As he has so often in the past, ghote Charles E. Warrington has generously contributed this extensive transcription of court records made by Mr. Bell. This file represents a labor of respect and dedication, as well as one of many many hours of transcribing handwritten Mr. Bell's notes. You can easily search this file for specific surnames or place names by using the Edit/Find function of your browser, making this transcription all the more valuable to the online researcher. On this Thanksgiving Day, 1998, we count among our blessings our acquaintance with Chuck, as well as his generosity, his instructive example of persistence and consistency, and his appreciation for the riches contained in these records. Thank you, Chuck. Barbara Cox
Wills and Etc. 1692 - 1715 Part One (a copy) Page 368 To
all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, I John Fenn of
the County of Accomack in Virginia, Planter, and greeting in our Lord God
everlasting. Know ye that I the said John Fenn for and consideration of
the natural love and affection which I have and beare unto John Warrington
and Margret (sic) his wife and for other good causes and considerations
we thereunto moveing (sic) have given, granted, assigned, set over, delivered
and confirmed. Like as by this, my Deed of Gift, I doe give, grant, assign
over and deliver and confirm unto John Warrington and Margret his wife
all and singular such my goods, chattels and implements of household and
commodities whatever. To have and to hold all and singular the goods and
chattels, implements of household and commodities whatsoever as afore say'd
to the afore said John Warrington and his wife, their executors, administrators
and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoofe for ever thereof
and therewith to doe, use and dispose at his and their will and pleasure
as of his and their own goods and chattels without any manner of chalenge
(sic) Claym (sic) or demand of one, the said John Fenn or any other person
or persons for me in my name by my cause, means, consent or procurement.
And further know ye that I the say'd John Fenn have put the said John Warrington
in full possession od all and singular the afore said premises by the delivery
unto him at the ensealing heareof one six pence of silver in the name of
the said goods. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seale this 4th
day of April 1699 and in the ninth year of the Reigne of our Sovereign
Lord King William of England, Scotland, France and Ireland & C.
John Fenne (*) ye seale Anne (AF) Fenne (*) ye seale her mark
Sealed and delivered in presence
of William Fletcher, Henry Sellman, John Wise Jnr.
The above written acknowledged in open Court of Accomack County April the 4th 1699, by John Fenn and Ann his wife as their reall acts and deeds unto John Warrington and Margaret his wife. Teste: John Washbourne Clerk of Court Recorded
April the 13th 1699 p me John Washbourne Clerk of Court, Accomack County,
Wills & Etc. 1692 - 1715 part 1 (a copy) Page 436 To all Christian people to whom these present writting (sic) shall come I Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, of Accomack County in Virginia, Merchant Taylor, sendeth greeting. Know yee that I the said Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, for divers, good causes and considerations one thereunto moveing but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of ten thousand pounds of good tobacco and cask to me in hand paid and secured to be paid by Stephen Warrington Senr. of this County, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe to be hereby w..... and satisfied, contented, and paid and aligned, bargained, sold, enfeoffed and confirmed. And by these present do alien, bargaine, sell, enfeoffe, and confirm unto the said Stephen Warrington all that Two Hundred acres of land be the same more or less that I bought of Left. Coll. Daniel Jenifer scittuate (sic) lieing (sic) and being in Accomack County, being bounded as followeth: Beginning in a line next the land of James Furbish and running therein South East one hundred sixty eight poles; and thence East by North halfe a point Northerly one hundred thirty and foure poles next the land of John Barnes and thence in a line which runs South South East three quarters of a point Easterly or South East and by South a quarter of a point Southerly two hundred and eighty poles next ye land belonging to ye afore sd. Left. Coll. Daniel Jenifer, thence North East and by North one hundred and ninety poles, also next other land belonging to ye afore said Left. Coll. Daniel Jenifer as will more fully appear by a deed of sale under the hand and seal of ye. sd. Daniel Jenifer dated the third day of June 1689, and acknowledged in open court of Accomack County the 18th day of the sd. month. Relative thereunto being had. To have and to hold the said two hundred acres of land with all and singular houses, buildings, orchards, gardens, fences, woods, waters, water Cus... and all singular other benefits, emoluments, commodities, and advantages to the said two hundred acres of land and premises belonging or in any use appertaining to the use of him the sd. Stephen Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever without ye. let molestations, evictions, ejections or interruptions of me the said Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, for me and my heirs executors, administrators or either of us whatsoever and farther I the said Lewnies Chavalier, alias knight, for me, my heirs executors, administrators, shall and will deliver, maintaine and defend the said two hundred acres of land and premises to ye. sd. Stephen Warrington and his heirs and assigns to and from all and singular other gifts, grants, bargaines, sales or any other encumbrances whatever free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged and farther I the said Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, my heirs, executors, administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter forever warrant and defend the sd two hundred acres of land and premises to ye sd Stephen Warrington and his heirs and assigns against me the ye sd Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, against my heirs, executors, administrators or any other person or persons claiming by from or under us or either of us against all other person or persons what so ever will warrant and defend. In witness whare of and others (sic) the premises I the sd Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, have hereunto put my hand and affixed my seal this first day of April in the thirteenth yeare of the reign of our Sovereigne Lord William, the third, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. Defender of the faith Anno Domini (A.D. one thousand seven hundred and one. ye. seal Lewnies Knight (\\\)
Signed Sealed and delivered in ye. presents of us Tully Robinson, William Willet. The within written Deed of Sale of land made by Lewis Knight unto Stephen Warrington April ye. first 1701 acknowledged in open court of Accomack County by ye. sd. Lewis Knight as his reall act and deed unto ye. sd. Stephen Warrington. Teste: John Washbourne Clerk of Court Recorded April ye. 23rd 1701 p me
Jno. Washbourne Clerk of Court
Accomack County in Virginia. To all whome these presents writing shall come. Know ye that I Hester Knight lawful wife of Lewnies Chavalier, alias Knight, for divers, good causes, one thereunto moveing do release and quit claim to Stephen Warrington Sen'r. and his heirs and assigns for ever all my right, title, or interest of dower that I now have or that I may or shall by any way or means hereafter be come due in or to ye. within mentioned two hundred acres of land and premises, but that I and my heirs and every person or persons claiming any right, title or interest by from or under me for ever to be debarred and excluded. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and affixed my seal this first day of April anno domini (A.D.)1701. ye. Seal Hester Knight (////)
Signed, sealed and delivered in
the presents of Tully Robinson, William Willett.
The above written acknowledged in open Court of Accomack county April ye. first 1701 by Hester Knight wife of the said Lewnies Knight as her free real voluntary act and deed unto Stephen Warrington. Teste: John Washbourne Clerk of Court Recorded April 23rd 1701 p me John
Washbourne Clerk of Court. Accomack County, Va.
Wills & Etc. 1692-1715 Part 2 (A copy) Page 109 To all to whom these presents (sic) shall come greetings. Know Yee that I Charles Leatherbury of Accomack County in the Collony of Virginia, Cordwainer, for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand pounds of good tobacco to me in hand paid by John Warrington of the same County, Planter, before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I doe hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do acquit and discharge the sd John Warrington, his heirs, executers & administrators forever by these presents have given, granted, bargained, sold, released & confirmed and by these presents do give, grant, bargaine, sell, release and confirm unto the said John Warrington all that parte of a tract of land called Forked Neck lying and being in the County aforesaid, beginning at a marked chestnut standing by a branch and the land formerly John Jenkins deceased. Thence by marked trees South Easterly fifty three degrees and seventy pole. Then by the marked trees South Westerly one hundred and four pole to a corner hickory and from thence by a right line of marked trees north westerly fifty two degrees one hundred twenty and six Pole to a corner redd (sic) Oak. Thence by another right line of marked trees North Easterly thirty eight degrees and thirty six pole to a corner maple standing next to the head of a small branch, then down that branch and up the other branch, that is, to the first bounder to the beginning, containing one hundred acres and was devised in and by the last Will and Testament of my grandfather Thomas Leatherbury unto my father Charles Leatherbury, to whom I am heir at law. Together with all houses edifices, buildings, wares, Waters, priviledges, pfts (sic) commodities & appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the revercon (reversion) and revercons (sic,) remainder and remainders thereof. To have and to hold the sd, land and prmioses (premiss) with the appurtenances unto the said John Warrinton (sic,) his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only use and behoofe of ye. sd. John Warrington and of his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Charles Leatherbury for my selfe, my heirs, executors, and administrators do covenant, premise and Grant to and with the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns by these presents, That I, the said Charles Leatherbury, my heirs, executors and adminstrators the before bargained prmisses (premiss) with the appurtenances unto the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever against me the sd. Charles Leatherbury and my heirs against all other persons what so ever, shall and will warrant and forever by these pr'sents defend. In witness whereof I the sd. Charles Leatherbury have hereunto set my hand and seal the first day of August in the third year of the reigne of our Sovreign (sic) Lady Anne by the grace of God Queen of England & C Anno Domini (A.D.) 1704. Charles Leatherbury (Seal)
Sealed & delivered in the presences of Tully Robinson, Edwd. Bonurcke. The above written instrument was acknowledged in open court by Charles Leatherbury as his act and deed August ye. 1st 1704. Teste: Robert Snead Clerk of Court Accomack County, Va. Recorded August ye 3rd 1704, P. Robt. Snead Clerk of Court Deeds, Wills & Etc. 1715-1729
Part 1 (a copy) Page 101
This Indenture made the Thirty First day of March in Ye: Fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France & Ireland. King Defender of the Faith & C Anno Dom. 1718. Between John Warrington of Accomack County in ye Colony of Virginia, Planter, on ye one part & Alexander Warrington of ye sd County, Planter, on ye other part. Witnesseth that the sd John Warrington for divers, good Causes & Considerations, him thereunto moving as well as for & in Consideration of Two Thousand pounds of tobacco to him the sd John in hand paid by the sd. Alexander Warrington before the ensealing and delivery of these presents whereof & wherewith the said John Warrington doth hereby own and acknowledge himself fully contented and truly satisfied thereof and from every parcel and part or parcel thereof doth acquit, exonerate and discharge the sd Alexander Warrington, his heirs, execr's & admr's by these presents hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released & confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell. alien, release & confirm unto the sd Alexander Warrington, his heirs, and assigns for ever all his right, title, use, estate, reversion & reversions, remainder and remainders of and in & to one hundred acres of land, being one moiety of a certain tract called the "Nightingale" containing two hundred acres situate, lying & being in Accomack County formerly purchased of Lewis de Chevalier alias Knight by Stephen Warrington, father of aforsd. John & Alexander, as by a certain deed of sale dated ye Third day of June Anno Domini 1689. Relation thereunto being had, may and doth more fully and at large appear which sd tract called the "Nightingale" as afsd. lieth bounded as followeth Viz: Beginning in a line next the land of James Furbish running therein South East one hundred& sixty eight poles and thence East by North half a point Northerly one hundred and thirty four poles next ye: land of John Barns and thence in a line which runs South South East three quarters of a point Easterly or South South East & by South one quarter of a point Southerly two hundred & eighty poles next ye: land belonging to Lieut. Colonel Daniel Jenifer and thence North East by North one hundred and ninety poles also next other land belonging to ye: sd. lieut. Colonel Daniel Jenifer which moiety, of sd. tract called ye: "Nightingale" bounded as aforesd, hereby given, granted, sold, aliened, released & confirmed unto the sd. Alexander Warrington, his heirs & assigns for ever by the above mentioned John Warrington is the moiety which is the northern part according to a certain division formerly made & agreed by & between the above said Alexander Warrington and Walter Warrington, brother to the sd. Alexander. To have and hold the sd. one hundred acres, being the moiety of the afore sd. tract called the "Nightingale" according to the sd. division, with all & singular the houses, buildings, orchards, gardens, woods, under woods, waters. water courses, and all singular other benefits, emoluments, commodities & advantages to ye: sd. bargained one hundred acres of land and premises belonging to or in any use appertaining to ye: use & behoof of him the sd. Alexander Warrington, his heirs & assigns for ever free and void of and from all manner of former gifts, grants, bargains, sales, engagements or other encumbrances what so ever of him the said John Warrington with warranty unto the sd. Alexander Warrington, his heirs & assigns fully, freely, peaceably, quietly to have and to hold & enjoy, possess & employ & improve all & singular the afore bargained hundred acres & premises thereto belonging and appertaining or any part parcel or portion thereof by from or under him the sd. John Warrington, his heirs, execr's., admr's. or assigns for ever. In
witness whereof the sd. John Warrington hath hereunto set his hand and
affixed his seal the day & year first above written.
John F Warrington ss
Sealed & delivered in presence of William Foster John Lurton
within Deed of Sale of Land was acknowledged in open Court of Accomack
County by John Warrington as his act and deed to Alexander Warrington April
ye: 1st 1718. Which ye: Court admitted to record.
Teste: Cha. Snead Clk. Crt. Accomack
Recorded April ye: 8th 1718 Pr. Cha. Snead Clk. Crt.
Deeds, Wills & Etc. 1715-1729 Page 102 (a copy) To
All To Whom this present writing shall Come. Know Ye: that I Sarah Warrington,
Lawful wife of John Warrington within mentioned for divers, good causes
and considerations, me thereunto moveing do release and quit claim unto
Alexander Warrington within mentioned, his heirs & assigns for ever
all my right, title & interest of dower that I now have or that may
or shall by any way or means hereafter become due in or to the within mentioned
premisses (sic) and that I and my heirs and all and every other person
or persons claiming any right, title or interest by, from or under me unto
the said within premisses may & shall be for Ever debarred & excluded.
In Witness whereof I have these presents set my hand & seal this the
thirty first day of March Anno Dom One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighteen.
Serye ~ Warrington Signed, sealed & delivered in
the presence of ..........
The within relinquishment: of dower was acknowledged in open Court by Sarah Warrington ye: Lawful wife of John Warrington as her voluntary act & deed to Alexander Warrington April ye: 1st: 1718 which yr. Court Admitted to Record. Recorded April ye: 8th; 1718. Teste Cha. Snead Cl: Cur....Com Pr. Cha. Snead Cl: Cur: Accom'k.
Deeds, Wills & Etc. 1715-1729 Pg 102 (a copy) This Indenture made the Thirty-first day of March in the fourth year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland. King Defender of the Faith & C Anno Dom 1718 Between John Warrington of Accomack County in the Colony of Virginia on ye one part and Walter Warrington of the said County, Planter, on the other part. Witnesseth that the sd. John Warrington for divers, good Causes & Considerations, me thereunto moving as well as for and in consideration of Two Thousand pounds of Tobacco to him the said John in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Walter Warrington whereof and wherewith the said John Warrington doth hereby own & acknowledge himself fully contented & truly satisfied and thereof and from every part or parcel thereof doth acquit, exonerate and discharge the said Walter Warrington, his heirs, execr's. & admr's. by these presents hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, release and confirm unto the said Walter Warrington, his heirs and assigns for ever all his right, title, use, estate, reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders of in and to one hundred acres of land, being one moiety of a certain tract of land called the "Nightingale" containing two hundred acres situate, lying & being in Accomack County, formerly purchased of Lewis de Chevalier, alias Knight, by Stephen Warrington father of said John and Walter as by a certain deed of sale dated the Third day of June Anno Dom. 1689 relation thereunto being, had, may & doth more fully and at large appear which said tract called the "Nightingale" as afsd. lieth bounded as followeth viz: Beginning
in a line next the land of James Furbish running therein South East one
hundred & sixty eight poles thence East & by North halfe a point
Northerly one hundred and thirty four poles next land of John Barns and
thence in a line which runs South South East three quarters of a point
Eastly by South South East & by South one quarter of a point Southerly
Two hundred and Eighty poles next the land belonging to Lieut. Colonel
Daniel Jenifer an thence North East & by North one hundred & ninety
poles also next other land belonging to the said Lieut. Colonel Daniel
Jenifer which moiety (of sd. tract called the "Nightingale" bounded as
afsd:) hereby given, granted, sold, aliened, released, & Confirmed
unto the said Walter Warrington, his heirs & assigns for Ever by the
above mentioned John Warrington is the moiety which is the southern part
according to a certain division formerly had made and agreed on by &
between the above said Walter Warrington and Alexander Warrington, brother
to the said Walter. Including the plantation where the above Lewis de Chevalier
alias Knight formerly lived. To have and to hold the sd. one hundred acres,
being the moiety of afsd; Tract Called the "Nightingale" according to the
division above mentioned with all and singular houses, buildings, orchards,
gardens, fences, woods, under woods, waters, water courses, and all singular
other benefits, emoluments, commodities & advantages to the sd. one
hundred acres of land and premisses belonging or in any use appertaining
to the use and behoof of him the sd. Walter Warrington, his heirs and assigns
for ever free and void of and from all & all manner of former gifts,
grants, bargains, sales, Engagements or other encumbrances what so ever
of him the sd. John Warrington. With warranty unto ye: sd. Walter, his
heirs, Admr's. & assigns fully, freely, peacefully and quietly. To
have, hold and enjoy, possess, employ & improve all and singular the
adsd. bargained premisses against all & all manner of persons lawfully
claiming to have, hold or enjoy the sd. pre-bargained hundred acres and
premisses thereto belonging & appertaining or any part or portion thereof
by, from, or under him ye: said John Warrington, his heirs, execr's., admr's.,
or assigns for ever. In witness whereof the said John Warrington hath here
unto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.
John F Warrington SS Signed Sealed & Delivered in Ye: presents of William Foster, John Lurton. The within deed of sale of Land was acknowledged in open Court of Accomack County by John Warrington as his act and deed to Walter Warrington April Ye: 1st 1718. which Ye: Court admitted to record. Teste: Cha. Snead Cl. Crt. Accomack Recorded April Ye: 8th 1718 Pr.
Cha. Snead Cl. Crt.
Deeds, Wills & Etc. 1715-1729 Part 1 Page 103 To
all to whom this present writing shall come. Know Ye: that I Sarah Warrington,
Lawful wife of John Warrington, within mentioned, for divers, good Causes
& Considerations me thereunto moving do release, quit claim unto Walter
Warrington within mentioned, his heirs & assigns for ever all my right,
title and interest of any means hereafter become due in or to the within
mentioned premisses dower that I now have or that may or shall by any way
and that I & my heirs & all and every other persons claiming any
right, title, or interest by, from under or under me unto Ye; sd. within
premisses may and shall be for ever barred and excluded. In witness where
of I have to these presents set my hand & Seal this Thirty First day
of March Anno Dom. one Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighteen.
Serye W Warrington SS
Signed Sealed & delivered in
the presence of.....of Accomack County.
Wills & Etc. 1715-1729 Part 2 Page 311 (A copy) To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come. I Joseph Gunter of Accomack County send Greeting. Know ye that I Joseph Gunter for and in consideration of the love, goodwill and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving friend Sarah Warrington of the same County, have given and granted and by these presents do fully, freely and clearly and absolutely give and grant unto the said Sarah Warrington, her heirs and assigns all that one certain piece and parcel of land containing Eighty acres more or less being and bounding upon Gargatha Rode (sic) and John Lurton and John Warrington situate and together with all the right, title, interest and claim and demand what so ever which I now have or which any or either of my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may hereafter have of to claim the said granted premises or any part thereof and to hold the said parcel of land before mentioned unto her the said Sarah Warrington, her heirs and assigns forever, absolutely without any manner of condition as I the said Joseph Gunter have fully, freely and absolutely and of my own accord set and put in further testimony. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of April 1729. his Joseph I Gunter mark Sealed and delivered in the presence of Jacob Lurton and Robert Taylor At a court held for Accomack County April 1st 1729, this deed was presented & acknowledged in open court by Sarah Warrington & the same is admitted to record. Teste. John Jackson Clk. of Court
Deeds & Wills 1729 - 1737 Part 1 (a copy) Page 33 To all christian people to whom these presents shall come that I Stephen Warrington of Accomack County send greeting. Know ye: that I Stephen Warrinton for and in consideration of the love, good will and affection which I have and do bear toward my loving brother John Warrington of the same County have given and granted and by these presents do fully, freely, clearly and absolutely give and grant unto my loving brother John Warrinton, his heirs and assigns all one certain piece and parcel of land belonging to me given by my father's Last Will and Testament containing one hundred acres not divided from one hundred acres more belonging to my brother situate and together with all the right, title, interest, claim and demand what so ever which I now have or which any or either of my heirs, executors administrators or assigns, may hereafter have of to or in the said granted premises or any part thereof. To have and to hold the said parcel of land before mentioned unto him the sd John Warrinton, his heirs and assigns forever, absolutely without any manner of conditions as I the said Stephen Warrinton have fully, freely and absolutely and of my own accord set and put in further testimony. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. his Stephen X Warrinton mark Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us. George Cutler - Daniel Cutler
At a Court held for Accomack County the 5th day of August 1729, Stephen Warrinton in open Court presented and acknowledged this, his Deed to John Warrinton & the same is admitted to record. Teste: Jno' Jackson Clerk of Court.
Deeds & Wills 1729 - 1737 Part 1 Page 83 (a copy) This indenture made the second day of June, Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and Thirty between Walter Warrington of Accomack County in Virginia, Planter, of the one part & John Wimbrough of the same County & Collony, Planter, of the other part. Witnesseth that the aforesaid Walter Warrington for divers, good causes and considerations & more especially for and in consideration of fore thousand pounds of tobacco in hand paid to the said Warrington at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof the aforesd Walter do hereby acknowledge and all and every part and parcel thereof doth forever clearly & absolutely acquit, discharge & exonerate the aforesd John and his heirs forever hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened enfeoffed and confirmed like as he doth by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoffed and confirm to the aforesaid John Wimbrough, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid at or near a place Kecotank containing by estimate one hundred acres of land, bulted (sic) & bounded in manner following viz: Easterly on the land of Bartholomew Mears, Westerly on the land of Joseph Bell, Northerly on the land of Bennet Mason & Southerly on the land of Thomas Bonnewell, together with all houses, orchards,fences, waters, water courses, swamps, marshes and covenants all and singular to its members and appurtenances what so ever thereto belonging or appertaining to have and to hold the aforesaid John Wimbrough, his heirs & assigns forever. And the aforesaid Walter Warrington for him selfe, his heirs, executors & administrators doth further covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the aforesaid John Wimbrough, his heirs, executors, & administrators that he the aforesaid Walter Warrington hath full power & good authority to sell and convey the above bargained land & premises in manner and form aforesaid & he the aforesaid Walter at and before the ensealing of these presents hath a good estate in fee simple in the above bargained land & premises and from henceforth it shall and may be lawful for the aforesaid John Wimbrough, his heirs & assigns forever to use, occupy, possess & enjoy the aforesaid lands with the appurtenances without any let hinderance molestation or eviction of him the aforesaid Walter Warrington or his heirs forever & the rents and profits thereof to the only proper use behoofe of him the said John Wimbrough & his heirs forever to take and uplift and for the better and further ensuring the premises the aforesaid Walter Warrington doth for himselfe and his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant, promises, grant and agree to and with the said John Wimbrough, his heirs and assigns forever, that he the aforesaid Walter the above land and bargained premisses with all and singular it's members and appurtenances what so ever to the aforesaid John Wimbrough, his heirs and assigns forever against the claim and title of all persons what so ever claiming by what title or right so ever free and clear of all incumbrances will by these presents forever warrant & defend. In testimony whereof the partys aforesaid have to this present indenture interchangeably set their hand & seals the day and year above written. his Seal Walter K Warrington (**) mark
Sealed and delivered in presence of, be it remembered, that the day and year above written livery & seizin of the above mentioned land & premises was duly made in the presence of... Know all men by those presents that I Arrnasha Warrington lawful wife of the within mentioned Walter Warrington for several good causes & considerations have remitted, released & forever quit claimed like as I do by these presents remit, release and forever quit claim to the within named John Wimbrough, his heirs & assigns for ever all my right title & interest in & to the within bargained land & premises with all and singular it's members and appurtances so that I the aforesaid Arrnasha from all right of dower or thirds at common law will be forever hereafter excluded & delanded (sic) by these presents. In witness whereof I have to these presents affixed my hand and seal this second day of June anno domini seventeen hundred & thirty. Her Seale Arrnasha X Warrington (FF) Mark Sealed and delivered in presence of ... At a court held for Accomack County the 2nd June 1730..... Walter Warrington in open court presented and acknowledged this his deed to John Wimbrough at whose motion it is admitted to record & Arrnasha Warrington his wife being first privately examined relinquished her right to dower of on and to the land in the said deed mentioned. Recorded Teste: John Jackson Clerk of Court Teste: " " " " "
Wills and Deeds District Court 1789-1799 Page 100 This Indenture made this twelfth day of July, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Three, between Jacob Burton and Martha his wife of the Parish and County of Accomack of the one part and James Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witness that the said Jacob Burton and Martha his wife for the consideration of twenty pounds current money of Virginia Jacob Burton and Martha his wife paid by the aforesd James Warrington at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , have bargained, sold and enfeoffed, confirmed and do by these presents bargain, sell, enfeoff and confirm unto the sd James Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever a Sertain (sic) tract or parcel of land lying on the Parish and County of Accomack bounded as follows (viz.) On
the Eastward side by John Richardson's land, on the Southward by Jacob
Ross and Joacain M Ceal, (sic) [probably Michael] on the Westward by George
Croswell and so adjoining to Messongo creek containing by estimation eighty
acres more or less, a right in the great marsh of ten acres adjoining thereto
the said tract. To have and to hold the above bargained & granted premises
with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the
said John Drummond his heirs and assigns forever and no other use or purpose
or intent whatsoever and for the only use and purpose of the sd James Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever, and the above said Jacob Burton and Martha
his wife hereby covenants to and with the sd James Warrington that they
the sd Jacob Burton and Martha his wife the above bargained premises with
all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the sd James
Warrington his heirs and assigns forever against themselves & all other
persons by from or under the said Jacob Burton and Martha his wife them
by these presents warrant & forever defend.
In testimony whereof the said Jacob Burton and Martha his wife hath hereunto sett their hands and seals this the day & year above written. His Jacob X Burton (Seal) (Seal) Mark
Signed sealed and delivered in presence
of us John Logan, Wm. Warrington, John Taylor
At a District Court held in Accomack Court House the 15 October, 1994, this Indenture of bargain & sale from Jacob Burton to James Burton was acknowledged in court by the said Jacob Burton as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Truly recorded teste Edmund Bayly C.A.C.
Wills & Deeds District Court 1789-1799 Page 127 This Indenture made the Twentieth day of January Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five between James Warrington and wife Comfort of the Parish and County of Accomack of the one part and John Drummond of the aforesd place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James Warrington and wife Comfort for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Three pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the aforesd John Drummond before the unsealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold, enfeoffed, confirm and by these present bargain, sell, eneoffe and confirm unto the said John Drummond, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Parish and County afore said and bounded as followeth (viz;) On the east by John Richardson's land; On the southward by Jacob Ross and Joakim Merial's (probably Michael) land; And on the westwards by the lands of George Groswell and so adjoining Messongo Creek containing by estimation Eighty five acres be the same more or less and a right in the Great Marsh of Ten acres adjoining thereto the said tract. To have and to hold the above bargained and granted premises with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said John Drummond, his heirs and assigns forever. And we hereby covenant to and with the afsd John Drummond that they the said James Warrington and Comfort his wife, their heirs and assigned the above bargained premises with all and singular appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said John Drummond, his heirs and assigns forever against themselves and all other persons by from or claiming under them, their heirs assigns forever and we the afore said James Warrington and Comfort his wife doth will, warrant from them, their heirs forever the afore said bargained premises as it is above described and bounded unto the said John Drummond, his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof the said James Warrington & wife hath hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written. James Warrington (=+=) Comfort Warrington (=+=) Seal Seal Signed sealed and delivered in present
of Thomas Alexander - John Marshall - Stephen Ardis - Jno McLain
At a District Court held in Accomack Court House the 16th day of May 1795, this Indenture from James Warrington and Comfort his wife to John Drummond the said Comfort being first privately examined and apart from her husband and voluntarily consenting thereto and by them severally acknowledged in Court which is ordered to be recorded. Truly recorded Teste: Edmund Bayley C. D. C.
Deed Book 1 Page 114 This Indenture made the Twenty Sixth day of September Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine between John Warrington of Accomack County in the Colony of Virginia, Planter, of the one part and Robert Elliott of the County and Colony aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the aforesaid John Warrington for and in consideration of the quantity of One Hundred bushels of good sound Indian Corn to me in hand paid before the sealing and delivery hereof by the said Robert Elliott the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied and contented, hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed. And the said John Warrington doth hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, eneoffed and confirm unto the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less and is bounded southeast on the land of Sarah Warrington bought of Joseph Gunter, easterly on the land of Philip Fenn, westerly on the land of John Warrington, deceased, bought of Charles Leatherbury, being northerly by a line running from Wild Cat Swamp along a path from Sarah Warringtons to Gargathey Road. To have and to hold all and singular the above demised premises with every its members and appurtenances to the aforesaid Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever and to no other use or uses whatsoever and the foresaid John Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth hereby for the better assuring of the premises to the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever, covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever that he the said John Warrington at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents is and stands seized and possessed of the said tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less in good and indefeazable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and that the said John Warrington hath good rightfull power and lawfull authority to sell and convey the same to the said Robert Elliott in manner and form aforesaid and that the same is free and clear of all former gifts, grants, mortgages, extents, judgements, dowers, executions, and all other incumberances what so ever then the yearly quit rent for and in respect of the premises henceforth growing due and payable to the Kings Majesty, his heirs and successors and the said John Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, doth futher covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever that the said John Warrington the aforesaid tract of land containing one hundred acres be the same more or less free and clear of all former incumberances what so ever against the claim, title and interest of all persons to the said Robert Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever. Will warrant and defend by these presents in testimony whereof I the said John Warrington have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written. John Warrington (=+=) Seal Sealed and delivered in the presence of Stephen Fitzgerrald, Thomas Bagwell, Eyre Stockley. At
a Court held for Accomack County Sept. 26th 1739, John Warrington presented
and acknowledged the within Indenture to Robert Elliott as his act ans
deed and by the Court admitted record previous to which Sary the wife of
the said John, privately examined as the law directs and voluntarily relinquished
her right of dower to the same lands contained in said Indenture. Geo.
Holden C.A.C. Truly recorded Test: Geo. Holden Clerk At court.
Deeds Book 1 Page 246 This indenture made the 24th day of November in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King defender of the faith & etc. Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty One, between George Warrington of the County of Accomack in the Colony of Virginia, Planter, of the one part and Ann Clemens, widow, of Northampton in the same Colony of the other part. Witnesseth,
that the said George Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of
Twenty Five Pounds One Shilling cash Virginia currency to him, the said
Warrington, in hand paid before the ensealing & delivery of these presents,
by the said Ann Clemens wherein and whereof the said George Warrington
doth concur and acknowledge himself fully contented and if truly satisfied
and whereof and from every part and parcel thereof doth acquit, exonerate,
and discharge the said Ann Clemens, her heirs, executors & administrators
by these presents, hath given, granted, bargained & sold, aleined,
released & confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, alien,
bargain, sell, release and confirm unto the said Ann Clemens, her heirs,
and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation
one hundred acres more or less situate and lying in the County of Accomack
in the Colony of Virginia near Kekotank called the Nightingale. Abutted
and bounded in manner following viz. Easterly on the land of John Wimbough
and Westerly on the land of Joseph Bell and Jacob Bishop, North and by
West on the land of Bennet Mason and South on the land of Bartholomew Mears
etc. To have and to hold the said one hundred acres of land more or less
with all and singular the houses, orchards, gardens, fences, woods, under
woods, water, water courses, and all and singular the other benefits, commodities,
and advantages to the said quantity of land belonging or in any wise appertaining
to the use and behoof of her the said Ann Clemens, her heirs, and assigns
forever free and void of, and from all and all manner of former gifts,
grants, bargains, sale, engagements, or other encumbrances what so ever
of him the said George Warrington with warranty unto the sd Ann Clemens,her
heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns fully freely, peaceably and
quietly. To have, hold, enjoy, possess, employ & improve all and singular
the aforesd bargained land & premises against all and all manner of
persons lawfully claiming any right, title or interest and to have, hold
& enjoy the aforesd bargained land & premises thereto belonging
or any use appertaining or any part parcel or portion thereof by from or
under him the said George Warrington, his heirs, executors, administrators
or any other person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said
George Warrington hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the
day and the year first above written.
George Warrington (...) Seal Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Webb, his her Jacob X Shepherd Esther E Shepherd. mark mark At a court held for Accomack County, November 24th, 1741, George Warrington presented and acknowledged the within indenture to be his act and deed to Ann Clemens & by the court admitted to record. Previous to which Agnes, the wife of the sd George was previously examined, as the law directs, & voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the lands comprised in the said indenture truly recorded. Teste; George Holden Clerk of Court. (Author's note. George Warrington was the son and heir of Alexander Warrington, son of Stephen, and his wife Anne. Agnes, the wife of George, was a Truitt (Trewet) from Worcester County, Md. Her parents were not found. George Warrington and Agnes Truitt were married on Sept. 29, 1739. Their children were Alexander, Anne, Agnes, George and Esther Warrington.)
Deeds & Etc. No 1 Page 436 To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting; Know Ye that I Churchill Darby, Planter, Senr. of Accomack County in the Colony of Virginia for and in consideration of One Hundred and Six Pounds Ten Shillings cash Virginia currency to me in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery hereof by Stephen Warrington, Planter, Senr. of the same County and Colony the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself herewith fully satisfyed (sic) and contented and thereof and every part and parcel thereof do exonerate, acquit and discharge the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs, executors, and administrators forever by these presents. Have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed & by these presents do freely, fully and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto Stephen Warrington, his heirs, and assigns forever one certain messauge and tract of land containing by estimation One Hundred and Forty acres more or less. Situate lying and being in Accomack County aforesaid near a branch commonly called Little Pungoteague Branch and butted and bounded as followeth: Easterly on the lands of John Tankred (sic); Southerly on the land of John Evans; Westerly on the land of Robert J. Hudson; and Northerly on the land of Mason Abbott. To have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the appurtenances, privileges & commodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever. and I the said Churchill Darby for my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant, promise and Grant to and with the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns that before ensealing hereof I am the true, sole and lawful owner of the above bargained premises and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same in mine own proper right as a good, perfect and absolute estate of inheritance and have in myself good right , full power and the lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm the said bargained premises in manner as above said. And that the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs & assigns. Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by virtue of these presents lawfully, peacefully and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said devised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, Wills, entails, Jynters (sic), dowries, judgements, executors, incumbencies & troubles whatsoever. And I the said Churchill Darby do further covenant and bind myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, firmly by these presents to warrant and defend the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs, and assigns in quiet and peaceable possession of all and singular the said granted premises against any just and lawful claim of any person or persons what so ever. In witness whereof, I the said Churchill Darby, have hereonto set my hand and seal this fifth day of January and in the eighteenth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Four. Churchill Darby SS his seal In the presence of Thomas Webb, his his George D Darby, Robert K Hudson mark mark Memorandum
- that Livery and Seizer of the above bargained land and premises was delivered
by Turf (sic) and Teirg (sic) and Latch of the doors of the houses according
to law from the above named Churchill Darby to Stephen Warrington, afsd
in the presence of us Thomas Webb Custis Darby (sic)N. B. the inter linings
was done before the ensealing & delivery of these presents.
At a Court held for Accomack County January 29th, 1744. Churchill Darby presented and acknowledged the within to be his act & deed to Stephen Warrington & by the Court admitted to record. Previous to which Anne his wife was privately examined as the law directs & voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the lands comprized (sic) therein. Teste: Geo. Holden Cl.of Crt. Truly
recorded. Teste: Geo. Holden Clk.
1. Churchill Darby, the son of Dormand Darby, was originally from Northampton County, Va. In 1731 Churchill and his wife Anne sold 125 acre of land, an inheritance from Churchill's uncle Churchill Darby, of Daniel, to Churchill's cousin William Darby of Northampton. (Whitelaw) Churchill and Anne had apparently migrated from Northampton County, to Accomack County, the previous year and purchased the 140 acres, in the above mentioned deed, from Elizabeth (Eyre) [Abdill] Stott and her husband William Stott. (Whitelaw) Elizabeth Eyre had inherited 300 acres of land from her mother Martha Eyre, widow of Benjamin, via her brother Regnall (Regnold) Eyre circa 1709. Elizabeth and her first husband John Abdill had sold the other 160 acres of the 300 acres to John Tankard circa 1713. (Whitelaw) Martha
Eyre, widow of Benjamin, had purchased 300 acres of land from Daniel Jenifer
in 1689. The deed from Jenifer for the 300 acres was to Martha for life
and then to her son Regnall. In 1709, Regnold left the land to his sisters
Martha and Elizabeth Eyres. Elizabeth inherited the whole 300 acres. (Whitelaw)
2. Stephen Warrington, the recipient of the land in the above deed, was the son of John Warrington, of Stephen, and his first wife Margaret Fenne. Stephen Warrington's wife was a Tabitha, surname unknown. 3. In 1745, Stephen Warrington and his wife Tabitha left a Plantation acquired from John Nock called "Messongo" and the above deeded 140 acres of land from Churchill Darby to two of their sons Abbott and Stephen Warrington. Years later, 1775, the land was in the possession of Elizabeth Warrington, the daughter of Stephen and Tabitha's son Abbott and his wife Elizabeth Millechoppe.
Deed Book No 1 Page 442 This Indenture made this XXVI th day of January in the year of our Lord MDCCXLIV. Between John Lindsay (sic) of the County of Accomack couzin (sic) and heir-at-law of Richard Dickinson late of the said County, deceased, of the one part & John Warrington of the same County, Planter, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Lindsey for and in consideration of Five Hundred pence in County commodities to him by the afore said John Warrington in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold & by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto him the said John Warrington and to his heirs and assigns forever all his, the said John Lindsey's right, title and interest of in and to One Hundred Acres of land lying and being on the Gargatha road in the said County of Accomack, being that Plantation and tract of land which was formerly conveyed by Anne Dickinson of the said County, widow, to the aforesaid Richardson, her son, as by Deed recorded in the court of the said County of Accomack relation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear and the aforesaid richard dying without heirs or making any disposition thereof as appeareth, the same is become vested in him the aforesaid John Lindsey as being his heir-at-law. To have and to hold the aforesaid right, title & interest of the said John Lindsey of in and to the aforesaid One Hundred Acres of land together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the aforesaid John Warrington and to his heirs and assigns forever, freed and discharged & from the claim and demand of him the said John Lindsey, his heirs, and assigns or any other person or persons claiming by from or under him, them or any of them. In witness whereof the said John Lindsey hath hereunto put his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. his John X Lindsey SS Seal mark Sealed and delivered in the presence of Jas. Michael Bonnewell, Stephen Fitzgerald and George Holden At a Court held for Accomack County January 31 st 1744, John Lindsey presented and acknowledged the within indenture to be his Act & Deed to John Warrington & by the court admitted to record. Teste: George Holden Clerk at Court. Truly recorded Geo. Holden Clk.
within Relinquishment of Dower was acknowledged in open Court of Accomack
County by Sarah Warrington the Lawful wife of John Warrington as her voluntary
act and deed to Walter Warrington April ye: 1st 1718. Which Ye: Cor't.
admitted to Record.
Recorded April Ye: 8th 1718 Pr. Cha. Snead Cl. Cor't. Cout'y. Cha. Snead Accomack Deed Book No 3 Part 1 Page 125 (Abstract) This Indenture made this 26th day of August Anno Domini MDCCLX between Henry Lurton and Sabra his wife of Accomack County of the one part and Benjamin Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth; Henry Lurton and his wife Sabra sell to Benjamin Warrington for the sum of Seventy Pounds current money of Virginia all that parcell or part of land lying and being in Accomack County near Pungoteague on Gargatha Road running along the said Road to Robert Parker's line and along the said Robert's line to John Lusher's (Probably Luker's) binding hill. I come to John Revell's on the North East and Northerly on the land of Capt. Henry Scarburgh North East on the land of Levin Window and Easterly on John Windows. Including Eighty Seven acres of land more or less. It being that part or parcell of land with the appurt's. that Jacob Lurton, departed father of the afore sd Henry Lurton did by his Deed of Gift bearing date the Twenty Seventh day of January MDCCLIV Give and grant unto his afore said Son, Henry Lurton as may appear. To have and to hold the afore said parcell of land as afore said described with all the appurt's. unto the same belonging or any way or sort appertaining unto the said Benjamin Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever. The deed has the hand (signatures) and seals of Henry Lurton and Sabra Lurton. The Deed was sealed, signed and delivered in the presence of James Rogers - Zorababel Rogers - Richard West August 26th day 1760. Then received of Benjamin Warrington the sum of Seventy Pounds current money of Virginia. Teste: James Rogers - Zorababel Rogers - Richard West. At a Court held for Accomack County Sept. 30th 1760 Henry Lurton and Sabra his wife presented and acknowledged the within Indenture as their act and deed to Benjamin Warrington. The same is admitted to record. The said Sabra being first privately examined as the law directs & voluntarily consenting thereto. Truly recorded Geo. Holden C.O.C. Deed Book No 3 Part 2 Page 703 This Indenture made the Twenty eight day of August in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy between Arthur Rowley of Accomack County of the one part and Rebecca Warrington and Rhoda Warrington, daughters and co-heirs of Alexander Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said Alexander being seized in fee of a parcel of land situate in the County afsd being the lands whereon he lived and by his contract of sale of fifty acres, part thereof which part is situate on the Suthernmost side of the road that leads from the line of Virginia to Oak Hall the said contract not being performed by a Conveyance from the said Alexander unto the said Author. In order to confirm the same Deed by his Last Will and Testament in writing devise the same unto the said Arthur but the rough mistake of writing the said Will did devise a larger quantity than was intended by the said contract and the said Arthur being willing to rectify the said mistake and to recover the over plus so divised unto the said two daughters of the said Alexander agreeable to the intentions of the Will of the said Alexander for which consideration of the sum of One Shilling current money to the said Arthur by the afsd Rebecca & Rhoda paid at and before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he hereby doth acknowledge hath bargained, sold, demised, release and forever quit claim unto the said Rebecca & Rhoda, their heirs and assigns forever all his right and title of in & to all that part of the lands so as afsd to him devised which is bounded and described as followeth: Beginning at a marked white oak, lately marked as the division between the said Arthur and the said Rebecca & Rhoda, thence by a line of marked trees South sixty six degrees East fifty eight pole to the County Road thence Southerly down the road to William Patterson's land thence along the said Patterson's land to the lands of Waggoman thence with and by Waggonman's line to the first beginning. To have and to hold the said bargained and demised premises with the appurtances unto the said Rebecca & Rhoda to be equally divided between them and their heirs for ever agreeable to the intention of the Will and the Testament of the said Alexander to and for the use, benefit & behoof of the said Rebecca and Rhoda & their heirs and assigns forever as afsd and for no other use, intent or purpose what so ever. In witness whereof the said Arthur to those presents to his hand hath set and seal affixed the day and year first above written. Arthur Rowley (=+=) Seal Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us. At a Court held for Accomack County August 28th 1770. Arthur Rowley acknowledged the within Indenture to be his act and deed to Rebecca & Rhoda Warrington and admitted to record. Geo. Holden C.A.C. Truly recorded- Geo Holden Clerk Court Accomack
Deed Book No 4 Page 127 This indenture made this Twenty Second day of august in the year of Our Lord MDCCLXXII between John Potter and Rhoda his wife of Accomack County in the Colony Of Virginia of the one part and Southy Warrington of the same place, Planter, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Potter & Rhoda his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy One pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Southy Warrington the receipt whereof the said John Potter and his wife Rhoda hath given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, & sell unto the said Southy Warrington his heirs and assigns forever, all that tract or parcel of land whereon the said Southy now lives on beginning at a marked gum at the North East end of John Potters' plantation running from thence 04 Es-- 136 poles to George Drummond's land from thence running along the said Drummond's line to a marked maple 124 poles from thence SS 1/2 W 100 poles to a marked gum binding on Daniel Mifflin's land from thence with a right line to the first being laid out for Seventy One acres. Together with all the woods, ways, profits and advantages, hereditaments (sic)& appurtenances there unto belonging or in any manner appertaining. To have and hold the afore said tract of land with all and singular the premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any matter appertaining to him the said Southy Warrington his heirs and assigns forever and to no other use, intent or purpose what soever and the said John Potter and his heirs executors, administrators, covenant and agree to and with he and the said Southy Warrington his heirs and assigns forever. That the said John Potter and his heirs will warrant and defend by these presents the afore said bargained premises with the appurtenances unto the said Southy Warrington from the claim, title or demand of any person or persons what soever. In testimony whereof the said John Potter and Rhoda his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first written. John Potter SS Rhoda Potter SS
Signed , sealed and delivered in
the presence of Henry Fletcher Spencer Drummond
At a Court held for Accomack County August 25th 1772, John Potter and Rhoda his wife presented and acknowledged the within indenture to be their act and deed to Southy Warrington and admitted to record. The said Rhoda being first privately examined as the law directs and voluntarily consenting. Geo. Holden C.C.C. Truly recorded Geo. Holden Clrk.
Deed Book No. 4 Page 404
This Indenture made the 29th day of December Anno Domini MDCCLXXIV, between John Warrington & Susannah his wife of the Parish of St. George and County aforesaid of the one part and Stephen Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said John and Susannah for and in consideration of the sum of
One Hundred Pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand well and truly
paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Have and each of them
hath and by these presents do and each of them doth grant, bargain, sell,
align, enfeoffed and confirmed unto the said Stephen Warrington and to
his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land, devised
unto the said Susannah by the Last Will and Testament of her former husband
Jonathan Savage, dec'd. Situate in the County and Parish aforesaid near
to Anancock. To have and to hold the said bargained premises with the appurtenances
unto the said Stephen Warrington his heirs and assigns forever, to the
only proper use, benefit & behoof of the said Stephen Warrington his
heirs & assigns forever and to other use, intent or purpose what so
ever and the remainder and reversion of the said premises & every part
In witness whereof the said John
and Susannah have hereunto interchangeably their hands Sett and Seal affixed
the day and year above written.
John Warrington (Seal) Susannah Warrington (Seal)
Sealed and delivered in the presence
of ..S..
George III , by the grace of God,
of Great Britan, France & Ireland, King and defender of the faith &
etc. To Isaac Smith, Thomas Teackle, John Smith & Tully Robinson Wise
whereas John Warrington & Susannah his wife have by this indenture
of bargain & bearing date the 29th day of December conveying the fee
simple estate of and in a parcel of land lying in Accomack County near
Onancock which was devised to the said Susannah by Jonathan Savage, dec'd,
her former husband. And whereas it is represented to us that the said Susannah
cannot conveniently travel to our court house of our said county to make
her acknowledgement thereof. Therefore we command, you or any two of you,
that you go to the house of the said John Warrington and examine the said
Susannah separately and apart from the said John her husband whether she
doth freely and voluntarily without the persuasion of her said husband
and whether she be willing that the same should be recorded in our court
in our said County of Accomack & having privately examined her as aforesaid
and received such acknowledgement as she shall be willing to make before
you, you find and certify us thereof under your hands and seals returning
to us in our said Court the said Indenture & this writ. Witness Littleton
Savage Clerk of our said Court the 29th day of December in the XX th year
of our reign.
Littleton Savage Clerk of Court
virtue of the within Commission to us directed, We went personally to the
house of the within named John Warrington and examined Susannah his wife
separately and apart from the said John her husband who declared that she
acknowledged the Indenture hereto annexed & within mentioned as her
act and deed & that she did the same freely & voluntarily without
his persuasion or threats, And that she was willing the same should be
recorded in the County Court of Accomack all which we certify to the worshipful
the Justices of Accomack Court this XXIX day of December 1774, under our
respective hands & seals Isaac Smith (Seal) Thomas Teackle (Seal)
a Court held for Accomack County February 1st 1775 John Warrington presented
and acknowledged the within Indenture as his act and deed to Stephen Warrington
& the same together with the Commission for the private examination
of Susannah the wife of the said John & the certificate of the Commissioners
thereon endorsed, returned and admitted to record.
Ex. Littleton Savage Clerk of Court
Deed Book No 4 Page 405 This Indenture made this First day of February Anno Domini MDCCLXXV, between Stephen Warrington of the Parish of St. George & County of Accomack aforesaid Planter of the one part & John Warrington of the same place of the other part Planter. Witnesseth that the said Stephen for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Seventy Five Pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand were and truly paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, sold, aliened, and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain sell, alien and confirm unto the said John Warrington & to his heirs and assigns forever, all that piece or parcel of land situate & being in the County aforesaid at the head of one of the southern branches of Onancock Creek which Jonathan Savage, by his last Will and Testament bearing date of XXIV day of July MDCCLXXIV, devised to his wife Susannah who afterwards intermarried with the said John Warrington party hereto and the said John & Susannah by their Deed bearing the date the XXIX day of December MDCCLXXIV, conveyed to the said Stephen to have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereonto belonging unto the said John Warringto, his heirs & assigns forever to the only purpose, use, benefit and behoof of the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and to no other use intent or purpose what so ever, freed & discharging from all manner of Incumberances what so ever and the said Stephen for himself, his heirs and assigns, doth covenant, grant and agree to & with the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever that at any times hereafter when thereunto required by the said John, his heirs or assigns, will at the proper costs & charge of the said John, his heirs or assigns make do and execute or cause to be made done & executed any further or other act or thing or things requisite and necessary for the further & more effective conveying the premises and vesting the fee simple estate thereof in the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever as by him or them, his or their councel learned in law, shall be reasonably devised, advised or required. In Testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeably their hands sett & seals affixed the day and year first above written. Signed sealed & delivered in
presence of..
Stephen Warrington SS At a Court held for Accomack County February 1st 1775, Stephen Warrington presented and acknowledged the within Indenture as his act and deed to John Warrington and admitted to record. Littleton Savage Co. Clk. Acc. Co. Examined.
Deed Book No 5 Page 10 This
indenture made this twenty first day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Seventy Seven between William Savage of Accomack County for Virginia,
Blacksmith, and Sarah Savage his wife of the one part and John Warrington
of the same County, Planter, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said
William Savage and Sarah his wife for the consideration of the sum od Fifty
Pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said John
Warrington the receipt thereof the said William Savage and Sarah his wife
hath granted bargained & sold and confirmed and by ye these presents
doth grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said John Warrington, his
heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land in Accomack
County, in Virginia containing by estimation twenty five acres of land
be the same more or less adjoining Easterly on the main county road and
Northerly on the said John Warrington's land and Westerly on James Warrington's
land. The line begins at the head of the branch between John Warrington's
land and James Warrington's land and runs up to the great wood to lay off
the above twenty five acres. To have and to hold the said twenty five acres
of land with the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining
to him the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns to the only proper
use and behoof of him the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever.
And the said William Savage and Sarah his wife for themselves, their heirs
the said land and acquitts against them and their heirs and against all
and every other person whatsoever unto the afore said John Warrington,
his heirs and assigns, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these
presents. In witness whereof said William Savage and Sarah Savage, his
wife hath hereonto sett their hands and seals the day and year first above
William Savage (Seal) Sarah her
X mark Savage (Seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of George Cutler Zorbabel his X mark Edwards At a Court, continued, held for Accomack County, July 30, 1777. The within indenture from William Savage, dec'd. & Sarah his wife to John Warrington was presented & proved to be the act and deed of the said decedent by the oaths of subscribing witnesses thereto. And also the oath of the said Sarah, his widow, and admitted to record. She being first examined as the law directs & relinquished her right of dower comprised in the land in the said indenture mentioned. Examined Littleton Savage Clerk
of Court
1. The John Warrington in this indenture was probably John Warrington, designated III by the writer, the son of John Warrington II and his wife Mary Fowkes (Fooks). 2. William Savage was not identified. 3. The land is believed to have been part of the Jenkins land that John Warrington, I inherited from his grandfather John Jenkins circa 1685. His son John Warrington II sold a portion, 100 acres of the land to Robert Elliott circa 1739. If you believe Whitelaw, Robert Elliott sold to a James Poolman who sold to Charles West. Robert Elliott's son Thomas Elliott purchased it from Charles West. Thomas and his wife Elizabeth sold to Joseph Jeffries, who sold to Benjamin Floyd. In 1773, Benjamin Floyd and his wife Margaret sold to William Savage. By the above deed, This small tract was then back in the possession of John Warrington III, John Warrington I's grandson. John Warrington II, in his will of 1755, left the balance of the land to his son John III. 4. William Savage died between March 1, 1777, and July 30, 1777. 5. It is believed that John Warrington III died circa 1790.
Deed Book No 5 Page 200 This Indenture made the Tenth day of December, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Nine between Elizabeth Warrington late of the County of Accomack, but now of the County Northampton of the one part and George Bundick of the said County of Accomack of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Elizabeth Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Two Thousand and Five Hundred pounds current money of Virginia to her the said Elizabeth by the said George Bundick in hand paid before the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said George Bundick, his heirs and assigns forever, half that plantation Messangos and tract of land on the sea bound in the Parish and County of Accomack aforesaid formerly the right of a certain Stephen Warrington, decd., Grandfather of the said Elizabeth, but now vested in the said Elizabeth his grand daughter and heir, containing by estimation seventy five acres, be the same more or less and bounded as followeth: Northerly on the lands of George Abbott; easterly by the lands of Samuel Taylor's orphan; southerly by the lands of William Nock and westerly by the land of Ezekiel Tatham, together with all rights, title, claims, interests, privledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging and appertaining to have and to hold the hereby granted and intended to be granted plantation Messango and tract of land with all rights, title, interests, privledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging and appertaining on rights to belong or appertain to the said George Bundick, his heirs and assigns forever as fully and amply and completely to all intents and purposes as the same as ever at anytime been held by the said Elizabeth as any of her ancesters. To the only proper use and advantage of the said George Bundick, his heirs and assigns forever and for no other intent or purpose what so ever and the said Elizabeth Warrington for her self, her heirs and assigns forever, doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said George Bubdick, his heirs and assigns forever that she the said Elizabeth Warrington, her heirs and assigns forever shall and will at any time or times hereafter at the reasonable request and at the proper costs and charges in the law of the said George, his heirs or assigns, make do or suffer or cause to be made, done or suffered any other further Deed or division the law for the better ensuing the premises with the appurtenances unto the said Bundick in fee simple as by his counsel learned in law shall reasonably advised, devised or required and that she the said Warrington, her heirs, and assigns forever the seventy five acres of land more or less with its appurtenances unto the said George Bundick, his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim and demand of all and every person or persons what so ever claiming or hereafter to lay claim to the premises or any part thereof shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In testimony whereof the said Elizabeth
have hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal the same day and year above
Elizabeth Warrington SS
sealed and delivered in presence of us, Parker Barnes and William Bundick
witnesses thereto. Littleton Savage Clk.
at a Court held for Accomack County March 28th 1780, this Deed was fully
proved by oath of Leah Barnes another witness thereto and ordered to be
recorded. Littleton Savage C.C.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 6 Page 65 This Indenture made this 23rd day of December Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three, between George Ironmonger and Mary his wife of Accomack County, Virginia of the one part and Stephen Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said George Ironmonger and Mary his wife for and in consideration
of the sum of Twenty One Pounds Ten Shillings to them in hand well and
truly paid by the said Stephen Warrington at and before the ensealing and
delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.
And also for the further consideration of the said Stephen undertaking
and engaging to pay all charges that hath or may hereafter accrue for the
repairing of a certain water grist mill and the appurtenances therunto
belonging, which said mill hath been and now is repairing. They, the said
George Ironmonger and Mary his wife hath given, granted, bargained and
sold and do by these presents give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said
Stephen Warrington the one half or morety of the said water grist mill
above mentioned together with the appurtenances thereunto, belonging, lying
and being in St. Georges Parish adjoining the lands of John Warrington
and Charles Leatherbury on the one side and the lands of Levin Joynes of
the other, being the whole of that part of the said water grist mill conveyed
unto the said Mary Ironmonger by the Last Will and Testament of her father
Major Ironmonger, late of the County, deceased. To have and hold the hereby
granted and bargained premises together with the acre or acres of land
and all other their half or morety of the said acre or acres of land together
with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said Stephen Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever to the only purpose, use, benefit and behoof
of the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and to or
for no other use, intent or purpose what ever, subject never the less and
be it always understood that the one half of morety of the said water grist
mill hereby conveyed, is subject to the dower of Catherine Ironmonger widow
of the said Major Ironmonger, deceased, during her natural life anything
herein contained to the contrary not withstanding and the said George Ironmonger
doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators covenant
and agree to and with the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns
that he, the said George, his heirs or assigns shall and will at any time
or times hereafter at the reasonable request of the said Stephen, his heirs
or assigns make do or suffer or cause to be made, done or suffered any
other or further deed or device in the law for the better insuring of the
said mill with the appurtenances unto the said Stephen Warrington, his
heirs and assigns as by him or them his other counsel learned in the law
shall be reasonably addressed, devised or required and further the said
George Ironmonger doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators
covenant and agree to and with the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and
assigns that he the afore mentioned granted and bargained premises together
with the appurtenances. That is to say the one half or morety of the said
water grist mill and the appurtenances subject as aforesaid to the dower
of the said Catharine Ironmonger against all and every person claiming
or to lay claim to the same or any part thereof, except the dower of the
said Catharine Ironmonger during her natural life in the said one half
or morety of the said water grist mill, shall and will warrant and forever
defend. In testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereonto
set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above mentioned.
George Monger (Seal) Molly Monger
Signed sealed and delivered in presence
of John Grannis Samuel Outten Abraham Outten
The Commonwealth of Virginia to John Custis, Tully Wise & Abraham Outten Gentlemen. Greetings, whereas George Ironmonger and Mary his wife have by their certain indenture of bargain and sale dated the 23rd day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three, sold and conveyed unto Stephen Warrington the fee simple estate of land in one half or morety of a water grist mill together with appurtenances lying and being in Accomack County and Parish of St George's and whereas the said Mary cannot conveniently travel to the Court House of the said County to make acknowledgement of the conveyance contained in the said Indenture which is hereto annexed. Therefore you or any two of you are hereby empowered to receive the acknowledgement which the said Mary will be willing to make of the said conveyance and you are hereby commanded to go to the house of the said George, her husband, and examine the said Mary privately and apart from the said George, her husband, and whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasion or threats and whether she be willing the same should be recorded in the Court of the said County. And when you have received her acknowledgement and examined her as aforesaid and that you distinctly and plainly certify the same under your hands and seals to the said Court. Lending then there the said Indenture and this writ, Witness: Littleton Savage Clerk of the said Court at the Court House this 31st day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three in the eighth year of the Commonwealth. Littleton Savage Clerk January 2nd 1784, agreeable to the within commission to us directed. We the subscribers attended the house of George Ironmonger and examined the said Mary privately and apart from her husband. She freely and voluntarily consenting to convey the same and being willing that the deed should be recorded. Certified under our hands and seals this 2nd day of January 1784, Tully Wise Abraham Outten At
a Court held in Accomack County February 24, 1784, this Indenture was acknowledged
by the said George as his Act and Deed and together with the Commission
annexed and the certificate of the execution thereof ordered to be recorded.
Littleton Savage Clerk of Court Examined
Deed Book No 6 Page 462
Indenture made this Twenty Seventh day of March in the year of our Lord
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven, between John Pepper Taylor
of Accomack County in the State of Virginia of the one part and William
Warrington of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said John P. Taylor for and in consideration of the sum of twenty
five pounds current money of Virginia to himself in hand paid by the said
William Warrington before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof
the said John doth hereby acknowledge hath given, granted, bargained and
sold and doth hereby grant, bargain & sell to the said William Warrington
heirs and assigns forever fifty acres of land with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging being a part or morety of a tract left me by my father, bounded
on the west by lands of William Paradice on the south by my brother Joseph's
division and on the east by the lands of Saul Marshall. To have and to
hold the said fifty acres of land with the appurtenances to the said William
Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and to no other use or uses what
so ever and the said John P. Taylor and Elizabeth his wife themselves,
their heirs, executors, administrators, doth hereby covenant with the said
William Warrington, his heirs, administrators and assigns that we have
good right to grant, bargain and sell the said fifty acres of land with
the appurtenances to the said William Warrington, his heirs and assigns
forever in manner and form aforesaid and that he the said John P. Taylor
and Elizabeth his wife and their heirs, forever the same to the said William
Warrington, his heir and assigns forever against all persons, claims and
titles what so ever and will forever warrant and defend by these presents.
In Testimony whereof the said John P. Taylor and Elizabeth hath hereunto
set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.
John P. X Taylor SS His mark Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Major Benson - George Corbin - Jacob Waterfield -Michael Robins - Robert Evans - Peter Delastatius. At a Court held in Accomack County July 31st 1787, this Indenture was proved by the oath of George Corbin, Michael Robins and Peter Delastatius witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded. Littleton Savage Cl. of Ct. Exam'd.
Deed Book No 6 Page 443 This Indenture made this Twenty Eighth day of November in the year Seventeen hundred and Eighty Six, between Edmund Turlington of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and Benjamin Warrington of Sussex county and State of Delaware of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Edmund Turlington for and in consideration of the sum of twenty four pounds specie of the currency of the State of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Warrington before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and for divers, good causes and considerations him thereunto moving hath given, granted, bargained, sold, released and quit claim unto the said Benjamin Warrington in all his right, claim and demand to him the said Warrington, hid heirs and assigns forever and the said Turlington doth hereby warrant and defend the said goods and chattels as follows, Viz: Two beds and furniture, one cow and calf, two linnen wheels and sic chairs, two iron pots, one blue chest, six pewter plates and one dish, a parcel of earthen ware, two washing tubs, one table, one skillet, one frying pan, a parcel of trifles unto the said Benjamin Warrington or his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Edmund Turlington hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day year first above written. Edmund Turlington SS Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Hickman Sr. - James Wise - Thomas Hickman. At a Court held in Accomack County June 26th 1787, this Indenture was proved by the oath of Thomas Hickman & James Wise, witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded. Littleton Savage C C of Ct.
Deed Bk 6 Page 479 This Indenture made this 26th day of June 1787, between Henry Scarbugh of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and Stephen Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Henry Scarbugh for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Six pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Henry Scarbugh have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece of land lying and being in St. George's Parish in the said County containing fifteen acres to be bounded as follows, Viz: Joining Thomas Bayly Bradford's line and the land lately held by William Tizaker. To have and to hold the hereby granted and bargained premises together with the appurtenances unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever for the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and to or for no other use, intent or purpose what so ever and the said Henry Scarbugh doth for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns that the said Henry Scarbugh the before mentioned and bargained land and premises together with the appurtenances unto him the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim, title and interest of and every person claiming or to lay claim to the same or any part thereof from by or under him the said Henry Scarbugh or his heirs shall and will warrant and forever defend. In Testimony whereof the said Henry
Scarbugh have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year
above written,
Henry Scarbugh SS Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Charles Elliott - Isiah Evans - Henry Custis. At a Court held in Accomack County
Sept. 25th 1787, this Indenture was acknowledged by the said Henry Scarbugh
as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined - Littleton Savage
Deed Bk No 7 pg 154 October 1, 1787, Daniel Welburn, late of Halifax County and State of North Carolina, sells to William Warrington, for the sum of ten pounds of current money of Virginia, a certain tract and parcel of land containing fifty acres, be the same more or less situate, lying and being in Accomack County of Virginia and belted and bounded as followeth: On the South by Joseph Pepper Taylor's lands and on the West by the aforesaid Daniel Welburn's lands and on the North by John Pepper Taylor's lands, on the East by Soloman Marshall's lands. Daniel Welburn warrants the land against any claims and specifically sites any claims by heirs of Hill Drummond. Signed and sealed by Daniel Welburn in the presence of John Gillett, Lewis Linton, James Gillett and Joseph Gillett. December 26, 1788, The above Deed was acknowledged by John Gillett, Thomas Berry, Niel Laferty, John McLean and Micajiah Mears. December 30, 1788, the above Deed was partially proved by the oath of Thomas Berry and Micajiah Mears witnesses thereto. Teste: Littleton Savage Clerk of Court. April 29, 1789, This indenture was further proved by the oath of John Gillett another witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage Clerk of Court.
Deed Bk No 7 pg 163 February 13, 1789, Stephen Warrington of Accomack County, State of Virginia and his wife Susanna sell to John Hannaford of the same county and state, for the sum of 25 pounds, a certain tract and parcel of land being in the county aforesaid and containing fifteen acres and bounded Easterly on the lands of Polly Tizaker, Northerly on the land of Levin Rodgers, Westerly on the land of Levin Rodgers and southerly on the land of Thomas Bradford. Signed and sealed in the presence of John MacGowan. April 30, 1789, The above indenture
was acknowledged by the said Stephen Warrington and his wife Susanna and
was ordered to be recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage, Clerk of court.
Deed Bk No 7 pg 426 January 21, 1791, Joseph Pepper Taylor and Grizal his wife, of the Parish and County of Accomack and State of Virginia sell unto William Warrington, of the Parish and County aforesaid, for the sum of ninety three pounds and twelve shillings current money of Virginia, one hundred and four acres of land, be the same more or less belonging, being the whole of the residue of the aforesaid Joseph's lands that fell to him by the Last Will and Testament of his father James Taylor, the said one hundred and four acres of land being belted and bounded as followeth: South East on the lands of Solomon Marshall and by the lands of Joseph Feddeman being part of the aforesaid Joseph Pepper Taylor's land purchased by the aforesaid Feddeman, on the West by the lands of John Gillett and on the North by the lands of the aforesaid William Warrington being part of the same tract of land that the aforesaid William Warrington purchased of John Pepper Taylor. Signed and sealed by Joseph Pepper Taylor and Grizal Taylor in the presence of Smith Melson, Isaac Richardson and James Benson. January 26, 1791, This indenture
was acknowledged and ordered recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage Clerk of
Deed Book No 7 pg 525 March 15, 1791, Benjamin Warrington and Rachel his wife of Sussex County, Delaware, in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds Virginia currency granted, bargained and sold unto Noah Belote of Accomack County, State of Virginia, a certain tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Accomack and Parish of Saint George. Containing by estimation about eighty acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: Easterly and Southerly on the lands of Zorobabel Rogers which he purchased of John Parker, deceased. Westerly on the lands of Edward Revell and Northerly on the lands of Rachel Watson, being the lands which once belonged to a certain George Warrington brother to the aforesaid Benjamin Warrington. Signed and sealed by Benjamin Warrington and Rachel Warrington in the presence of William Harris, Dammery Dix and Isaac Dicks of Sussex County, Delaware. March 15, 1791, Rachel Warrington the wife of Benjamin Warrington, grantor within named, who being privately examined and of full age doth declare say that she signed, sealed and delivered the above Deed of her own free will without the compulsion of her husband or any other person whatever and acknowledged the same to be her own free act and deed and is willing that the same be recorded. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal the day and year above written J. Hollock seal, Edward Dingel seal Commissioners Delaware State, Sussex County. August 3, 1791, Be it remembered that William Harris and Isaac Dix came into court of Common Pleas at Lewes in and for the County aforesaid and there made oath in due form that the sd Benjamin Warrington and Rachel Warrington signed, sealed and delivered the within deed for the use and purpose therein mentioned and that they saw Dammery Dicks subscribe her name thereto as a witness and they at the same time as two other witnesses to the same.In testimony whereof I have caused the publish Seal of my office to be hereunto affixed. Nathaniel Mitchell Prothy. August 30, 1791. This indenture was proved and ordered recorded. (On the basis of Oaths of witnesses and actions of Court of Common Pleas Lewis, Sussex County, Delaware.
Deed Book No 7 pg 687 January 13, 1792, This Indenture between John Broadwater, executor of the Last Will and Testament of William Broadwater, deceased, and James Warrington and Comfort his wife of the Parish and County of Accomack on the one part and Custis Jenkinson of the same place on the other part witnesseth that the said John Broadwater for the consideration of thirty nine pounds, eleven shillings and nine pence current money and the said James Warrington and Comfort his wife for the further consideration of twenty pounds like money to them paid by the said Custis Jenkinson, the above John Broadwater, James Warrington and Comfort Warrington, his wife, did bargain and sell unto the said Custis Jenkinson a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the Parish and County of Accomack, bounded as followeth viz. on the East and South East on the lands of Thomas Fitchett formerly Willson's, on the South the lands of Elias and Joseph Broadwater, on the West by the lands of William Broadwater, deceased, and on the North by Euwamus's branch and part of the tract or parcel of land belonging to the above said William Broadwater, deceased, which the said William left to be sold in his Will and Testament. Reference being had thereto and which the said James Warrington and Comfort his wife claimed as their right of dower, by virtue of the said Comfort's intermarriage with William Broadwater, deceased,the father of the said William Broadwater above, deceased, containing forty eight acres of land. In testimony whereof John Broadwater, James Warrington and Comfort Warrington, his wife, have set their hand, sealed and delivered in the presence of George Marshall, Ralph Jenkinson, Caleb Broadwater, Elias Broadwater and Thomas Custis. January 30, 1792, The Commonwealth of Virginia to William Selby, Walter Bayne, William Downing and Thomas Custis. The above indenture was presented and partially proved. Comfort Warrington not being able to conveniently travel. Two of those present were empowered to obtain an acknowledgement from Comfort Warrington. June 29,1792, Witnessed and recorded
this date by Littleton Savage clerk of Court.
Deed Book No 7 Page 708 This Indenture made this thirteenth day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Two between Southy Northam and Keziah his wife and Major Notham and Rebecca his wife of the county of Accomack of the one part and Teackle Warrington of the Parish and county aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Southy Northam and Keziah his wife and Major Northam and Rebecca his wife for and in consideration of Eighty Pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid before the sealing and delivery, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, hath bargained and sold and doth hereby bargain and sell unto the aforesaid Teackle Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever eighty acres of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate, lying and being in the parish and county aforesd & on the head of Messongo, it being part of the land the aforesaid Southy Northam bought of John Potter beginning at William Vessels ditch. Thence with a straight line to Beaver Dam Gut Bridge at the road. Thence down and with the road to a small ditch. Thence up the ditch to a run or waterfall betuich the main Plantation and Corbin Ridge. Thence to a certain corner tree a white gum, thence to a corner tree of Elijah Northams and Southy Northams and Comfort Warrington to include eighty acres of land with a small piece of marsh more or less. To have and to hold the eighty acres of land to the only proper use & behoof of him the said Teackle Warrington and his heirs forever and no other use what so ever. And the said Southy Northam and Keziah his wife and Major Northam and Rebecca his wife doth further covenant and agree to and with the said Teackle Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever that the lands afsd with the appurtenances thereunto belonging will warrant and forever defend against all persons lawfully begotten of their body claiming any right, title or interest in or to the same by from or under them or any of them. In
Testimony hereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the
day and the year above written.
Southy Northam SS seal Major Northam SS seal Rebecca Northam SS seal Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Solomon Johnson - George Warrington - Arthur Watson. At a Court held in Accomack County October 30th 1792, this Indenture was acknowledged by Southy & Major Northam and Rebecca his wife as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The sd Rebecca having been first privately examined as the law directs and voluntarily consenting thereto. Teste: Littleton Savage Clk Examined
Accomack County F's. Then received of Teackle Warrington Eight Pounds current money of Virginia in part of pay of a mortgage that Southy Northam give me on his land for One Hundred Pounds. This money was paid for eight acres of said land received per me Henry Fletcher Sr. Witness: George Warrington At a Court held in Accomack County October 30th 1792. This receipt was proved by the oath of George Warrington a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage Clk Examined Deed Book No 7 Page 709 This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Two between Teackle Warrington and Esther his wife of the county and parish of Accomack of the one part and George Warrington of the county and parish afsd of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Teackle Warrington and Esther for and consideration of the sum of Sixty Five pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid before the sealing and delivery the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, hath bargained and sold and doth hereby bargain and sell unto the afore sd George Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever Sixty Nine acres more or less of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Situate, lying and being in the parish and county afsd on the head of Messongo. It being the land that formerly belonged to Southy Warrington, beginning at the head of Jacob Taylor's land and binding on Mifflins and Baylys and Elijah Northams. To have and to hold the Sixty Nine acres of land with the appurtenances to the said George Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever to only proper use and behoof of him the sd George Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever and no other use or uses what so ever and the said Teackle Warrington and Esther his wife doth further covenant and agree to and with the said George Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever that the land aforesaid with the appurtenances thereunto belonging will warrant and forever defend against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming any right, title or interest in or to the same by him or under him them or any of them. In Testimony hereof we have hereunto interchangeably set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year first above written. Teackle Warrington SS Esther X Warrington SS her mark Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us: Arthur Watson - Major Northam - Solomon Johnson At a Court held in Accomack County October 30th 1792, this Indenture was acknowledged by the said Teackle and Esther his wife as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The said Esther having been first privately examined as the law directs did voluntarily consent thereto. Teste: Littleton Savage Clk. Exam'd
Deed Book No 8 Page 180 This Indenture made the second day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Four, by and between Teackle Warrington and Easter Warrington of Accomack County & State of Virginia of the one part & William Vessels Sr. of the same place & County afsd & State of Virginia of the other part. Witnesseth that the afsd Teackle Warrington & Easter Warrington, his wife for and in consideration of the sum of One Pound Six sterling current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William Vessels Sr. the receipt whereof in full is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained & sold and by these presents doth fully and absolutely grant, bargain & sell unto the afsd William Vessels Sr., his heirs and assigns forever one acre of land more or less concluding eighteen feet wide joining on the land of Major Northam running down to the beaver dam bridge together with all and singular all the appurtenances of every king to the afsd acre of land or whatever is thereunto belonging or appertaining to the afsd William Vessels, his heirs and assigns forever, that the afsd Teackle Warrington and his heirs forever shall forever warrant and defend the afsd William Vessels Sr., his heirs and assigns forever in the lawful, quiet & peaceable possession of the afsd acre of land bounding as afsd & together with all & singular every appurentance against all persons claiming by any right or title whatsoever prior to this present writing of Indenture. In testimony whereof we Teackle Warrington & Easter Warrington, his wife, have interchangeably set our hands and affixed our seals this the Second of May in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Four. Teackle Warrington SS Esther Warrington SS In the presence of us Walter Vessels, William Vessels, Teackle Shay At a Court held for Accomack County Aug. 25th 1794, This Indenture was acknowledged by the sd Teackle and Esther as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The said Esther being first examined as the law directs and voluntarily consenting thereto. Littleton Savage CCC
Deed Book No 8 Page 476 This Indenture made the fourth day of May Anno Domini One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ninety Six between William Warrington of Accomack County and Parish of the one part and Thomas Warters of the same county and parish of the other part. Witnesseth that the aforesaid William Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds current money to the said William Warrington in hand well and truly paid by the aforesd Thomas Warters at or before the execution hereby the receipt whereof the said William Warrington doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied and contented with have given, granted, bargained & sold and so by these presents give, grant, bargain and sell unto the aforesaid Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land of William Warrington and on the East by the lands of Solomon Marshall and Spencer Warters. To have and to hold the aforesaid land and unto the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever but to the only proper use of him the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns and the said William Warrington for himself, his heirs and assigns forever doth hereby covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns for ever that he the said William Warrington is possessed of a good estate in fee simple and that he hath good right and lawful authority to convey the said premises with all and singular appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any respect thereto appertaining unto the aforesaid Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns for ever and the said William Warrington doth further covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever that he will forever defend the premises aforesaid against the just, lawful claim od any person or persons what so ever legally claiming the same or any part thereof by him or under him the said William Warrington will forever warrant and the same forever defend by these presents. In Testimony whereof the said William Warrington have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal. William Warrington SS Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of William Welburn Daniel Ardis John Smith
At a Court held in Accomack County October 31st 1796. this Deed from William Warrington to Thomas Warters was acknowledged by said William as his act and deed & ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Littleton Savage
Deed Book No 10 Page 64 This deed made this 22nd day of October Anno Domini One Thousand Eighteen Hundred, between James Taylor, son of Jacob, & Catharine his wife, Teackle Taylor & Comfort his wife, Ayres Taylor & Rachel his wife, George Warrington & Susanna his wife, Southy Lucas & Naomy his wife, Charles Whealton & Polly his wife, Henry Taylor and Mary Taylor, widow of Jacob Taylor, of the one part & Taylor Owens of the other part. Witness that the above James Taylor & Catharine his wife, Teackle Taylor & Comfort his wife, Ayres Taylor & Rachel his wife, George Warrington & Susanna his wife, Southy Lucas & Naomy his wife, Charles Whealton & Polly his wife, Henry Taylor & Mary Taylor for and in consideration of five shillings current money to them paid by the aforesaid Taylor Owens and the condition hereafter to be performed by the aforesaid Taylor Owens, have bargained, sold and enfeoffed & confirmed and do by these presents bargain, sell, enfeoff & confirm unto the aforesaid Taylor Owens, his heirs & assigns forever all right, title & interest of & in a certain tract or parcel of land & being in the County of Accomack (Messongoes) adjoining the lands of John Hall, Eli Duncan's heirs, Coll. Thomas Baylies and the land belonging to the heirs of Daniel Mifflin, supposed to be fifty acres more or less (which said land was formerly willed to Scarbrough Owen during his life by Jacob Taylor's Will appear) by the records of the County of Accomack. To have and to hold the above bargained, granted premises with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the aforesaid Taylor Owens, his heirs & assigns forever and for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever and the above said James Taylor & Catharine his wife, Teackle Taylor & Comfort his wife, Ayres Taylor & Rachel his wife, George Warrington & Susanna his wife, Southy Lucas & Naomy his wife,Charles Whealton & Polly his wife, Henry Taylor & Mary Taylor, for themselves, their heirs and all persons claiming by, from or under them unto the said Taylor, his heirs & assigns. Will by these presents warrant and forever defend provided never the less that whereas there is a suit instituted by the aforesaid Taylor against the executor of the estate of Jacob Taylor for a certain negro which the said Taylor supposed was his right. Now if the said Taylor Owens shall withdraw his said suit & pay his own cost, and receive his proportionable part of the personal estate of his father-in-law Jacob Taylor after settling the said estate then in this case this present deed shall stand good and be confirmed. In testimony whereof the above James Taylor & Catharine his wife, Teackle Taylor & Comfort his wife, Ayres Taylor & Rachel his wife, George Warrington and Susanna his wife, Southy Lucas & Naomy his wife, Charles Whealton & Polly his wife, Henry Taylor & Mary Taylor hath hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day and year above written. Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of ..... James X Taylor (Seal) George Warrington (Seal) Teackle Taylor (Seal) Ayres X Taylor (Seal) Rachel Taylor (Seal) Susanna X Warrington (Seal) Naomy X Lucas (Seal) Southy Lucas (Seal) Catharine X Taylor (Seal) Charles Whealton (Seal) Comfort Taylor (Seal) Henry Taylor (Seal) Mary X Taylor (Seal) Author's note: X's
above indicates his or her mark. No signature for Polly Whealton was observed
on Mr Bell's notes.
a Court held in Accomack County February 23rd 1801, This deed from James
Taylor & Catharine his wife, Teackle Taylor & Comfort his wife,
Ayres Taylor & Rachel his wife, George Warrington & Susanna his
wife, Southy Lucas & Naomy his wife, Charles Whealton & Polly his
wife, Henry Taylor & Mary Taylor to Taylor Owen was acknowledged by
the said parties by their act and deed. The said farm coverts being first
privately examined, as the law directs, did voluntarily agree thereto and
ordered to be recorded.
Examined Teste: Littleton Savage Clerk of Court Accomack
Deed Book No 10 Page 166 Know all men by these presents that I James Warrington of the Parish and County of Accomack in the State of Virginia for and in consideration of Sixty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by William Selby of the same place the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained, sold and delivered and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver unto the said William Selby all my present crop of corn and fodder, my two horses a bay & gray, my negro woman called Nancy, all my hogs and stock of every kind, all my household furniture and farming utensels, all my geese, turkeys & dunghill fowl. To have and to hold the said bargained premises unto the said William Selby, his heirs, executors, administrators & assigns against all persons will and forever warrant and defend by these presents. The condition of the above bill of sale is such and the true intent and meaning thereof is that if the sd william Selby shall run to any expense trouble by being security to a recognizance of Sixty pounds for the said Warrington good behaviour to the Court of Accomack County then the sd William Selby is authorized hereby to advertise and sell the said property until the sd Selby is satisfied for whatever expense the said Selby may be run to, and if any money shall be over satisfying the sd Selby it is to be returned to the sd Warrington or his heirs. In Testimony whereof I the said James Warrington have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this last day of February Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and One. James Warrington SS his seal Testis John Selby - John Henderson At a Court held in Accomack County September 28th 1801. This bill of Sale from James Warrington to Wm. Selby was further proved by the oath of John Selby a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Exam'd. Teste: Littleton Savage Clk
Deed Book No 10 Page 167 This Indenture made this the 28th day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and One by Teackle Warrington and Esther Warrington his wife of the County and Parish of Accomack in the State of Virginia on the one part and Jacob Northam of the same place and County aforesd on the other part. Witnesseth that the afore said Teackle Warrington and Esther his wife for and in consideration of the just sum of Four Hundred dollars to them in hand paid by him the afore sd Jacob Northam before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged that the said Teackle Warrington and Esther his wife hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the afore said Jacob Northam, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever a certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in Accomack County afore said in Virginia on the head of Messongoes it being part of the tract of land that the afore said Warrington bot of Southy Northam and Major Northam containing by estimation Eighty acres be the same more or less bounding adjoining and running as follows: Beginning at the mouth of William Vessels ditch thence running a straight course to Beaver Dam Gut Bridge running from thence up the road to a line generally called Peggy thence down the line between Southy Northam and George Warrington to the aforesaid Beaver Dam Gut thence up the gut to the aforesd Bridge thence running down the road to the mouth of a road that leads between the afsd Teackle Warrington and Major Northam thence bounding on Major Northam, Elijah Northam and George Warrington running to a line pine a corner tree thence running North between the afsd Teackle and George Warrington up to the lands belonging to the heirs of Richard Drummond decd. binding on William Vessels so as to include Eighty Acres be the same more or less with all and singular all the appurtenances belonging thereunto or in any use appertaining to have and hold the afsd bargained and devised premises unto the afore said Jacob Northam, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and farther the above Teackle Warrington and Esther Warrington his wife for themselves, their heirs and assigns doth by these presents covenant and firmly agree to and with the afsd Jacob Northam, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns that they will warrant and forever defend the afore said aforesd bargained, granted and devised premises either themselves, their heirs or assigns and all & every person or persons what so ever from by or under them as above mentioned to him the said Jacob Northam, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to have hold and possess interest and quietly and peaceably enjoy the aforesaid granted, bargained and devised premises forever without any disturbance, interruption or molestation whatever. In Testimony whereof the aforesaid Teackle Warrington and Esther Warrington his wife hath set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written. Teackle Warrington SS Seal Esther X Warrington SS Seal her mark Signed, sealed, acknowledged and delivered in the presence of.... At a Court held in Accomack County Sept. 28, 1801. This Deed from Teackle Warrington & Esther his wife to Jacob Northam was acknowledged by the sd Teackle & Esther as their act and deed. The said Esther being first privately examined as the law directs did voluntarily consent thereto and ordered recorded. Teste: Litt. Savage Clk Exam'd.
Deed Book No 10 Page 216 This Deed made this the 3rd of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and One by and between Walter Beavans of Accomack County in the State of Virginia of the one part and Teackle Warrington of the County and State aforesd of the other part. Witnesseth that the aforesd Walter Beavans for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Ten pounds lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by Teackle Warrington aforesd at and before the sealing and delivery thereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given, granted and sold by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Teackle Warrington, his heirs and assigns the following tract or parcel of land, to wit: Containing One Hundred acres more or less being and lying in the County of Accomack and the State of Virginia and bounded as follows, to wit: On the S. Ws'ly (Mr. Bell's note must mean N, W.) by the lands of William Beavans, on the S.W. by the lands of John Core, on the S.E. by the lands of William Waterfield, on the N.E. by the lands of john Johnson's heirs, James Collins & Ralph Jenkins. To have and to hold the afsd tract or parcel of land containing One Hundred acres more or less together with the improvements thereon and all rights, privledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the afsd Teackle Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and the afore sd Walter Beavans doth covenant and with Teackle Warrington that he had a good and clear estate in fee simple and to the afors'd tract or piece of land with the appurtenances and he will for himself, his heirs, exor's, admr's and assigns forever warrant and defend the same against all and every person or persons claiming or to lay claim to the same. In Testimony whereof the said Walter Beavans hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first written. Walter Beavans SS Seal Signed sealed and delivered in presence of P. Barnes - Ann Abbott - James J. Abbott At
a Court held in Accomack County January 25th 1802. This Deed from Walter
Beavans to Teackle Warrington was acknowledged by the said Walter as his
act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage Clk. Exam'd.
Deed Book No 10 Pg 339 Accomack
County to wit: I Keziah Warrington do hereby liberate, set free, for and
during the term of my natural life a negro man slave called Damon, who
was given me by my deceased husband James Warrington during my life and
then to be free, hereby releasing all claim, right, title & interest
that I have or may have in said negro during term. Given under my hand
ans seal this, the first day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred &
Keziah Warrington SS
Court held for Accomack County the 27th day of December 1802. This Deed
from Keziah Warrington, to her slave Damon, was presented and acknowledged
by the said Keziah as her act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Litt. Savage Clk. Examd.
Deed Book No 8 Page 476 This Indenture made the fourth day of May Anno Domini One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ninety Six between William Warrington of Accomack County and Parish of the one part and Thomas Warters of the same county and parish of the other part. Witnesseth that the aforesaid William Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds current money to the said William Warrington in hand well and truly paid by the aforesd Thomas Warters at or before the execution hereby the receipt whereof the said William Warrington doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied and contented with have given, granted, bargained & sold and so by these presents give, grant, bargain and sell unto the aforesaid Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land of William Warrington and on the East by the lands of Solomon Marshall and Spencer Warters. To have and to hold the aforesaid land and unto the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever but to the only proper use of him the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns and the said William Warrington for himself, his heirs and assigns forever doth hereby covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns for ever that he the said William Warrington is possessed of a good estate in fee simple and that he hath good right and lawful authority to convey the said premises with all and singular appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any respect thereto appertaining unto the aforesaid Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns for ever and the said William Warrington doth further covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Warters, his heirs and assigns forever that he will forever defend the premises aforesaid against the just, lawful claim od any person or persons what so ever legally claiming the same or any part thereof by him or under him the said William Warrington will forever warrant and the same forever defend by these presents. In Testimony whereof the said William Warrington have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal. William
Warrington SS
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of William Welburn Daniel Ardis John
At a Court held in Accomack County October 31st 1796. this Deed from William Warrington to Thomas Warters was acknowledged by said William as his act and deed & ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Littleton Savage
Deed Book No 10 Page 357 This Deed made this 13th day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two, between Teackle Warrington and his wife Esther Warrington of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and Thomas Collins of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Teackle Warrington and Esther Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy pounds current money of the state aforesaid in specie to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Collins, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents give, grant, bargain and sell and confirm unto the said Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever thirty three acres of land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid and bounded as follows to wit; Thirty acres of land in the woods bounded on the South side by the land of John Cord, on the East side by the land of Caleb Duncan, on the North side by the land of James Collins, with three separate acres bounded on the East side of the said Teackle Warrington's land, bounded on the North side by the land of John Johnson and on the West side by William Waterfield, on the South side by the lands of John Cord. To have and to hold the said Thirty Three acres of land with appurtenances thereunto to him the sd Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever to and for their use and benefit and for none other whatsoever and the said Teackle Warrington doth covenant that he hath good and clear estate in fee simple to the sd Thirty Three acres of land with the appurtenances afore said and that he will for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, warrant and defend the same land and its appurtenances to the said Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever to and for no other use and benefit and for no other use, intent or purpose whatever forever from the claim or demand which can or may be set up by any person or persons whatever to the said Thirty Three acres of land and its appurtenances or any part thereof. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Teackle X Warrington SS seal his mark Esther X Warrington SS seal her mark Executed in presence John Custis - Robert Twiford - Edward Gunter The Commonwealth of Virginia to John Custis and David Bowman, Gentlemen greeting. Whereas Teackle Warrington of the County of Accomack and Esther his wife by their certain Indenture of bargain and sale bearing date the 13th day of November 1802 have sold and conveyed unto Thomas Collins of the same County the fee simple estate of thirty Three acres land lying and being in the county aforesaid and where as the said Esther cannot conveniently travel to our Court of our said County to make acknowledgement of the said conveyance we do give you or any two more of you power to receive the acknowledgement which she the said Esther shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance afore said contained in the said Indenture which is hereto annexed and we do therefore command you that you do personally go to the said Esther and receive her acknowledgement of the same and examine her privately and apart from the said Teackle, her husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasion or threats and whether she be willing that the same shall be recorded in our said County Court and when you have received her acknowledgement and examined her as aforesd that you distinctly and openly certify us thereof in our said County Court under your hands and seals sending them there the said Indenture and this writ. Witness Littleton Savage clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse of the said County the 29th day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two. Littleton Savage C.A.C. By virtue of this Commission to us directed, we the subscribers have examined Esther the wife of the above names Teackle Warrington in manner and form as the said Commission requires and have received her acknowledgement of the Indenture Hereunto annexed which said Indenture she acknowledged freely and voluntarily without the persuasion or threats of said Teackle her husband and that she was willing the same should be recorded in the Court of Accomack County which we do certify to the said Court under our hands and seals the 29th day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two John Custis seal - David Bowman seal At a Court held for Accomack County
the 31st day of January 1803. This Deed from Teackle Warrington and Esther
his wife to Thomas Collins was presented and acknowledged by the said Teackle
as his act and deed and with the commission annexed. certificate of the
execution thereof is ordered to be recorded. Teste: Littleton Savage C.
A. C. Exam'd.
Deed Book No 10 Page 370 This Deed made this the Fourteenth day January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three by and between William Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and Littleton P. Townsend of the same County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Warrington for and consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds specie to him the said William Warrington in hand paid by the said Littleton P. Townsend at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said William Warrington doth hereby acknowledge, have granted and sold and by these presents grant, bargain, and sell to the said Littleton P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns certain tract or parcel of land containing fifty acres more or less lying and being in the county and State aforesaid and bounded as follows viz; Southerly and Westerly by the lands of James Warrington, decd., and Northerly by the lands of Thomas Elliott and Easterly by the county road, it being the same that was devised to the said William Warrington by his uncle John Savage at the death of his wife Elizabeth Savage, to have and to hold the said land with all and singular the rights, titles, privileges and appurtenances thereunto now belonging or hereafter may be put onto the only proper use and behoof of him the said Littleton P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns forever provided always and these presents are upon this condition that if the said William Warrington, his heirs, executors or administrators shall do and will truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Littleton P. Townsend, his heirs, executors and administrators the full and just sum of Thirty pounds specie on demand with legal interest thereon from the same then in such case these presents and every in other and thing herein contained shall cease determine and be utterly void to all intents and purposes any thin herein contained to the contrary not withstanding and the said william Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors & administrators doth covenant and agree, grant & C to and with the said Littleton P. Townsend, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns that he the said Littleton P. Townsend shall and may at all times after default shall be made in payment of the said sum of Thirty pounds specie and interest on demand, peaceably and quietly have hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the said land with all and singular the rights, titles, privileges and appurtenances as before mentioned and he the said William Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns all and singular the said land & C by these presents unto the said Littleton P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns against him the said William Warrington, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns and against all and every person or persons whom so ever, will warrant and the same forever defend by these presents. In Testimony whereof the said William Warrington and the said Littleton P. Townsend have hereunto set their hands & seals the day and year first above written. William X Warrington SS Seal his mark Littleton P. Townsend SS Seal Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm. R. Finney - John W. Watson - Edmund Read At
a Court held for Accomack County the First day of February 1803. This Deed
was presented and proven as to the said William Warrington by the oaths
of Edmund Read, William R. Finney and John W. Watson witnesses thereto
and acknowledged by the said Littleton P. Townsend as his act and deed
and ordered to be recorded. Teste Littleton Savage Clk. Exam'd.
Deed Book No 10 Page 377 This Deed made the Eighteenth day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three between William Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and William Beloat of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty pounds specie, current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William Beloat, his heirs, and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Accomack and Parish of St. George, devised to the said William Warrington by the last Will and Testament of William Savage Jr., dec'd., and bounded Northerly by the lands of Thomas Elliott, Westerly by the lands of Thomas Sturgis and the representatives of James Warrington, dec'd., & Southerly & Easterly by the stage road leading from Accomack to Pungoteague, containing fifty acres be the same more or less with all and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or of rights to belong. To have and to hold the hereby bargained and sold premises with all and singular the rights, titles, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or of rights to appertain unto him the said William Beloat, his heirs and assigns forever and to or for no other use, intent or purpose what so ever and the said William Warrington doth hereby warrant and agree and bind himself, executors and administrators to and with the said William Beloat, his heirs and assigns the hereby bargained and sold premises against the claim of all and every person or persons claiming or hereto after to lay their claim to or any part thereof will by these presents forever warrant and defend. In Testimony whereof the said William Warrington hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal this day and year first above written. William X Warrington SS seal his mark Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm. Seymour - John Shepherd Ker - John S. Snead - John Revell Jun'r. - John Revell. At a Court held for Accomack County the 27th April 1803. This Deed from William Warrington to William Beloat was presented and acknowledged by said Warrington as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Exam'd. Teste: Litt. Savage Clk.
Deed Book No 11 Page 112 This
Deed made the 23rd day of August One Thousand Eight Hundred and Four between
Thomas Walters and Martha his wife of Accomack County and State of Virginia
of the one part and Teackle Warrington of the same place of the other part.
Witnesseth that the sd Thomas Walters and Martha his wife in consideration
of Fifty Two pounds Ten Shillings of lawful money of the Commonwealth to
them in hand paid by the said Teackle Warrington at or before the ensealing
or delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
have bargained, and sold and by these presents do and each of them doth
bargain and sell unto the said Teackle Warrington, his heirs and assigns
a certain parcel of land lying and being in the County afsd and bounded
as follows: On the North and West by the lands of William Warrington; On
the East by the heirs of Solo Marshall, decd,; of the South by the lands
of Joseph Fiddeman, containing Twenty Five acres more or less together
with all and singular appurtenances there unto belonging and the .........
yearly and other rents, issues and profits thereof and any part and parcel
thereof. To have and to hold the sd land with the tenements, heriditaments
and all and singular other premises herein before mentioned or intended
to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with any other
rights, membersa, priviledges and appurtenances unto the said Teackle Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Thomas Walters and Martha his
wife for themselves and their heirs the sd land and appurtenances with
all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the sd Teackle Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever free from the claims of them the sd thomas
Walters and Martha his wife or either of them or either of their heirs
and of all and every person what so ever shall will and do warrant and
forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the sd Thomas Walters
and Martha his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and
year above written.
Thomas Walters (***) Seal her Martha X Walters (***) Seal mark Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of Richard Rogers William X Walters John Logan At a Court held for Accomack County oct. 29, 1804. This Deed from Thomas Walters & Martha his wife to Teackle Warrington was acknowledged and ordered to be recorded the sd Martha being first duly examined did voluntarily consent thereto. Littleton Savage Clk. Exam'd.
Deed Book No 11 Page 149 This Deed made the twenty fifth day of February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five between George Duecy and Elizabeth, his wife of the County of Accomack in Virginia on the one part and Thomas Warrington on the other part & of the same place. Witnesseth that the said George Deucey and Elizabeth, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Five pounds specie current money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the aforesaid Thomas Warrington, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained and sold, and by these present doth give, grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Thomas Warrington all the right, title and interest which they the said George Deucey and Elizabeth his wife, as the dower of the said Elizabeth in part of the lands and houses of said Thomas Warrington. Namely in the houses, garden, orchard near the houses, a small piece of ground used for vines and such part of the dower in the old apple orchard at some distance from the house, as is, not occupied by the trees standing thereon, which apple trees, with the ground on which they stand, and as far as the branches and limbs extend, the said George Deucey and his wife reserve for the purpose of affording them fruit, without a privilege or right of putting stock of any kind thereon or using the same in any way to the injury, of said Thomas, further then may be necessary for the cultivation of the trees and the gathering of the fruit, together with all and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or otherwise appertain including all the dower, the houses and parcels of land contiguous as aforesaid. To have and to hold unto the said Thomas Warrington, his heirs, and assigns the hereby bargained and sold right of dower on the several parts above mentioned of his houses, lands, orchards and gardens with the appurtenances and privileges thereto belonging to the only benefit and behoof of the said Thomas Warrington, his heirs, and assigns and to or for no other use, intent or purpose whatever. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall obligate the said George Deucey and his wife to give possession of the dower interest hereby conveyed before the first day of January next or shall prevent the removal therefrom of certain articles agreeable to a memorandum of the same subscribed and agreed to by the said George and Thomas on the fourth of this month. In Testimony whereof the said George Deucey and Elizabeth his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. George
Deucey SS seal
Elizabeth X Deucey SS seal her mark
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ..... At
a Court held for Accomack County February 25th 1805. This deed from George
Deucey and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Warrington was acknowledged by
the said George Deucey and Elizabeth as their act and deed and is ordered.
The said Elizabeth being first examined privately and apart from her husband,
as the law directs, and voluntarily consenting thereto. Teste: Edmund Bayly
C.A.C truly recorded.
Tidbits Elizabeth Deusey, the wife of George Deucey, was the widow of John Warrington 1730-1790. Elizabeth apparently outlived her second husband George Deucey as well, because in 1811 she sold slaves left to her in 1790 by her first husband John Warrington, and there was no indication that George Deucey was a party to this latter sale. Elizabeth was the former Elizabeth Burton, the daughter of a William Burton of Accomack County, Virginia. She married John Warrington on May 6, 1778. William Gilbert was surety. The Thomas Warrington, in this deed, was the son of John Warrington and Elizabeth Burton. Thomas inherited his father John Warrington's plantation in 1790, subject to the dower of his mother Elizabeth. It is believed that Thomas B. Warrington died shortly after this deed was processed, he died in 1806. Thomas B. Warrington apparently did not marry and died childless.
Deed Book No 11 Page 348 Know all men by these presents that we William Warrington, James Melvin & Jesse Duncan are held and firmly bound unto John Page, governor of this Commonwealth & his successors in the just and full sum of Five Hundred dollars to which payment well & truly to be made we being ourselves, our heirs, executors & administrators jointly & severally firm by these presents sealed with our seals & dated the 25th day of June 1805. Whereas the above bound William Warrington hath by the Court of the County of Accomack been appointed Constable under the act of Assembly entitled an Act concerning Constables. Now the condition of the above obligation is such that if the said shall, well & truly discharge the duties of the office of a Constable for the space of two years in the District No 1 according to the law, then the above obligation to be void & of none effect, but if otherwise to be & remain in full force & virtue. William Warrington SS Seal Jesse Duncan SS Seal James Melvin SS Seal Witness: Rich. D. Bayly Returned in Court July the 29th 1805 and ordered to be recorded. Ex. Test: Edmd. Bayly Clk Deed Book No 11 Page 384 This Indenture made this Twenty Third day of March One Thousand eight Hundred and five by and between William Warrington & his wife Nancy of the parish and the County of Accomack and the State of Virginia of the one part and John Logan of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Warrington and his wife Nancy for and in consideration of the sum of Two pounds fourteen shillings virginia currency to them in hand paid by the said John Logan the receipt whereof the said Warrington and wife doth hereby acknowledge he the said Warrington and wife hath granted, bargained and sold allenated & confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell, allenate and confirm unto the said John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever in fee simple a part of said Warrington Tract of land whereon he now lives on which said Logan has possession, lying and being on the South side of the great road leading from Pocomoke Church to Horntown bounded as followeth: On the South by the lands of Joseph Feddiman, on the Northward and the Westwardly the lands of Drummond Welburne. on the Eastwardly by the lands of Solomon Marshall (decd.)Fifty Four acres by estimation more or less with all and singular the premises above mentioned and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to said John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and William Warrington & wife for them and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns part or parcel of land containing Fifty Four acres more or less and every part thereof against the said William Warrington and wife, their heirs, executors or administrators for ever and against all person or persons what so ever to the said John Logan, his heirs, executors and assigns forever will warrant and forever defend the said premises by these presents. William Warrington SS seal Witness
John Logan Junr. - Susanna Logan - Ann Bowls
At a Court held for Accomack County Oct. 1st 1805. This Deed from William Warrington to John Logan was acknowledged by the said William as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Exmd.
Teste: Edmund Bayly C. A. C.
Deed Book No 11 Page 406 Know all men by these present that we William Warrington. Elias Taylor and William Slocomb all of Accomack County are held and firmly bound unto John Page, Governor of Virginia and his successors in the just and fair sum of Five Hundred dollars to which payment will and truly be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators jointly and severally by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the 27th day of June 1803. Whereas the above bound William Warrington hath by the Court of the County of Accomack been appointed a Constable in the first district under the act of Assembly entitled an act concerning constable. Now the condition of the above obligation is sent that if the said William Warrington shall well and truly discharge the duties of the office of Constable for the space of two years in the district afore said according to law, then the above obligation to be void and of none effect, but if otherwise to be and remain in full force, power and duties. William Warrington SS Seal Elias Taylor SS Seal William Slocomb SS Seal
At a Court held in Accomack County July 26th 1803. this bond from William Warrington, Elias Taylor & William Slocomb to the Governor and his successors was proven by the oath of william Gibb a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Ex.
Teste: Litt. Savage Clk.
Deed Book No 11 Page 431 Know all men by these presents that I Comfort Warrington for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I bear to my son Shadrack Warrington of the County of Accomack and as well for the further consideration of One Dollar to me in hand by the said Shadrack Warrington at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given, granted and by these presents do give & grant unto the said Shadrack Warrington his executors, administrators and assigns one negro boy by the name Elias, two beds & furniture, six setton chairs & sundry peaces of pewter, two tables and every other article the property of the said Comfort Warrington. Only reserving my life in the said property to have and to hold the said property unto him the said Shadrack Warrington, his heirs, executors and administrators or assigns forever and the said Comfort Warrington for her heirs, executors, administrators the said negrow by the name Elias and the above named articles unto the said Shadrack Warrington his executors & administrators & assigns against the claims of her the said Comfort Warrington, her executors & administrators and against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons what so ever shall and will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness heareof I have fixed my hand and seal this 6th day of July 1805. Comfort X Warrington SS seal her mark Teste: Elijah Northam - John Hall At a Court held for Accomack County december the 30th 1805. This Deed from Comfort Warrington to Shadrack Warrington was proven by the oaths of Elijah Northam and John Hall witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Exam'd.
Teste: John Wise C. A. C.
Deed Book No. 11 page 795 This Indenture made this First day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven between Teackle Elliott, executor of Thomas B. Warrington on the one part and John Henderson of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said Thomas B. Warrington by his last Will now of record in the office of the County Court of Accomack directed his lands to be sold by his executors at public sale on the first day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven and appointed the said Teackle Elliott his executor who has duly qualified as executor to his said Will and whereas the sd Teackle Elliott did upon the said first day of January after public advertisement set up the said of the sd Tho. B. Warrington to the highest bidder according to his said Will and the said John Henderson became the purchaser at Two Hundred and Seventy Pounds three Shillings and the said Teackle Elliott in consideration of the said Two Hundred and Seventy Pounds Three Shilling lawful money of the Commonwealth to him in hand paid by the said John Henderson at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents or secured to be paid according to the terms of the said sale. Have bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain & sell unto the said John Henderson, his heirs and assigns forever the said tract of land lately belonging unto the said Thomas B. Warrington containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less and bounded on the North and East by the lands of James Poulson and John B. Warrington, on the West and South by the lands of William Townsend and William Seymour together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging & appertaining and every part and parcell thereof. to have and to hold the said described lands with all and singular the premises herein before mentioned, bargained and sold unto the said John Henderson, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Teackle Elliott for himself and his heirs the said described land before mentioned unto the said John Henderson, his heirs and assigns free from claims of him the said Teackle Elliott and his heirs and of all persons claiming under or by him shall, will and do warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Teackle Elliott have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Teackle Elliott SS seal Ex. of Thomas B. Warrington Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of... At a Court held for Accomack County June 30th 1807. This Deed from Teackle Elliott, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas B. Warrington decd. to John Henderson was acknowledged by said Teackle Elliott as his act & deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined
Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 11 Page 801 This Deed made the Fourth day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Seven between Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and Anne Joynes of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred & Fifty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Ann Joynes at or before the ensealing & delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Ann Joynes, her heirs and assigns forever the morety of a Water Grist mill which the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife holds on the head of the South East Branch of Onancock Creek together with the reversion and reversions, remainer & remainers cents issues and profits & all & singular the rights, members, priviledges and appurtenances to said mill belonging or in any use appertaining. To have and to hold the said granted mill & her appurtenances to her the said Ann Joynes, her heirs and assigns forever & for no other use, intent or purpose what ever but the proper use & behoof of her the said Ann Joynes and her heirs & assigns forever & the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Ann Joynes, her heirs and assigns that they the before mentioned and bargained mill with the appurtenances unto the said Ann Joynes, her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim, title or intent of all and every person or persons claiming or hereafter laying claim to the same or any part thereof shall and will forever warrant and defend by these presents. In Testimony whereof the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife hath hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. It is agreed between the parties hereto before the ensealing and delivery hereof that the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife shall be forever proper free of the above mentioned mill. Stephen Warrington SS his seal Agnes Warrington SS her seal Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of Thos. R. Joynes - Levi S. Joynes - Sally Warrington. At a Court held for Accomack County June the 30th 1807. this Deed from Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife to Ann Joynes was acknowledged by the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The said Agnes being first privately examined apart from her said husband as the law directs and voluntarily consenting thereto. Examined Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 11 Page 802 Know all men by these presents that we William Warrington, William R. Taylor & Jesse Duncan are held and firmly bound unto William H. Cabell Governor of this Commonwealth and his successors the full and just sum of Five Hundred dollars to which payment will and truly be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 29th day of June 1807. Whereas the above bound William Warrington hath by the County of Accomack been appointed Constable. Now the condition of the above obligation is such that if the said William Warrington shall well and truly discharge the office of Constable for the space of two years in the District No 1 according to the law the above obligation to be void and of no effect. If otherwise to remain in full power, force and virtue. William Warrington SS seal Wm. R. Taylor SS seal Jesse Duncan SS seal Witness:
Jno. K. Evans - Returned to the Court June 30th 1807, and ordered to be
recorded. Exam'd. Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 12 Page 55 This Indenture made this first day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven by & between Tegle Warrington & Southy, his son of Accomack County & State of Virginia of the one part and John Logan of the County & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Tegle Warrington & Southy Warrington for and in consideration of the just and full sum of fFrty Five pounds good and lawful money of Virginia in hand paid to us before the execution of these presents the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained & sold alienated and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain & sell, allow and confirm unto the afsd John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators assigns forever in fee simple the whole of the tract of land we now live on, twenty five acres more or less, it laying and being in the County of Accomack in the upper parish and bounded as follows, to wit; On the East by the lands of Solomon Marshall, decd; On the West by the lands of Joseph Feddeman; On the South & East by the lands of the said John Logan together with the rights, members, privledges (sic) & appurtenances, by estimation twenty five acres more or less afsd belonging and appertaining to have and to hold the said granted twenty five acres of land be the same more or less so as also bounded and described together with all rights, members, privledges and appurtenances unto the said John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators & assigns forever to the only proper use & behoof of him the said John Logan, his heirs, executors, administrators & assigns forever in full and fee simple & no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever and the said Teagle Warrington and Southy Warrington themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever the twenty five acres of land forever warrant and defend against claims of any person or persons in any manner whatsoever will forever defend the same twenty five acres of land. In Testimony whereof we have set our hand and affixed our seals this first day of October A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred & Seven. Tigle X Warrington SS Seal his mark Southy X Warrington SS Seal his mark Witness presents - Wm. Warrington, James X Taylor, Daniel Benson At a Court held for Accomack County October the 26th 1807. this deed from Teackle Warrington and Southy Warrington to John Logan was partly proved by the oaths of William Warrington & James Taylor witnesses thereto. Teste John Wise C.A.C. At a Court held for Accomack County January the 28th 1808. This Deed from Teackle Warrington & Southy Warrington to John Logan was fully proved by the oath of Daniel Benson a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste John Wise C.A.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 12 Page 109 Received of Mr. Teagle Elliott Sixty Two pounds Eighteen shillings & Eight pence in consideration of my part of Thomas Warrington's Estate, May 20th day 1808. Sally Warrington Teste Stephen Warrington, Tu. Snead, Litt. P. Townsend, John Leatherbury. At a Court held for Accomack County the 27th day of June 1808. This receipt from Sally Warrington to teackle Elliott was proven by the oath of Stephen Warrington a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined-
Teste John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 12 Page 220 This deed made this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven, between John Leatherbury, son of Charles, of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and Stephen Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Leatherbury, son of Charles, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Pounds, Ten Shillings specie current money of the state aforesaid in hand paid by the said Stephen Warrington at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns two certain tracts or parcels of land and described as follows, to wit: Situate, lying and being in the county and state aforesaid containing by estimation seven or eight acres be the same more or less. The Northward lot parcel being about four or five acres and bounded from a marked pine in the center of the old road in a straight direction with a marked pine tree at the Southward and opposite the line between the said Stephen Warrington & William Hannaford and Easterly on the land of said Stephen and Westerly on the said land of John Leatherbury. Also the other lot or parcel being about two or three acres starting with the said marked pine tree on the Westward side of the intended new road. Meaning, at the Southward and Westward on the land of the said John Leatherbury, son of Charles, and Easterly on the land of the said Stephen Warrington. With all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging. To have and to hold the aforesaid two parcels of land with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging to each of the said parcels unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said Stephen Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Leatherbury doth for himself & his heirs the said two tracts or parcels of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of the said John Leatherbury or his heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall, will and do warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said John Leatherbury, son of Charles, have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written. John Leatherbury (Seal)
Signed, sealed & delivered in
the presence of Thomas Leatherbury, Leven Savage, Henry Finney.
At a Court held for Accomack County
the 26th day od December 1808, this deed from John Leatherbury to Stephen
Warrington was acknowledged by the sd John as his act and deed & ordered
to be recorded. Teste: John Wise, Clerk of Court Examined.
Deed Book No 12 Page 223 This Deed made this Seventeenth day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred & Eight, between John Imonger of Accomack County & State of Virginia of the one part and Stephen Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Imonger for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Nine dollars specie current money of the State aforesaid in hand paid by the said Stephen Warrington at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the said John Imonger doth hereby acknowledge, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell & deliver unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs & assigns a certain piece or parcel of land bounded and described as follows to wit: Situate, lying and being in the County & State aforesaid containing by estimation four acres more or less bounding Westerly on land of the said Warrington; Northerly on the lands of said Warrington; Easterly on the lands of said Monger with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging: to have and to hold the afore said parcel of land with all and singular the rights and priviledges & appurtenances thereto belonging to the said piece or parcel unto the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use, benefit and behoof him the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Imonger doth for himself & his heirs covenant & agree to and with the said Stephen Warrington, his heirs & assigns forever free from the claim of him the said John Imonger or his heirs & also from all and every person or persons what so ever will hereby warrant and forever defend. In witness hereof the said John Imonger hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal this, the date above written. his John X Imonger Mark Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Litt. P. Townsend, John Leatherbury, Joshua Reece, Thos. Underhill, Elias Joynes. At a Court held for Accomack County the 26th day of December 1808. This Deed from John Ironmonger to Stephen Warrington was proved by the oaths of Jno. Leatherbury, Thomas Underhill & Elias Joynes, witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 12 Page 338 This Deed made this Tenth day of February Eighteen Hundred & Nine, between Stephen Warrington of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and John Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Stephen Warrington for and in consideration of Twenty Two pounds specie in hand paid by the said John Warrington at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained, granted and sold & by these presents do bargain, grant, sell & deliver unto the said John Warrington, his heirs & assigns a certain piece of land containing by estimation about three acres be the same more or less with the house thereon lying and being in the County and State aforesaid and at the North end of the said Stephen plantation bounded as follows: beginning at a certain marked tree running from thence on the line of John Leatherbury Junr. & said warrington thence up the old mill race to the usual going over place, thence up in a straight line to the above described tree. all the ground in that circumference with the house thereon, rights, title, privledges unto him the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and the said stephen Warrington doth for himself and his heirs covenant and agree to and with the said John Warrington the aforesaid piece of land and appurtenances thereto belonging unto him the said John Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever free from claim or claims of him the said Stephen Warrington or his heirs and all and every person or persons whatever. Will hereby warrant and forever defend by these presents in witness whereof the said Stephen Warrington has here set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Stephen Warrington SS Seal signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Teste: Levin Rogers. Litt. P. Townsend. At a Court held for Accomack County August 16th 1809. This Deed from Stephen Warrington to John Warrington was acknowledged by said Stephen as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Teste: John Wise C.A.C. Examined
Deed Book No 13 Page 81 This
Deed made this Fifteenth day of february in the year of Eighteen Hundred
and Ten between Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife of Accomack County
in Virginia, of the one part & Littleton P. Townsend of the same place
of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes
his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Forty dollars in hand paid
to them the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes his wife by the said Littleton
P. Townsend before the signing & delivery of these presents (Meaning:
- This document or instrument - Note of transcription.) the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, have granted & sold & do by these presents
grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Litt. P. Townsend, his heirs
& assigns forever a certain piece of land containing by estimation
about four acres, be it more or less & bounded as follows, to wit:
On the Northeast by the land which William Seymour recently purchased of
John Imonger as will appear by line of trees marked; On the Southeast by
the lands of Litt. P. Townsend & on the North W. by the main run of
the branch dividing the said piece of land from the other lands of said
Warrington it being the land which the said Warrington purchased of John
Imonger. To have and to hold the said piece of land & privledges &
appurtenances ways & water courses with all the rights & title
thereto belonging or in any use appertaining to him the said Littleton
P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Stephen Warrington
and Agnes his wife doth covenant & agree to and with the said Littleton
P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns shall forever hereafter peaceably and
quietly have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the aforesaid piece of land,
rights, titles & privledges without the molestation, let hinderance,
interruption or disturbance of him the said Stephen Warrington or Agnes
his wife or their heirs, executors, administrators or any other person
or persons claiming any right, interest therein will warrant & forever
defend the title unto him the said Litt. P. Townsend, his heirs and assigns
forever. In witness of which we the said Stephen Warrington & Agnes
my wife have here set our hands & seals the date above written.
Stephen Warrington SS SEAL At a Court held for Accomack County the 25th day of June 1810. This Deed from Stephen Warrington to Littleton P. Townsend was acknowledged by the said Stephen as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 13 Page 88 This Indenture made this Fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Ten and in the Thirty Fourth year of our Foundation between Southy Warrington and Fanny his wife of Accomack of the one part and Thomas Collins of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the afsd Southy Warrington & Fanny his wife from a principal of Justice and right do by these presents give, grant and convey and confirm unto the said Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever the following tract or parcel of land containing Six acres lying in the County and being in the Parish of Accomack and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning on the line of James Collins and running Southerly to John Cord's line, thence Easterly to Thomas Walter's line laying on the Easterly side of of said Thomas Collin's land so as to include the above six acres as now laid out of and included in the tract or parcel of land bought by said Collins of Teackle Warrington making in the whole Thirty Six acres. To have and to hold the hereby granted and conveyed Six acres of land together with all and singular the appurtenances (Appurtenance: in land records this word in the singular or plural form refers to a right-of-way, a barn, house, fences, etc. - anything which is attached to or pertains in some way to the land described.) thereunto belonging to the sd Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever to the only use, benefit & behoof (Behoof: a legal term meaning use, benefit or profit which is used in conveyances, e.g. "to his use and behoof.") of the said Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use, intent or purpose what so ever and the said southy Warrington & Fanny his wife do hereby for themselves, their heirs, executors & adminis. covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Collins, his heirs and assigns will warrant & defend the sd granted piece or parcel of land against the claim them the sd Southy Warrington & Fanny his wife, their heirs, executors & administrators will ever defend by these presents. As witness our hands & seals this day and year first above written. His Southy X Warrington SS SEAL Mark In Presence of David Watts - Thomas Walters - George Jones. At a Court held for Accomack County the 30th day of July 1810. This deed from Southy Warrington to Thomas Collins was proved by the oaths of David Watts, Thomas Waters and George Jones witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 13 Page 248 This
Indenture made the 28th day of May Anno Domini one Thousand Eight Hundred
and Eleven between Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife of the Parish
of St. George in the County of Accomack and State of Virginia, of the one
part and John K. Warrington of the same Parish, County and State aforesaid
of the other part. Witnesseth that he the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes
his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Forty pounds lawful money
of the State of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said John K. Warrington
at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and by these presents do
grant, bargain and sell to the said John K. Warrington, his heirs and assigns
a certain lot or parcel of land whereon the said Jno. K. Warrington now
resides and keeps a boot and shoe makers shop bounded southwardly and Easterly
by the main road leading from Slut Kiln Neck and Pungoteaque to Onancock
and a small slip of land belonging to the said Stephen Warrington, it being
separated from the said slip by a marked pine tree on the side of said
road and a marked corner post which stands at the southern extremity of
said line Northeastwardly by a branch which separates it from the land
of John G. Joynes and Northwardly and Westerly by the lands of John Finney
be it the same more or less with all and singular appurtenances thereunto
belonging and the reversion, reversions, remainder and remainders yearly
and other rents, issues and profits thereof and every part and parcel thereof.
To have and to hold the said lot or parcel of land with the tenements,
hereditaments (Hereditaments - all that property which may be inherited
in a prescribed order.) and all and singular the premises (Premises - land
and its appurtenances; land or a portion thereof and the structures thereon,)
herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold with every
part and parcel thereof with ever of their rights members and appurtenances
unto the said John K. Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever to and
for the only proper use and behoof of him the said John K. Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes
his wife for themselves, their heirs the lot or parcel land with all and
singular premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said John
K. Warrington, his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them
the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife, or either of them or their
heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall, will and
do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the
said Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife have hereunto set their hands
and affixed their seals the day and year aforesaid.
Stephen Warrington SS Seal Agnes Warrington SS Seal Signed,
sealed and delivered in presence of
At a Court held for Accomack County the 29th day of May 1811. This Deed from Stephen Warrington and Agnes his wife to John K. Warrington was acknowledged by the said Stephen Warrington and Agnes as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The said Agnes being first examined privately and apart from her said husband as the law directs and voluntarily consenting thereto. Examined. Teste: John Wise C.A. C. Tidbits
Stephen Warrington 1764-1814 and his first wife Susanna Kellam were the parents of John K. Warrington. After Susanna's death Stephen married Agnes Smith, the daughter of John Smith Sr. Stephen and his second wife Agnes sold the above deeded land to Stephen's son John Kellam Warrington.
Deed Book No 13 Page 249 Valuation
of slaves which Mrs. Elizabeth Deucey, dec'd., possessed of and which she
held a life estate in under the Will of her former husband John Warrington,
dec'd., with the remainder to her children.
the subscribers being called upon by John K. Warrington, Joshua Warrington
and James Stewart to make division of the slaves above mentioned have the
same among them in the following manner to wit;
To pay to No 2 1..13..4 To
pay to No 3 1..13..4
receive from lot No 1 1..13..4
To receive from lot No 1 1..13..4 The lot No 1 is assigned to John B. Warrington. Lot No 2 to Joshua Warrington. Lot No 3 to James Stewart and Susan his wife in right of said Susanna. Not being able to divide old Sarah and Joyce in the foregoing allotment so as to make the division nearly equal, the parties aforesaid agreed to dispose of them in the following manner, that is to say John B. Warrington agreed to take old Sarah and to receive from each of the other parties six pounds in consideration of his taken her and Joshua Warrington agreed to take Joyce at the price of f40 and is therefore to pay each of the other parties f13..9..8 for their parts of her. Done this 11th day of January 1811. John Rule Jr., Stephen Warrington, John Wise. We John B. Warrington, Joshua Warrington and James Stewart do hereby severally acknowledge that the foregoing division was made at our request and we do hereby agree and bind ourselves & our heirs executors and administrators respectively to stand to and abide by the same. Witness our hands and seals this 11th day of January 1811. John B. Warrington SS seal Joshua X Warrington SS seal his mark James Stewart SS seal Teste: John Wise, Stephen Warrington, James Bull Jr. At a Court held foe Accomack County the 24th day of June 1811. This division of slaves of the estate of John Warrington, dec'd., was acknowledged by John B. Warrington, Joshua Warrington and James Stewart parties thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste; John Wise C.A.C. Tidbits Mrs. Elizabeth Deucey (Dewey), widow of George Deucey and her former husband John Warrington was born Elizabeth Burton, the daughter of William. No issue was found from her union to George Ducey. Her children by John Warrington were Rachel, Nancy, Peggy, Thomas Burton, John Burton, Elizabeth, Susanna, William Burton and Joshua Warrington. James Stewart's wife Susanna was Susanna Warrington, the daughter of John Warrington and Elizabeth Burton.
Deed Book No 13 Page 287 Know all men by these presents that we William Warrington, Thomas Jones and John Bull Jr. are held and firmly bound unto George W. Smith Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of this Commonwealth and his successors in the just sum of One Thousand dollars to which payment will and truly be made to the said Lieutenant Governor and his successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 24th day of June 1811. Whereas the above bound William Warrington hath been appointed by the Court of Accomack County a constable for the precinct No 1 in the sd county from the date hereof to the last Monday of June 1813, conformable to the Act of Assembly entitled an act concerning constables. Now if the said Wm. Warrington shall in all things well and truly discharge the duties of his sd office of constable in the sd County for the term afsd according to law then the above obligation to be void else to remain in force. Wm. Warrington SS Seal Thos. Jones SS Seal John Bull SS Seal Sealed and delivered in presence of H. L. Copes At a Court held for Accomack County the 24th day of June 1811. This Bond was acknowledged by the within named Wm. Warrington and his sureties as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined
Teste: John Wise C.A.C.
Deed Book No 14 Page 80 This Deed made of..... In the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Thirteen between Keziah Warrington in the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and Levin Savage (Son of Kendall) of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Keziah Warrington for and in consideration of a third part of all the grain and half the brandy. All merchanible grain & brandy to be paid to her every year during her lifetime by the said Levin Savage the receipt whereof the said Keziah Warrington doth hereby acknowledge and discharge the said Levin Savage therefrom, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, align, sell and confirm unto the said Levin Savage, his heirs and assigns for her life a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Accomack and Parish of St. George and bounded as follows to wit: On the cost by the land of the heirs of Teackle Elliott. On the North & on West by the land of Thomas Sturgis. On the South by the land of charles Belote, being the said tract of land which the said Keziah had left her during her life by her husband James Warrington containing One Hundred acres with appurtenances thereunto belonging and the said Keziah Warrington reserving out of the said tract of land one acre on the dung hill where she shall chuse and the same privledges of the houseings and timber as formerly the use and & possession thereof and during her natural life and no longer to have and to hold the said hereby granted, bargained and sold premises above mentioned and in manner aforesaid with him the said Levin Savage, his heirs and assigns for her life except the part aforesaid as excepted for the use of the said Keziah Warrington hereby for herself, her heirs, executors, administrators covenant and agree to and with the said Levin Savage, his heirs and assigns that she the said Keziah Warrington and no other person or persons by her order or permission shall or will commit any act, deed or thing on or to the said land which is waste and that she will take good care of the said woods and use them as not to waste and also that she will warrant and defend the said premises against the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever except the use above mentioned for her life reserved as aforesaid. In Testimony whereof the said Keziah Warrington hath hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal the day and year above written. Her Keziah X Warrington SS Seal Mark Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us teste: Thomas Sturgis Edmond Savage John Savage James Savage At a Court held for Accomack County the 23rd day of February 1813. This Deed from Keziah Warrington to Levin Savage (of Kendall) was proved by the oaths of Thomas Sturgis, Edmund Savage and John Savage witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Richard D. Bayly C. A. C.
Deed Book No 14 Page 176 Know all men by these presents (Authors note: When the phrase "by these presents" is found in a document it literally means "this document or instrument.") that we William Warrington, Lemuel Henderson and Jno. Marshall (of William) are held and or firmly bound unto James Barens Esquire governor of the commonwealth and his successors in the just and full sum of One Thousand Dollars to which payment will and truly be made to the said Governor and his successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 28th day of June 1813. Whereas the above bound William Warrington hath been appointed by the Court of Accomack County a constable for the precinct of Accomack Parish in the said County from the date hereof to the last Monday in June 1815 conformable to the Act of Assembly entitled an Act concerning Constables. Now if the said Wm. Warrington shall in all things well and truly discharge the duties of his said office of Constable in the said County for the term aforsaid according to Law then this obligation be void else remain in full force. Wm. Warrington (***) Seal Lemuel Henderson (***) Seal Jno. Marshall (of Wm.) (***) Seal Sealed and delivered in presence of At
a Court held in Accomack County June 28th 1813. This Bond was acknowledged
by the within named William Warrington and his securities and ordered to
be recorded. Examined. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book No 15 Page 31 This
Deed made the 14th day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen
between John Finney, executor of Stephen Warrington, decd, of the County
of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and Severn Tyler of the
same County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John
Finney as afore said for and in consideration of the sum of Fourteen Hundred
and Eighty Eight dollars and ninety four cents to him in hand paid by the
said Severn Tyler, his heirs and assigns two certain separate tracts or
parcels of land lying, being and situate in the Parish of St. George and
County aforesaid and containing by estimation the one Sixty Nine acres
two woods, 23 perches (Author's Note: Perch- a linear measure of five and
one half yards or sixteen and one half feet. Also called a rod or a pole.)
and bounded Northwardly and Eastwardly by the road leading from Pungoteaque
and Sluthkill Neck to the town of Onancock and a branch formerly a mill
pond which separates the same from the lands of John G. Joynes and William
Seymour, Southwardly by the lands belonging to the heirs of Littleton P.
Townsend and William Hannaford, both decd. and Westwardly by the road leading
from Pungoteaque to the said town of Onancock. The other Twenty Five acres
and bounded Southwardly and Eastwardly by the aforesaid road leading from
Pungoteaque to Onancock and the lands belonging to William Hannaford, decd
as aforesaid, on the Southwardly by the lands of Polly Bird, on the West
by the lands of the heirs of Jacob Bird, decd, and on the North by the
lands of John Finney more or less, the same having been devised to be sold
by the said Stephen Warrington, decd in his Last Will and Testament together
with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging and the reversion
and reversions, remainder and remainders yearly and other rents, issues
and profits thereof and every part and parcel thereof subject however to
the dower of Agnes Warrington widow of the said Stephen Warrington, decd.
To have and to hold the several tracts or parcels of land with the tenaments
heredatiments (Author's Note: Hereditaments - All that property which may
be inherited in a prescribed order.) and all and singular other the premises
and appurtenances before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold
unto the said Severn Tyler, his heirs and assigns forever subject to dower
as aforesaid to and for the only proper use benefit and behoof (Author's
Note: Behoof - a legal term meaning use, benefit or profit, which is used
in conveyances.) of him the said Severn Tyler, his heirs and assigns forever.
And the said John Finney, executor as aforesaid the said several tracts
or parcels of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances
before mentioned subject to dower as aforesaid unto the said Severn Tyler,
his heirs and assigns free from claim or claims of him the said John Finney
executor of Stephen Warrington to Severn Tyler aforesaid and of all and
every person or persons what so ever shall and will warrant and forever
defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said John Finney, executor
hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first
above written,
John Finney (***) Seal Executor of Stephen Warrington, decd. Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of Wm. Lee his George X Scott Eldred Roberts Mark At a Court held for Accomack County April the 28th 1815. This Deed from John Finney, executor, of Stephen Warrington, decd, to Severn Tyler was acknowledged by the said John Finney as his act & deed & ordered to be recorded. Examined. Teste: Richard D. Bayley C.A.C.
Deed Book No 15 Page 36 This
Deed made the 14th day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen,
between Agnes Warrington of the County of Accomack, State of Virginia of
the one part and Severn Tyler of the same County & State of the other
part. Witnesseth: That the said Agnes Warrington for and in consideration
of the sum of Four Hundred dollars to her in hand paid by the said Severn
Tyler at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained & sold and by these
presents doth bargain and sell to the said Severn Tyler, his heirs and
assigns all her right of dower in and too separate tracts or parcels of
land, late the property of Stephen Warrington, her decd husband, containing
by estimation Ninety Four acres, two roods (Author's note: Rood - a measure
of length, which varied from state to state, five and one half to eight
yards. The term is sometimes used to describe an area up to one-fourth
of an acre.) and 25 perches and bounded and described as pr deed of the
same date from John Finney, executor of the said Stephen Warrington, decd,
to the said Severn Tyler which will more fully shew by reference thereto,
be it the same more or less together with all and singular the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, yearly and other rents, issues and profits thereof
and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the several tracts
or parcels of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances
before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold unto the said Severn
Tyler, his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of her the said
Agnes Warrington and of all and every person or persons what so ever shall
and will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. Tn Testimony
whereof the said Agnes Warrington hath hereunto set her hand and affixed
her seal the day and year afore said.
Agnes Warrington (***) Seal Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of John Finney Teste John K. Warrington George X Scott his mark At a Court held for Accomack County, March the 27th 1815. This Deed from Agnes Warrington to Severn Tyler was partly proven by the oath of John K. Warrington and George Scott witnesses thereto. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. At a Court held for Accomack County April the 25th 1815. This Deed from Agnes Warrington to Severn Tyler, was fully proved by the oath of John Finney a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined
Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book 15 Page 112 This
Indenture made the twenty fifth day of April in the year One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Fifteen between William Warrington and Ann his wife of the
County of Accomack and state of Virginia of the one part and Walter Douglas
of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth: That the said William
Warrington and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of One
Thousand & Thirteen Dollars Fifty Cents to him in hand paid by the
said Walter Douglas, his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of
land lying in the County aforesaid on the Market road leading from Horntown
to Pocomoke Church, bounded on the North by the land of Thomas Hargis,
on the East by the land of the heirs of Solomon Marshall, decd, on the
South by the road aforesaid dividing the tract from the land of Jno. Logan
on the West by the lands of said John Logan, containing by actual survey
Thirty Two and one seventh acres, be the same more or less together with
all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining
and every part or parcel thereof unto the said Walter Douglas, his heirs
and assigns forever. And the said William Warrington and Ann his wife for
themselves and their heirs the said land and appurtenances unto the said
Walter Douglas, his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of
them or either of them, their or either of their heirs and of all &
every person or persons what so ever shall, will and do warrant and forever
defend by these presents. In witness whereof they the said William Warrington
and Ann his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the date above.
William Warrington (***) Seal her Ann X Warrington (***) Seal mark Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Wm. Johnson James X Taylor William Bloxom his mark Accomack County to wit: We James Gillett & William Downing Magistrates of the said county do hereby certify that William Warrington and Ann his wife parties to the within conveyance have duly acknowledged the same before us the Twenty Fifth day of April in the year 1815 and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the said County Court in order that the said conveyance may be recorded. J. Gillett (***) Seal Wm. Downing (***) Seal At a Court held for Accomack County June the 1st 1815. This Deed from William Warrington and Ann his wife to Walter Douglas being returned into Court certified by J. Gillett and William Downing, Justices of the Peace of this County to been acknowledged before them, the Deed & certificate is ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book No 16 Page 239 This
Deed made this 12th day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen,
between Samuel Warrington of the County of Accomack and Parish of St. George
of the one part and Geo. S. Parker and Samuel Parker of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Samuel Warrington for and in consideration of
the sum of Forty Nine Dollars to him in hand paid at and before the ensealing
of these presents by the said Geo. S. Parker and Samuel Parker the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained & sold &
by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said Geo. S. Parker
and Samuel Parker or to their heirs or assigns all his interest in twenty
four acres of land be the same more or less and adjoining the following
persons, to wit: On the East by the lands of Jno. Rogers; On the South
by the land of Jacob Savage of Litt.; On the South and West by the land
of William Virnelson, decd, & on the North & West by the lands
belonging to the heirs of Peggy Hickman, decd, with its appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining unto them the said Geo. S. Parker
and samuel Parker their heirs & assigns forever to have and to hold
the aforesd twenty four acres of land to the only proper use benefit &
behoof of them the said Geo. S. Parker & Samuel Parker that he will
hereby warrant his undivided interest in the sd land hereby sold free and
clear from all lawful claims and demands of all and every person or persons
claiming or laying claim to the same or any part thereof he will by these
presents forever defend unto them the said Geo. S. Parker and Samuel Parker,
their heirs, and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof the said Samuel
Warrington has hereto set his hand and seal the day & year within written.
Warrington (***) Seal
Signed, sealed & acknowledged in presence of us William P. Moore - Jno. W. Watson - Zoro. Kellam At a Court held for Accomack County January 26th 1818. This Deed from Samuel Warrington to George S. Parker and Samuel Parker was proved by oaths of William P. Moore, John W. Watson and Zorobabel Kellam, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Examined: Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book No 16 Page 333 March 1, 1817, John Finney sells to John K. Warrington three acres of land for the sum of 48 pounds lawful money. The land adjoined the land of John K. Warrington and was bounded Northwardly by a creek which separated the same from the lands of John G. Joynes. Eastwardly by the said lot of land belonging to John K. Warrington. Southwardly by the road leading down Sluthkiln neck and Westwardly by a line of marked trees and posts which separate the same from the lands of the said John Finney. Witnessed by Elijah A. White, Leven White and George F. Snead. Recorded March 31, 1818, teste: Richard D. Bayly
Deed Book No 18 Page 9 December 27, 1819, George Warrington sells to John K. Warrington a certain tract and parcel of land for the sum of Nine Hundred and Eighteen Dollars and Seventy Five Cents. The land lying and being in the Parish of St. George and County of Accomack, containing by estimation seventy five acres and bounded Northwardly by the lands belonging to the heirs of George Seymour, deceased. Eastwardly by the land belonging to the heirs of Henry Parker, deceased, and formerly owned by John Richardson. Southwardly by the lands of Salathiel West, orphan of Salathiel West, deceased. And westwardly by the lands of William D. Groten, it being the same the said George Warrington purchased of John Mears (of Littleton.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Finney, Edward Smith Snead and Ezekiel Badger. Recorded Dec. 28, 1819. Teste: Richard D. Bayly
Deed Bk No 18 pg 100 March 13, 1820. Joshua Warrington, of Accomack County in the State of Virginia, sells his negro man named Isaac, at present living James Ashley, for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars to Solomon Bunting, Jesse Elliott and William Elliott, Merchants trading under the firm of Bunting and Elliott. Witnesses: J. W. Custis, William Parramore Jr. and George B. Garrison. Recorded March 30, 1820. Teste:Richard D. Bayly
Deed Bk No 18 pg 156 December 18, 1820, John Mears, of Littleton, and Ali his wife of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia, sell a certain tract and parcel of land being in the County of Accomack and Parish of St. George, containing by estimation seventy acres to George Warrington(of Stephen) of the same place. The said land was bounded Northwardly by the land of the heirs of George Seymour, deceased. Eastwardly by the lands now in the possession of Henry Parker's family formally owned by John Richardson. Southwardly by the lands belonging to Salathiel West, orphan of Salathiel West, deceased. And Westwardly by the lands of William D. Groten. Witnesses: William Satchell, Mathew Floyd, Thomas S. Brickhouse. (The witnesses signed the deed on July 7, 1818, Aug. 10, 1818 and July 15, 1818, respectively.) Recorded June 16, 1820, Richard D. Bayly.
Deed Bk No 18 pg 186 Aug. 18, 1809, Elizabeth Warrington sells to Levin Savage, both of Accomack County and State of Virginia, that piece and parcel of land formerly belonging to James Warrington situate near Onancock Town in the County of Accomack and State of Virginia containing by estimation twenty acres for the sum of One Dollar and for the further intention and consideration of securing to the said Levin Savage payment of the sum of Eighty Dollars and Forty Cents which the said Elizabeth was indebted to the said Levin Savage by bond. The land was bounded on the North by the lands of Joseph Gunter. South by the lands of Charles Belote. East by the lands of John K. Warrington and West by the lands of Thomas Sturgis. Witnesses: Sally West, John J. Wise and Rosey Warrington. Recorded
July 31, 1820. Teste: Richard D. Bayly
Deed Bk No 18 pg 237 August 25, 1820, John Smith Sr. of Accomack County and State of Virginia, for the love and affection he had for his daughter Agnes Warrington and the further consideration of the sum of One Dollar, in hand paid by the said Agnes Warrington, did give and grant unto the said Agnes Warrington during her natural life five negro slaves to wit: Caleb, Huldah, Southy, John and Laban. And at her death to her three children Ann S. Warrington, Smith Warrington and Thomas J. Warrington. Witnesses: George Scarbrough and James Eichelberger Recorded
September 25, 1820. Teste Richard D. Bayly
Deed Book No. 18 page 330 This Deed made the second day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty between Levin Savage and Rosey Warrington of the one part & Thomas Sturgis of the other part, all of the county of Accomack & State Of Virginia. Levin Savage and Rosey Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Two Dollars and twenty five cents sell to Thomas Sturgis a certain tract or parcel of land containing by a recent survey forty two and 1/2 acres more or less, bounded as follows: Viz on the West by the lands of the said Rosey Warrington and on the North by the lands of the said Levin Savage; on the East by the lands of Charles Belote and on the South by the lands of the said Thomas Sturgis; which said tract of land was Elizabeth Warrington, decd., one fourth of the lands of James Warrington, decd., which said portion or one fourth of the said land was mortgaged by the said Elizabeth Warrington to the said Levin Savage to secure the payment of money due him by the said Elizabeth and said land was sold by the said Levin Savage by the consent of of the said Rosey Warrington to pay and satisfy the said mortgage. In testimony whereof the said Levin Savage and Rosey Warrington have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Levin Savage (***) Seal Rosey X Warrington (***) her
mark Seal
Signed and sealed in the presence of Levin S. Joynes - Isma Wyatt Sen. - Chas. S. Snead At a Court held for Accomack County December the 25th 1820, this Deed from Levin Savage and Rosey Warrington to Thomas Sturgis was acknowledged by the said Levin and Rosey as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Teste Richard D. Bayly C. A. C.
Deed Bk No 18 pg 376 February 12, 1821, Joshua Warrington, of Accomack County in the State of Virginia, sells to Jesse Elliott, of the same County and State, for the sum of One Hundred and Forty Dollars, goods as follows viz. One negro woman named Hannah, one Sorrel horse and cart, two cows, one heifer, two feather beds and bedding, two head of hogs, one loom, three baskets, six setting chairs, two chests, one table, two iron pots, one dutch oven, two axes, one pair of iron wedges, one plough, one spinning wheel & C & C. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of February 1821. Joshua X Warrington his mark Signed ,sealed, and delivered in the presence of William Elliott - George B. Garrison. This
Deed from Joshua Warrington to Jesse Elliott was acknowledged by the Said
Joshua Warrington as his act and deed before Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. in
his office on the 15th day of February, 1821, and admitted to record February
15, 1821. Teste: Richard D, Bayly C.A. C.
Deed Book No 18 Page 383 This Bill of Sale made this 20th day of February Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty One between Joshua Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and Jesse Elliott of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Joshua Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Forty dollars which he the said Joshua Warrington is justly indebted to the said Jesse Elliott and the payment whereof he is desirous to secure to the said Jesse Elliott as well for and in consideration of securing to the sd Jesse Elliott the payment of all such further sums of money as he the said Joshua Warrington shall hereafter become indebted to the said Jesse Elliott or in any manner bound to him, he the said Joshua Warrington hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell to the said Jesse Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever the following property, to wit: One negro woman named Hannah; One Sorrel Horse; One cart and harness; 2 Cows; One Heifer; 3 Feather Beds & Furniture steads, mats & cows; Ten head of hogs and Loom; 3 Baskets; 8 Setting chairs; 3 Chests; 2 Tables; 4 Trunks and also all my china & ..... ware of every description what ever; One Case bottles and also all my earthen ware of every descreption; 2 Iron pots; One dutch oven; One Spider; 3 axes; One pair of Iron Wedges; 1 pair sad irons plough; 2 Spinning wheels; 1 Spade; 1 Shovel; 10 Barrels Corn; One Tight cask; 4 Barrels Cover Bacon; 150 lb Pork; 40 lb Lard; 100 lb unpicked Cotton; 21 Sheaves flax; 4 Hoes; 3 Fodder Stacks; 1 Bushel Flax seed; 1 Bushel Peas; 1 Bushel Beans; 30 Dung hill fowl; 4 Geese; 15 Bushels sweet potatoes seed; 3 Bushels Irish potatoes seed. To have and to hold the hereby bargained and sold property to him the said Jesse Elliott, his heirs and assigns forever to and for his only proper use benefit and behoof and he the said Joshua Warrington for himself and his heirs, hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Jesse Elliott and his heirs and assigns that he will forever warrant and defend the said property to him the said Jesse Elliott free and clear from the claim or claims of all and every person or persons laying claim to all or any part thereof, Provided never the less and it is the true meaning of this Bill of Sale that if the said Joshua Warrington, his heirs, executors or administrators shall well anf truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Jesse Elliott, his heirs or assigns the afore said sum of One Hundred and Forty dollars together with the interest and costs of recording and writing this Bill of Sale and all such further sums of money as he the said Joshua Warrington shall hereafter become indebted to the afore sd Jesse Elliott or in any way bound to pay to the said Jesse Elliott, then and in that case this bill of Sale to be void and of No effect. Otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. In testimony whereof the said Joshua Warrington hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year within written. his Joshua X Warrington (XXX) Seal mark Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of us James P. Taylor This Bill of Sale from Joshua Warrington to Jesse Elliott was acknowledged by the said Joshua as his act and deed before littleton P. Henderson Dy. Clerk in the Clerk's Office on the 20th day of February 1820 and admitted to record. Examined Teste: Littleton P. Henderson Dy. C.A.C.
Deed Book No 19 Page 124 This
Deed made this Twenty Seventh day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred
& Nineteen, between Charles Snead, Edward L. Snead & Levin G. Joynes
Commissioners under a decree of the county Court of Accomack of the one
part & John K. Warrington of the said County of the other part. Witnesseth
that whereas by a decree of the said Court made on the 21st day of March
1817 in a certain suit of Chancery in which Elijah A. White & Rosey
his wife and others were plaintiffs & Levin Snead & another defendant
it was decreed and ordered that the said Charles Snead, Edward S. Snead
& Levin G. Joynes or any two of them be Commissioners and do make sale
of a lot of Land of which Tully Snead, decd., seized situated in the town
of Onancock, and whereas at a Sale made by the said Commissioners after
having advertised the same pursuant to the directions of the said Decree
on this day the said John K. Warrington being the purchaser, he being the
highest bidder at the price of Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars. Now this
Deed Witnesseth that the said Commissioners in consideration of the premises
and for the further consideration of the said John K. Warrington having
paid and secured the payment of the said sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars
pursuant to the directions of the said Decree, have bargained, granted
& sold and by these present do bargain, grant and sell to the said
John K. Warrington, his heirs, and assigns forever the aforesaid Lot of
Land, the same containing by estimation One Half acre be the same more
or less and being bounded on the North by the main street of Onancock;
on the East by James R. Ashmead Lot; on the South by Smith R. Carmine Lot;
and on the West by Stephen Hopkins Lot. To have and to hold the Lot of
land aforesaid and the appurtenances unto the said John K. Warrington,
his heirs, and assigns forever for the only benefit behoof and advantage
of the said John K. Warrington, his heirs, and assigns forever to and for
the to and for. In Testimony Whereof the aforesaid Commissioners have hereunto
set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
Charles Snead (***) Seal Ed. Smith Snead (***) Seal Levin G. Joynes (***) Seal Signed , sealed and delivered in the presence of us Thomas R. Joynes Thos. L. Bayly Wm. Lee At a Court held for Accomack County the 30th day of July 1821, This Deed from Charles Snead, Edward S. Snead & Levin G. Joynes Commissioners to John K. Warrington was ackl'd. by the said Charles, Edward & Levin as their act and deed & ordered to be rcorded. Teste richard D. Bayly C.A.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 19 Page 193 This Deed made the Nineteenth Day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty One between Levin Hargis of the one part and William Lee and James Poulson Executors of John K. Warrington, decd, of the other part. All of the county of Accomack and State of Virginia. Witnesseth that the said Levin Hargis for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to him in hand paid by the said Wm. Lee and James Poulson, Executors, aforesaid before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and also for the further purpose of securing to the said William Lee and James Poulson, Executors, as aforesaid, their heirs or assigns the payment of the sum of ninety eight Dollars & ten cents, which he the said Levin Hargis id justly indebted to the estate of the said John K. Warrington by note bearing date the same day with these presents together with Interest and Costs he the said Levin Hargis has bargained, granted and sold and by these presents doth bargain, grant and sell unto the said Wm. Lee and James Poulson Esqr. Exrs. as afore said the following property Viz. Three Horses, three first chord beds, three sheets, three blankets, three counterpanes, One Yoke of Oxen, One Wain & wheels, two- -three tight casks, two set Tubs, Seven head of Cattle, Ten head hogs, one safe, Six Windsor Chairs, two Iron Pots, one oke chest, one looking glass, Fifteen head of Sheep, Two Axes, Two hoes, Two Planes, and one negro woman called Sarah. To have and to hold the hereby bargained and sold property to them, the saif Wm. Lee and James Poulson, Exors. as aforesd, their heirs and assigns forever and the said Levin Hargis for himself and his heirs hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Wm. Lee and James Poulson that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the said property to them the said Wm. Lee and James Poulson, Exors. as aforesaid free and clear from the lawful claim or claims of all and every person now or hereafter laying claim to the same or any part thereof. Provided never the less and it is the true intent and meaning of this deed that if the said Levin Hargis shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid on demand to the said Wm. Lee and James Poulson, Executors as aforesaid, their heirs or assigns the aforesaid Sum of ninety eight dollars and ten cents together with Interest and Costs then and in that case this Deed to be void else to be and remain in full force, power and virtue. In
Testimony whereof the said Levin Hargis has hereunto set his hand and seal
the day and year above written.
Levin Hargis (****) Seal Signed and acknowledged as his act and deed in the presence of Levin S. Joynes Wm. B. Snead Henry E. Mills Edw. S. Snead John B. Upshur At a Court held for Accomack County on the 24th day of September 1821, This Deed from Levin Hargis to William Lee and James Poulson, Executors of John K. Warrington, decd., was proved by the oaths of Edward S. Snead, Henry E. Mills and Levin S. Joynes Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 20 Page 407 This
Indenture made this 23rd day of May 1823, Between Richard Taylor &
Nancy his wife of the one part & George Warrington of the same place
of the other part both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia.
Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of ten Dollars in hand
paid unto the aforesaid Richard Taylor & Mary his wife by the said
George Warrington at and before the ensealing & delivery of these presents
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the aforesaid Richard Taylor
and Nancy his wife and the aforesaid Richard Taylor & Nancy his wife
do grant, bargain and sell unto the said George Warrington, he, his heirs
and assigns seven acres of land be the same more or less beginning on the
West by the lands of Walter Wessela; on the North by the lands of Walter
Wessels; on the East by the lands of Jacob Northam and on the South by
Messongo Creek together with all and every appurtenances thereunto belonging
or any way thereunto appertaining unto him the said George Warrington to
him, his heirs or assigns forever and I the aforesaid Richard Taylor &
Nancy his wife do warrant and forever defend the same against me &
my heirs and assigns forever & the said Richard Taylor & Nancy
his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above
Richard X Taylor (***) Seal His Mark Nancy X Taylor (***) Seal Her Mark Henry Fletcher Jacob Northam Wm. R. Custis Accomack County Lc We Henry Fletcher and Wm R. Custis Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that Nancy Taylor, the wife of Richard Taylor, parties to a certain Deed bearing the date on the 23rd day of May 1823 and hereunto annexed, personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privately & apart from her husband and having the Deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Nancy Taylor acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 23rd. day of May 1823. Henry Fletcher (Seal) Wm. R. Custis (Seal) At
a Court held for Accomack County on the 25th day of August 1825, This Deed
from Richard Taylor and Nancy his wife to George Warrington was proved
as to the said Richard by the oath of Henry Fletcher, Jacob Northam and
Wm. R. Custis witnesses thereto and with the certificate of previous examinations
of the said Ann (sic) ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Richard D.
Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book No 21 Page 531 This
Deed made this 25th day of June Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred
and Twenty Five between Samuel Starling and Polly his wife, Teackle Taylor
and Delaney his wife and Samuel Owen of the County of Accomack and State
of Virginia of the one part & George Warrington of the same place aforesaid
of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Samuel Starling & Polly
his wife, Teackle Taylor & Delaney his wife and Samuel Owen for and
in consideration of the sum of Twenty One dollars lawful money to them
in hand paid by the said George Warrington the receipt whereof they the
said Samuel Starling & Polly his wife, Teackle Taylor and Delaney his
wife and Samuel Owen doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained and
sell, alien and confirm unto the said George Warrington, his heirs &
assigns forever a parcel of Land containing Seven acres more or less in
an undivided tract adjoining the lands of Walter Wessels on the N.W. John
White; On the N.E. Jacob Northam & Walter Wessels; On the S.E. and
S.W. by Messongo Creek. To have and to hold the Seven acres of Land more
or less with all and singular the premises above mentioned and every part
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances to the said George Warrington,
his heirs and assigns forever and the said Samuel Starling and Polly his
wife, Teackle Taylor and Delaney his wife and Samuel Owen for themselves
and their heirs the said Seven acres of Land against them and their heirs
and against all and every person or persons claiming or intending to claim
by through or under them will to the said George Warrington, his heirs
and assigns will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness
whereof we the parties have set our hands and affixed our seals the day
and the year above written.
Samuel X Starling (SS) Polly X Starling (SS) Teackle Taylor (SS) Delaney X Taylor (SS) Samuel Owen (SS) Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Raymond Riley (as to S. Owen) John White (Ditto) Accomack County Lc We James Gillet and David Watts Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Samuel Starling and Teackle Taylor parties to a certain Deed bearing date the 25th day of June 1825 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of County Court of Accomack in order that the said Deed may be recorded. given under our hands and seals this 25th day of June 1825. J. Gillet (SS) David Watts (SS) We James Gillet and David Watts Justices of the Peace in the County Aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Polly Starling the wife of Samuel Starling and Delaney Taylor the wife of Teackle Taylor parties to a certain Deed bearing date on the 25th day of June 1825 & hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid & being examined by us privately and apart from their husbands and having the aforesaid explained to them they the said Polly and Delaney acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and declared that they had willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and they wished not to retract it. given under our hands and seals this 25th day of June 1825. J. Gillet (SS) David Watts (SS) This Deed from Samuel Starling and Polly his wife, Teackle Taylor & Delaney his wife and Samuel Owen to George Warrington and the certificate of the acknowledgement annexed to said Deed was received by Litt. P. Henderson Dy Clerk of Accomack County Court in the Clerks office of said Court on the 28th day of June 1825 & admitted to record. Examined Teste: Litt. P. Henderson Dy C.A.C.
Deed Book No 21 Page 607 This Bill of Sale made this Twenty Fourth day of September, Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Five between Joshua Warrington of the County of Accomack and the State of Virginia of the one part and William Elliott of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said Joshua Warrington stands justly indebted to the said William Elliott by note bearing date herewith in the Sum of Fifty dollars and whereas he the said Joshua Warrington is desirous of more effectively securing the payment thereof now for and in consideration thereof and for the further consideration of One dollar to him the said Joshua Warrington in hand paid by the said William Elliott at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Joshua Warrington hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said william elliott his heirs and assigns forever the following property, to wit: Two beds, Boulsters, bedsteads, mats & Cords & Eight sheets, six blankets, One Bedquilt, One counter pin, Seven Sitting chairs, Two pine tables, three chests, Four trunks, Two Spinning Wheels, Two set Cups and Saucers, One dozen plates, six Dishes, One set Knives and forks and all the balance of my Cookery ware, One Grub hoe, Two weeding hoes, Two Hogs, Sixteen dung hill fowl, One spider and lid, One Oxen and led, Two Iron pots and hooks, One iron pot rack, One pare flat Irons, One pare Waffle Irons and Three Wash Tubs, All of potato patches ans all my garden. To Have and to hold unto the said William Elliott, his heirs and assigns and to or for no other use intent or purpose what ever. Provided never the less and is the true intent and meaning of these presents that should the said Joshua Warrington well and truly pay and satisfy the said William Elliott, his heirs and assigns the above sums of Fifty dollars with interest together with all further sums in which the said Joshua Warrington may in any manner hereafter become indebted to the said william Elliott and together with the recording this instrument ans all further costs which may arise from the same and on that case this bill of Sale to be void otherwise to remain in full force, power and efficacy as if no condition had been hereto annexed. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Joshua X Warrington (SS) his mark Seal Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of John Elliott. This Bill of Sale from Joshua Warrington to William Elliott was acknowledged by the said Joshua Warrington to be his act and deed before Litt. P. Henderson Dy Clerk of Accomack County Court in the Clerk's Office of said Court on the 11th day of October 1825, and admitted to record. Examined Teste: Litt. P. Henderson C.A.C.
Deed Book No 22 Page 107 This Indenture made the 6th day of September One Thousand eight Hundred and Twenty Five, Between James Chesser and Betsey his wife of the one part and Abbott Wharrington (sic) of the other part. Both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia the receipt whereof for the full and just sum of Sixty Dollars good and lawful money of Virginia in hand paid by the aforesaid Abbot (sic) Wharington (Sic) at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents. I the said Chesser and Betsey his wife hath granted, bargained and sold and doth absolutely grant & bargain and confirm unto the said Abbott Warrington a piece of land containing five acres bounded as follows: Adjoining Thomas and John Fletcher on the Eastern side; Adjoining Catharine Cropper on the North East and on the West the said Warrington and the said James Chesser and Betsy his wife doth from ourselves, our heirs or executors or assigns unto the said Abbott Wharington, his heirs or executors forever and I the said James Chesser and Betsy his wife doth warrant and forever defend from all person or persons claiming any right or title unto the said land unto the said Abbot Wharington and I the said James Chesser and Betsey his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals in the presence of Teste: Jacob Taylor Sally X Chesser Purnell Chesser James X Chesser (Seal) his mark Betsey X Chesser (Seal) her mark Accomack County to wit: We William Riley and John F. Riley as Justices in the County of Accomack and State of Virginia do hereby certify that Betsey Chesser the wife of James Chesser parties to a certain Deed bearing date 6th day of September Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Five personally appeared before us privately and apart from her husband and having the deed fully explained to her she the said Betsey Chesser acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 11th day of February 1826. Wm. Riley (Seal) John F. Riley (Seal) This Deed from James Chesser and Betsey his wife to Abbott Wharington was acknowledged by the said James to be his act and deed before Richard D. Bayly Clerk of the Accomack County Court in his office on the 4th day of March 1826 and with the certificate of the private examination and acknowledgement of the said Betsy annexed is admitted to record. Examined Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C.
Deed Book No 22 Page 524 This deed made this the 26th day of October A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Two between William Lee and James Poulson executors of the Last Will and Testament of John K. Warrington, dec'd., and Sally Warrington, widow of the said John K. Warrington of the one part and William S. Watson of the other part. Witnesseth; that the said William Lee Senr. and James Poulson executors as aforesaid and Sally Warrington, widow, aforesaid pursuant to and under the direction of the Last Will and Testament of the said John K. Warrington, dec'd., for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Nine dollars to them in hand paid by the said William S. Watson before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said William Lee Senr. and James Poulson exrs. as aforesaid and Sally Warrington, widow, aforesaid have bargained, granted and sold and by these presents bargained, granted and sold to the said William S. Watson and his heirs and assigns forever a certain lot of land od which the said John K. Warrington died seized, situated in Town of Onancock. Containing by estimation half an acre, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: On the North by the main street, on the East by the lot of the said William S. Watson, which he recently purchased of James R. Ashmead, on the South by the lots belonging to Smith R. Carmine and Edward S. Snead and on the West by the lots belonging to Stephen Hopkins. To have and to hold the said bargained and sold Lott (sic) of land together with the aoourtenances, rights, issues, rents and profits thereof to the said William S. Watson & his heirs and assigns only proper use, benefit and behoof, and the said William Lee Senr., and James Poulson executors as aforesaid and Sally Warrington, widow, as aforesaid hereby covenant and agree to and with the said William S. Watson and his heirs and assigns that they will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lott of land against themselves and the heirs of John K. Warrington, decd., and all and every person or persons now or hereafter laying claim to the same or any part thereof, by, through or under them or either of them. In Testimony whereof the said william Lee Senr., and James Poulson executors as aforesaid and Sally Warrington, widow, as aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. William Lee SS James Poulson SS Sally Warrington SS Signed and acknowledged as their act and deed in the presence of John Finney, Aaron Parker, Henry E. Mills, Levin A. Joynes, Smith R. Carmine (for W. Lee, Edward Finney, John P. Lee. Accomack County Lc We John Finney and Levin S. Joynes, Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid, in the state of Virginia, do hereby certify that Sally Warrington, a party to certain deed bearing date on 26th day of Oct. 1822, and hereto annexed, personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the County Court of Accomack in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seal this 22nd day of February 1823. John Finney SS Levin S. Joynes SS At a Court held for Accomack County, June the 30th 1823. This deed from William Lee and James Poulson, exrs. of John K. Warrington, decd., and Sally Warrington to William S. Watson was acknowledged by the said william as his act and deed and the certificate of acknowledgement od said Sally being returned annexed. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. At a Court held for Accomack County on the 29th day of March 1827, this deed was acknowledged by James Poulson to be his act and deed, and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. Examined
Deed Book No 23 Page 466 This Indenture made the Twenty Ninth day of November in the year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Seven, between George Warrington and Catharine his wife of the County of Northampton in the State of Virginia of the one part and Mahala C. Ames of Accomack County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said George Warrington and Catharine his wife in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Two dollars and fifty cents lawful money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said Mahala C. Ames at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do and each of them doth bargain and sell unto the said Mahala C. Ames, her heirs and assigns a certain Tract of Land laying in the County of Accomack in the Parish of St. George and bounded as follows, to wit: On the South by the Lands of Henry Stewart; On the West by the Lands of Edmund Darby; On the North by the Land of Stringer Ames; On the East by the Lands of Elizabeth Peusey, containing by survey eleven acres the same be more or less. To Have and Hold said Tract of Land with the tenements, heridaments and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with every of their rights, members and appurtenances unto the said Mahala c. Ames, her heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use and behoof of her the said Mahala C. Ames, her heirs and assigns forever, and the said George warrington and Caty his wife for themselves and their heirs the said trtact of Land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Mahala C. Ames, her heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the said George Warrington and Catharine his wife or either of them, their or either of their heirs, and all and every person or persons what so ever shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said George Warrington and Caty his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. George Warrington (SS) Catharine Warrington (SS) Signed,
sealed and delivered in the presence of Custis Kellam, Shadrack T. Ames,
Rich'd. Ames
Accomack County Lc We John B. Revell and George Smith M. P. Justices of the Peace in the aforesaid County and State of Virginia do hereby certify that Catharine Warrington, wife of George Warrington, parties to a certain Deed bearing date of the 29th of November 1827 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in the aforesaid County and being examined by us privately and apart from her husband and having the Deed fully explained to her, she the said Catharine acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she has willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 3rd day of May 1828. Jno. B. Revell (SS) Geo. Smith M.P. (SS) At a Court held for Accomack County on the 26th day of May, 1828. This Deed from Geo. Warrington & Catharine his wife to Mahala C. Ames was partly proved as to said Geo. Warrington by the oaths of Custis Kellam & Rich'd. Ames, witnesses thereto. The certificate of the private examination of sd Catharine being returned annexed. Teste: Richard D. Bayly C.A.C. At
a Court held for Accomack County on the 30th day of June 1828. This deed
from Geo. Warrington & Catharine his wife to Mahala C. Ames was fully
proved by the oath of Shadrack T. Ames witness thereto and ordered to be
recorded. Examined Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 24 Page 247 Received of Wm. D. Chandler Three Hundred and Eight dollars and 65 1/2 cents in full of all accounts being the balance that was due Smith Warrington from the said Wm. D. Chandler, Guardian, to the 1st day June 1829,- Smith Warrington. Teste: Jno. Arlington At a Court held for Accomack County on the 29th June 1829. This receipt from Smith Warrington to Wm. D. Chandler was proved by the oath of John Arlington a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C Examined.
Deed Book No 24 Page 385 This Deed made this 1st day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty between Benjamin Haley of the County of Accomack and the state of Virginia of the one part and James Carmine & Smith Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Benjamine Haley for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and Sixty four dollars to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents by the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened. enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, eneoff and confirm unto the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington and to their heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land situate in the county aforesaid and containing by survey Thirty Three acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows. To wit: On the North by the Lands of Margaret West; On the Northerly by the Land of John B. Revell; On the South West by the Lands of William D. Seymons (Seymour?) and a line running in the same direction of the line which separates the said Land of William D. Seymour until it reaches the County road, so as to make a continuation of the line between the said Land and the Land of William D. Seymour in the same direction the boundry line which separates said Land from the other Land belonging to the Estate of the said Edward H. Ker; and on the South East by the public road leading from Deep Creek to Anoncock Town together with all the rights, privleges and appurtenances there unto belonging. To Have and To Hold the tract of Land hereby intended to be conveyed, together with all rights, privleges and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington or their heirs assigns forever to and for the only proper use, benefit and behoof of them the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington, their heirs and assigns and the said Benjamin Haley for himself, his heirs, executors & administrators doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington, their heirs, Executors, Administrators or assigns that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the tract of Land aforesaid and the appurtenances to them the said James Carmine and Smith Warrington, their heirs and assigns free and clear from the claims of him the said Benjamin Haley and all and every person claiming under him. In Testimony whereof the said Benjamin Haley hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal this day and year first above written. Benjamin X Haley (SS) his mark seal Elizabeth
T. Haley (SS)
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Henry P. Parker Levin S. Joynes
John White
Accomack County Sc. We William Parramore Senr. and William A. Parker Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Elizabeth T. Haley the wife of Benjamin Haley, parties to a certain Deed bearing date on the 1st day of January 1830 and hereunto annexed, personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privately and apart from her husband and having the Deed aforesaid fully explained to her the said Elizabeth Haley acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 25th day of January 1830. Wm. Parramore Sr. (SS) WM. A. Parker (SS) Accomack
County Sc. We William Parramore and Wm. A. Parker Justices of the Peace
in the County of Accomack in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that
Benjamin Haley a party to a certain Deed bearing the date on the 1st day
of January 1830, and hereto annexed, personally appeared before us in our
County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desires
us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County of Accomack
in order that the said Deed may be recorded. given under our hands and
seals this 25th day of January, 1830. Wm. Parramore (SS) Wm. A. Parker
This Deed from Benjamin Haley and Elizabeth his wife to James Carmine and Smith Warrington was with the certificate of acknowledgement annexed to said Deed received in the Clerks office of Accomack County Court by Littleton P. Henderson Dy C.A.C. on the 3rd day of february 1830 and admitted to record. Examined. Teste litt. P. Henderson Dy C.A.C.
Deed Book No 24 Page 398 This Deed made the 3rd day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty, between John Snead Executor of John Grant, decd., and Agnes Grant the widow of the said John Grant of the one part and Smith Warrington of the other part all of the County of Accomack & State of Virginia. Witnesseth, that where as the said John Grant did by his Last Will and Testiment, now of record in the Clerks Office of the said county courthouse and desire his executor therin named to make sale of his houses and lots in the town of Onancock in such manner as he thought would be most beneficial to his Estate. The said John Snead, the Executor therin named did in pursuance of the said Will make sale of the said houses and lots by private contract to the said Smith Warrington for the sum of Four Hundred and ninety Five dollars and the said Agnes Grant, the widow of the said John Grant having consented to relinquish her dower in the said houses and lots: Now therefore the said John Snead Executor as aforesaid and Agnes Grant widow as aforesaid, for and in consideration of the afore said sum of Four Hundred and Ninety Five dollars, to them in hand paid by the said Smith Warrington before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, granted, sold, alienated and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alienate and confirm to the said Smith Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever the aforesaid lott & houses in the said Town od Anancock and all the rights, privleges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, which said lot contains by estimation two and one half acres more or less and is bounded as follows: On the North by Wm. S. Watson's lotts, main street and the store lot belonging to Thomas R. Joynes; On the East by the lands of John Custis; On the South by the middle branch of Onancock Creek; On the West by the lots of Stephen Hopkins, Edward S. Snead and William S. Watson, decd., subject to the dower of Elizabeth Carmine the wife of Smith R. Carmine therein, they being the same houses and lots sold by Levin S. Joynes agent for Smith R. Carmine to the said John Grant as will more fully appear by reference to the deed for the same now of record in the clerks office in the said County of Accomack. To Have and to Hold the hereby bargained and sold houses and lots together with all and singularly the appurtenances, remainders, reversions, rights, rents, issues and profits thereof to him the said Smith Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever to and for his only proper use, benefit and behoof - and the said John Snead executor as aforesaid and the said Agnes Grant widow as aforesaid for themselves and their heirs hereby covenants and agree to and with the said Smith Warrington that they will forever warrant and defend the title to the said lots and houses to him and his heirs and assigns free and clear from the lawful claim or claims or any part thereof by, through or under them or the heirs of the said executor as aforesaid and the said Agnes Grant widow as aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. John Snead (Seal) Agnes Grant (Seal) Signed and Acknowledged as their act & deed in the presence of Levin S. Joynes for J.S. Henry P. Parker , Revell West Accomack County Sc. We John Finney and Levin S. Joynes, Justices of the Peace in the County Aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Agnes Grant widow of John Grant, decd., and John Snead Executor of John Grant, decd., parties to a certain deed, bearing dayte of the 3rd day of February 1830 and hereto annexed same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Accomack in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals the 22nd day of February 1830. John Finney (SS) Levin S. Joynes (SS) Smith Warrington was with the certificate of the acknowledgement annexed to said Deed received in the Clerks Office by littleton P. Henderson Dy C.A.C. on the 22nd of February 1830 & admitted to record. Examined Teste: litt. P. Henderson Dy C.A.C.
Deed Book No 24 Page 501 This Indenture made this 25th day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty between Smith L. Warrington of the first part John Arlington of the second part and Lewis L. Snead of the third part. Whereas the said Smith L. Warrington is justly indebted to the said Lewis L. Snead in the sum of Three Hundred and Forty One dollars and twenty nine cents with interest thereon to be paid on demand as by a bond or note bearing date on the 2nd. day of June 1830, more fully appears which debt with the interest thereon accrued and accruing, the said Smith Warrington is willing and desirous to secure and also and also all farther advances made by the said Lewis L. Snead to the said Smith L. Warrington and also to indemnify the said Lewis L. Snead in all cases where he may hereafter be bound as security for the said smith L. Warrington: Now this Indenture Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and also the further consideration of One dollar of lawful money of Virginia to the said Smith L. Warrington in hand paid by the said John Arlington at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Smith L. Warrington hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, alein, enfeoff, release and confirm to the said John Arlington, his heirs and assigns forever houses and lotts of land whereon the said Smith L. Warrington now resides situate in the Town of Accomack containing by estimation two acres more or less and bounded Easterly by the lands of John Custis Senr. Westerly by the lots of Edward Smith Snead and the heirs or legatees of William S. Watson, decd.; South Westerly by the Creek & Northwardly by the lot of Thos. R. Joynes, reserving however the dower of Elizabeth Carmine, the wife of Smith R. Carmine therein thereon, also the undivided one half of a certain tract or parcel of land which the said Smith L. Warrington and James Carmine purchased of Benjamin Haley situate near Onancock Town in the Parish of St George and County of Accomack containing thirty three acres more or less and bounded by the lands of Lee & Hopkins, Samuel C. White, Edward S. Snead, James Poulson Senior and Americus Scarburgh, also the reversion of the undivided one third part of the following Slaves acquired by gift from his grandfather John Smith, decd., to wit: Caleb, Hulder, Southy, John, Sabra (possibly Salva,) Lucy, Jim and Mary also one bay horse. With all and singular the appurtenances to the said Lot of land belonging with the reversion aforesaid, and the said undivided one half of said tract of land or in any wise appertaining, and the future increase of the females of the said Slaves and all the estate, right, title and interest of the said Smith L. Warrington in and to the said granted or intended to be granted lot and parcel of land and premises with the appurtenances reserving as aforesaid the dower of the said Elizabeth Carmine in the lot aforesaid, together with the reversion of the one third part of the aforesaid Slaves and the future increase of the females thereof and the personal estate herein before mentioned unto the said John Arlington, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said John Arlington, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Smith L. Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said John Arlington, his heirs, executorss, administrators and assigns forever in manner and form following, that is to say, that the said Smith L. Warrington, his heirs, executors ans administrators the afore said Lot of Land and premises with its appurtenances and the reversion of One Third of the Slaves aforesaid and the future increases of the female thereof and the personal estate herein before mentioned unto the said John Arlington, his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns against all persons what so ever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents upon Trust never the less that the said John B. Ailworth, his heirs, executors and administrators shall permit the said Smith L. Warrington to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of the said Lot of Land and premises and the One half of the aforesaid undivided tract or parcel of land and premises with their appurtenances together with Slaves aforesaid and the personal estate herein before mentioned and take the profits thereof to his own use until default be made in the payment of the said sum of One Hundred and Two dollars and eighty nine cents a Ninety Two dollars and six cents either in the whole or in part or any sum or sums of money that may be hereafter advanced to the said Warrington by the said Samuel C. White or any sum or sums of money for which the said Samuel C. White may be bound for the said Warrington as security or any sum or sums of money that he may hereafter become justly indebted to the said Samuel C. White, and thereupon this futher trust that he the said John B. Ailworth or his heirs, executors, or administrators shall and will so soon after the happening of such default of payment as he, his heirs, executors or administrators may think proper or the said Samuel C. White, his Executors, administrators or assigns shall request, sell the said Lot of Land and the undivided one half of the said Tract of Land and premises with their appurtenances with the exception of dower as aforesaid together with the Slaves aforesaid and the increases of the females thereof and the personal Estate herein before mentioned or such part of the hereby granted premises as the trustee or his representatives hereby authorized to act shall think suffecient for the purpose and shall think proper to sell to thr highest bidder for ready money at public auction after having fixed the time and place of sale at his own descretion and give twenty days notice thereof by advertisement to be set up at the Court House door of the County aforesaid on some Court day previous to the day of Sale and out of the money arising from such sale shall after satisfying the charges thereof and all other expenses attending the premises pay to the said Samuel C. White, his executors, administrators or assigns the said sum of One Hundred and Two dollars and eighty nine cents, and also Ninety Two dollars and six cents, with the interest which may thereon lawfully accrued and all sums which may have been advanced by the said Samuel C. White to the said Warrington subsequent to the date hereof and also all sums for which the said Samuel C. White may be bound as security for the said Smith L. Warrington and also all sums which he may become justly indebted to the said Samuel C. White and the balance if any shall pay to the said Smith L. Warrington, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, But if the whole of the said sums of One Hundred and Two dollars and eighty nine cents and also Ninety Two dollars and six cents and interest and also subquent advances and sums for which the said Samuel C. White may be bound as security and all sums that he may have become justly indebted to the said Samuel C. White shall be paid off and discharged then this Indenture to be void or else to remain in full force and notice: In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this day and year first above written. Smith L. Warrington (SS) Jno. B. Ailsworth (SS) Samuel C. White (SS) Signed,
sealed & delivered in presence of
Deed from Smith L. Warrington to John B. Ailsworth, Trustee for Samuel
C. White was acknowledged by the said Smith L. Warrington, Jno. B. Ailsworth
and Samuel C. White as their act and deed on the 23rd day of July 1830,
& admitted to record. Teste: Jas. J. Ailsworth Dy for Tho. R. Joynes
C. A. C.
Book No 24 Page 573
This Deed made the Twenty Third day of July Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty between Smith L. Warrington of the one part and Lewis S. Snead of the other part, both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia. Witnesseth that the said Smith L. Warrington for & in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Lewis L. Snead before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged he the said smith L. Warrington has bargained, granted, sold, conveyed & enfeoffed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, & sell, convey and enfeoff to the said Lewis S. Snead and his heirs and assigns forever a certain Lot & Houses in Onancock Town, whereon the said Smith L. Warrington at present resides, containing by estimation Two acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows: On the North by the Lots of Wm. S. Watson's heirs and the main street and Thomas R. Jone's store Lott; On the East by the Lands of John Custis Senr.; On the South by the middle branch of Anoncock Creek, and on the West by the Lots of Edward S. Snead, stephen Hopkins and the said William S. Watson's heirs, it being the same Lot that the said Warrington purchased of John Grant's executors. To Have and to Hold the hereby bargained and sold Lot of Land together with all and singularly the appurtenances hereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining with every part and parcel thereof to him the said Lewis S. Snead and his heirs and assigns forever; and the said Smith L. Warrington for himself and his heirs, the said Lot and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Lewis S. Snead and his heirs and assigns forever; and the said Smith L. Warrington for himself and his heirs, the before Lot and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Lewis S. Snead, his heirs and will forever warrant and defend, subject however to the dower of Elizabeth Carmine the wife of James R. Carmine who was the former owner of the same. In Testimony whereof the said Smith L. Warrington has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Smith
L. Warrington (SS)
Signed, sealed and acknowledged as his act and deed in the presence of Levin S. Joynes - George F. Snead - Henry P. Parker At a Court held for Accomack County on the 25th day of July 1830. Thid Deed from Smith L. Warrington to Lewis S. Snead was acknowledged by the said Smith L. Warrington as his act & deed and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 25 Page 7 Know all men by these presents that I John Arlington, the Trustee named in the Deed of Trust from Smith L. Warrington, to secure the payment of certain sums of money due from the said Warrington to Lewis L. Snead, did this day in pursuance of said Trust proceed to see the property mentioned in the said Deed now of record in the Office of the Clerk of Accomack County Court and Samuel C. White being the highest bidder became the purchaser for the sum of Three Hundred and Forty Six dollars of the right of the said Smith L. Warrington being one undivided third at the death of Mrs. Agnes Warrington in and for the following negroes viz: Calet, Huldah, Southey, John, Sabrah, Lucy, James and Mary, together with the increases of the females. Now, therefore by the authority of the power in me vested by the said Deed of Trust, I do hereby transfer to the said Samuel C. White and his heirs and assigns forever all the right, title, and interest of the aforesaid Smith L. Warrington conveyed to me in the said Deed of Trust. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 31st day of August, 1830. Jno. Arlington (SS) Witness: Edm. R. Custis, Levin S. Joynes, Jno. D. Tyler At a Court held for Accomack County on the 27th day of September 1830. This Deed from John Arlington to Samuel C. White was proved by the oaths of Levin S. Joynes and Edmund R. Custis witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Thos. R. Joynes C.A.C. Examined * Deed Book No 25 Page 19 This Deed made this Thirty First day of August Eighteen Hundred and Thirty, between John Arlington of the one part and Thomas R. Joynes of the other part both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia. Witnesseth, that whereas Smith L. Warrington of the said County by his Deed bearing date of the 23rd day of July 1830 did convey to said John Arlington as Trustee for Lewis S. Snead among other things the undivided one half of a certain Tract of Land which the said Smith L. Warrington and James Carmine purchased of Benjamin Haley situate near Anoncock town in the Parish of St. George & County of Accomack, containing Thirty Three acres more or less and bounded by the Land of Lee & Hopkins, Edward S. Snead, James Poulson and Americus Scarburgh, which undivided half of said Tract of Land and other things in said Deed mentioned were conveyed by said Warrington to said Arlington to by him sold at public auction for the payment of debt due by said Warrington to said Snead - which will more fully and at large appear by reference to said Deed of record in the Clerks office of Accomack County Court and whereas at a sale made at auction by said Arlington acting in all things pursuant to the provisions and directions of said Deed in Trust, on this day the said Thomas R. Joynes being the highest bidder became the purchaser of the undivided half of the tract of Land above described at the price of One Hundred and Thirty Four dollars and fifty cents. Now, therefore this Deed witnesseth that the said John Arlington for and in consideration of the said sum of One hundred and Thirty Four dollars & fifty cents to him in hand paid by the said Thomas R. Joynes before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has bargained, granted and sold & by these presents does bargain, grant, and sell to the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns forever, the undivided One Half of the Tract of Land purchased by the said Smith L. Warrington and John (James Carmine?) Carmine of Benjamin Haley and bounded as described as will more particularly appear by reference to the said Deed from said Warrington to said Arlington as Trustee for the said Snead which said Tract of Land contains by estimation in the whole Thirty Three acres be the same more or less. To Have and to Hold the undivided One Half of the said Tract of Land and the appurtenances to the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Joynes, his heirs and assigns - and the John Arlington for himself, his heirs and Executors doth hereby covnant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the One Half of the said Tract of Land and the appurtenances to the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns free and clear from all claims of persons now or hereafter claiming the same or any part thereof by from, through or under him the said John Arlington, or his heirs. In Testimony whereof the said John Arlington has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written. John Arlington (SS) Signed, sealed and delivered in our presance Jno. W. Custis - Ves Ellis - Geo. P. Scarburgh. At a court held for Accomack County on the 25th day of October 1830. This Deed from John Arlington to Thomas R. Joynes was acknowledged by the said John Arlington and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Jas. J. Ailworth C. A. C.
Deed Book No 25 Page 29 This Deed made this 26th day of October A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty between Lewis L. Snead of the one part and Smith L. Warrington of the other part, both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia. Witnessith that the said Lewis S. Snead for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and Three Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Smith L. Warrington before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said Lewis S. Snead has bargained, granted, sold, conveyed and enfeoffed to the said Smith L. Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land in the Town of Onancock and County aforesaid containing by estimation three acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: On the East by the land of John Custis Senr.; On the South by the middle branch of Onancock Creek; On the West by the lands of Edward S. Snead, Stephen Hopkins and the heirs of William S. Watson and on the North by the lots of said William Warson's heirs and Thomas R. Joynes and the main street (It being the same lot heretofore conveyed to the said Snead) to have and to hold the hereby bargained and sold Lott of Land together with all and singularly the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining together with all the rights, rents, issues and profits thereof to him the said Smith L. Warrington and his heirs and assigns forever and the said Lewis S. Snead for himself and his heirs, the aforesaid Lot and appurtenances to the said Smith L. Warrington and his heirs and assigns, doth and will forever by these presents warrant and defend against the lawful claim or claims of all and every person, now or hereafter, laying claim or claims of all and every person, now or hereafter laying claim to the same or any part thereof by, through or under him the said Lewis S. Snead intending only to reconvey to the sd Smith L. Warrington all the right title and interest in the said Lot which was heretofore conveyed to him by the said Smith L. Warrington and no other. In testimony whereof the said lewis S. Snead has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Lewis S. Snead (***) Seal Signed & acknowledged as his act & deed in presence of Accomack county to wit: We John Finney and Levin S. Joynes, Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Lewis S. Snead party to a certain Deed bearing date on the 26th day of October 1830 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the Court of Accomack in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 1st day of November 1830. John Finney (SS) Seal Levin S. Joynes (SS) Seal This Deed from Lewis S. Snead to Smith L. Warrington with the certificate of acknowledgement thereof thereto annexed was received by Thomas R. Joynes Clerk of the Accomack County Court in his office and admitted to record on the 15th day of November 1830. Examined. Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 25 Page 504 This
Deed made this Twenty Eighth day of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Thirty, Two between Smith L. Warrington of the one part and Robert W. Williams
of the other part, both of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia.
Witnesseth that the said Smith L. Warrington for and in consideration of
the sum of Five Hundred and Sixty dollars to him in hand paid by the said
Robert W. Williams before the sealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has bargained, granted, sold and
conveyed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and convey to
the said Robert W. Williams and his heirs and assigns forever a certain
Lot of Land in the town of Onancock and County aforesaid containing by
estimation One and One Half acres be the same more or less and bounded
as follows: On the North by the lots belonging to the heirs of William
S. Watson, deceased, and Thomas R. Joynes; on the East by the lot of John
Jackson; On the South by the middle branch of Onancock Creek; And on the
West by the lots of Stephen Hopkins and the heirs of the said William S.
Watson. To have and to hold the hereby bargained and sold Lot of Land together
with all and singular the appurtenances, rights, rents, issues and profits
thereof to him the said Robert W. Williams and his heirs and assigns forever
subject however toright of dower of Elizabeth Carmine, the wife of Smith
R. Carmine the former owner thereof; and the said Smith L. Warrington for
himself and his heirs, the aforesaid Lot of Land and appurtenances to the
said Robert W. Williams, and his heirs, and assigns doth and will by these
presents forever warrant and defend against the claim of all and every
person or persons, now or hereafter laying claim to the same or any part
thereof except as to the right of the Dower of the said Elizabeth Carmine
as aforesaid. In Testimony whereof the said Smith L. Warrington has hereunto
set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
Smith L. Warrington (***) Seal Signed & acknowledged as his act and deed in the presence of Levin S. Joynes J. N. Bagwell Tho. H. Kellam Jr. At a Court held for Accomack County on the 29th day of June 1832. This Deed from Smith L. Warrington to Robert W. Williams was acknowledged by the said Smith as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 27 Page 173 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas J. Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia for and in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred and Sixty dollars to me in hand paid by Thomas R. Joynes of said County before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, grant and sell to the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns forever all my right, title and interest in Sundry Slaves conveyed by my Grandfather John Smith to my Mother Agnes Warrington during her life with remainder to her three children - Ann S., Smith L. and Thomas J. Warrington - which Deed is dated on the 25th day of August Eighteen Hundred and Twenty, together with all increases of Slaves which may hereafter be born. To have and to hold all the right of said Thomas J. Warrington in said Slaves and their increase heretofore born or hereafter born to the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assignd forever and the said Thomas J. Warrington for himself, his heirs and executors does hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas R. Joynes, his heirs and assigns that he & his heirs will forever warrant and defend the one third of said Slaves and their increases as aforesaid free and clear from the claims of all persons now & hereafter claiming the same or any part thereof except the life Estate od said Agnes Warrington therein. In Testimony whereof the said Thomas J. Warrington has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the 2nd day of October Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Four. Thos. J. Warrington (***) Seal Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Jas. J. Ailworth James McCollom William Core Accomack County Clerks Office october 2nd 1834, This Deed from Thomas J. Warrington to Thomas R. Joynes was acknowledged by the said Thomas J. Warrington as his act and deed before me in my office on this day and admitted to record. Examined Teste: Jas. J. Ailworth Dy for Thos. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 28 Page 556 I do hereby acknowledge by these presents that I have this day had a final settlement with my guardian Robert W. Williams and I exonerate and discharge the said Robt. W. Williams from all accounts which may hereafter come against him: as witness my hand and seal this the 23rd day of February 1837. John B. Warrington (***) Seal Teste: Litt. T. Elliott Tho. P. Copes Accomack County Clerks office March 1st 1837. This Deed from John B. Warrington to Robert W. Williams was acknowledged before me in my office this day by said John B. Warrington as his act and deed and admitted to record. Examined
Teste: Tho R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 28 Page 557 This
Deed made this 23 day of February in the Year of Our Lord, Eighteen Hundred
and Thirty Seven, between John B. Warrington and Elizabeth his wife of
the one part and Robert W. Williams of the other part, all of the county
of Accomack in the State of Virginia. Witnesseth that whereas the said
John B. Warrington is justly indebted to the said Robert W. Williams in
the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Seven dollars and sixty cents due by bond
bearing date the same day with the date of these presents, the payment
whereof as well as all such further & other sums of money as the said
john B. Warrington may hereafter become indebited for the said Robert W.
Williams the said john B. Warrington and his wife Elizabeth, willing and
desirous to secure effectually and the said John B. Warrington and Elizabeth
his wife are willing and desirous fully to and completely to indemnify
and save harmless the said Robert W. Williams from all loss, costs and
damages which he may sustain or be required to pay or actually pay by reason
of his becomes bound hereafter in any instance whatever. Now therefore
the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife as well for and in
consideration of the premises as for the further consideration of the sum
of One dollar to them in hand paid by the said Robert W. Williams before
the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof do hereby
acknowledge. Have bargained, granted & sold, assigned, transferred
and set over and by these presents do bargain, grant and sell, assign,
transfer and set over unto the said Robert W. Williams, his heirs and assigns
the following real and personal Estate viz: A certain tract or parcel od
landsituated in the said County containing by estimation Fifty Acres be
the same more or less & bounded as follows: On the South & East
& West by the lands of charles Beloat; On the South and South West
by the lands of Joseph Gunter & the heirs of Thomas Sturgis, decd,
together with all the rights privleges and appurtenances with the same
belonging or in any wise appertaining; Also all the right, title, interest
& Estate of the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife or
either of them as well as at law equity of in & to the real and personal
estate of a certain William S. Watson, decd, including all the real and
personal estate of every description and kind which the said William S.
Watson died seized & possessed. To have and to hold the said real &
personal estate above mentioned & described together with all the rights.
privledges and appurtenances unto the same belonging or any use appertaining
to him the said Robert W. Williams, his heirs and assigns to and for the
only proper use of him the said Robert W. Williams, his heirs and assigns,
provided never the less, and it is the true intent and meaning of these
presents that if the said John B. Warrington shall well and truly pay to
the said Robert W. Williams on demand the aforesaid Four Hundred Fifty
Seven dollars and fifty six cents above mentioned with the interest which
shall lawfully accrued theron and also all such further and other sums
of money as the said John B. Warrington may hereafter in any way become
indebted for the said robert W. Williams and also fully and completely
indemnify and save himself the said Robert W. Williams from all loss, costs
& damages which he may sustain or be required to pay or shall actually
pay by reason of his becoming bound hereafter in any instance whatever
as surety for the said John B. Warrington and shall also pay and satisfy
unto the said Robert W. Williams the costs of writing and recording this
Deed & all and all other costs and charges attending the premises,
then this obligation shall be void, and all the estate herein and hereby
granted shall cease and deter mine, otherwise the same shall be and remain
in full force, power and virtue. In Testimony whereof the said John B.
Warrington and Elizabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed
their seals the day and year above written.
John B. Warrington (SS) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Tho. P. Copes John White Littleton T. Elliott Accomack County Court Clerks's office March 1st 1837. this Deed from John B. Warrington to Robert W. Williams was acknowledged before me in my office this day by John B. Warrington as his act and deed and admitted to record. Examined Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 29 Page 133 This Deed made the 20th day of October 1837, between George Warrington of Accomack County and State of Virginia of the one part and Henry L Wessels of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Ten dollars to him in hand paid by the said Henry l. Wessels at and before the sealing and delivery the receipt is hereby confest and acknowledged by the said George Warrington granted, bargained and sold & do by these presents grant, bargain and sell and confirm unto the said Henry L. Wessels to him and his heirs forever One acre of Land be the same more or less, the said Land lying and being in Accomack County and Accomack Parish, bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner Oak peach tree leaf, running by a line of marked pines to a corner Stone about a S.W. Course joining on the side line of the white Land & I the said George Warrington to warrant and defend all right ot title unto the said Land unto the said Henry L. Wessels, to him and his heirs forever and I the said George Warrington do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written in the presence of us, Teste: Solomon Warner Henry Hall Jr. his George X Warrington (SS) mark At a Court held for Accomack County on the 30th day of october 1837. this Deed from George Warrington to Henry L. Wessels was acknowledged by the said George Warrington as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 29 Page 193 This Deed made this fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven between Robert W. Williams, of the one part & John B. Warrington of the other part, both of the County of Accomack in the State of Virginia. Witnesseth that whereas the said John B. Warrington, heretofore Viz. on the Twenty Third Day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Thirty Seven, by Deed of that date & now of record in the Clerks Office of the County Court of the said county did in order to secure to the said Robert W. Williams the payment of the sum of Four Hundred & Fifty Seven dollars & fifty six cents due by bond bearing date the same day with the date of the said Deed & also of all such further & other sums of money as he the said John B. Warrington might there after become indebted for to the said Robert W. Williams & also to indemify & say harmless the said Robert W. Williams from all loss, costs & damages which he might sustain or be required to pay or actually pay by reason of his becoming bound after the date of the said Deed in any instance whatever as surety for the said John B. Warrington convey to the said Robert W. Williams the following real and personal estate Viz. a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the said County, containing by estimation Fifty acres, be the same more or less & bounded as follows: On the South & Southwest by the lands of Joseph Gunter; On the Northeast & West by the lands of Charles Belote; On the South & Southwest by the heirs of Thomas Stringer, decd., together with all the rights, privleges and appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any wise appertaining; also all the right, title, interest & estate of the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife or either of them as well at law as in equity of in and to the real & personal estate of a certain William S. Watson, decd, including all the real & personal estate of every kind & description of which the said William S. Watson died seized & possessed, all which will be more fully & at large appear by reference to the said Deed. And whereas the said John B. Warrington has since the date of the said Deed become indebted to the said Robert W. Williams in the sum of Five Hundred & Seventy Seven dollars and twenty five cents in addition to and besides the aforesaid sum of Four Hundred & Fifty Seven dollars & fifty six cents due as aforesaid; And whereas the said John B. Warrington has this day paid to the said Robert W. Williams the sum of Seven Hundred dollars in part satisfaction of the two sums of money due by the said Warrington to the said Williams as aforesaid so what there now remains due to the William by the said Warrington the sum of Three Hundred & Fifty Seven dollars & seven cents including thereon the costs and charges attending the aforesaid Deed of mortgage; And where as the said Warrington has simaltaneously with the execution of this Deed, conveyed by Deed bearing even date with these presents in trust for certain uses & purposes in said Deed mentioned to a certain George P. Scarbugh the following real and personal estate, Viz: the right, title, interest & estate of the said John B. Warrington in right of his wife Elizabeth or otherwise as well at law as in equity of in and to the real, personal & mixed estate which William S. Watson died seized & possessed & the rents, profits & increase of said estate, since said William S. Watson's death also a claim, in which said Warrington is entitled in right of his said wife, against the estate of the said Watson, for money due by said Watson in his lifetime to said Elizabeth Warrington & her brothers and sisters; also two beds, one bedstead, mat. & cord, two pair of blankets, three counterpanes, two pair of sheets, two pillow cases & one hundred & eight pounds of pork; Now therefore the said Robert W. Williams for and in consideration of the sum of One dollar to him in hand paid by the said John B. Warrington before the sealing & delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained & sold, remised, released & forever quit claim until the said John B. Warrington, his heirs & assigns the aforesaid tract of Land containing by estimation fifty acres, be the same more or less & bounded & described as above mentioned, together with all rights, privleges & appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and To hold the tract of land aforesaid together with all the rights, priveleges & appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said John B. Warrington, his heirs & assigns to and for the only proper use of him the said John B. Warrington, his heirs, and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof the said Robert W. Williams hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day and year first above written. Robert W. Williams (XXX) Seal Signed, Sealed & delivered in presence of Tho. B. Custis Geo. W. Scarbugh Lewis James J. P. Taylor At
a Court held for Accomack County on the 25th day of December 1837. This
Deed of release from Robert W. Williams to John B. Warrington was acknowledged
by said Robert W. Williams as his act and deed & ordered to be recorded.
(Examined) Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 29 Page 195 This Deed made this fifteenth day of December in the year of Our Lord eighteen Hundred and Thirty Seven, between John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife of the first part & Charles Belote of the second part & Arthur Kelly of the third part, all of the County of Accomack in the state of Virginia. Witnesseth that whereas the John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife have bargained and sold for the consideration herein after mentioned, the tract of land described to the said Charles Belote, his heirs and assigns in fee simple; and whereas the said Elizabeth Warrington hath agreed by these presents doth agree to join her husband John B. Warrington in the conveyance of the said tract of Land to the said Charles Belote in consideration that he the said Charles Belote shall pay the sum of One Hundred and Fifty dollars, part of the purchase money of the said land to the said Arthur Kelly to be held by him in trust for the sole and separate use of her the said Elizabeth, to be applied to such purpose as she the said Elizabeth by any instrument of writing under the hand of the said Elizabeth, may direct and require the said sum of One Hundred and Fifty dollars, being agreed upon by & between sd John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife, as a full and fair equivalent for her the said elizabeth's right of dower in the tract of land aforesaid. Now therefore the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife for and in consideration of the premises, as well as for the further consideration of the said sum of One Hundred & Fifty dollars to the said Arthur Kelly in hand paid by the said Charles Belote before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt of which said sums of money the said Arthur Kelly and the said John B. Warrington do hereby acknowledge. have bargained, granted and sold & by these presents do bargain, grant & sell unto the said Charles Belote, his heirs and assigns in fee simple, the tract of land aforesaid, the same being situate in the said County of Accomack, containing by estimation fifty acres be the same more or less (but it is especially understood & agreed by & between the parties hereto that the said tract of Land is sold in the gross & not by the acre) and bounded as follows:viz On the South by the County Road; On the West by the lands of the said Charles Belote; on the North by the lands of Joseph Gunter & on the East by the lands of the said Charles Belote, together with all the rights, privileges & appurtenances unto the same belonging or in anywise appertaining: To Have & to Hold the tract of land aforesaid together with all the rights, privileges & appurtenances unto the same belonging or in anywise appertaining unto him the said Charles Belote, his heirs and assigns. And the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife for themselves, their heirs & executors, do hereby covenant, promise & agree to and with the said Charles Belote, his heirs & assigns that they and their heirs will, forever warrant and defend the title to the said tract of land together with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Charles Belote, his heirs and assigns free and clear from the claims of them, the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife, their heirs and assigns and of all other persons, and the said arthur Kelly for himself, his heirs & executors, doth hereby covenant, promise & agree to and with the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife that he the said Arthur Kelly and his heirs will faithfully perform and execute the aforesaid by applying the aforesaid sum of One Hundred & Fifty dollars to the sole and separate use of her the said Elizabeth Warrington & to such purpose as she the said Elizabeth shall by any instrument in writing, under the hand of the said Elizabeth, direct and require. In Testimony whereof the said John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife & the said Arthur Kelly have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day and year first above written. John B. Warrington (XXX) Seal Elizabeth Warrington (XXX) Seal Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of Geo. P. Scarbugh as to Jno. B. W. Levin James Jas. P. Taylor Tho. B. Custis At a Court held for Accomack County on the 25th day of Dec. 1837. This Deed from John B. Warrington to Charles Belote was proved by the oaths of George P. Scarbugh, Levin James & Thomas B. Custis, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C. Accomack County Lc We, Tully R. Wise and William R. Custis, Justices of the Peace of the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Elizabeth Warrington, the wife of John B. Warrington, parties to a certain deed bearing the date on the 15th day of December 1837 and hereunto annexed, personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and signed said Deed, and being examined by us privately and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Elizabeth Warrington acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she willingly signed, sealed & delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. given under our hands and seals this 20th day of June 1838. Tully R. Wise (XXX) Seal Wm. R. Custis (XXX) Seal Accomack County Clerk's Office June 20, 1838. this deed from John B. Warrington & Elizabeth his wife to Charles Belote which was heretofore admitted to record as to John B. Warrington was this day received by me in my office with the certificate of acknowledgement thereof by said Elizabeth Warrington thereto annexed, which acknowledgement is admitted to record. Examined Teste: Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 32 Page 388 This Deed made the second Day of November in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred & Forty Two, between John T. Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part & Sarah A. Warrington of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John T. Warrington for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred & Fifty dollars to him in hand paid at and before the ensealing & delivery of these presents by the said Sarah A. Warrington, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Have granted, bargained & sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien & enfeoffe and confirm unto the said Sarah A. Warrington, her heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land lying & being in the Parish of St. George and County aforesaid. containing by estimation six acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows, to wit: in the East by the Lands of John Tyler; on the South & West by the Lands of John Finney &on the North by the Lands of Thomas R. Joynes, together with all the rights, privleges and appurtenances thereunto belonging and every part and parcel thereof unto her the said Sarah A. Warrington, her heirs and assigns forever. To have and To hold the said above described tract of land for their only proper use, benefit & behoof and to and for no other use purpose or intent what so ever. And the said John T. Warrington for himself and his heirs the sd above described tract of land containing by estimation six acres be the same more or less together with all the rights, privleges and appurtenances thereonto belonging unto the said Sarah A. Warrington, her heirs and assigns forever free from claim or claims of him or his heirs and of all and every person or persons whom so ever will and do warrant by these presents and forever defend. In Testimony whereof the said John T. Warrington hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal this day and year first aforesaid. John T. Warrington (XXX) Seal Teste: Accomack County Clerk's Office December 1st. 1842. This Deed from John T. Warrington to Sarah A. Warrington was acknowledged by the said John T. as his act and deed before me in the Clerk's Office this day & admitted to record. Teste: J. J. Ailworth Dy. for Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C. Examined
Deed Book No 32 Page 389 This
Indenture made this second day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Forty Two between John T. Warrington the debtor of the first part and Thomas
Harrison the trustee of the second part and Sarah A. Warrington the creditor
of the third part. Whereas the said John T. Warrington is justly indebted
to the said Sarah A. Warrington in the sum of One Hundred and Seventy Three
dollars and forty six cents which debt with legal interest thereon accrueing,
the said John T. Warrington is willing & desireous to secure now this
Indenture. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and
also for the further sum of One dollar of lawful money of Virginia to said
John T. Warrington in hand paid by the said Thomas Harrison at and before
the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, he the said John T. Warrington hath given, granted, bargained
and sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and by these presents
doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, eneofeoffe, release and confirm to the
said Thomas Harrison, his heirs and assigns forever the following property
to wit: Two thirds of a Negro girl Mary, three beds and all the furniture
belonging to them, nine setting chairs, one corner cupboard, two chests,
two tables, one clock, one bureau, five earthen pots, six plates, two dishes,
six cups & saucers, six knives and forks, one tea kettle, one spider
& lid, one iron pot, one loom, one axe, one horse, one cow, three yearlings,
one sow and five pigs, six hundred weight of pork, four barrels of corn,
five barrels of potatoes and ten shears of flax. To have and to hold the
said hereby granted or intended to be granted property hereby conveyed
unto the said Thomas Harrison, his heirs, executors, administers and assigns
forever to the only purpose, use and behoof of the said Thomas Harrison,
his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And the said
John T. Warrington for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators
doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Harrison,
his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever in manner and
form following. That is to say the said John T. Warrington, his heirs,
executors and administrators, the aforesaid property hereby conveyed unto
the said Thomas Harrison, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns
against all persons what so ever, shall and will forever warrant and defend
by these presents upon trust never the less that the said thomas Harrison,
his heirs, executors and administrators shall permit the said John T. Warrington
to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of the aforesaid property hereby
conveyed and take the profits thereof to his own use until default be made
in the payment of the said One Hundred and Seventy Three dollars &
fifty six cents, either in the whole or in part and thereupon the further
trust that he or his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall
and will so soon after the happening of such default of payment as he or
his heirs, executors or administrators may think proper as the said Sarah
A. Warrington, her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall request,
sell the aforesaid property here conveyed or such part of the hereby granted
property as the trustee or his representative shall think proper to sell
to the highest bidder for ready money at Public Auction after having fixed
the time and place of sale at his own descretion and giving twenty days
notice by advertisement to be set up at the Court House door of Accomack
court House some day previous to the day of sale and in the neighborhood
of the premises. And out of the monies ensuing from such sale after satisfying
the charges thereof and all other expenses attending same, pay to the said
Sarah A. Warrington, her executors, administrators or assigns the sum of
One Hundred and Seventy Three dollars and forty six cents with interest
which may thereon lawfully accrued and the balance if any shall pay to
the said John T. Warrington, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.
But if the whole of the said sum of One Hundred and Seventy Three dollars
and forty six cents shall be fully paid off and discharged to the said
Sarah A. Warrington, her executors, administrators or assigns in demand
then this indenture be void or else to remain in full force virtue. In
witness thereof the said parties to these presents have here unto set their
hands and affixed their seals the day & year first above written.
John T. Warrington (XXX) Seal Thomas Harrison (XXX) Her Sarah X A. Warrington (XXX) Seal Mark Teste: Accomack County Court Clerk's Office december 1st 1842. This Deed from John T. Warrington to Thomas Harrison was acknowledged by the said John T. Warrington as his act & deed before me in the Clerk's Office this day & admitted to record. Examined.
Teste: J. J. Ailworth Dy. for Tho. R. Joynes C.A.C.
Deed Book No 33 Page 625 This Indenture made this 26th day of March in the year of our Lord 1844, between Sally Warrington of the first part, Levin B. Belote of the second part and Revel West of the third part, all the parties being of the Country of Accomack and State of Virginia. Whereas a marriage is shortly to be had and solemnized between the said Levin B. Belote and Sally Warrington, and whereas the said Sally Warrington is possessed of and entitled to personal property of considerable value consisting of a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the county aforesaid and bounded as follows, viz; adjoining Major Mason, Salathiel West's heirs and also another tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Thomas Joynes, John Finney and others situated near Warrington Branch; and whereas it has been agreed between the said Sally Warrington and the said Levin B. Belote, that the said property of every description shall be vested in a trustee, to be held by him in trust for the sole and separate use of the said Sally Warrington, free from the control of her husband in manner and for the purpose herein mentioned and declared. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Sally Warrington for and in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of Five Dollars to her in hand paid by the said Revell West, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by and with the .......and consent and agreement of the said Levin B. Belote, testify by his being a party to these presents, hath granted bargained & sold, assigned and transferred and set over unto the said Revell West, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns all the property consisting of the said debt's due as aforesaid and the said real estate and all other property of which the said Sally Warrington is possessed, or in which she is entitled in action or possession in law or in equity. To hold the same and for the trusts and purposes following, that is to say in trust for the said Sally Warrington and her assigns until the solominization of her intended marriage; then upon the trust that the said Revell West, his executors, administrators, or assigns shall, will and permit the said Sally Warrington to receive the rents and profits of the said land, and the interest of the said debts & free from the control of her said intended husband Levin B. Belote, and free from any liabilities which the said Levin B. Belote now owes or may hereafter owe during the joint lives of the said Sally Warrington and the said Levin B. Belote; And after the death of the said Levin B. Belote, the property aforesaid both real and personal is to revert and return to the said Sally Warrington as her own property both real and personal, is to go, desend as she may direct by a Will or other writing witnessed by the legal number of witnesses in a similar case; and if hereafter it should be proper in the descrition of the said trustee, to sell the said land therein. In that event he shall do so, and keep the proceeds thereof for the sole and separate use and benefit of the said Sally or invest the proceed in any property which in his judicious discretion may seem advisable for the use and benefit of the said Sally, free from the control of her said husband; And at the end of every year the said trustee is required to pay over to the said Sally all the interest he may have collected upon the said lands and notes and all the rents and profits of the said land that may have been received for her own disposal to do what she pleases with; And it is further understood that the said Revell West, his executors, administrators, assigns or successors are hereof fully authorized and impowered to demand, recover and collect by all lawful means all the property and effects, debts or monies belonging or owing to the said Sally Warringtonto be held by him to and for the purpose herein, before setforth; In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year above written. Sally
X Warrington (Seal) Levin B. Belote (Seal) Revell West (Seal)
Wm. P. Bayly, John B. Ailworth, John C. Wise and Levin Gray
At a Court held for Accomack County on the 26th day of March 1844, this Deed from Sally Warrington to Revell Wise, Trustee, was proved by the oaths of John B. Aileworth, John C. Wise & Levin Gray witness thereto & ordered to be recorded. Examined Teste; Thomas R. Joynes Clerk of Court
Deed Book No 36 Page 343 This Deed made this the 3rd day of October in the year One Thousand eight Hundred and Forty Eight between Levin Belote and Sally his wife and Revell West a trustee for said Sally Belote formerly Sally Warrington of the County of Accomack and State of Virginia of the one part and John T. Warrington of the same County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Levin Belote and Sally his wife and Revell West (Trustee)for and in consideration of the sum Three Hundred Dollars of lawful money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said John T. Warrington at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said John T. Warrington, his heirs and assigns a certain Tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Thomas R. Joynes, John finney and John D. Tyler and Warrington Branch, containing by estimation Six acres more or less and it being the same land at present occupied by the said John T. Warrington. Together with all and singular the appurtenances and the reversions and remainder and remainders yearly and (other rents, issues and profits there of and every part and parcel thereof....To have and to hold the said tract of land with the tenements, heriditaments and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with every of their rights, members and appurtenances unto the said John T. Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said John T. Warrington, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Levin Belote and Sally his wife and Revell West Trustee as aforesaid or either of them, their heirs, and all and every person or persons what so ever shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said Levin Belote and Sally his wife and Revell West Trustee as aforesaid, have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. her Levin B. Belote (XXX) Seal Sally X Belote (XXX) Seal Revell West (XXX) Seal mark Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us Accomack
County to wit: We William P. Moore Senr. and John C. Wise Justices of the
Peace for the County aforesaid in State of Virginia do hereby certify that
Sally Belote, formerly Sally Warrington, the wife of Levin Belote parties
to a certain Deed bearing date on the 3rd day of October 1848, and hereto
annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being
examined by us privately and apart from her husband and having the Deed
fully explained to her, she the said Sally Belote acknowledged the same
to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed, sealed
and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under
our hands and seals this 4th day of November 1848. William P. Moore Senr.
(Seal) John C. Wise (Seal)
Accomack County to wit: We William P. Moore Senr. and John C. Wise, Justices of the Peace for the County afsd in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Levin Belote a party to a certain Deed bearing the date on the 3rd day of October 1848, and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County afsd and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Accomack in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of November 1848. William P. Moore Senr. (Seal) John C. Wise (Seal) Accomack County Court Clerk's Office December 1st 1848. This Deed from Levin Belote & Sally his wife and Revell West Trustee to John T. Warrington was acknowledged by the said revell West as his act and deed before me in the Clerk's Office this day and together with the certificates of acknowledgement of said Belote and wife thereof hereto annexed was received by me in the Clerk's office this day and admitted to record. Teste: Js. J. Ailworth C.A.C (Examined)
Deed Book No 46 Page 159 This Deed made this 5th day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy between John M. Martin and Peggy his wife, Richard Warrington and Georgie his wife, James H. Belote and Emily his wife and William Warrington all of the County of Accomack of the one part and George W. Mason and Powell Brothers of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John M. Martin and Peggy his wife, Richard Warrington and Georgie his wife, James H. Belote and Emily his wife and William Warrington in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars to them in hand paid by the said George W. Mason and George W. Powell, John T. Powell and Henry F. Powell, trading under the style & firm of Powell Brothers. George W. Mason paying the one half and Powell Brothers paying the other half at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said George W. Mason and Powell Brothers and to their heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land situated about one mile from Onancock town and known as the Warrington Lot containing six acres be the same more or less. The same being sold in gross and not by the acre and bounded as follows, Viz: North
by the lands of Sarah N. Bagwell's heirs; East by the County Road or the
land of John D. Tyler; South & West by the lands of Miss Margaret &
Mary B. Finney. To have and to hold the said Lot or parcel of land together
with the privileges and appurtenances unto the said George W. Mason and
George W. Powell, John T. Powell and Henry F. Powell trading under the
style of Powell Brothers. Said George W. Mason one half and Powell Brothers
the other half jointly, their heirs and assigns forever, to and for the
only proper use of them the said George W. Mason and Powell Brothers and
their heirs and assigns forever and the said John M. Martin and Peggy his
wife, Richard Warrington and Georgie his wife, James H. Belote and Emily
his wife and William Warrington (Except for themselves the privileges of
the grave yard twenty five feet square, but for no other purpose except
as a burial ground for themselves and their heirs the said lot or parcel
of ground containing six acres more or less the same being sold in gross
and not by the acre with all improvements appurtenances belonging and not
before mentioned unto the said George M. Mason and Powell Brothers jointly,
their heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the said
John M. Martin and Peggy his wife, Richard Warrington and Georgie his wife,
James H. Belote and Emily his wife and William Warrington or either of
their heirs and of all and every person or persons what so ever shall,
will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof
the said John M. Martin and Peggy his wife, Richard Warrington and Georgie
his wife, James H. Belote & Emily his wife and William Warrington have
hereunto set their hands and seals this, the 5th day of January 1870.
John A. R. Martin (Seal) Margaret C. Martin (Seal) John R, Warrington (Seal Georgie D. Warrington (Seal) His James H. Belote X (Seal) Emily S. Belote (Seal) Cross William A. Warrington (Seal) Virginia. In Accomack County Circuit Court, Clerks Office 5th day of January A.D. 1870. The foregoing Deed from John A. R. Martin and Margaret his wife, John R. Warrington and Georgie his wife, James H. Belote and Emily S. his wife and William A. Warrington to George W. Mason and George W. Powell, John F. Powell and Henry F. Powell, merchants and partners trading under the style of Powell Brothers was this day presented to me in my office and acknowledged by the said John A. R. Martin and Margaret his wife, John R. Martin and Georgie his wife, James H. Belote and Emily S. his wife and William Warrington to be their act and deed, the said Margaret C. Martin, Georgie D. Warrington and Emily S. Belote being first examined by me privately and apart from their said husbands and having had the same fully explained to them, declared that they did the same willingly and did not wish to retract it, and thereupon said Deed is admitted to record. Teste: Wm. H. B. Custis C.A.C. Examined.
Deed Book No 48 Page 329 This
Deed made Aug. 5th 1873, between Joseph E. Broadwater and Mary E. his wife
of Accomack County, Virginia of the one part and James Warrington, Harrison
Tull, James Holden, Francis Mason, Frank Kersey, Major Roberts and William
Robinson of the other part.. Witnesseth that the said Joseph E. Broadwater
& Mary E. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars
to them in hand paid by the said James Warrington, Francis Mason, Harrison
Tull, James Holden, Frank Kersey, Major Roberts and William Robinson for
the uses and upon the trusts hereinafter mentioned at and before the ensealing
and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, has
granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and
by these presents do grant, bargain, sell & c. to the said James Warrington,
Harrison Tull, James Holden, Francis Mason, Frank Kersey, Major Roberts
and William Robinson and their successors as trustees, A certain piece
or parcel of land situate in Atlantic Township, Accomack County, Va. and
containing about one fourth of an acre bounded as follows viz: On the West
by the land of Solomon Marshall; on the South by the County Road; on the
East by a line running from a marked pine on the roadside in a Northern
direction to another marked pine thence by a line in a Western direction
to a marked oak on the line of Solomon Marshall. To have and to hold the
said piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances hereby granted or intended
to be unto the said James Warrington and others above named, their successors
forever. In trust never the less and for the uses following, and none other.
That is to say for the sole and separate use of membership of a Colored
Methodist Church that is built or may be built thereon and the said Joseph
E. Broadwater & Mary his wife for themselves, their heirs, Executors
and administrators do covenant and agree to and with the said James Warrington
and others, their successors, by these presents that they the said Joseph
E. Broadwater & Mary his wife, their heirs, the said above mentioned
and described piece or parcel of land unto the said James Warrington &
others & their successors as trustees against him the said Joseph E.
Broadwater & Mary his wife, and all others lawfully claiming the same,
shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents. In Testimony
whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 6th day of Sept.
Joseph E. Broadwater (SEAL) Mollie E. Broadwater (SEAL) State of Virginia Accomack County to wit; I Montcalm Oldham Senr. a Commissioner in Chancery for the County Court of said County in the state aforesaid, do certify that Joseph E. Broadwater whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date on the 5th day of August 1873, has acknowledged the same before me in my county aforesd And I further certify that Mary E. Broadwater, the wife of Joseph E. Broadwater, whose names are signed to the above writing bearing date as afore said personally appeared before me in the county aforesaid and being examined before me privately and apart from her said husband and having the writing aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Mary E. Broadwater acknowledged the said writing to be her act and declared that she had willingly executed the same and did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand as commissioner Of Chancery aforesaid this 6th. day of September A.D. 1873. Montcalm Oldham Senr. Com. Chy. Accomack County Clerk's Office October 15th 1873. This Deed from Joseph E. Broadwater and Mary E., his wife to James Warrington, Francis Mason, Harrison Tull, James Holden, Frank Jersey, Major Roberts, and William Robinson trustees was with the certificate of the acknowledgement thereof thereto annexed, received by me in the Clerk's Office this day and admitted to record. M. Oldham Dy for Teste: Wm, H. B. Custis C.A.C. Examined.
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