Somerset County Deeds 24:127
17 June 1762
Abraham Mister, wife Alice and William Mister, wife Comfort to Marmaduke Mister Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk
This Indenture made this seventeenth Day of June in the year of Our Lord God one thousand seven hundred sixty two between Abraham Mister of Dorchester County and Alice his wife William Mister of Accomack County in Virginia and Comfort his wife of the one part and MarmaDuke Mister of Somerset County in the Provence of Maryland of the other part Witnesseth the said Abraham Mister and William Mister for and in the consideration of the sum of thirty eight pounds current money of Maryland to them in hand paid by the said MarmaDuke Mister at or before the sealing and delivery acquitt exhonerate and Discharge the said MarmaDuke Mister his executors and administraters hath given granted bargained, sold alined released conveyed, confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain and sell alien releas convey confirm un to the said MarmaDuke Mister his heirs and assignes forever all the right title interest claim and demand which they the aforesaid Abramham Mister and Alice his wife and william Mister and Comfort his wife hath in and unto all that moiety or tract of land called Pitch Croft bounded as followeth beginning at a marked Locust post marked with sixteen notches standing at the mouth of a gutt between two hamocks called North End and Pitchele Hamock from thence with a line drawn south one hundred and eight perches thence south west and by west twenty perches thence with a line drawn south by and west by west two hundred perches to a marked Locust post standing by the side of a Creek Called Doggwoodridge Creek and from thence up the north of the said Creek to the head ther of from thence west to Chesapeake Bay from thence along the said Bay Side to the Mouth of Smiths Island Thorofare from thence bounded on the southern side of the said Thorofare to the first bounder containing and laid out for one hundred acres be it more or less together with all the improvements profits previledges herediments and appurtenantices to the same belonging or in any manner appurtaining to have and to hold the aforesaid bargained land and premises with the appurtenances hereby granted or mentioned to be granted released unto the said MarmaDuke Mister his heirs assignes forever and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever the said Abraham and William Mister for themselves their heirs Execs and Adms doth covenant to and with the said MarmaDuke Mister his heirs assignes that the the aforesaid Abraham and William Mister the the land and premises aforesaid hereby cinveyed and released unto the said MarmaDuke Mister his heirs and assignes shall and will warrant and forever defend the same against all manner of persons whatsoever lawfully claiming the same under us or our heirs in Testamony hereof the partys aforesaid to these presents interchangably their hands have sett and sealed fixed the day and year first above written----------
Abraham Mister
William Mister
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of
Sampson Wheatly
Thomas Jones
Maryland to wit Remembered that on the seventeenth day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty and two personally appeared befor the subscribers tow of his Lordships Justices of the peace for Somerset county the within named Abraham Mister and Alice his wife and William Mister and Comfort his wife the said Alice and Comfort being first privately apart and out of the hearing of their said husbands examined agreeable to the act of assembly in such case made and provided did acknowledge the within deed in due form of Law before us.
Sampson Wheatly
Thomas Jones
1762 June the 17th received of MarmaDuke Mister four Shillings Sterling for an aleination fine on the within deed
Joseph Allen
June the seventeenth day anno dom one thousand seven hundred and sixty two then was delivered unto me the subscriber the within written deed in order to be enroled amongst the records of Somerset County which said deed together with the acknowledgement there of thereon endorsed were accordingly recorded amongst the same records in Lib C fol 127and 128 on the same day of the same month and year aforesaid.
Accomack County Deeds 1757-1770 Part II:654:655
September 30, 1769
William Crowson, wife Bridget to William Mister Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk
This Indenture made the XXXth day of September Anno Domini One Thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty Nine Between William Crowson and Bridget his wife in the County of
Accomack in the Colony of Virginia of the one part and William Mister of the same place of the
other part Witnesseth that the said William Crowson and Bridget his wife for and in consideration
of the sum of two hundred and ninety pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid or
secured to be paid by the said William Mister before the execution hereof the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged hath given granted and sold by these presents doth give grant bargain and
sell unto the said William Mister his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land with
the appurtenances lying on and near Chesconessex Creek in the said County of Accomack as is
butted and bounded as followeth beginning at a stake in the marsh thence by a line of marked
trees South 64 degrees East 67 chain to a corner stake thence by a line of marked trees south 46
degrees East 32 chain to Major John Wises land thence Southerly along the line to a corner oak
then Westerly by a line dividing Major John Wises land to a pine on the head of Littlefield Creek
thence along Chesconessex to the first beginning the same containing two hundred acres being the
same more or less and is described by a deed bearing the date the XXIX day of November 1757
between Johannas and Joseph Wise and Smith Snead parties there to which deed is duely
recorded in the records of Accomack County.
Note: the remainder of the deed is the legal terminology regarding the rights and privileges of
The grantee and his heirs.
William Crowson
Bridget Crowson
Her mark
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of
John Wise
Peggy Wise
Edw. Shores
John Wise
AT a Court commencing and held for Accomack County November 2, 1769 William Crowson
and Bridget his wife acknowledged the within indenture to be their act and deed to William Mister
and commited to be recorded. the said Bridget first privately examined as the law directs and
voluntarily committed thereof.
Accomack County Deed Book 6 1783-1788:244:245
August 30, 1785
William Mister Senr and William Mister Junr Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk
This Indenture made
the 30th day of August 1785 between William Mister Senr of Accomack County
of the one part and William Mister Junr son of the aforesaid William Senr
of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Mister
Senr for in in consideration of the natural love and affection which he
hath and bearth unto the said William his son and for the futher consideration
of five shillings current money to him in hand paid by the said William
his son at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents to the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained and
sold, and doth by these presents give, garnt, vargain and sell, alien enfeoff
and confirm unto the said William his son a certain tract or parcel of
land situate lying and being in Accomack County and Parish of St. George
containing by estimation fifty acres of land be the same more or less and
bounded as follows to wit beginning at a marked gum from thence North East
up to Wises line thence Northerly Westerly and Southerly as the ditch bank
goes and from thence to the first bounder. To have and to hold the hereby
given granted and bargained lands together with the appurtenances thereunto
to belonging as also the priviledge of getting timber and firewood and
pasturage for his own cattle from any part of the other lands or marsh
now in the possession of the said William Mister Senr unto the said William
Mister Junr his heirs and assigns forever, to the only proper use benefit
and behoof of the said William Mister Junr his heirs or assigns forever,
and to or for no other use intent or purpose whatever; provided nevertheless
and it is the true intent and meaning hereof that the fee simple estate
in the above mentioned land and premisses together with the possession
thereof is not to be vested in the said William Mister Junr nor take effect
during the life time of the said William Mister Senr but the said William
Mister Senr to have the possession thereof advantages and envolvment during
his nature life any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding,
and the said William Mister Senr doth hereby for himself his heirs Executors
and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said William Mister
Junr his heirs and assigns forever to warrant and defend the above lands
premisses assigns against the lawful claim title or interest of all and
every person claiming or to lay claim to the same any part therto from
by or under him.
In Testimony whereof
the part to these presents hath set his hand affixed his seat the day and
year above written.
Sealed in presence of
Thos Bayley, Jno Burton,
William Gibb
It is hereby also agreed on by the said William Mister Senr to and with
the said William Mister Junr that he the said William Mister Junr shall
have free prividledge and liberty to build such houses on the part of the
land so given unto him by this within Indenture as shall be sufficient
for him to dwell in and liberty of a garden and potatoe patch without being
distrubed or molested by the said William Mister or Emilin his wife even
during their natural lives also to plant orchards if he sees convenient
and have the benefit thereof. As witness my hand and seal the day and date
within mentioned
Sealed in presence of
Thos Bayley, Jno Burton,
William Gibb
At a Court
held in Accomack County August 30th 1785
This indenture together with the indorsement thereon was proved by the
oath of Thomas Bayly, John Burton and William Gibb, witnessess thereto
and ordered to recorded.