Deed of EDWARD ESDALL, July 28, 1701;(with following declaration of spouse, LYDIA ESDALL): Recorded in the Northampton County Court, Eastville, VA Deed & Will Book No XVI; page no. 277. A copy of this deed was obtained from the Northampton County Courthouse, Eastville, VA as recorded in the Deed & Will Book No. XIV; page 277; as attested by Clyde E. Gibb, Clerk, by Katheryn B. Belote, D'y Clerk. The photocopy was obtained in 1978. In transcribing I have attempted to reproduce the actual spellings, punctuation (including the actual use of the words "and" versus "&"), as noted in the handwritten court records; with interpretation as necessary in parenthesis. G.L. Isdell, II September 17, 1998. "To all xpian (Christian),[Greek letters X=Chi; P=Rho], People to whome these presents shall come, Greetinge: Know yee that I Edward Esdall (sic) of Northampton County in Virginia; planter; for diverse causes & considerations, me hereunto inovinge (?): But Especially for the sume (sum) of three thousand five hundred pounds of Tobacco & Caske, (tobaccao casks in which tobacco was stored/shipped) to me in hand paid and Secured before the possession hereof, By John Custis the younger of Northampton County aforesaid, Gentl. (gentleman), Have bargained, aliened, sold, confirmed & delivered, assigned and sett (set) over; like as by these presents, (by this present document), doe bargaine, alien, sell & sett over confirmed & deliver unto the Said John Custis the younger, And to his heires & Assignes forever: One hundred Acres of Land, Sciuate (situated), lyinge and beinge in the County aforesaid, beinge the one full halfe part of two hundred Acres of Land my Father George Esdall (sic) bought of Robert Thompson (sic) of Northampton County, as a conveyance from under the hand and seale of the said Thomson the thirtieth day of June In the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred, seventy & three to my said Father on the the Said County records, can and will appeare: And by him my said Father George Esdall (sic) given and bequeathed to me As by his last Will and Testament on the Said County Records will appeare - To have and to hold the said one hundred Acres of Land, with all pastures, Timber, Woods, Underwoods, and all other profitts (profits) and Advantages thereunto belonginge (belonging) or any wise appertaineinge to him the said John Custis Junr (Jr); his heires & assignes forever. And I doe (do)for me my heires, executors, administrators further promise, covenant & grant to & with the said John Custis Junr, his heires & assignes To Warrant and defend the title of the Said Land, an devery part and parcell thereof from time to time & at all times to hime the Said John Custis Junr, his heires & assignes forever Against any son or sons whatever. And also within the space of seven yeares to comence (commence) from the date hereof to give the said John Custis Junr, his heirs or assignes such other & further assurance & conveyance for the processes, as of his & their counsellers, advisers and Atturnies (attorneys) shall seeme necessary & convenient: and I doe further promise and agree to & with the Said John Custis Junr, his heires or assignes at my owne proper cost & charge, punctually to survey and lay out by meets and bounds the said one hundred Acres of Land upon the Said Custis his request or his assignes. In witness whereof & other the process I have hereunto sett my hand & fixed my Seale this 27th day of July, one thousand seven hundred & one. Signed sealed & delivered before Jno (John) Custis / Sarah Custis, Northampton July the 28th Anno Dom (domini) 1701. The marke of Edward Esdall (what appears to be a backwards Capital "E") ye Seale, (another pattern of marks) Then acknowledged by the said Edward Easdell (sic) in open Court of the said County as his Reall Act & Deed to the said John Custis the younger & ordered to bee recorded. Teste. Dan Merchee (with seal) Recorder: Teste Dan Merchee (with seal) Co. Northampton" "(Endorsed on the within Deed)" Know all men by these presents that I Lydia Esdall (sic), lawfull wife of the within named Edward Esdall (sic) for a consideracon (consideration) in hand received of John Custis the younger of Northampton County, Doe Relinquish all my Rights, title and Interest or any claime or presence of title to the within named one hundred Acres of Land whether by Right of Dower or Thirds or any other claime whatever to him the Said John Custis the younger, his heires and assignes forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and mixed my Seale this 27th day of July One thousand Seven hundred and one. The marke of Lidia Esdell (sic) (A "circle") Ye Seale (more marks) Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of Henry Pike Richard Cripps: Northampton July the 28th Adom (Anni Domini) 1701. Then Acknowledged in open Court of the Said County By the Said Lidia Esdall (sic) as her free reall & voluntary Act and Deed to the Said John Custis the younger, And ordered to be Recorded. Teste: Dan Merchee (seal) Recorder: Teste: Dan Merchee (seal) Co. Northampton Return to the top of this page Return to the Original Source Materials page Return to the GHOTES home page | ![]() |