internet) and I tried to e-mail Judy to ask her about her name, but the e-mail address she listed would not work. My mother-in-law's great-grandfather was Friedrich Ferdinand Jehn (or Jana), born i April, 1949, in Zwickau, Sachsen, Germany, in the parish of Saupersdorf. If you read this, Judy, would you please e-mail me? I can then put you in touch with my mother-in-law. Thank you. Jeff Kellam (mjkellam@mindspring.com), Thu Mar 27 15:48:30 EST 1997 I am slowly tracking down Esaw Henry Killam. Birthdate May 11, 1811, place somewhere in Accomack County. I have no other info. I have gotten info that there are a lot of Killams and Kellams in the coastal VA area. If anybody has specific info, I will be GREATLY appreciative. Also, if anybody has hints on how to get remote (internet, mail, etc) access to birth records from that time from Accomack Co, I could use that as well. Terry W.Rutledge (2030 Jaquelyn Dr.N.Canton,Oh), Thu Mar 27 09:31:46 EST 1997 Rutledge's show up in Giles County,va. about 1830. Debbie McArdle (jjmcard@mc.net), Tue Mar 25 23:55:10 EST 1997 Looking for parents of BENJAMIN BERRY b. 1757 Virginia d. 1838 Woodford Co., Ky. He married MARY ALLEN of Virginia. Also searching for info on MORDECAI REDD, b.1755 Spotsylvania County, Va. (Rev. War Vet), married AGATHA MINOR. Would like to correspond with others researching the WARE family of K&Q County, Va; Glouchester Co., Va; and Caroline Co., Va. Also, CONN (Thomas and Notley), born Ireland 1730's, to Maryland, then Culpeper Co., Va. Also, THOMAS BEDFORD, of Charlotte Co, Va., born 1725 Va, died 1785 Va. Also, HENRY CLAY of Henrico Co., Va, born abt 1672, died 3 August 1760. Thanks! Debbie, 6705 Connecticut Trail, Crystal Lake, IL 60012-3125 A. R. Cullen (cullen@mail.ameritel.net), Tue Mar 25 18:40:54 EST 1997 I am interested in information on John and Liegh Northam Richardson. They lived in the area of Saxis and had sons named Elliott born 1891, Carson, Harold, Orville, and Clinton. Also need information on George and Catherine Chandler Turner who had children named Mabel born 1891, Ada and Liebig they are buried in Onancock. Catherines parents were Thomas and Emily Killmon Chandler. Belford Kellam (>
Judy Bell (bellj10@mail.firn.edu), Sun Mar 23 17:08:17 EST 1997 Who is Ada Bagwell who married George Parker? I can not connect her to other BAGWELL families. James Tash (carimirj@msn.com), Fri Mar 21 18:46:58 EST 1997 I am searching for information on my family 'TASH' who were in this area after the Civil War. I have some information on their history one generation thereafter. Please email me. Glad to share what info I do have. GWEN PEAVY (gwen.peavy@alpha-net.net), Fri Mar 21 12:23:05 EST 1997 Questions on the Nansemond Nation American Indians and the name PEAVY. Scott Barnes (melior@itsnet.com), Thu Mar 20 18:12:05 EST 1997 Looking for information on the following lines: COSTIN, FULWELL, SAVAGE, NOTTINGHAM, CHRISTIAN all of Northamption Co. VA. Debi Howell (dhowell@arterhadden.com), Thu Mar 20 13:39:31 EST 1997 Looking for relatives of Walter or Andrew Bryant (a/k/a AJ) who was from Parksley. He married Alma and they had 2 children -- Samuel and Mary Bryant. Both had relatives in Parksley. It is believed that Walter's 2nd wife Polly Dix was from Parksley as well. We are looking for relatives of all three persons. Walter also had a sister named Catherine who had a son named Johnny Knight. Tom Wescott (wescott@esva.net), Tue Mar 18 12:56:42 EST 1997 One of my aunts and also my father mentioned a family connection to Ensign Thomas Savage. Unfortunately, they are now gone. Does anyone know of this connection? Is anyone a great source of data about the Wescotts in general? I'd love to know more... Jimmy Fleming (jimmyfleming@coastalnet.com) , Mon Mar 17 20:24:01 EST 1997 Would like any information on the surname VOLIVA. I believe that the Volivas came to North Carolina by way of Virginia. I have a data base of about 150 Volivas that I want to expand and am willing to share. Fay Fitzgerald (fitzpff@aol.com), Sun Mar 16 15:45:57 EST 1997
Marsha McWilliams (rmmcw@effingham.net), Sun Mar 16 13:33:17 EST 1997 Am researching the surname of PAVEY/PAVY. Original spelling may have been PEAVY. The Pavey's were known to have been in Accomac since the late 1600's (off and on). Samuel PAVEY was born there in 1761. This line went on apparently to live in Caroline Co., MD., No. Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, etc. Evidentally there is some connection also to a Samuel Pavey b: ca. 1710 in N.H. I really would like to hear from other researchers doing this family. I have alot of info and will gladly exchange. Thank-you. , Sat Mar 15 18:22:52 EST 1997
Marianne Giguere (m.giguere@tcs.wap.org), Sat Mar 15 13:26:22 EST 1997 I am looking for information on the Calmes family wome of whom lived in Virginia in the 1700's - Frederick County, Lancaster County. William Walller Calmes was a Colonel of Virginia Militia during the French and Indian War. His son, Marquis Calmes IV, was Captain of colonial troops under Lord Dunmore in 1774, and a lieutenant and captain during the Revolutionary War. He went to Kentucky about 1785. Family lore holds him to be a great-great-? uncle. The name Calmes appears in my father's family down to the present time. My great-grandmother was a Calmes. Henry Waller Calmes, born in Frederick County, April 9, 1774 went to Kentucky about 1807 and may be the Henry Waller Calmes buried on the family farm near Lexington KY. Anyone with any info or suggestions on how I might try to connect the records I do have down to the present? sharon dingus (dsdingus@shentel.net), Wed Mar 12 18:41:17 EST 1997 Am looking for relatives of Lloyd Washington Bundick (1870) and his wife, Dorinda Beasley (Abt. 1870); John Bagwell Chambers (B 1859) and his wife Mary Lavenia Bennett (B 1879). Also researching Peter E. White (1872) and spouse Elizabeth (no maiden name); Isaac Lewis Merritt (Abt. 1870) and his wife Hester A. (no maiden name). Would appreciate any help. Have left message previously, but now have a new email address. Thanks. Joan Williams (flick1@erols.com), Tue Mar 11 12:36:25 EST 1997
mike hearn (spartop@ibm.net), Tue Mar 11 11:21:04 EST 1997 Can anyone answer any of the following: 1) Where was/is a tract of land called Townsend's Mistake? 2) Why was land referred to in this way (I have seen it elsewhere)? 3) Where/What is Rabbit Knaw? I have been told it refers to Silva and Greenbackville. Where does the name come from? , Mon Mar 10 15:56:17 EST 1997
, Mon Mar 10 15:55:49 EST 1997
Richard Kelley (Kelleyr@UWWVAX.UWW.EDU ), Mon Mar 10 14:54:40 EST 1997 Who is the son of EDMUND KELLY, KELLEY, KELLEYE, KELLE? One Edmund was on VA. E. S. 1664, another came in 1671. One died 1683 naming wife Frances, no sons. Was Edmund's son an orpahn? He may be my gggggg grandfather. Gerogene Jurgensen (RVJ1207@msn.com), Sun Mar 9 07:13:28 EST 1997
Amy Wilson (AMYHELEN@aol.com), Fri Mar 7 21:23:05 EST 1997 I am looking for any information about my grandfather, Oscar Coals Miles, Jr. He was born November 11, 1881 in Machipongo, Northampton Co., VA. I'm trying to find information about his parents Oscar Sr. and Frances (birthdates, birthplaces, occupation, maiden name, etc.) Also looking for information on the siblings of Oscar Coals Miles, Jr.: Lula, Hazel, Daisy, Russell, and Garland. D. Bible (dbible19@mail.idt.net), Wed Mar 5 18:59:38 EST 1997 I asked for information on my maternal great grandmother Sara(h) Richardson on March 3, 1997. I have since learned her name was not Sara but ETHEL RICHARDSON, BORN MARCH 3, 1880/DIED DECEMBER 21, 1921. She was maried to WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS, BORN SEPTEMBER 10, 1874/DIED OCTOBER 12, 1956. Also William E. Williams mother and father were JAMES EDWARD WILLIAMS AND MRS. FLETCHER WILLIAMS. Any info??? Lola Pigott (lpigott@pipeline.com), Wed Mar 5 17:59:10 EST 1997 I am searching for any information regarding the Pigotts from Northampton Co. prior to the 1800s. Particularly interested in Francis Pigott b. ca. 1637, married to Frances Robinson, d. ca 1700 in NC; and his son Ralph who married Ann Hunt, and his grandson Culpepper who married Elisha Freshwater. Roger Hunt (huntr@wdni.com), Wed Mar 5 13:04:08 EST 1997 I am looking for any information regarding Samuel Merideth, who married Jane Henry. Ruby Magers (magers@tsixroads.com), Wed Mar 5 09:41:24 EST 1997 Looking for parents of Levin Savage, born Accomack 1750, went to Surry Co NC. Does anyone have information on Rowland Savage, who died about 1783, naming son Robinson in will? There was a suit filed about some land which connected Robinson, in VA, and Levin, in NC. Would appreciate any help!!!!!!!!!(Suit filed by Mears in about 1784.) Robert B. Hitchings (Historic@Norfolk. infi.net), Tue Mar 4 19:55:57 EST 1997 I am looking for an ancestor, Berry F.Stringer 1790-1872. He showed up in Norfolk County, 1839 Elizabeth River Parish. I have checked all books and marriages for this man and found nothing. I plan to go to Richmond and recheck the Minute Books and Court Books. Maybe I will be lucky. If there is anyone with information on Berry F. Stringer, I would greatly appreciate in hearing from them. Thank you, Robert B. Hitchings william harrold (whlyrich@csd.uwm.edu), Tue Mar 4 19:48:46 EST 1997 DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON THE ORIGIN OF THE DEAN FAMILY IN VIRGINIA, SPECIFICALLY INFORMATION ON JACOB DEAN, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON DEAN AND HOWELL HARRISON DEAN? THANK YOU John Elliottt (pcxtc@infonline.net), Tue Mar 4 14:01:24 EST 1997 Searching for information about William Elliott who arrived at Jamestown on Sept. 1, 1643. Ship name??? Also seeking information about Benjamin S. Elliott, lighthouse keeper on Assateague, circa 1900. D. Bible (dbible19@mail.idt.net), Mon Mar 3 16:09:14 EST 1997 I am looking for information on my maternal great grandmother’s family. Her maiden name was Sara(h) Richardson. She was probably born in the 1880’s or 1890’s. She married a William E. Williams (known as Bud Willy) in the early 1900’s. And I believe she is buried in a small church cemetary in Capeville. She was a Methodist. Sharon Dingus (ddingus382@aol.com), Mon Mar 3 15:15:40 EST 1997 I am looking for information about Lloyd Washington Bundick (Born about 1870 in Accomac Co., I think) and his wife Dorinda Beasley. They were the parents of John William Bundick (Born 1894 in Davis Wharf, VA). Also researching John Bagwell Chambers (Born 1859 in New York) and his wife Mary Lavenia Bennett (Born 1879 in Accomac, VA.) Parents of Janie Maybelle Chambers. Would appreciate any help. Thanks George T. Copes (tomcopes@aol.com), Sun Mar 2 16:28:04 EST 1997 I would like to connect with any COPES family researchers. Please E-mail me direct at tomcopes@aol.com Joe Miller (FCGC74A@Prodigy.com), Fri Feb 28 11:26:39 EST 1997 I looking through your surname list I saw the surname Rodney, I would like to contact anyone researching this name. Joe Miller , Fri Feb 28 11:24:46 EST 1997
Burleigh Custis (burleigh.custis@cho.ge.com), Thu Feb 27 16:13:10 EST 1997 Anyone with any information about the Custis family around the Pungoteague Creek/Cashville area during the XIXth century please contact me. Thanks. Burleigh Custis (burleigh.custis@cho.ge.com), Thu Feb 27 16:11:36 EST 1997 This message is for THOMAS BROWN in Philadelphia. PLease contact me asap. I have information about Charles Lee Brown. He was my great grandfather. Richard T. Briddell (briddell@apci.net), Thu Feb 27 15:06:36 EST 1997 I am looking for Briddells. There wre some on Easter Shore of MD. Did any of them get to Virginia, or come from Virginia. Connie Phillips (jonathan@intercom.net), Thu Feb 27 11:38:35 EST 1997 Looking for parents of Alexander w. Marshall b.1862 d.1931 m. Minniw Ayres b.1870 d.1922 they were married May 29, 1887. Any family members of both please. Thanks Connie Connie Phillips (jonathan@shore.intercom.net), Thu Feb 27 11:34:52 EST 1997 Looking for parents of Otho Jennings Poulson m. Sissie Marshall Mark L. Raulin (mraulin@erols.com), Mon Feb 24 14:35:30 EST 1997 I am researching the Raleigh family line back to Sir Walter Raleigh. Supposedly, Philip Raleigh, son of Carew Raleigh and grandson of Sir Walter, came to America (possibly in Virginia) before some of his offspring came to Maryland in the Dorchester county area. I am looking for any information to support this or to correct this assumption. Please help, this has become an obsession. I need time travel real bad right now to get things accurate. Mark Raulin mraulin@erols.com Nancy Waddell (lwaddell@localaccess.net), Sun Feb 23 14:08:25 EST 1997 Seeking Information about the Bundicks of Accomack County.Richard, William, and Abbott Bundick are a few of the first names of interest. Did they live on Bundick Creek?Thanks for any help. David Addleton (daddleto@dekalb.dc.peachnet.ed), Sun Feb 23 10:39:25 EST 1997
John R. Somers (jrsomers@juno.com), Sat Feb 22 05:44:48 EST 1997 I am interested in the residents of Tangier Island during the War Between the States, particulary what CSA units residents joined, names of persons joing the Confederate Navy, occupation of the Island if any, the Island being a hangout for skulkers, deserters, escapees, as has been alleged, and blockade running. Any info available? John R. Somers (jrsomers@juno.com), Sat Feb 22 05:22:58 EST 1997 Looking for TIMBER CREEK, Accomack County. My Parks and Evans ancestors settled there on land pruchased from COL SCARBOROUGH; I think the EWELLs did also, which leads me to believe it was near present day CLAM (formerly Ewell) Judy (rwb3@snowhill.comm), Fri Feb 21 23:20:02 EST 1997 I am looking for records on John Blalock, b. Sept. 04, 1762. He was from Brunswick Co. Va.. Any info will be helpful (parents, sibling, spouse, children?????) Jacqueline Fiddermon (nikaule@sprynet.com), Thu Feb 20 23:14:38 EST 1997 I am researching the Fiddermon (Feddeman) family of Accomack County, VA. Early ancestors were Harrison and Ann Feddeman and Janette Harmon whose mother was Clara Harmon. The family has other surnames of Harmon, Lewis and Scarborough. They were located largely in Atlantic but many migrated to upstate New York (Elmira, Prattsburg). If any has info pls respond. Fred Scott (fscott2@ix.netcom.com), Thu Feb 20 12:06:13 EST 1997 My ancestor, Charlotte Clark, married (Gen) Enoch Doughty in 1816 in New Jersey. Curious to know if that Doughty is related to Doughty family of Northampton County? Francis R. Hodges (fhodges@flsouthern.edu), Wed Feb 19 11:48:28 EST 1997 Seeking information on John CARRUTHERS, who was living on the eastern shore in the 1720's, Was this the same John Carruthers who married Content ___?___ and migrated in the 1730's to Craven County, NC, where he died and left a will in 1751/52? Francis R. Hodges (fhodges@flsouthern.edu), Wed Feb 19 11:48:01 EST 1997 Seeking information on John CARRUTHERS, who was living on the eastern shore in the 1720's, Was this the same John Carruthers who married Content ___?___ and migrated in the 1730's to Craven County, NC, where he died and left a will in 1751/52? Quincy Dix (edix@esva.net), Sun Feb 16 07:58:21 EST 1997 I would like any information concerning William COSTIN's ancestors. William was married to Lucretia DIXON on 12 Jan 1791. William died in 1845.
Elvin B. Miller (emiller@inna.net), Sat Feb 15 17:45:42 EST 1997 Mason - Need ancestry and info for Stephen E. Mason b. abt 1810 who married Hareit ? and the second is Oswald Colie Mason b. 17 Oct. 1864 m. Sadie Elizabeth Gardner b. 24 Dec. 1870 (lived near Onley). Silver F. Smith (oakvur@ix.netcom.com), Thu Feb 13 12:33:56 EST 1997
Mike Hearn (spartop@ibm.net), Mon Feb 10 14:40:45 EST 1997 Do cemetary records exist (and if so, where) for the following cemetaries in northern Accomack counties: Nelson's Cemetary Brittingham's Cemetary (on the hill next to Nelson's) These are located on US 13 at the Maryland Virginia line. Jeff Kellam (mjkellam@mindspring.com), Sun Feb 9 18:35:05 EST 1997 I am looking for any info on Easor Henry Killam (sr). Born in Virginia May 11, 1809. Migrated to Alabama in time to start to a family in the 1820s. Jeanne Thomas (jt66@worldnet.at.net), Sat Feb 8 22:08:25 EST 1997 Would like to locate decendants of Leroy Spencer Wilkins, born in Halifax County, VA in 1841. Any info will be appreciated. Clarice W. Small (csmall@tcac.com), Fri Feb 7 23:59:51 EST 1997 I'm not sure if he was in Virginia of not, but has anyone come across the name, James Wesley Cole? His family may have been form this area, but I don't know their names. Georgene Jurgensen (RVJ1207@msn.com), Thu Feb 6 15:10:00 EST 1997 Francis STOKELEY in 1640 transported his brother John STOKELEY to Accomack. Trying to confirm which one is the father of Ann STOKELEY, wife of Henry TOWLES. Henry arrived Accomack ca 1660, will of 1720/21 does not give wife's name. Also, this family is connected to the JENKINSON FAMILY....How? Teresa Kelley (takelley@erols.com), Wed Feb 5 21:32:26 EST 1997 TAYLOR - Looking for parents of Captain Edward C. TAYLOR b. abt 1825 in VA, married Jane LUCAS abt 1849, one child Elizabeth D. TAYLOR b. July 5, 1850. Elizabeth married Joseph Morgan HARRISON. Edward Taylor married 2nd Ann Catherine TINDELL in Accomack Co 2 Feb 1853, two known children Mary C. Taylor b. abt 1856 & Virgnia F. TAYLOR b. 1860. Found Edward in 1850 and 1860 Census for Accomack Co. believe he migrated to Norolk area sometime before 1870. Misty McLoughlin (dmmac@shore.intercom.net), Wed Feb 5 20:52:38 EST 1997 I need information on John Edward Kerr. What I really need is a picture of him. Misty McLoughlin (dmmac@shore.intercom.net), Wed Feb 5 20:48:54 EST 1997 I need information on John Edward Kerr. What I really need is a picture of him. John R. Somers (jrsomers@juno.com), Mon Feb 3 18:13:18 EST 1997 Anybody have on COL Nathaniel Livingston of Northampton County? Also anything about a commercial concern selling books of decendants of same? Linda Abel (rabel@sisna.com), Sat Feb 1 16:55:59 EST 1997 I am seeking info on Corbins: specifically Thomas H. Bayly (b1847 -1917) son of Peter Dennis Corbin(b1807 - d.1875). Also, family of Edward Richard Taylor (b1845 - d.1923) believe parents to be William of C Taylor and Ann Young. Edward married Mary Amanda Conquest daughter of Nathaniel Finney Conquest and Anne D. Burton. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Jo Ann Simmons (RonJo.Simmons@pressroom.com ), Thu Jan 30 20:58:08 EST 1997
Tom and Fran Sanderlin (REALSAND@naples.net), Mon Jan 27 22:56:26 EST 1997 Would appreciate any information on SANDERLIN (Sandlin, Sandlon, Sandland, Sandilands, Sanderling...any of the various spellings. Particularly interested in 1600s and 1700s Virginia and North Carolina. (IrsHandley@aol.com), Mon Jan 27 17:26:57 EST 1997 Does anyone have any information on the HANDLEY (or ARNETT) families of the E.S.? My 4th great grandfather, Mark HANDLEY, b. ca 1710, died 1764, Dobbs County, NC, may have come from the E.S. Also, another ancestor, Joseph B. ARNETT, b. 1763, died 1852, Henderson County, KY, may have come from the E.S. His parents are unknown. If there are any HANDLEY or ARNETT researchers, please contact me at IrsHandley@aol.com Thank you. Les Parks (Morehiways@aol.com), Sun Jan 26 19:33:28 EST 1997 I know that there are many PARKS' on the shore, and that they have been there for a long time. Does anyone know when the first PARKS'/PARKES' arrived on the shore and from where? Also information on their societal status, occupations, trades, etc... Rebecca Moss (Howelmos@gte.net), Sun Jan 26 15:48:37 EST 1997 I am searching for information about HENRY MOSS. He was born in Loudon Co. though I am not posotive, his older brothers was. He has a Revolutionary war record and several children but I do not know ANY vitals about him or his mystery wife. His parents are WILLIAM MOSS and JANE CRAIK. Thank you, Rebecca Moss. Berry C. Passano (bpassano@skipjack.bluecrab.org), Sat Jan 25 14:25:14 EST 1997 Looking for information on James or John Taylor who first settled on the Eastern Shore of VA. then in 1650's went to the western shore to Northumberland Co. Would appreciate any information on the Eastern Shore Taylor's who go back to the 1600's. Thank you. Tom Townsend (TTowns6199@aol.com), Sat Jan 25 04:58:46 EST 1997 Does anyone have information on the following people or their families. They migrated from ESMD to NC by 1747: John COSTEN, Stephen COSTEN, Peter COSTEN, Lewis SKEDBOW, Solomon MORRIS, Wm MORRIS, James MORRIS. Thanks much. WKitchens (WKitchens@msn.com), Fri Jan 24 23:27:25 EST 1997 I am looking for information on Kitchen or Kitchens. Thomas William Kitchen came from Virginia to Kentucky around 1812. I would like to know if anyone has this name or information. LaDonna Hopkins (LADHOPKINS@aol.com), Fri Jan 24 10:05:59 EST 1997 I am searching for info & ancestry of GEORGE W. TIMMONS born in either Stafford or Culpeper County, VA abt 1834. He fought on the Confederate sideof the War of the Sixties, War Between the States or The Civil War. Please help me find his ancestoes. I know he returned to Culpeper after the war and then migrated to WV. Tom Grill (tgrill@postoffice.ptd.net), Fri Jan 24 10:00:00 EST 1997 I am looking for info on ZACH STRINGER (b.3Dec.1856-d.2Nov.1940). I believe he was from the Portsmouth area. He was married first to CATHERINE WOODRUFF and they had three daughters...MARTHA, MARY, and KATHERINE. After the death of his wifw in 1902, ZACH remarried to MARY BUTTREY (b.24May1856-d.5Aug.1941). They had no children. John Custis (jcustis@esva.net), Thu Jan 23 16:44:51 EST 1997 I would like to know anything about the history behind my name and any other Custises from the shore, or Virginia. Custis Tomb in Northampton County is also an area I would like to know more about. Thanks alot! Silver F. Smith (oakvur@ix.netcom.com), Thu Jan 23 16:13:42 EST 1997 Who is Michael Milman's father? Michael died in Sussex Co., De. c1782. Do you know if Thomas Milman, s/o Nicholas, had a son named Michael? Both Nicholas and Thomas lived and died in Accomack Co. At least two of Nicholas's sons, Peter and Jonathan, moved to De. where they died. Do you know this family? Thanks for your help. Margaret L. LaCombe (Eel345@aol), Wed Jan 22 16:52:03 EST 1997 I am searching for information on my GG Grandfather, Thomas C. Houston and wife Marsha Seal Houston. They were from Sparta/ Bowling Green, Caroline county,Virginia. they moved to Texas in 1854 with the Andrew Broaddus group. Any information Will be appreciated. ta/ Anna Miller Watring (ammiller@capecod.net), Mon Jan 20 16:49:32 EST 1997 Am researching Dickeson/Dickerson family of Accomac Co. Have tons of info on many individuals but critical gaps in my line. Desperate for help! Happy to share all I have. Anna Miller Watring , Mon Jan 20 16:45:43 EST 1997
Sally Eckert (eck@coastalnet.com), Mon Jan 20 14:37:32 EST 1997
Mary Beth Graf (mgraf@third-wave.com), Sat Jan 18 22:28:18 EST 1997
Michele G. Pierce (MPierce96@aol.com), Thu Jan 16 12:15:29 EST 1997 Looking for any and all information on AMINADAB HANSOR/HANDZOR AND ROSE his wife. They were in Accomock Co. in 1660-1685. Family is said to be of Native American and White blood lines. Also researching theses Early Eastern Shore names DRIGGUS/DRIGHOUSE/OKEY/OAKEY/MORRIS/HARMAN/HARMON/JOHNSON /BECKETT and these families are of mixed heritage INDIAN/WHITE/BLACK Brian Trevitt (brian.trevitt@bchydro.bc.ca), Thu Jan 16 10:04:44 EST 1997 Any information on TREVITT ancestry appreciated. JOAN KELLAM NOTTINGHAM (om@esva.net), Sun Jan 12 14:31:13 EST 1997 seeking info. on Christopher Williams who married Nancy Moore 1826 dau. of John Moore. also Samuel Fletcher who married Mary--1834.Abraham Moore m. Elitia Williams 1842 dau. of Peter Williams. any info on Peter? Tacy Parks (rcparks@rt66.com), Sun Jan 12 02:13:53 EST 1997 Hi, I'm looking for ANY information on the last name of HARGIS. Supposedly someone named HARGIS immigrated from Virginia ( I have no idea what part) to Carlsbad New Mexico around 1870. Maybe? If anyone has any information about this last name I would really appreciate hearing about it. Thank all of you so much. Tacy Parks Jewel Wellborn (dhgn06a@prodigy.com), Sat Jan 11 00:35:42 EST 1997 Seeking information on the BOTTOMS family. Specifically 1700's. Burrel Bottoms and Sarah Hartsfield Bottoms were supposedly married in VA before moving on to No and So Carolina, and then on to GA. Their son, James Madison Bottoms, b. 1798 d. 1866 Fayetteville, GA.James Madison Bottoms is my 4xgreat grandfather. I have recently completed the restoration of his gravesite, and family cemetery in Fayette Co., GA. Now the work continues to find his parents and document their family's movement from VA to GA. Any help is greatly appreciated. Julian Johnson (ringjohn@gamewood.net), Fri Jan 10 21:53:49 EST 1997 Seeking parents of William Rowles,b.1759. Enlisted in 4th Maryland Reg in Baltimore in 1777 for three years. Rowles akaRoles aka Rolls TIA Julian Johnson Charles Smith (chsmith@livenet.net), Wed Jan 8 20:56:37 EST 1997 I am researching the Andrews, Beebe, Daisey (or Daisy) and Merritt families of Chincoteague Island. I am particularly interested in information about Mordicai Andrews b.abt. 1805 m. Nancy (Daisey?) b.abt 1800. Also John Beebe b.abt 1816 m. Nancy (Savage?) b.abt. 1830 believed to have moved to Chincoteague from the Laurel Delaware area. My Email address has changed! I was chsmith@iclc.net, my new address is chsmith@livenet.net Elizabeth Todd (tish@alaska.net), Wed Jan 8 17:51:22 EST 1997 Bairfield, looking for Mary Ann or any Bairfield in VA. born c1808. May be military family. She married military man in St. Augustine FL. 1826. 1860 US census state she was born in VA. Have no other lead. Carol Niven , Wed Jan 8 12:49:31 EST 1997 I am looking for information on Elizabeth Fauntleroy Haggoman who married to Baldwin Mathews Leland. They lived in the early 1800s. John Haggoman was her father. Anyone doing research on the Leland family name in Virginia? SHARON DUNAHEE (Sdunahee@USA.NET), Sun Jan 5 15:47:03 EST 1997 I'M LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON WILLIAM & JOESPH LOGSON(LOGSDEN) HOW SETTLED IN MARYLAND UNDER INDENTURE. WAS A PART OWNER WITH WASHINGTON, IN A LAND TITLE AND LIVERY, STAGECOACH LINE. HE WAS A FRONTIERSMAN WHO SUPPOSELY,LEAD SETTLERS OVER INTO KY, ALONG WITH D. BOONE. THEY ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND,SETTLE IN THE AREA AROUND 1797. LaDonna Hopkins (LADHOPKINS@aol.com), Sat Jan 4 17:35:52 EST 1997 I'm trying to find info on the Hopkins' of Accomack Co.,VA. Namely, Stephen Hopkins who married Annie/Jane Melson Dec 15 1819 in Accomac Co. I need info on Stephen and Jane's background and ancestors. It has been passed down by word of mouth in my husband's family that Stephen was a signer of The Declaration of Independence. My husband is the sole survivor of his family and I would like to be able to trace his genealogy for the benefit of his four grandchildren. If any one can help me I would be most appreciative. Thank you, LaDonna Hopkins LaDonna Hopkins (LADHOPKINS@aol.com), Sat Jan 4 17:35:52 EST 1997 I'm trying to find info on the Hopkins' of Accomack Co.,VA. Namely, Stephen Hopkins who married Annie/Jane Melson Dec 15 1819 in Accomac Co. I need info on Stephen and Jane's background and ancestors. It has been passed down by word of mouth in my husband's family that Stephen was a signer of The Declaration of Independence. My husband is the sole survivor of his family and I would like to be able to trace his genealogy for the benefit of his four grandchildren. If any one can help me I would be most appreciative. Thank you, LaDonna Hopkins Kellie Lundgren (SpecimenA@aol.com), Fri Jan 3 16:35:45 EST 1997
Thomas Brown (None at this writing), Fri Jan 3 13:12:44 EST 1997 Does anyone have any information on the parents of one Charles Lee Brown , who lived in Onley during the late 19th century? Charles Lee Brown was a farmer , and died in 1921. He is buried in the Quinby cemetery with his wife Minnie Sue Brown (nee White) , and most of his children. Thank You, I will check in again. Thomas Brown (none at this time;will be back), Fri Jan 3 12:43:25 EST 1997 I am researching the history of my father's family, originally from the town of Onley, in Accomack County. My grandfather's name was Charles Lee Brown, and was a farmer. He was married to Minnie Sue White. I am using a public library terminal in Philadelphia, Pa. , so I have no e-mail address at this time. However, I will be checking in on this site from time to time, as I have only just discovered it. Thank You! Jerimiah Moerke (moerke@runestone.net), Fri Jan 3 00:43:20 EST 1997 Does anyone know of a William Warrington. He was born April 10, 1751 in Accomack County, Virginia. He was married 4 times--Leah Townsend my ancestor. Their son, William Warrington, Jr. was born in Accomac in 1801. William Sr. fought in the Revolutionary War--priv. in 9th Virginia Regiment and Life Guards of George Washington. , Wed Jan 1 15:26:26 EST 1997 I am looking for a possible link for Joseph Voliva who settled in Tyrrell County, NC about 1765 and died about 1804. He had a known brother named John and a wife named Sara. I believe that this family may have came to NC from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. , Wed Jan 1 15:22:50 EST 1997 I am looking for a possible link for Joseph Voliva who settled in Tyrrell County, NC about 1765 and died about 1804. He had a known brother named John and a wife named Sara. I believe that this family may have came to NC from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. John Addison Leininger (caseylcf@uc.edu), Tue Dec 31 13:17:40 EST 1996 Looking for information about John Addison, believed born ca. 1600 in the Parish of St. Martins in the Fields, Middlesex England, settled in Accomack County Va. ca. 1635. My information is that he is the first Addison to settle on the eastern shore of Virginia. Can anyone confirm this information? Please respond by email to my son Fritz, or to me at my postal address 305 Wendy Ln., Waverly, Oh, 45690. Marjorie Gleason (margle@citrus.infi.net), Mon Dec 30 16:28:03 EST 1996 Looking for information on the Edward Ker family. Especially his son George and grandson Dr. John Ker. The lived in Accomack Co. Va.in the late 1700's & early 1800's.Thank you for any help you can give me. Edward died between 1786 and 1790. George was born in 1755 and John in 1799. In 1850 they were living in Northampton, Va. Jennifer Mariner (JENVPI@aol.com), Fri Dec 27 22:02:40 EST 1996 My husband's family is descendents of Samuel Mariner born in 1849 around New Church? Any info available would be appreciated. L.M. Thompson (arnprior@aol), Fri Dec 27 20:29:47 EST 1996 Looking for any info concerning the Bundick/Bozman/Eaton families of Parksley, Va. Joe N. Smith Jr. (jnsmithjr@aol.com), Thu Dec 26 13:41:22 EST 1996 I am a descendant of William Stone of Hungars Parish, Accomack Co., who became governor of Maryland during the interregnum between Charles I & II. I can find no information on his parents, John and Dorothy Stone, who seem to have settled in Hungars Parish, which I can't find on maps, in the decade of 1610-20. Any information would be appreciated. Fred Scott (fscott2@ix.netcom.com), Mon Dec 23 14:39:17 EST 1996 Seeking verification of ancestors of Benjamin Franklin Scott, born Hog Island 1838. Married Leah Ann Clark 1862. Served in 1st Loyal VA Volunteers (Union Army) 1862-1864. Moved to Chincoteague 1862. Leah Ann died 1880. Married her sister, Rachel Jane Clark. Any records from Northampton County that might give me a clue as to who parents of Benjamin might be? Mother could have been Margaret Kelley. Thanks. sue woost (swoost@ix.netcom.com), Sun Dec 22 22:35:12 EST 1996 looking for geneology of worcester family of worcester, england from 1600's. Tom Townsend (ttowns6199@aol.com), Sun Dec 22 20:04:24 EST 1996 What are some good Internet (or otherwise) sources of information to link ESVA/ESMD persons to England? Millie A. (ishkani@ibm.net), Sun Dec 22 15:25:08 EST 1996
Dean L Bradord (bradf@interserv.com), Sun Dec 22 15:00:14 EST 1996 Searching for information regarding the families of JOHN MILBY and JOHN LECATT. JOHN MILBY and wife THOMASIN came to Accomcak Co in 1653. THOMASIN MILBY later married JOHN LECATT. Thomasin reared both Milby and Lecatt children. Any information is greatly appreciated Homer Hobbs (RPQZ53A@prodigy.com), Sat Dec 21 15:19:47 EST 1996 Looking for info on Simon Hobbs (born 1750-1755) in Nansemond County Virgina. Now Suffolk County. Primary interest: parents of Simon Hobbs. Tom Townsend (ttowns6199@aol.com), Fri Dec 20 20:38:53 EST 1996 Looking for any research on TOWNSENDS from ESV/ESMD to HEARNE PARISH, KENT COUNTY ENGLAND. Also, any ESVA/ESMD SOLOMON TOWNSENDS (b.ca.1727) and his FATHER? James Ferguson (yonnex2@concentric.net), Wed Dec 18 23:49:33 EST 1996 Looking for information on a George Webb of Virginia and the Bashams from Virginia of Penhook County and Henry County. Any information will be greatly appricated. Diane Owens (dhowens@aol.com), Sat Dec 14 17:26:51 EST 1996 I am looking for info on WILLIAMS, DEAN, SHENTON, DENNY,MEEKS, PRIDDY families - all resided in VA 1700's on. Would like to exchange info w/ anyone researching these VA families. Diane Owens Richard Lachowsky (lachowsky@bhs.scsc.k12.ar.us) , Fri Dec 13 15:51:04 EST 1996 Looking for descendants of Thomas Tabb who was living in Elizabeth City County Virginia in about 1750. JONNY STEVENSON (om@esva.net), Sun Dec 8 12:35:36 EST 1996 I have a friend looking for information on JAMES DALBY & ANN ELIZABETH WILLIAMS We don't know who their parents are and are interested in any information anyone can help us with. Cathey Bervid (sweetb@sierra.net), Tue Dec 3 19:11:57 EST 1996 THORNTON, Eliza is a decendent, born in 1819 in Orange Co, VA. Her family moved to Missouri when she was 12. Anyone have any info on the Thornton family of VA I would appreciate it! Thanks. WILLIAM T. SMITH (WMTSMITH@PACBELL.NET)< /B>, Tue Dec 3 02:40:49 EST 1996 INFORMATION CONCERNING WILLIAM SPENCER SMITH BORN 1829 ACCOMACK, VA BURIED MT.HOLLY CEM. ONANCOCK, VA 1857. PLANNING A 90TH BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MY FATHER, EVERETT SPENCER SMITH WHO'S FATHER WAS FLOYD THE SON OF WILLIAM SPENCER SMITH MY GREAT GRANDFATHER. HOW CAN I FIND THIS LINEAGE PRIOR TO 1829. IS WILLIAM SPENCER RELATED TO THOSE OF SMITH ISLAND? CAN ANYONE HELP!!...? Ken Newcombe (ken.newcombe@mail.ghbbs.com ), Sun Dec 1 17:28:23 EST 1996 EMMA BRITTINGHAM may have been born in or around Norfolk,Va., about 1882. She married MEREDITH NEWCOMB in Petersburg, Va., 1899. Her father was JOHN S BRITTINGHAM, her mother,EMMA TUCKER. Any Information appreciated. Jane P. Justice (justice@3rddoor.com), Sun Dec 1 13:30:59 EST 1996
David R. Hanadel (hanadel@mindspring.com), Sun Nov 24 17:54:30 EST 1996 I am looking for info on a John Whitelock (or spelled Whitelocke). He arrived in the U.S. around 1820-1835 from Ireland to a port in Va., We don't know which one, we narrowed it down to the ports of East River, Va.; Hampton, Va.; Petersburg, Va.; Richmond, Va; and Alexandria, Va.; John Whitelock (or spelled Whitelocke) arrived with his parents (name of both unknown) and the name of the ship they arrived on is unknown. I appreciate and help on how to find this info because, I am new to genealogy. I hope you can help me . Thank you in advance. Dave Melvin N. Cade (cathound2@aol.com), Sat Nov 23 13:49:22 EST 1996 I'm looking for some history on the Cade family. Someone told me that the Cade's were originally from VA. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Harriett Peters (harryvc@ix.netcom.com), Wed Nov 20 11:48:59 EST 1996 I have just recently become interested in my family history and know very little - only what has been researched already. I am looking for information concerning two families MOORE and MILES. I am only as far back as by great grandfather, born in 1843 - LABAN CALEB MOORE. My grandmother, who married a MOORE, was Drucilla MILES. Anyone??? Jane P. Justice (justice@3rddoor.com), Tue Nov 19 12:38:10 EST 1996
Cyril (Cyril@kombank.lipetsk.ru), Tue Nov 19 09:29:37 EST 1996 Dear Sirs, I wonder who was the first governer of an English colony in Virginia. They say he was a kind of adventurer mentally unstable. Is that true? Malcolm Atkin (100744.2367@compuserve.com)< /B>, Mon Nov 18 17:56:05 EST 1996 I am interested to hear from anyone who has traced back their family to someone transported to Virginia following the defeat of the Royalist/Scottish army at Worcester in 1651. Roger L. Ewing (REwing8027@gnn.com), Sun Nov 17 12:10:41 EST 1996 Where can information regarding the Virginia State Navy be obtained? [i.e. Row Galley (vessel), Capt. George Elliott (commander), John Ewing (my g-g-g-grandfather) service dates June 4, 1776-June 20, 1777]. This is a legacy my father left me to research. Where did John come from? Thanks, Roger Ewing Keith M. Addison (kaddison@bcl.net), Sun Nov 17 04:07:06 EST 1996 My great - great and great grandfathers, were slaves to William B. Upshur. Are there any records and/or letters concerning the slaves of William B. Upshur, and/or his wife's (I believe Sarah Upshur)? All of the aboved resided in Northampton county, Virginia (Eastern shore). Is it posible to determine the country from which my ancestry was grought from? Pamela Muncie (EXIT548@aol.com), Sat Nov 16 19:39:45 EST 1996
Connie Phillips (jonathan@shore.intercom.net), Sat Nov 16 16:45:57 EST 1996 looking for any information on Jessie McGee, i know he came from Dublin Ireland and lived in St. Martins, Md. before he married Lydia Savage, he was born about 1820. i know his wife and children moved to Chincoteague. When he came from Ireland, he came with 4 brothers. Can anyone help! Connie Jim Marriott (jimbo@dp.net), Thu Nov 14 11:59:23 EST 1996 My 6GGF was Robert Snead (known as Captain Robert Snead) and was clerk of court for Accomack County 1703-1712. Would like to find any information about him particularly where he came from and about his spouse. Is anyone researching this name? I don't have a birth date but believe he was born in England. marleen mcknight , Wed Nov 13 16:12:55 EST 1996 I am having a terrible time finding william ferguson and his wife elizabeth. I know he was born in 1724 somewhere in virginia. they had many children including a son named john I ferguson who fought with a virginia regimon in the revolutionary war. any informamation would be appreciated. Ron Wilson (rwilson@eagle1.eaglenet.com) , Tue Nov 12 21:57:13 EST 1996 I'm having trouble finding the parents of this William Corbin: William Corbin b. 1720 d. Nov 10,1789 m. Jan 1,1743 Spouse: Sally Ann Jenkins b. Jan 17,1728 d. Mar 12, 1796 Children: Benjamin b. 1744 Sarah Grace Lewis b. Apr 4, 1754 William b. Apr 10, 1757 Isiah Catey John b. Nov 22,1747 Anne Mary Margaret b. Jan 7, 1752 This family lived on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay near the line between MD and VA. Any leads will be greatly appreciated. Ron
Debbie East Searcy (dsearcy@worldnet.att.net), Fri Nov 8 19:52:33 EST 1996 Looking for half sister,Born as Joan East to Herbert F. East on Only in the late 1930s. Any info would be greatly appreciated! JANIE SPANN (wcpoep@bayou.com), Fri Nov 8 15:22:20 EST 1996 I am looking for the Nowlin (O'Nowlin) or Gladish families. Michael Pettitt (dpettitt@ix.netcom.com), Fri Nov 8 13:09:28 EST 1996 My ancestors are William Major Pettitt and Louisa W. Coward who moved from the Eastern Shore in 1840. His parents were Major Pettitt and Susanna Bradford. His grandparents were Bartholomew Pettitt and Leah Milby. Louisa's parents were Samuel Coward and Margaret Scarborough. Margaret's parents were Edmund Scarborough and Jane Kerr. We are interested in information on these families. I can be contacted by E-mail or my dad can be contacted at: William Major Pettitt, 34 Patton Drive, Newport News, VA 23606-1747 melanie thibodeaux (mrt400g@mail.odu.,edu), Thu Nov 7 13:19:56 EST 1996 I am related to the Mann, Outten, Smith, and Dix families. I also live in Belle Haven. It's always nice to go home when you are lost out here in the big bad web! jena shadwick (jshadwic@cyberhighway.net), Thu Nov 7 00:12:39 EST 1996 am trying to locat any information about the holcomb/holcombe family. my maiden name is holcomb and my father knows very little of his family history. all we know is my great-great-great--grandfather had a large plantation somewhere in virgina. there were 13 children 10 boys and 3 girls. when the civil war broke out the boys each went to fight for the side they believed in. after the war each one came home to find there was nothing left for them, so they each went their own way in the world so to speak. i don't know how or where to start my search. is there someone out there who can give me any information for my quest? jena shadwick (jshadwic@cyberhighway.net), Thu Nov 7 00:12:11 EST 1996 am trying to locat any information about the holcomb/holcombe family. my maiden name is holcomb and my father knows very little of his family history. all we know is my great-great-great--grandfather had a large plantation somewhere in virgina. there were 13 children 10 boys and 3 girls. when the civil war broke out the boys each went to fight for the side they believed in. after the war each one came home to find there was nothing left for them, so they each went their own way in the world so to speak. i don't know how or where to start my search. is there someone out there who can give me any information for my quest? missy tilghman callan (calland@), Mon Nov 4 19:45:02 EST 1996 I am looking for any data or person(s) that can give me more information on the name Tilghman. I have 2 bothers that are in the car business in TN. The business was started by my grandfather in 1926. There are not many people who have the same spelling of my maiden name. So if you are possibly related , please let me know. Thank you Celeste Marshall (Heritage2@aol.com), Sun Nov 3 16:56:13 EST 1996 Searching for data on the Marshall Family of Accomac County, VA. (1)Information on a Col./Admiral Marshall, c. 1850’s (2) Data on Thorny and Harry Marshall; they were born about 1848 or 1850 thereabouts (3)Names of plantations and their locations, and Marshall slave owners as well as accompanying slave list. (4)Is there a Native American connection to the Marshall Family. I'd appreciate any and all responses to the above inquiries. Debra Bergner (birdie@esva.net), Thu Oct 31 20:09:37 EST 1996 Actually two. 1. I'm looking for the name Conway, came over from Ireland in early 1800's. Patrick Peter Conway was my great, great, great, grandfather. 2. I'm also a Whitehead, looking for any information.... Betsy Perry (mbperry@lni.net), Wed Oct 30 21:36:29 EST 1996 I am searching for information regarding Richard Wallace Polkinhorn. Richard W. Polkinhorn was born in Alexandria, VA in 1792. Subsequently he relocated to the Washington, DC area. I am searching for the name of this parents, his wife/wives and any and all children, plus applicable dates if available. Your help is greatly appreciated. Jenny Page (jpage0@pop.uky.edu), Tue Oct 29 11:44:05 EST 1996 Looking for info on Soloman Redman born c. 1752; married Mary Northern. He had a daughter named Sally Redman. His father was Joseph Redman (who was related to King George). Any help would be appreciated. recardo deangelo young (afo5rdy@titan.vcu.edu), Mon Oct 28 23:23:05 EST 1996
recardo deangelo young (afo5rdy@titan.vcu.edu), Mon Oct 28 23:08:36 EST 1996 i am a native of northampton county, exmore. i beleive that i have some indian ancestry, being that my grandmother is very red-skinned and thus her mother. what is the historical relationships between native americans and african americans? is it true that there were closely knit-relationships between the two ethnic groups and does indian blood still flow in the veins of blacks? Jo Buckner (ladydoc1@ix.netcom.com), Mon Oct 28 23:07:52 EST 1996 I am researching the Buckner family. They came to Virginia from England between 1635 and 1667. The first immigrant was John Buckner and he acquired land in Va. The family were members of the Petsworth Parish Vestry in Gloucester and John was a clerk of Gloucester County and member of the House of Burgesses in 1683. I am looking for information before and since that time. Thanks, Jo Brian Walls (d4walls@erols.com), Mon Oct 28 21:27:45 EST 1996 Looking for any information of John CREW, died 1660 in Northampton Co. Wife Elizabeth married (2) Robert Hignett. Known children of John and Elizabeth are Anne (b. 1655), Elizabeth (b. 1657), and John (b. 1660; died 1713 in Sussex Co., DE). Any help will be much appreciated. Phillip Reid (Reidp@tffwc.mhs.compuserve.com ), Mon Oct 28 11:34:27 EST 1996 My father, James Mears was the youngest of 8 Mears' children from Wachapreague, VA. The entire family worked at the old Wachapreague Hotel before it burned downed in the 1970's. Could anyone proivde me with information on the roots of the Mears surname in this area? William L. Forbes Jr. (wforbes1@ptdprolog.net), Mon Oct 28 09:02:13 EST 1996 I am searching for any information I can get on a JAMES FORBES who came to the Eastern Shore of Va. in the early 1600's from Nassau. Phil Gaither (CALCOCA@inreach.com), Sun Oct 27 23:33:52 EST 1996 Have extensive files on GAITHER/GREENE and connected families from early America to present. Anyone with Gaither or Greene info to share or needs assistance with a lookup. E-Mail me CALCOCA@inreach.com Jacqueline Taylor Downing (downingj@acf2.nyu.edu), Sun Oct 27 23:29:07 EST 1996 I am researching the ancestors of James H. Taylor (born c. 1820) and Eliza J. Somers (born c. 1825), both apparently from Muddy Creek (the evidence is too extensive to post here); the two of them married in Worcester County in 1845 and ran a ferry at Mattaponi Landing south of Snow Hill, MD. Anyone out there who knows about Muddy Creek people in the first half of the nineteenth century? Louis Dale Brittingham (DrDale@sisna.com), Sun Oct 27 10:26:57 EST 1996 Looking for help to find anything about Elijah Brittingham. They were from Georgia but I am sure they came from Maryland area, would appreciate your help. Thanks Dale Brittingham Debbie Austin-Wallace (FurnMfgRep@aol.com), Sat Oct 26 13:35:16 EDT 1996 I am searching for information on the Wicomico Indian tribe - my 5th great grandmother was Sarah Tapp(Tapptico) Jett - I believe she was full Wicomico Indian - someone told me the last king of the Wicomico tribe had the last name of Tapptico and it was later shortened to Tapp .Can anyone help me with finding any info on this tribe? Thanks. Brian Walls (d4walls@erols.com), Wed Oct 23 20:19:58 EDT 1996 Seeking parents, wife, children of John Neale who received patent for 1500 acres in Accomack 1636. A daughter named Margaret married William Foster. Also seeking information linking William Foster to other Foster in Accomack Co. Thanks. :) Jerry Whitt (whittjd@okra.millsaps.edu), Wed Oct 23 13:20:00 EDT 1996 I am searching for Shadrach Whitt and his son John. Shadrach died during the Revolutionary War and John received his land grant in Kentucky. Verbie Caldwell (pieface@nwga.com), Mon Oct 21 17:28:23 EDT 1996 I am looking for info on a George Sutherland Came from Stokes co.Va. He was born around 1793, He married a lady named Lois, they had five children,Major,Caswell, Ophay Ann,Jane, and George w. part of the children were born in N.C. Would appreciate any info on this family.Caswell was my Great,Great Grandfather. GERALD CLIFFORD (Gman1600@.aol.com), Mon Oct 21 03:08:55 EDT 1996 I am trying to locate any information about my Dad's parents, mainly if they were American Indian. I would like to know how and where to start a search Frank Tyson (ftyson@c.net.gt), Sun Oct 20 00:58:15 EDT 1996 I would appreciate information on my ancestor Jan Mattisson or John Tyson. He was living in Accomack or Northhampton county , Virginia in the 1600's. Thanks, Frankie Tyson. Ardath Brown (Broward223@aol.com), Sat Oct 19 19:08:57 EDT 1996 William Bowdoin, b. abt. 1720, DelMarva, Va. m. Elizabeth Travis, who d. 1800/10 at Chincoteaque Is., Accomack, Va. Need any help possible with identifying and proving their children - especially William. Would appreciate any info. Willing to share. Thanks. Jenean Hall (jenean@shore.intercom.net), Fri Oct 18 06:55:44 EDT 1996 Michael Parker (b.1749, d.1840), son of William Parker of the Sluitkill Neck area of Accomack, supposedly died in Portsmouth, Va after breaking his neck in a fall down some stairs. Does anyone know anything about this? Why was he in Portsmouth? Also, I've heard that Michael was a captain in the Revolutionary War but I can find no official reference regarding that. Lynda Williams (andyjw@goodnet.com), Wed Oct 16 00:14:38 EDT 1996 Looking for information on Donnie Jefferson Jenkins born in Accomack county in 1900 Died Nov. 19, 1969 in Risen, MD Married Ruby Leon Wheeler born 1907 Risen, Md. He is my grandfather. Geraldine Burch (tljn44a@prodigy.com), Tue Oct 15 15:34:40 EDT 1996 We are researching the Floyd family - those migrating eventually to Amherst County, VA - one - Samuel Floyd, b. approx 1743, m. a Polly David Folds (david.folds@lifeway.com) , Mon Oct 14 17:11:16 EDT 1996 My family is doing our geneology. We have gotten back to the early 1800s to Conrad Folds, my great, great, great, great, great grandfather. The problem is that we are stuck in Georgia. Has anyone done any research on the Folds family? Thanks! Richard Donoho (jrdonoho@annap.infi.net), Mon Oct 14 09:40:28 EDT 1996 Looking for any info on Daniel Donoho (d. 1704) living in Somerset County, Md by 1666, listed as originally from Accomack Co. Was first married to Alice (Dorman?) then Martha (?) Linda Phillips Morris (bluedoor@ecsu.campus.mci.net) , Mon Oct 14 04:10:09 EDT 1996 In my previous post, I failed to mention that Daniel, Benjamin and Mitchell Phillips migrated from Calvert Co. Md. in the late 1600's to Princess Ann and New Brunswick Counties in VA. Sorry for any inconvience. Linda Phillips Morris (bluedoor@ecsu.campus.mci.net) , Mon Oct 14 04:01:04 EDT 1996 I am searching for Daniel Phillips, circa 1690 Calvert Co. MD. He and other family members, Benjamin & Mitchell migrated to Princess Ann and New Brunswick Counties in VA early 1700's. Dorothy Albrecht (albrecht@fais.net), Sun Oct 13 13:54:48 EDT 1996 I have a double connection with Ensign Thomas Savage as follows: Ensign Thomas Savage m Hannah (Ann) Tynge John Savage m 2) Mary Rob(b)ins Thomas Savage m Alicia Harmanson Ferebee Savage m 2) Francis Pugh II Francis Pugh III m Mary Whitmel Francis Pugh IV (1757-1844) m 2) Elizabeth Barker Tunstall (1774-)* Ferebee Savage m 3) Thomas Barker Elizabeth (Betsy) Barker m William Tunstall Elizabeth Barker Tunstall (1774-) m Francis Pugh IV (1757-1844)* You will note that the two starred couples are one and the same. I have some lateral information as well as other info on this family. I am especially interested in finding verifible info on the Rob(b)ins, Harmanson, and O'Niell lines. It has been hinted that Ferebee was named for the Ferebee family. I would also like to know if anyone has any ideas or information on this. Thanks for any help you might have. I have enjoyed perusing your web site. Hunting in Texas, Dorothy Charles Smith (chsmith@iclc.net), Sun Oct 13 10:11:16 EDT 1996 I am currently researching the Beebe, Daisey, Andrews and Merritt families on Chincoteague Island, Anyone have any information on Mordicai Andrews, b.abt 1805 married Nancy (maiden name possibly Daisey) b.abt 1800, children: Margaret abt 1830, Joseph abt 1832, Isaac abt 1834, Sarah abt 1838, and Mary abt 1843. I am willing to share all that I have. Cy Rilee (cy@rilee.com), Fri Oct 11 17:13:46 EDT 1996 Here goes!! My RILEE family has been in Gloucester County since at least 1750. All indications are that a Miles Riley/Reilly/Rylee came across the bay from Accomac County. I have exhausted every source on the western side of the bay. Can anyone help?
Michael Andrew Snowden , Wed Oct 9 17:36:09 EDT 1996 I have been researching my surname, SNOWDEN, and have had little success. If you have any information on this family, it would be much appreciated. If you have information, please send it to : 1913 Lemon st. dr. Highland, IL 62249 Thank you for your help. Jim Gaw (jim_gaw@azstarnet.com), Tue Oct 1 01:29:49 EDT 1996 Seeking information on Cordlia Powell. She was married to David Petitt of Snow Hill Maryland. Daughter Beulah was born Feb. 21, 1892. Beulah married Eugene E. Mumford and at the time of death both parties, were living in Dover, Delaware. Judy Jehn (ljehn), Sat Sep 28 21:34:55 EDT 1996 Is there anyone working on Copes. E-Mail if so. Professor James L. Brown (Mdgenealog@aol.com), Tue Sep 24 10:57:54 EDT 1996 I have been doing research on the DORMAN family for a long time, and would like to contact researchers of that family, who initially entered Accomack Co. at least by 1642, and moved to Somerset Co., MD by the 1660's. Linda Williams (lwilliams@terranet.net), Sun Sep 22 22:57:33 EDT 1996 I am looking for any information on Isaac Goff born Feb.11 1795 in Va. married Polly Reynolds in Va. They had eight children all born in Grayson County,Kentucky. They are my great-great grandfather and Grandmother.I have no idea where in Va. they were from. Dean L Bradford (bradf@interserv.com), Sun Sep 22 15:40:45 EDT 1996 Looking for any data on the JOHN BRADFORD family. John was born Accomac Co VA ca 1675 died Worcester Co MD 1754. Son of Nathaniel Bradford Accomac Co VA. John Bradford married Tabitha LeCatt Accomac Co VA ca 1698. John removed to Worcester Co Md ca 1714. Would appreciate any info on this family. Willing to share my data. Jim Gaw (jim_gaw@azstarnet.com), Tue Oct 1 01:29:49 EDT 1996 Seeking information on Cordlia Powell. She was married to David Petitt of Snow Hill Maryland. Daughter Beulah was born Feb. 21, 1892. Beulah married Eugene E. Mumford and at the time of death both parties, were living in Dover, Delaware. Judy Jehn (ljehn), Sat Sep 28 21:34:55 EDT 1996 Is there anyone working on Copes. E-Mail if so. Kathleen Nichols (kathleen@ionet.net), Fri Sep 27 10:47:59 EDT 1996
Kathleen Nichols (kathleen@ionet.net), Fri Sep 27 10:36:58 EDT 1996
Kathleen Nichols (kathleen@ionet.net), Fri Sep 27 10:32:19 EDT 1996
Professor James L. Brown (Mdgenealog@aol.com), Tue Sep 24 10:57:54 EDT 1996 I have been doing research on the DORMAN family for a long time, and would like to contact researchers of that family, who initially entered Accomack Co. at least by 1642, and moved to Somerset Co., MD by the 1660's. Linda Williams (lwilliams@terranet.net), Sun Sep 22 22:57:33 EDT 1996 I am looking for any information on Isaac Goff born Feb.11 1795 in Va. married Polly Reynolds in Va. They had eight children all born in Grayson County,Kentucky. They are my great-great grandfather and Grandmother.I have no idea where in Va. they were from. Dean L Bradford (bradf@interserv.com), Sun Sep 22 15:40:45 EDT 1996 Looking for any data on the JOHN BRADFORD family. John was born Accomac Co VA ca 1675 died Worcester Co MD 1754. Son of Nathaniel Bradford Accomac Co VA. John Bradford married Tabitha LeCatt Accomac Co VA ca 1698. John removed to Worcester Co Md ca 1714. Would appreciate any info on this family. Willing to share my data. Leonard Hyre (larryh@dmv.com), Wed Sep 18 20:07:21 EDT 1996 Looking for info on Alexander WEST, born 1760 Accomac Co., VA, son of Edmund West Sr. Edmund West and family moved to Western Virginia about 1770. In 1787, Edmund West Sr, was killed in an Indian raid in what is now Harrison Co, WV.Would like to know mothers name, brothers & sisters, date of parents marriage, etc. Would be appy to supply info on their descendants. Thanks. Kathleen Nichols (kathleen@ionet.net), Wed Sep 18 15:37:01 EDT 1996
Kathleen Nichols (kathleen@ionet.net), Wed Sep 18 15:11:00 EDT 1996
Adam Tarleton (rtsadam@atlas-iap.es), Wed Sep 18 11:02:36 EDT 1996 Edward TARLETON and his kinsman arrived in Maryland c. 1620 John TARLETON was father of Stephen TARLETON b.circa 1620 d.?. 1687 m. Sussanna Bates by whom had a daughter Judith and sons? Any TARLETON information greatfully received. Barbara Eberly (beberly@micronet.wcu.edu), Tue Sep 17 22:02:49 EDT 1996 I'm looking for Parramores. I have John Parramore who arrived in 1622 as an indentured servant at the age of 17. I have a fair amount of information on him, but nothing on where he came from or who his parents were. If you have any information on him, I would be happy to share what I have. Barbara at the age of 17. I have information on him, on his wife's (Eliz. Drake's) ancestors, but I have nothing on his. I also have lots of information on decendants. I would be happy to share. Barbara Herbert D. Hendricks (hendherb@visi.net), Sat Sep 14 16:52:51 EDT 1996 I am searchng for data on JOHN MAJOR and WILLIAM MAJOR IN THE 1740-1800 time frame. I have studied some of the records of ES on these families but the Major family seems to kind of disappear in the 1790s time frame. I would love to share data with any one of the Major family or other. Also interested in STOTT, AMBLER, MARTIN, GRIFFIN. Thanks. HerbH> John Carter (john@comp.uark.edu), Fri Sep 13 17:37:41 EDT 1996 Do you have any information on a Samuel Denby? All I know about him is that he fought in the war of 1812 and lived in Virginia. Thank you very much for your help. Renwick Bradley (Renwic@aol.com), Fri Sep 13 01:25:12 EDT 1996 Dr. Edward Gunter b.ca. 1740 Accomack? Co. Va. d.1776 in Charleston, SC. Another Edward Gunter was living in Charleston at the same time. he was b. 1754 & d. 1 Jan 1811, bur. at Circular Church, Chas. SC. Dr. Edw. gunter married Martha Mellichamp & after Ed's death she m. Erasmus Audley. Martha named Thomas Jones, Pres. of the SC Bank, as her Exr. I know Nothing about eastern shore research. ANY HELP greatly appreciated. Bruce Fones (bfones@empnet.com), Sat Sep 7 14:40:01 EDT 1996 Doing research on the FONES family of VA., known areas, Richmond, Westmoreland and Isle of Wight counties of VA. Any information of this name would be helpful. Robert J. Purdy (rjp1@psu.edu), Fri Sep 6 14:22:22 EDT 1996 Anyone with any information concerning the whereabouts of THOMAS BARBER or ALBERT BARBER (sons of WILLIAM and JENNIE BARBER of Accomac) please contact me. We were friends 30 years ago but we have lost touch with one another. Thank you...R. Purdy Herbert Barger (herbar@erols.com), Fri Sep 6 14:06:36 EDT 1996
James Pettit Mitchell (jamming@tnp.com), Thu Sep 5 22:17:48 EDT 1996 I am looking for information concerning the parents of CHARLES PETTIT (born 1867; died Dec. 29, 1935) and his wife, EMMA ?(born 1862; died Nov.22, 1917). They are my great-grandparents who lived in and around Accomac. Also any data on any PETTIT's or SNEAD's who lived on the Eastern Shore. I currently have a database containing over 200 individuals. Thanks! Connie McGee Phillips (jonathan@shore.intercom.net), Tue Sep 3 08:57:59 EDT 1996 Looking for family of Mordica Andrews married to Mary Jester on Chincoteague, Va. He was born March 7,1851. Connie McGee Phillips (jonathan@shore.intercom.net), Tue Sep 3 08:55:09 EDT 1996 Looking for family of Mordica Andrews married to Mary Jester on Chincoteague, Va. He was born March 7,1851. Thomas Biddy (web3943@charweb.org), Fri Aug 30 03:43:28 EDT 1996 John & Susannika TYSON Middle to late 1600's Any Tyson data appreciated. http://www.charweb.org/gen/biddy/surnames.htm John William Heath (ann smith), Sat Aug 24 10:02:12 EDT 1996 Possible married to or at least related to Julius Heath who son believes to be William John Heath, baptized when 10 years old 09-03-1860, and related to the mother of Bernie Lee Sturgis, Elizabeth Amanda Heath. John William Heath (ann smith), Sat Aug 24 10:01:35 EDT 1996 Possible married to or at least related to Julius Heath who son believes to be William John Heath, baptized when 10 years old 09-03-1860, and related to the mother of Bernie Lee Sturgis, Elizabeth Amanda Heath. Jerry W. Betterton (Jbetterton@InfoAve.Net), Thu Aug 22 21:00:16 EDT 1996
Carol Whitehead (carol1950@aol.com), Mon Aug 19 21:45:26 EDT 1996 William Mason dies in Accomack Co in the mid 1750's. In his will he leaves things to his grandson Daniel Mason. Does anyone who which one of William's son Daniel Goes to. Daniel goes into Somerset/Worcester Co. md. Charlene Marietti (marietcw@mcgraw-hill.com), Fri Aug 16 12:24:49 EDT 1996
Adam Marder (asm.apa@email.apa.org), Tue Aug 13 16:00:56 EDT 1996 Lide Parker Smith was born in Accomac County, VA on October 16, 1829. She married Niles Meriwether about 1855. She had three girls, May, Mattie, and Lucy Virginia. I am attempting to find Lida's parents and grandparents. Other spelling for Lida is Lyda. I do believe the Parker family on the Eastern Shore may be related to the Smith family. Andy Duncan (eieio@esva.net), Tue Aug 13 12:48:24 EDT 1996 Does anyone have any information about two surnames: Hargis and Trehern Douglas Alfred Parks-Powell (dap2663@concentric.net), Sat Aug 10 01:19:06 EDT 1996 I would like to know some background on my Grandfather, Alfred Parks, His Date of birth, Place of birth, his father name, and if they migrated to Parksley, where did they come from? Martha Middleton Simpson (msimpson@shore.intercom.net), Sat Aug 3 19:50:58 EDT 1996 Looking for parents of: John Middleton b. circa 1823 Elijah Floyd Bull 1842-1914 Louisa Frances Ayres b. 1842 Samuel C. Silverthorne b.1820 William Pannell b. abt 1822 Annie Fletcher 1828-1906 Nancy Barnes, wife of Revel Justis, 1823-1914 Thanks in advance. Happy Hunting! Jerry Tyson Barton (jbarton851@aol.com), Thu Aug 1 20:18:35 EDT 1996 Searching for orgin of my ancestors John & Susannika Tyson who lived on Eastern Shores prior to 1700. Who else is searching the name Tyson? jim payne (jimpayne@dmv.com), Thu Aug 1 12:30:59 EDT 1996 Looking for information on Payne family. They were last known in the Melfa area in the 20's - 40's. The 1920s generation were 13 boys and girls from the parents of Carl James Payne and Maude Camper-Payne. Garnet Murphey (donaldm@flash.net), Fri Jul 19 12:27:32 EDT 1996 I am seeking the name of the House of Burgess Sec'y.......VENNER. I believe this is my family lines beginning. Garnet donaldm@flash.net Carol Whitehead (carolw1950@aol.com), Wed Jul 17 21:17:03 EDT 1996 Southy Copes who died about 1790 in Accomack Co Virginia had a daughter Catherine Copes who married John Lambden. Did they have a daughter Caroline who married Levin Harmon in 1847 Accomack co. Va.? Carol Whitehead (carolw1950@aol.com), Wed Jul 17 21:16:48 EDT 1996 Southy Copes who died about 1790 in Accomack Co Virginia had a daughter Catherine Copes who married John Lambden. Did they have a daughter Caroline who married Levin Harmon in 1847 Accomack co. Va.? Shari Handley (srhandley@prodigy.com), Wed Jul 10 18:06:28 EDT 1996
Shari Handley (srhandley@prodigy.com), Wed Jul 10 17:57:21 EDT 1996 Looking for a Sarah DASHIELL who would have been born, most likely, between 1730 and 1740 in Somerset County, MD. She m. William ROBERTSON there in 1753 and had 9 kids between 1755 and 1775. I'd like to know who her parents were. Tom Justice (tjustice@avana.net), Mon Jul 8 19:03:19 EDT 1996 Does anyone know where in the UK that William Justice 1625-1664 came from? William settled in Charles City County about 1654. Married Mary Frame daughter of John Frame. Sons John, Justinian and Ralph. Lucas James (jamestown@popalex1.linknet.net), Sat Jul 6 23:47:35 EDT 1996 Does anyone know aboutthe James Family of James City county and also of Hanover and Henrico Counties, the 1700's? Thank you. Lucas James. joyce stewart smith (jobob@prysm.net), Sun Jun 30 22:36:04 EDT 1996 'Searching for a William Stewart m. Rebecca Dashiell. Son, John Stewart maybe a link. They were in VA, but moved to Somerset Co.MD, then to Spartanburg, SC. Families in this line are Covington, King, Denwood. Thanks! jobob joyce stewart smith (jobob@prysm.net), Sun Jun 30 22:32:22 EDT 1996
Vic Peppler (vicbon94@shore.intercom.net), Sat Jun 29 11:07:46 EDT 1996
Tom Justice (tjustice@avana.net), Sun Jun 23 18:07:06 EDT 1996
Tammy Belote Elvenia (ohana@esva.net), Sun Jun 16 21:44:56 EDT 1996 I'm interested in finding any information on M. Blanche Doughty- b.1888-d.1935 m.Edward Belote. Do not know the d.o.m. but would like any information on her. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Liza Soderstsrom (soderstrom@esva.net), Sun Jun 16 01:44:35 EDT 1996 Does anyone have any information on the Gladding family from the Oak Hall area of Accomack County? My great-grandmother was Ina Gladding and married Jesse A. Powers. She was born Oct. 25, 1873, in Oak Hall. Any information will be greatly appreciated. William E. Groves (Bill_Groves@unc.edu), Fri Jun 7 13:32:26 EDT 1996 Looking for information concerning the parents of ANDERSON TRUITT who was born in Worcester co, MD, or Sussex co, DE, about 1770. He may be a descendant of THOMAS TRUITT (c. 1700-1764). Also need to know how his parents relate to Thomas Truitt or other Truitt ancestors. Thanks. Linda Buras (LBURAS@LSUMC.EDU), Tue Jun 4 15:40:07 EDT 1996 I am looking for the parents of Stephen HINMAN. He was born about 1825 in Accomack County, VA. He married Margaret Ann LEWIS in 1850. They had children Samuel, born 1851; William, born 1854; Mary Ann, born 1854; and Thomas. The three sons ended up in Gloucester County, NJ by 1870, but I haven't found any trace of their father, mother, and sister. Also looking for parentage of Isaac LEWIS, father of Margaret Ann LEWIS. Her 1850 marriage bond stated that he was deceased. Her mother's name was not given. Betsey Norgard (norgard@winternet.com), Tue Jun 4 14:19:38 EDT 1996 Looking for information on Josiah Robins, born in Accomack Co.about 1750, and his son, Bowdoin (Boardwine) Robins who moved to Ohio by 1800. Tony Ashdon (ashdon@ix.netcom.com), Sun Jun 2 19:13:49 EDT 1996 Looking for connections of our Doughty/Dowty line of the Eastern Shore with Bevans, Broadwater, James lines. Banks Peterson (wbp1028@ix.netcom.com), Sun Jun 2 15:45:59 EDT 1996 I'm looking for the ancestors of Isma (Ishmael) Wyatt of Accomack Co. He died Nov 25, 1823 and had sons Joshua B. and William. Any help would be appreciated. James Casper (yzfd02a@prodigy.com), Sat Jun 1 17:07:41 EDT 1996 I am in search of the parents of Margaret BLOXOM, born c. 1805 in Accomack Co. and married Matthew MARINER of VA in Somerset Co., MD on 12/4/1822. Had at least 7 children: Sarah, Samuel W., Thomas, Whittinghouse J., Nancy, Eleanor and John W. Mr.MARINER died in Feb.1850. On the census that year, Margaret is enumerated with Tabitha JUSTICE who was also a widow and her son James. Possible sisters? Any clues would be greatly appreciated. Dot Barnum (jmgk37a@prodigy.com), Fri May 31 22:20:55 EDT 1996 Wish to share information on the WALLOP family of Accomack Co. My ancestor, Rebecca Wallop, was the daughter of John Wallop (d. 1751). Rebecca md. 1/ John Kendall and 2/ John Watts. J. D. Brittingham (brittech@america.net), Thu May 30 06:12:30 EDT 1996 Richard HASTINGS, in 1686, made the gift of a cow to Richard BULL (Accomack Co. Wills & Deeds, 1675-1690, p. 423). According to Whitelaw, Richard HASTINGS lived in the vicinity of Gargatha. Any help with this particular HASTINGS family would be gratefully appreciated. Buster Matteson (busterm@ktc.com), Sun May 26 17:39:22 EDT 1996 What is the ancestry of Adm. Richard Evelyn Byrd? (At least for 3 or 4 generations.) Peter N. Turlington (turlington@esva.net), Sat May 25 03:52:53 EDT 1996 This is more a question of local history. I am curious as to the orgins of the name of the Town of Melfa. I have heard numerous references to the village of Fair Oaks that existed prior to the coming of the railroad. Micki Jones (Micki.Jones@mci.com), Fri May 24 15:01:32 EDT 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Searching for the family of George Brittingham from the Eastern Shore of Maryland (see details below). He was a Methodist Minister, as well as a waterman (to make ends meet). His wife, Sarah Elizabeth RIGGINS, was a mid-wife. Any info about this family would be greatly appreciated. Micki Jones --- Micki.Jones@mci.com Descendants of George William Brittingham ========================================= 1 George William Brittingham .. +Sarah Elizabeth Riggins b: 1861 . 2 Samuel Brittingham b: 1886 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Md . 2 John E. Brittingham b: 1888 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Golden Hill, Md . 2 Walter W. Brittingham b: 1890 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Church Creek, Md . 2 William Brittingham b: 1892 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Golden Hill, Md . 2 Nelson Brittingham b: 1894 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Church Creek, Md . 2 Ida Brittingham b: 1896 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Md ..... +(Unknown) Scheuling . 2 Narcissus Brittingham b: February 05, 1898 in Golden Hill, Md d: May 02, 1976 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Md ..... +Howard Milton Zepp b: March 13, 1901 in Snydersburg, Carroll County, MD Married: 1923 - 1976 d: December 02, 1995 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, MD . 2 Charles Brittingham b: 1900 in Golden Hill, Md d: in Madison, Md . 2 Anna Brittingham b: 1902 in Golden Hill, Md d: unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------- JENNINGS CUSTIS (nanduaatesva.net), Thu May 23 11:05:03 EDT 1996 Where did the Daley's originate from. Henry C. Martin (Martihc@NU.COM), Tue May 21 08:50:18 EDT 1996 I am seeking help researching the BULL family. My gg-grandmother was Lovey BULL b. Abt. 1826 d. Aft. 1856, the daughter of George BULL and Nancy “?”, she was the second wife of William D. GROTON, b. Abt. 1785, d. 12 December 1862 m. 3 February 1839. I have not been able to identify her grand parents, mothers maiden name, or what happened to her after she gave birth to Emory J. GROTON in 1856. William D. GROTONs’ grave is in a small family cemetery and next to his first wife, Susan WATSON. About 1/2 mile away, to the southeast are two of Loveys’ children, Henry G. GROTON b. 1847, and George C. GROTON b. 1849, who both died on 7 July 1870 (there must be an interesting story here). Unfortunately, I know nothing more about Lovey. Can you help? Will Brown (wilmalcolm@aol.com), Mon May 20 20:40:34 EDT 1996 Looking for any information relating to the Nelson Family of Northampton County. Starting with Provost Nelson who first was on record in NHC in 1659. Will Brown (wilmalcolm@aol.com), Mon May 20 20:40:34 EDT 1996 Looking for any information relating to the Nelson Family of Northampton County. Starting with Provost Nelson who first was on record in NHC in 1659. Les Reid (texminer@ix.netcom.com), Sun May 19 04:49:55 EDT 1996 Who were the parents of Hugh Henry, Sr., of Accomack? He married Mary Donelson, sister of Col. John Donelson of Snow Hill. He was born about 1716-1727. He died about 1808 in Robertson County, TN. He is my 4th great-grandfather. Could he have been a brother of Judge James Henry? (Mary Donelson was born about 1720). Their son Hugh Henry, Jr., was the first sheriff of Robertson County, TN. Carol Crockett Bruch (crockettrealty@esva.net), Thu May 16 11:35:10 EDT 1996 Does anyone have any info on Crocketts? I know its an old Eastern Shore name. Bill Wilkins (103166.1100@compuserve.com), Thu May 16 11:20:07 EDT 1996 Looking for any descendant of John Wilkins to Virginia in 1618. Mary Beth Graf (mgraf@third-wave.com), Wed May 15 21:33:23 EDT 1996 Searching REED, WHEALTON, HILL, and RUSSELL families of Chincoteague Island, Accomack County. Particularly interested in knowing the parents of William Parker READ/REED married Leah WHEALTON in 1830. Carla Elaine Atkinson (gauguin@esva.net), Wed May 15 16:29:44 EDT 1996 Who is W.H.B Custis? Carla Elaine Atkinson (gauguin@esva.net), Wed May 15 16:29:37 EDT 1996 Who is W.H.B Custis? Carla Elaine Atkinson (gauguin@esva.net), Wed May 15 16:29:21 EDT 1996 Who is W.H.B Custis? carla atkinson (gauguin@esva.net), Wed May 15 16:25:05 EDT 1996 Who is Obedience Robins? Barbara Martin (bmartin@wcupb.edu), Tue May 14 13:34:42 EDT 1996
Terrence Stratton (Tstratton@wcupa.edu), Tue May 14 13:33:02 EDT 1996 I saw Stratton listed in the Surname list, and would like to hear from anyone with information on the Stratton name. Bryan Horne (Bryanlh@aol.com), Fri May 10 15:35:14 EDT 1996 I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has any information on the surname CHURN. The earliest reference I have is from the CHURN family Bible on a John Churn born 1794. Connie Pruitt (medcon@dmv.com), Mon May 6 12:27:34 EDT 1996 Abdell: Is anyone familar with a Hancock Abdell? My Stephen Whitehead died in Northamptom Co.with a will dated 1770. In the will he leaves items to his grandchildren William,John and Susanna. He also leaves his hat,breeches and his horse that is now on Smiths Island to Hancock Abdell. I do not know of any Abdell lines in my family tree but would like to know more about him. Could he be related to Stephen Whitehead? Exc: John Whitehead (s/o Stephen)
W. Leighman Covington (leighc@midusa.net), Sat Apr 27 16:41:07 EDT 1996 My mother, Ethel Mae Spencer Covington, grew up in Sanford. May I become a member even though I now live in Garden City, Kansas? Jim Gaw (jim_gaw@azstarnet.com), Thu Apr 25 03:32:08 EDT 1996 Revel Pettitt and Elizabeth Baker were married on 03 July 1800 in Accomack, VA. Looking for descendants. I have some information but it is confused. Any help appricated. Return to the top of this page Return to the index of archives Return to the GHOTES home page
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