Descendants of Andrew DUNTON From: William S. Burton, M.D. Date: Thursday, 28 Nov 1996 FIRST GENERATION 1. Andrew DUNTON. Nora Miller Turman research shows "Wife unknown." Arrived in 1635 aboard the ship Bonaventure, mastered by James Ricofte. Age 38. He was married. Children of Andrew DUNTON were: +2 i. William Thomas DUNTON Sr.
2. William Thomas DUNTON Sr. was born in 1628/29. He died in 1695. Thomas Dunton first appears in records of Northampton County, Va 26 June 1661 in list of passengers. Nora Miller Turman research -wife unknown. Died 1695 at 66 years... would make him born 1628-1629. He was married to Elizabeth ????. Children: +3 i. William DUNTON. 4 ii. Thomas DUNTON Jr. 5 iii. John DUNTON. +6 iv. Benjamin DUNTON. 7 v. Joseph DUNTON. +8 vi. Elizabeth DUNTON.
3. William DUNTON was born about 1660. He died in 1709. He was christened. William Dunton will in XIX p.56 Northampton County. He was married to Elizabeth RICKARDS. Children: +9 i. William DUNTON II. +10 ii. Rickards DUNTON. +11 iii. Michael DUNTON. 12 iv. Elias DUNTON. 13 v. Ann DUNTON. 14 vi. Joyce DUNTON. +15 vii. Elizabeth DUNTON. 16 viii. Smart DUNTON.
6. Benjamin DUNTON. He was married to Margaret ????. Margaret ???? died after 1728. Children: +17 i. Benjamin DUNTON.
8. Elizabeth DUNTON. She was married to John SMOTHERS. No known children.
FOURTH GENERATION 9. William DUNTON II He was married to Elizabeth ???? in 1732. Children: 18 i. Richards (Rickets) DUNTON. 19 ii. Clare DUNTON. 20 iii. Peggy DUNTON.
10. Rickards DUNTON was born before 1709. He died in 1754. He was christened. Rickards Dunton will dated 4 October 1754, probated 12 November 1754. He was married to Anne (Jacob) CARVEY on 18 Aug 1722 in Northampton Co., Va. Children: +21 i. William DUNTON Sr. +22 ii. Elias DUNTON. 23 iii. Isaac DUNTON. +24 iv. Mary DUNTON.
11. Michael DUNTON died in 1754. He was married to Abigail ????. Abigail ???? died in 1760. Children: +25 i. William DUNTON.
15. Elizabeth DUNTON. She was married to Thomas JAMES in 1774. Thomas JAMES died in 1818. Children: +26 i. Cassandra JAMES.
17. Benjamin DUNTON was born bef. 1695. He died on 13 Mar 1744 in Northampton Co., Va.
He was married to Mary WATERFIELD. Mary WATERFIELD died on 10 Jan 1749 in Northampton Co., Va. Children of Benjamin DUNTON and Mary WATERFIELD were: +27 i. Levin DUNTON Sr. +28 ii. Santica DUNTON.
21. William DUNTON Sr. died in Apr 1773. William Dunton Sr.'s will was dated 6 October 1772 and had codicils dated 20 and 24 Feb.1773 He was married to Elizabeth (Betty) ROGERS in 1732. Elizabeth (Betty) ROGERS died in Dec 1797. +29 I. Rickards DUNTON. +30 ii. Ann DUNTON. 31 iii. Jane DUNTON. +32 iv. Elizabeth DUNTON. 33 v. Rosannah DUNTON. 34 vi. Sarah DUNTON. 35 vii. Matilda DUNTON.
22. Elias DUNTON died in 1780. He was married to Susanna ????. Susanna ???? died in 1800. Children: +36 i. Sarah DUNTON. +37 ii. Dickie DUNTON.
24. Mary DUNTON. She was married to John WATERFIELD in 1754. John WATERFIELD died on 8 Sep 1772 in Northampton Co., Va. Children of Mary DUNTON and John WATERFIELD were: 38 i. William WATERFIELD was born before 1775. 39 ii. Thomas WATERFIELD died before 14 Dec 1784. 40 iii. Sallie WATERFIELD was born before 1775. 41 iv. Richard WATERFIELD. 42 v. John WATERFIELD.
25. William DUNTON died in 1774. He was married to Philender ????. Philender ???? died in 1784. Children: +43 i. Southey DUNTON.
26. Cassandra JAMES died in 1837. She was married to John C. MAPP on 21 Dec 1813. John C. MAPP was born in 1789. He died in 1855. He was christened. Children of Cassandra JAMES and John C.: +44 i. John C. MAPP Jr. 45 ii. William W. MAPP was born in 1821/22. +46 iii. Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP. +47 iv. Robins W. W. MAPP. +48 v. Francis "Frank" Bushrod MAPP. +49 vi. Edmund Wainhouse Poulson MAPP.
27. Levin DUNTON Sr. was born in 1725. He died on 12 Nov 1776 in Northampton Co., Va. He was married to Frances WATERFIELD. Frances WATERFIELD was born before 1746. She
died before 1792. Children of Levin DUNTON Sr. and Frances WATERFIELD were:
+50 i. Frances DUNTON. +51 ii. Benjamin DUNTON.
28. Santica DUNTON died before 10 Feb 1778 in Northampton Co., Va. Ref: Bill Wilkins-GHOTE She was married to Patrick WILKINS. Patrick WILKINS died before 10 Mar 1761 in Northampton Co., Va. Ref: Bill Wilkins-GHOTE Children: +52 i. Mary WILKINS.
SIXTH GENERATION He was married to Sophia HARMANSON on 12 Sep 1774. Sophia HARMANSON died on 20 Sep 1794. Children of Rickards DUNTON and Sophia HARMANSON: +53 i. William DUNTON. 54 ii. Matthew H. DUNTON. Capt. Matthew H. Dunton was in Revolutionary War-served as Captain of the 27th Regiment of Virginia Militia.-see Soldiers (Nottingham) 55 iii. Ann DUNTON. 56 iv. Betsey DUNTON. 57 v. Ada DUNTON. 58 vi. Smith L. DUNTON. 59 vii. John C. DUNTON. 60 viii. Luch Matilda DUNTON. +61 ix. Richards (Dickie) DUNTON. 62 x. George DUNTON. 63 xi. Isaac DUNTON. 64 xii. Daniel DUNTON.
He was married to Rosanna CLEGG on 13 Aug 1796. No known children. He was married to Sinah BENTHALL on 20 Oct 1803. No known children. He was married to Lucy CARPENTER on 5 May 1807. No known children.
30. Ann DUNTON. She was married to ??? SIMPKINS. Children of Ann DUNTON and ??? SIMPKINS were: 65 i. Peggy SIMPKINS.
32. Elizabeth DUNTON. She was married to ???? FULWELL. Children: 66 i. Elizabeth FULWELL.
She was married to Thomas JAMES in 1774. Thomas JAMES died in 1818. Children: 67 i. Cassandra JAMES died in 1837.
36. Sarah DUNTON died about 1811. She was married to Benjamin DUNTON on 3 Jun 1797 in Northampton Co., Va. Benjamin DUNTON died in 1798. Children of Sarah DUNTON and Benjamin DUNTON were: +68 i. Benjamin DUNTON.
37. Dickie DUNTON. He was married to Molly ????. Children: +69 i. Benjamin Floyd DUNTON.
43. Southey DUNTON. He was married to Peggy DALBY in 1790. Children: +70 i. George DUNTON.
44. John C. MAPP Jr. was born in 1816. He was married to Malana JAMES. Malana JAMES was born on 22 Jun 1812. She died on 23
Aug 1851. John C. MAPP Jr. and Malana JAMES had no known children.
46. Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP was born on 17 Nov 1815. He died on 17 Jul 1875. He was buried in Belle Haven Cem. He was married to Laura S. SAVAGE on 3 Sep 1851. Laura S. SAVAGE was born on 17 Oct 1825. She died on 19 Sep 1877. She was buried in Mapp Family Lot. +71 i. Cassandra Sarah MAPP. +72 ii. Malana MAPP. +73 iii. Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP Jr.. +74 iv. Idra Llewellyn MAPP. 75 v. Severn Ernest MAPP. Severn was unmarried. +76 vi. John Ivan MAPP. +77 vii. William M. MAPP. +78 viii. Harry W. MAPP. +79 ix. Lillian May MAPP.
47. Robins W. W. MAPP was born in 1830. He was married to Harriet FITCHETT on 28 Dec 1852. No known children. He was married to Martha DUER on 26 Dec 1883. No known children.
48. Francis "Frank" Bushrod MAPP was born on 27 Dec 1832. He was married to Alice F. DUNTON. +80 i. Joseph Thomas MAPP.
49. Edmund Wainhouse Poulson MAPP was born on 12 Nov 1834. He was married to Catherine Sarah "Kate" ROBERTS on 2 Apr 1856. Catherine Sarah "Kate" ROBERTS was born in 1838. She died before 1874. Children: +81 i. Charles L. MAPP. 82 ii. Olivia MAPP died in 1860. She was born in Oct 1860. +83 iii. Edmund R. MAPP. +84 iv. Emory G. MAPP. +85 v. Catherine Sarah "Kate" MAPP.
He was married to Esther SAVAGE on 25 Feb 1874. Esther SAVAGE was born on 1 Mar 1840. She died on 24 Apr 1916. She was buried in Stewart's Wharf, Northampton County. +86 i. Elizabeth MAPP.
50. Frances DUNTON was born on 20 Apr 1754. She died on 8 Sep 1817. She was married to Nathaniel GOFFIGON on 20 Dec 1772. Nathaniel GOFFIGON was born on 14 Jan 1746/47. He died on 31 Jan 1808. Children: 87 i. Patsey GOFFIGON. +88 ii. Sally GOFFIGON. +89 iii. Frances "Fanny" GOFFIGON. 90 iv. Nathaniel GOFFIGON was born on 19 Mar 1780. He died on 25 Sep 1796. +91 v. Mary "Polly" GOFFIGON. 92 vi. Infant GOFFIGON. +93 vii. Esther GOFFIGON. 94 viii. John GOFFIGON was born on 3 Jun 1789. He died on 25 Sep 1796. +95 ix. Sukey GOFFIGON.
51. Benjamin DUNTON died in 1798. He was married to Anne Kendall "Nancy" JACOB on 15 Sep 1778 in Northampton Co., Va. Anne Kendall "Nancy" JACOB was born on 10 May 1801. She died on 15 May 18 +96 i. Anne Jacob "Nancy" DUNTON.
He was married to Sarah DUNTON on 3 Jun 1797 in Northampton Co., Va. Sarah DUNTON died about 1811. Children of Benjamin DUNTON and Sarah DUNTON were: +68 i. Benjamin DUNTON.
52. Mary WILKINS was born before 1760. She died in 1809. Ref: Bill Wilkins-GHOTE She was married to Reuben BEECH on 6 Jan 1779 in Northampton Co., Va. No known children.
+97 i. Sophia Elizabeth DUNTON. +98 ii. Mary Coleburn DUNTON. +99 iii. William Henry Harmanson DUNTON. +100 iv. Thomas Kellam DUNTON. +101 v. John Rickets DUNTON. +102 vi. Catherine Sabra DUNTON. +103 vii. Samuel Washington DUNTON. +104 viii. Custis Mercer DUNTON. 105 ix. James Monroe DUNTON was born on 18 Jan 1823. He died on 4 Feb 1869. He was buried in Godwin Farm. 106 x. Anne DUNTON. 107 xi. Anne Coleburn DUNTON was born on 10 Oct 1828. She died on 31 Jan 1860.
61. Richards (Dickie) DUNTON was born in 1790. He died in 1865. He was married to Harriet HALL. Children: 108 i. Emily DUNTON. +109 ii. Lloyd W. DUNTON. +110 iii. Thomas Rickets DUNTON. 111 iv. Mary DUNTON. 112 v. George DUNTON. 113 vi. Eliza DUNTON.
68. Benjamin DUNTON. He was married to Ann S. TOPPING on 25 Mar 1820. Ann S. TOPPING died about 1827. Children of Benjamin DUNTON and Ann S. TOPPING were: +114 i. David Alpheus DUNTON. +115 ii. Hancock DUNTON.
69. Benjamin Floyd DUNTON. He was married to Sallie Edmunds CHURN. Children: +116 i. James Smith DUNTON. +117 ii. Joseph Benjamin Floyd DUNTON.
70. George DUNTON was born after 1790. He died in 1815. He was married to Margaret RICHARDSON in 1814. Children: +118 i. Emeline (Emaline) DUNTON.
71. Cassandra Sarah MAPP. She was married to Hezekiah Pettit JAMES Jr. on 11 Jan 1876. Children: 119 i. Alfred JAMES. +120 ii. Ernest Milton JAMES Sr.. 121 iii. Oris JAMES. +122 iv. Susan Ann JAMES. 123 v. Laura Malana "Sissy" JAMES. +124 vi. Clara Laviana JAMES.
72. Malana MAPP. She was married to Samuel M. JAMES. Children: 125 i. Clyde JAMES. 126 ii. Pet JAMES. 127 iii. Sam JAMES. +128 iv. Effie JAMES. 129 v. Virgie JAMES.
73. Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP Jr. was born in 1855. He died in 1933. He was married to Natilia TROWER on 23 Jul 1851. Children of Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP Jr. and Natilia TROWER were: 130 i. Sidney MAPP. 131 ii. Alfred Nathaniel Hancock MAPP III. 132 iii. Laura MAPP. 133 iv. Lillian MAPP.
74. Idra Llewellyn MAPP was born in 1857. He died in 1941. He was buried in Belle Haven Cem. He was married to Sallie D. THOMAS in 1890. Sallie D. THOMAS was born on 21 Feb 1865. She died on 16 Nov 1944. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem. Children: +134 i. Harry Llewellyn MAPP. +135 ii. George Thomas "Bogie" MAPP.
76. John Ivan MAPP. He was married to Maggie DOUGHTY. Children: 136 i. Ivan MAPP. +137 ii. Ernest Lynwood "Buzz" MAPP. 138 iii. Reginald MAPP. 139 iv. Mary MAPP. 140 v. Louise MAPP.
77. William M. MAPP was born in 1867. He died in 1934. He was married to Effie L. PARKS on 29 Dec 1897. Effie L. PARKS was born in 1875. She died in 1952. Children of William M. MAPP and Effie L. PARKS were: 141 i. Ralph MAPP. 142 ii. Harry P. MAPP.
78. Harry W. MAPP was born in 1868. He died in 1892. He was married to Sarah A. JOHNSON on 1 Dec 1890. Sarah A. JOHNSON was born in 1873.
She died in 1916. Harry W. MAPP and Sarah A. JOHNSON had no known children.
79. Lillian May MAPP. She was married to John M. DOUGHTY on 23 Nov 1897. Children: 143 i. John DOUGHTY. +144 ii. Lillian DOUGHTY. 145 iii. Emily DOUGHTY.
80. Joseph Thomas MAPP was born on 17 May 1878. He died on 22 Nov 1946. He was buried
in Johnson Church. He was married to Sarah A. JACOB on 15 Jan 1908 in Northampton Co.,
Va. Sarah A. JACOB was born on 2 Mar 1870. She died on 22 Jan 1948.
81. Charles L. MAPP was born on 24 Dec 1861. He died on 10 Oct 1932. He was buried in
Franktown Cem. He was married to Sarah JOHNSON. Sarah JOHNSON was born on 14 Jul
1873. She died on 18 Mar 1916. She was buried in Franktown Cem. .
83. Edmund R. MAPP was born in 1864. He died in 1950. He was buried in Franktown Cem.. He was married to Nannie L. METCALF. Nannie L. METCALF was born in 1885. She died in 1961. She was buried in Franktown Cem.
He was married to Sallie B. WESCOTT. Sallie B. WESCOTT was born on 2 Jan 1861. She
died on 24 Apr 1900. She was buried in Rogers Plot, Northampton Co., Va.
84. Emory G. MAPP was born on 27 Oct 1857. She died on 6 Mar 1921 in Dunton Plot. She was christened. She was married to Patrick Henry DUNTON on 21 Dec 1881. Patrick Henry DUNTON was born on 24 Sep 1846. He died on 16 Dec 1932 in Dunton Plot. He was christen +146 i. Ernest Mapp DUNTON Sr.. +147 ii. Carrie DUNTON. +148 iii. Catherine "Kate" DUNTON.
85. Catherine Sarah "Kate" MAPP was born in 1869. She died in 1936. She was married to Robert Dunton JAMES Sr. in 1889. Robert Dunton JAMES Sr. was born on
20 Feb 1864. He died on 24 Jul 1929. He was buried in Franktown Cem.
+149 i. Harry Milton JAMES. +150 ii. Edmund Mapp "Boots" JAMES Sr.. +151 iii. Kathryn JAMES. +152 iv. Robert Dunton JAMES Jr.. +153 v. Levin Smith JAMES.
86. Elizabeth MAPP was born in 1869. She died in 1936. She was married to Hezekiah Bledsoe WESCOTT in 1900. Hezekiah Bledsoe WESCOTT was born in 1869. He died in 1938. Children of Elizabeth MAPP and Hezekiah B. WESCOTT. +154 i. Elizabeth WESCOTT.
88. Sally GOFFIGON was born on 7 Mar 1774. She died in 1830. She was married to John GOFFIGON. John GOFFIGON was born in 1772. He died in 1838. Children of Sally GOFFIGON and John GOFFIGON were: +155 i. Frances D. GOFFIGON. 156 ii. Southy GOFFIGON was born in 1803. He died in 1803. 157 iii. Sarah GOFFIGON was born in 1804. She died in 1824.
89. Frances "Fanny" GOFFIGON was born on 10 Nov 1776. She died on 25 Oct 1796. She was married to Thomas HUNT on 18 May 1795. Thomas HUNT was born in 1775. He died
in 1795. Frances "Fanny" GOFFIGON and Thomas HUNT had no known children
She was married to William JARVIS Jr. on 14 Dec 1795. William JARVIS Jr. was born in 1770.
He died on 1 Jan 1831. He was buried in Piney Forest, Northampton
91. Mary "Polly" GOFFIGON was born on 17 Feb 1785. She died on 21 Sep 1851. She was married to James GOFFIGON on 21 Dec 1802. James GOFFIGON was born on 19 Apr 1774. He died in 1838. Children of Mary "Polly" GOFFIGON and James GOFFIGON. +158 i. Mary Ann GOFFIGON. +159 ii. Frederick James GOFFIGON. 160 iii. Harriet GOFFIGON was born in 1806. She died in 1839. +161 iv. John GOFFIGON. +162 v. Esther GOFFIGON. +163 vi. Emily GOFFIGON. 164 vii. Southy GOFFIGON. +165 viii. Frances GOFFIGON.
93. Esther GOFFIGON was born on 13 Oct 1786. She died on 8 Mar 1844. She was married to Southy GOFFIGON II. Southy GOFFIGON II was born on 17 Apr 1777. He died on 14 Jan 1825. Children of Esther GOFFIGON and Southy GOFFIGON II: 166 i. Margaret F. GOFFIGON. +167 ii. William J. GOFFIGON. 168 iii. Lucy Ann GOFFIGON. +169 iv. Nathaniel S. GOFFIGON. 170 v. Leonard J. GOFFIGON was born in 1816. He died in 1889. 171 vi. Lucy Ellen GOFFIGON died in 1818. 172 vii. Lloyd GOFFIGON was born in 1821. 173 viii. Sally F. GOFFIGON was born in 1823.
95. Sukey GOFFIGON was born in 1792. She died in 1852. She was married to Isaac CLEGG. Sukey GOFFIGON and Isaac CLEGG had no known
She was married to John GOFFIGON. John GOFFIGON was born in 1772. He died in 1838.
Sukey GOFFIGON and John GOFFIGON had no known children.
96. Anne Jacob "Nancy" DUNTON was born in 1788. She died in 1867. She was married to William S. WILLIAMS in 1806. William S. WILLIAMS was born in 1782. He died in 1829. Children: +174 i. Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS.
She was married to John W. THOMAS on 21 Sep 1836. Sophia Elizabeth DUNTON and John
W. THOMAS had no known children.
98. Mary Coleburn DUNTON was born on 3 Mar 1819. She died on 25 Apr 1894. She was married to Bailey BELL on 13 May 1840. Bailey BELL was born on 9 Jan 1818. He died on 21 Jun 1897. Children: +175 i. Elizabeth Colbourn "Bettie" BELL. +176 ii. James Bailey BELL. +177 iii. William George BELL. +178 iv. Jennie C. BELL. +179 v. Mary Anna BELL. +180 vi. Alfred Thomas BELL. +181 vii. Charles Custis BELL. +182 viii. Nebraska Phillips BELL. 183 ix. Carrie Lee BELL was born in 1862. She died in 1888.
99. William Henry Harmanson DUNTON was born on 23 Feb 1802. He died on 23 Oct 1838.
He was married to Miranda BERNARD on 16 Aug 1827 in Portsmouth, Va. Miranda
BERNARD was born in Portsmouth, Va.
100. Thomas Kellam DUNTON was born on 16 Apr 1804. He died on 1 Jun 1865. He was married to Emeline P. FITCHETT on 10 Oct 1832. Children: +184 i. Joshua F. DUNTON. +185 ii. Pattie (Patsy) P. DUNTON.
101. John Rickets DUNTON was born on 8 Dec 1806. He died on 26 Sep 1865. He was buried in Dunton Plot. He was married to Emeline (Emaline) DUNTON on 13 Sep 1831. Emeline (Emaline) DUNTON was born on 11 Jul 1815. She died on 20 Mar 1885. +186 i. Thomas Rickets DUNTON. +187 ii. Kosciusko DUNTON. +188 iii. John Pulaski DUNTON. +189 iv. Patrick Henry DUNTON. +190 v. Margaret Susan "Maggie" DUNTON. +191 vi. Carrie Virginia DUNTON. 192 vii. Robert Trower DUNTON was born on 8 Dec 1834. 193 viii. George William DUNTON was born on 25 May 1851. 194 ix. Lafayette Harmanson DUNTON was born on 13 Jul 1855. He died on 20 Oct
1865. He was buried in Dunton Plot. B.D. from Dunton Bible. No known children.
102. Catherine Sabra DUNTON was born on 11 May 1808. She died on 29 Jun 1881. She was married to John B. THOMAS Jr. on 2 Jul 1829. John B. THOMAS Jr. was born on 16 Jan 1822. Children of Catherine Sabra DUNTON and John B. THOMAS Jr.: 195 i. Sally D. THOMAS was born on 25 Apr 1830. She died on 2 Oct 1853. Sally died at age 23 yrs. +196 ii. William Wallace THOMAS. 197 iii. Betsy THOMAS was born on 13 Apr 1835. She died on 12 Nov 1835. Betsy died in infancy. +198 iv. George H. THOMAS.
103. Samuel Washington DUNTON was born on 2 Jun 1811. He died on 16 Jan 1865. He was christened. He was buried in Badger Graveyard. He was married to Margaret G. BADGER on 5 Jul 1841. Margaret G. BADGER was born on 24 Mar 1823. She died on 29 Oct 1859. +199 i. Henry Richard DUNTON. +200 ii. Mary Colburn DUNTON. +201 iii. Virginia Sophia "Jennie" DUNTON. +202 iv. William Thomas DUNTON. 203 v. John B. DUNTON was born on 19 Jan 1855. He died on 12 Jul 1859. He was
buried in Badger Graveyard. He was married to Mary Susan BELL on 10 Nov 1861 in
Northampton Co., Va. Mary Susan BELL was born in 1821. Samuel Washington DUNTON
and Mary Susan BELL had no known children.
104. Custis Mercer DUNTON was born on 18 Jun 1816. He died on 30 Jan 1896. He was buried in Dunton Plot, Northampton Co., Va. He was married to Elizabeth Custis WILLIS on 9 Nov 1852. Elizabeth Custis WILLIS was born on 17 Jun 1827 in Accomac Co., Va. She died on 3 Nov 1869. +204 i. Molly Beach DUNTON. +205 ii. Bettie Custis DUNTON. 206 iii. Littleton W. DUNTON was born on 14 Aug 1853. He died on 9 Jul 1887. He was buried in Dunton Plot, Northampton Co., Va. 207 iv. Mercer DUNTON. 208 v. James Thomas DUNTON was born on 17 Apr 1859. He died on 28 Sep 1863. He was buried in Dunton Plot. He was married to Caroline Evans HARMANSON on 15 Apr 1845 in Northampton Co., Va. Caroline Evans HARMANSON was born in 1816. She died on 29 Jan 1846. 209 i. Caroline Mercer(twin) DUNTON was born on 29 Jan 1846. She died on 4 Jun 1853. She was buried in Farmington, Northampton Co., Va. 210 ii. Custis Harmanson (twin) DUNTON was born on 29 Jan 1846. He died on 23
Mar 1864 in Richmond, Va. He was buried in Farmington, Northampton.
106. Anne DUNTON was born on 22 Mar 1800. She died on 10 Nov 1824. Anne was 24 yrs.
old at death. She was married to John B. THOMAS Sr. on 19 Jun 1822. John B. THOMAS Sr.
was born on 15 May 1782. He died on 15 May 1841.
109. Lloyd W. DUNTON was born in 1835. He died in 1901. Lloyd W. Dunton was a farmer. He was married to Georgia Anna RICHARDSON. Georgia Anna RICHARDSON was born in 1841. She died in 1912. Children:: +211 i. George Rickards ("Bee") DUNTON. +212 ii. Virgil O. DUNTON. 213 iii. Thomas DUNTON. +214 iv. Ernest DUNTON.
110. Thomas Rickets DUNTON was born on 1 Mar 1839 in Capeville, Va. He died on 8 Mar 1896. He was married to Elizabeth Sarah GRIFFITH on 9 Aug 1877 in Capeville, Va. Elizabeth Sarah GRIFFITH was born on 6 Oct 1854. She died on 16 Jan 1947. Children: 215 i. Charles C. DUNTON was born on 18 Apr 1878. He died on 3 Jul 1957. Charlie never married .Ref: Thomas R. Dunton Bible from Bess Ballard. +216 ii. Harry Clifford DUNTON. +217 iii. John T. DUNTON. +218 iv. Alice M. DUNTON. +219 v. Huldah Mae DUNTON. +220 vi. Lorena DUNTON.
114. David Alpheus DUNTON was born on 15 May 1825. He died on 23 Jun 1885. He was buried in Pine Bluff. He was married to Sarah Belle NOTTINGHAM. Sarah Belle NOTTINGHAM was born on 1 May 1822. She died on 19 Nov 1858. She was buried in Pine Bluff. Children: +221 i. Jacob Benjamin "Jake" DUNTON. +222 ii. Alice Frances DUNTON. +223 iii. Annie Topping "Top" DUNTON. +224 iv. Maude Hunter DUNTON. +225 v. Alpheus Bell DUNTON. He was married to Elizabeth HARMANSON on 5 Jun 1860. No known children.
115. Hancock DUNTON. He was married to ???? ????. Children of Hancock DUNTON and ???? ???? were: +226 i. Anne Kendall Jacob DUNTON.
116. James Smith DUNTON. He was married to Mary A. Bagwell CHURN. Children of James Smith DUNTON and Mary A. Bagwell CHURN were: +227 i. John Benjamin DUNTON. +228 ii. Sallie Smith DUNTON.
117. Joseph Benjamin Floyd DUNTON. He was married to Ellen CHURN. Joseph Benjamin Floyd DUNTON and Ellen CHURN had no
known children.
118. Emeline (Emaline) DUNTON was born on 11 Jul 1815. She died on 20 Mar 1885. She was christened. She was buried in Dunton Plot. She was married to John Rickets DUNTON on 13 Sep 1831. John Rickets DUNTON was born on 8 Dec 1806. He died on 26 Sep 1865. He was buried in Dunton Plot. +186 i. Thomas Rickets DUNTON. +187 ii. Kosciusko DUNTON. +188 iii. John Pulaski DUNTON. +189 iv. Patrick Henry DUNTON. +190 v. Margaret Susan "Maggie" DUNTON. +191 vi. Carrie Virginia DUNTON. 192 vii. Robert Trower DUNTON. 193 viii. George William DUNTON. 194 ix. Lafayette Harmanson DUNTON.
120. Ernest Milton JAMES Sr. was born in 1882. He died in 1954. He was buried in Belle Haven Cem. He was married to Lela GASKINS. Lela GASKINS was born in 1888. She died in 1955. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem.. Children: +229 i. Ernest Milton JAMES Jr..
122. Susan Ann JAMES was born on 10 Sep 1885 in Jamesville, Va. She died on 26 Dec 1969 in Nassawadox, Va. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem. She was married to Claude Benjamin STEWART. Claude Benjamin STEWART was born on 17 Sep 1883 in Jamesville, Va. He died on 6 Jan 1966. He was buried in Belle Haven. +230 I. James Milton "Mook" STEWART. +231 ii. Edward Graham STEWART. +232 iii. Margaret Claudia STEWART.
124. Clara Laviana JAMES was born in 1880. She died in 1953. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem. She was married to William T. ASHBY. William T. ASHBY was born in 1881. He died in 1957. He was buried in Belle Haven Cem.. Children of Clara Laviana JAMES and William T. ASHBY: +233 i. Thomas Pettit ASHBY.
128. Effie JAMES. She was married to Coley ASHBY. Children of Effie JAMES and Coley ASHBY were: 234 i. Samuel ASHBY.
134. Harry Llewellyn MAPP. He was married to Lillian WILKINS on 1 Jan 1927. Children of Harry Llewellyn MAPP and Lillian WILKINS were: 235 i. Harry Llewellyn MAPP Jr. was born on 22 Jul 1930.
135. George Thomas "Bogie" MAPP was born on 22 Nov 1898. He died on 3 Jan 1980. He was buried in , Belle Haven Cem. He was married to Attie Frances KELPIN on 17 Dec 1938. Attie Frances KELPIN was born on 15 Mar 1912. She died on 12 Sep 1975. Children: +236 i. Linda Thomas MAPP. +237 ii. Catherine Dunton MAPP. +238 iii. Mary Elizabeth MAPP.
137. Ernest Lynwood "Buzz" MAPP. He was married to Sally "Sallie" Hendren BELL. Sally "Sallie" Hendren BELL was born on 11 Jul 1899 in Walnut Grove, Northampton Co., Va. She died on 26 Sep 1 +239 i. Sallie Bell MAPP. 240 ii. Laura Susan MAPP was born in 1932. Laura Mapp lives in Bridgewater, Va in 1996. +241 iii. Mary Lynn MAPP.
144. Lillian DOUGHTY. She was married to Henry DERBY. No known children.
146. Ernest Mapp DUNTON Sr. was born in 1882. He died in 1968 in Dunton Plot. He was christened. He was married to Maggie L. LANKFORD. Maggie L. LANKFORD was born in 1882. She died in 1960; buried in Dunton Plot. She was christened. +242 i. Henry Lankford DUNTON. +243 ii. Ernest Mapp DUNTON Jr.. +244 iii. William Edmund "Jiggs" DUNTON. +245 iv. Ella Virginia DUNTON.
147. Carrie DUNTON was born in 1884. She died in 1963. She was buried in Dunton Plot,
West side. She was married to John Jackson WHITTINGTON. John Jackson WHITTINGTON
was born in 1880 in Kent Co., MD. He died in 1954. He was buried in Dunton Plot, West
148. Catherine "Kate" DUNTON was born on 25 Mar 1889 in Northampton Co., Va. She died on 17 Oct 1973. She was buried in Red Bank Church, Marionville, Va. She was married to Walter Bailey WIDGEN Dr. on 11 Nov 1909 in Northampton Co., Va. Walter Bailey WIDGEN Dr. was born on 13 Aug 1886. He died on 1 Jul 1930. +248 i. Betty Bell WIDGEN. +249 ii. Walter Bailey WIDGEN. +250 iii. Patrick Dunton WIDGEN. +251 iv. John Wainhouse WIDGEN.
149. Harry Milton JAMES was born on 24 Sep 1890. He died on 7 Apr 1973. He was christened. He was buried in Franktown, Va. He was married to Lucile Smith FLOYD. Lucile Smith FLOYD was born on 6 May 1895. Children: +252 i. Richard Floyd JAMES. +253 ii. Lucille JAMES. 254 iii. Kate Mapp JAMES was born on 6 Dec 1921. She died on 11 Dec 1921. Kate died in infancy. 255 iv. Maggie Dunton JAMES was born on 12 Jan 1923. She died on 12 Jan 1923. Maggie died at birth. +256 v. Harry Milton "Pinky" JAMES Jr.
150. Edmund Mapp "Boots" JAMES Sr. was born in 1895. He died in 1973 in Franktown Cem., Franktown, Va. He was married to Beatrice Marie COLEMAN. Beatrice Marie COLEMAN was born on 19 Sep 1895 in Petersburg, Va. She died on 5 Oct 1928 in NAM Hospital, Nassawadox 257 i. Infant son JAMES was buried in Dunton Plot. 258 ii. Edmund Mapp JAMES Jr. was born in 1924. He died in 1940. He was buried
in Franktown Cem..
151. Kathryn JAMES. Kathryn and husband Hyslop Nock donated bodies to Medical Science. A Memorial plaque is in Franktown Cemetery. She was married to John Hyslop Fosque NOCK. John Hyslop Fosque NOCK was born in 1911. He died in 1978. He was buried in Onancock Cem.
152. Robert Dunton JAMES Jr. was born in 1899. He was married to Helen Douglas DUNTON in 1922. Helen Douglas DUNTON was born in 1898. Children of Robert Dunton JAMES Jr. and Helen Douglas DUNTON were: +261 i. Margaret Elizabeth JAMES. +262 ii. Alpheus B. "Allie B" JAMES. +263 iii. Kate JAMES.
153. Levin Smith JAMES was born on 22 Mar 1901. He died on 7 Dec 1963. He was buried in Franktown Cem. He was married to Rosa May GUNTER on 30 Jun 1940. Rosa May GUNTER was born in Oct 1914. Children of Levin Smith JAMES and Rosa May GUNTER were: +264 i. Rebecca Mapp JAMES. +265 ii. Levin Smith JAMES Jr.. 266 iii. Elton Stewart Gunter JAMES was born in 1948. +267 iv. Rosanna Gunter JAMES.
154. Elizabeth WESCOTT was born on 31 Oct 1906. She died on 24 Sep 1974. She was buried in Franktown Cem. She was married to Richard Henry JACOB Jr.. Richard Henry JACOB Jr. was born on 16 Oct 1906. He died on 20 Apr 1958. He was buried in Franktown Cem. +268 i. Elizabeth Wescott "Betsy" JACOB. +269 ii. Esther JACOB.
155. Frances D. GOFFIGON was born in 1799. She died in 1834. She was married to Nathaniel BURRIS on 16 Jan 1817. Nathaniel BURRIS was born in 1795.
He died in 1835. Frances D. GOFFIGON and Nathaniel BURRIS had no known children.
158. Mary Ann GOFFIGON was born on 2 Dec 1803. She was married to Benjamin N. SCOTT on 19 Jun 1824. Benjamin N. SCOTT was born on 15 Aug 1800. He died on 5 Oct 1830. Children: +270 i. James Benjamin SCOTT.
She was married to John Evans NOTTINGHAM on 26 Oct 1839. John Evans NOTTINGHAM
was born on 21 Apr 1809. He died on 23 Apr 1885 in "Milford".
She was married to Nathaniel BURRIS on 5 Jan 1835. Nathaniel BURRIS was born in 1795. He
died in 1835.
159. Frederick James GOFFIGON was born on 2 Nov 1823. He died on 12 Oct 1880. He was buried in Farmers Delight, Northampton Co., Va. He was married to Mary Elizabeth NOTTINGHAM on 23 Oct 1851. Mary Elizabeth NOTTINGHAM was born on 12 Jan 1833. She died on 24 Dec 1912. +271 i. James GOFFIGON. 272 ii. Julia GOFFIGON was born on 22 Aug 1855. She died on 22 Nov 1858. She was buried in Farmers Delight. +273 iii. Clarice GOFFIGON. +274 iv. Cumpston GOFFIGON. +275 v. Julia GOFFIGON. +276 vi. Frances "Fanny" Simkins GOFFIGON. +277 vii. Kemper GOFFIGON. +278 viii. Gilmer GOFFIGON. +279 ix. Emily GOFFIGON. +280 x. John Milton GOFFIGON. +281 xi. Clifford GOFFIGON Sr.. 282 xii. Fredrick Godwin GOFFIGON was born on 20 May 1878. He died on 26 Jun
1956. He was buried in Holmes Church.
161. John GOFFIGON was born in 1806. He died in 1836. He was married to Susan GOFFIGON on 17 Nov 1831. Children: 283 i. Southey GOFFIGON was born in 1833. +284 ii. Lucy Ellen GOFFIGON. +285 iii. Edwin GOFFIGON.
162. Esther GOFFIGON was born in 1815. She was married to Jessie J. SIMKINS. No known children.
163. Emily GOFFIGON was born in 1817. She died in 1838. She was married to Nathaniel S. GOFFIGON on 30 Nov 1837. Nathaniel S. GOFFIGON was born in 1810. He died in 1881.
165. Frances GOFFIGON was born in 1810. She was married to Jessie J. SIMKINS. Frances GOFFIGON and Jessie J. SIMKINS had no known children.
167. William J. GOFFIGON was born in 1812. He died in 1883. He was married to Arinthia S. Goffigon BURRIS. Arinthia S. Goffigon BURRIS was born in 1818. She died in 1892.
169. Nathaniel S. GOFFIGON was born in 1810. He died in 1881. He was married to Emily GOFFIGON on 30 Nov 1837. Emily GOFFIGON was born in 1817. She died in 1838. Nathaniel S. GOFFIGON and Emily GOFFIGON had no known children.
174. Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS was born in 1820. She died in 1902. She was married to Edward P. ROBERTS in 1843. Edward P. ROBERTS was born in 1816. He died in 1872. Children of Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS and Edward P. ROBERTS: +286 i. Margaret Esther ROBERTS.
NINTH GENERATION She was buried in Red Bank Church, Marionville, Va. She was married to George W. WIDGEN on 27 Nov 1866 in Northampton Co., Va. George W. WIDGEN was born on 22 May 1835. He died on 24 Oct 1900. +287 i. Lelia WIDGEN. 288 ii. Mary Bailey WIDGEON was born on 5 Jan 1872. She died on 8 Mar 1875. She was buried in Cubberly Farm, Northampton Co., Va. 289 iii. Nellie WIDGEN was born in 1877. +290 iv. Walter Bailey WIDGEN Dr.
176. James Bailey BELL was born in 1847. He died in 1904. He was married to Ridie J. NOTTINGHAM. Ridie J. NOTTINGHAM was born in 1863. She died in 1941. Children of James Bailey BELL and Ridie J. NOTTINGHAM were: +291 i. Roger Nottingham BELL. +292 ii. Jacob Coulbourn BELL. +293 iii. James William "Shake" BELL. +294 iv. Sally "Sallie" Hendren BELL. +295 v. Agrippa Nelson BELL. He was married to Lottie AMES. Children of James Bailey BELL and Lottie AMES were: +296 i. Bailey Alfred BELL.
177. William George BELL was born on 4 Feb 1849. He died on 18 Aug 1906. He was christened. He was married to Rose DOUGHTY. Rose DOUGHTY was born on 21 May 1842. She died on 19 Dec 1931. Children: +297 i. Frank Baily BELL. +298 ii. Walter BELL. +299 iii. James Henry BELL. +300 iv. Charles Rogers BELL.
178. Jennie C. BELL was born on 25 May 1857. She was married to Joseph B. SAVAGE. Joseph B. SAVAGE was born in 1855. He died in 1930. Jennie C. BELL and Joseph B. SAVAGE had no known children.
179. Mary Anna BELL. She was married to George E. ROBERTS. George E. ROBERTS was born in 1850. He died in 1925. Children of Mary Anna BELL and George E. ROBERTS were: +301 i. Mary ROBERTS. +302 ii. Edna ROBERTS. +303 iii. Jennie ROBERTS. 304 iv. William ROBERTS.
180. Alfred Thomas BELL was born on 24 Jun 1853. He died on 20 Feb 1933. He was buried in Red Bank. He was married to Alice HENDREN. Alice HENDREN was born in 1861. She died in 1899. Children of Alfred Thomas BELL and Alice HENDREN were: +305 i. Carrie Lee BELL. 306 ii. Parkes BELL. He was married to Sallie Dix FLOYD on 10 Dec 1903 in Northampton Co., Va, Red Bank. Sallie Dix FLOYD was born on 17 Sep 1874. She died on 28 Mar 1959. 307 i. Parkes BELL was born on 5 Nov 1905. He died on 6 Nov 1930. He was buried in Red Bank.
181. Charles Custis BELL was born in 1855. He died in 1930. He was married to Minnie THOMAS. Minnie THOMAS was born in 1866. She died in 1919. Children of Charles Custis BELL and Minnie THOMAS were: +308 i. Mary Thomas BELL.
182. Nebraska Phillips BELL. He was married to Elizabeth Scott WARREN. Children: +309 i. Betty Grace BELL.
184. Joshua F. DUNTON was born in 1843. He died in 1865. He was married to Margaret (Peggy) WILKINS on 7 Dec 1865. Margaret (Peggy) WILKINS was born on 24 May 1844. She died in 1865.
185. Pattie (Patsy) P. DUNTON was born in 1840. She died on 18 Jun 1876. She was buried in Taylor Farm, Northampton Co., Va. She was married to George B. TAYLOR before 1865. George B. TAYLOR was born in 1840 in Accomac Co., Va. He died in 1929. He was buried in Cape Charles Cem. 310 i. Bettie E. TAYLOR was born on 17 Nov 1862. She died on 28 Jun 1896. She was buried in Taylor Farm, Northampton Co., Va. 311 ii. Tommy L. TAYLOR was born on 14 Sep 1869. He died on 15 Jul 1870. He was buried in Taylor Farm, Northampton Co., Va. +312 iii. Nannie Grace TAYLOR.
186. Thomas Rickets DUNTON was born on 29 Sep 1832. He died on 15 Nov 1872. He was buried in Dunton Plot. He was married to Caroline B. WARD on 9 Feb 1859. Children of Thomas Rickets DUNTON and Caroline B. WARD were: 313 i. John R. DUNTON. 314 ii. Albert Ward DUNTON.
187. Kosciusko DUNTON was born on 27 Apr 1840. He died on 21 Sep 1906. He was buried in St. George's Cem. He was married to Adaline M. STURGIS on 29 Apr 1873. Adaline M. STURGIS was born in 1838. She died in 1879. Children:
315 i. James Monroe DUNTON was born in 1874. He died in 1901. He was christened. 316 ii. Effie Eison DUNTON. 317 iii. Linda Dimm DUNTON died on 22 Feb 1904. Death date from Dunton Bible. He was married to Mamie KELLAM. Children of Kosciusko DUNTON and Mamie KELLAM were: 318 i. Emma DUNTON. 319 ii. Stella DUNTON. 320 iii. Edith DUNTON. 321 iv. Edgar DUNTON. 322 v. Dwight DUNTON. 323 vi. James DUNTON.
188. John Pulaski DUNTON was born on 7 Apr 1849. He died on 21 Aug 1905. He was buried in Dunton Plot. He was married to Mary JOHNSON. Children of John Pulaski DUNTON and Mary JOHNSON were: 324 i. J. Robert DUNTON was born in 1902. He died in 1903. He was christened. J. Robert Dunton died at 1 year of age. Buried in Old Farm Place.
189. Patrick Henry DUNTON was born on 24 Sep 1846. He died on 16 Dec 1932 in Dunton Plot. He was christened. He was married to Emory G. MAPP on 21 Dec 1881. Emory G. MAPP was born on 27 Oct 1857. She died on 6 Mar 1921 in Dunton Plot. She was christened. Children: +146 i. Ernest Mapp DUNTON Sr.. +147 ii. Carrie DUNTON. +148 iii. Catherine "Kate" DUNTON.
190. Margaret Susan "Maggie" DUNTON was born on 10 Jan 1844. She died on 7 Nov 1933. She was buried in Dunton Plot. She was married to Levin Smith JAMES Jr. on 21 May 1863. Levin Smith JAMES Jr. was born on 9 Apr 1839 in Locustville, Va. He died on 24 Sep 1916. +325 i. Robert Dunton JAMES Sr.. +326 ii. Charlie Thomas JAMES. +327 iii. Cora JAMES.
191. Carrie Virginia DUNTON was born on 26 Jul 1854. She died on 5 Feb 1922. She was buried in Dunton Plot. She was married to James A. DOUGHTY on 6 Oct 1880. James A. DOUGHTY was born on 23 Jan 1855. He died on 11 Dec 1921. He was buried in Dunton Plot. Children: 328 i. Helen DOUGHTY. 329 ii. Emma DOUGHTY. +330 iii. Annie Purtyman DOUGHTY.
196. William Wallace THOMAS was born on 2 Jun 1833. He died on 17 May 1904. He was married to Bertha Lee JOYNES on 31 Dec 1885. Children of William Wallace THOMAS and Bertha Lee JOYNES were: 331 i. William Wallace THOMAS Jr. was born on 16 Apr 1895. +332 ii. Custis Mercer THOMAS.
198. George H. THOMAS was born on 10 Sep 1838. He was married to Emory E. SAVAGE on 3 Mar 1859 in Northampton Co., Va. Emory E. SAVAGE was born on 1 Mar 1838. She died on 23 May 1916. She was buried in S 333 i. John Baker THOMAS was born on 14 Jul 1860. He died on 26 Aug 1899. 334 ii. Bettie S. THOMAS was born on 5 Dec 1862. She died on 13 Aug 1868. +335 iii. Sallie D. THOMAS.
199. Henry Richard DUNTON was born on 22 Oct 1847. He died on 10 Apr 1875. He was christened. He was married to Mary A. LECATO on 25 Jan 1872. Mary A. LECATO died in
200. Mary Colburn DUNTON was born on 19 Mar 1850. She died on 29 Apr 1889. She was married to John Rodgers TANKARD. John Rodgers TANKARD was born on 29 Jul 1842 in Belle Haven, Va. He died on 9 Jan 1928. Children: +336 i. Samuel Dunton TANKARD. +337 ii. Philip William TANKARD DDS. 338 iii. Elizabeth "Lizzie" TANKARD was born on 13 Aug 1886. She died on 4 Oct 1886. She was buried in Badger Graveyard, Northampton Co., Va.
201. Virginia Sophia "Jennie" DUNTON. She was married to John Taylor ROGERS. John Taylor ROGERS was born on 23 Aug 1851. He died on 17 Mar 1907. He was christened. +339 i. Lucie Dunton ROGERS. +340 ii. Mary Scott ROGERS. 341 iii. James S. ROGERS. James S. Rogers remained a bachelor.
202. William Thomas DUNTON was born on 14 Apr 1845. He died on 8 Dec 1908. He was christened. He was buried in Badger Graveyard. He was married to Emily Jane GODWIN on 23 Dec 1867 in Northampton Co., Va. Emily Jane GODWIN was born in 1846. She died in 1920. She was buried in Badger Grave Yard. +342 i. Margaret Nelson DUNTON. +343 ii. Sallie Coleburn DUNTON. +344 iii. Samuel Henry DUNTON. +345 iv. Davereux Godwin DUNTON. +346 v. Charles Michael DUNTON. +347 vi. James Edmund DUNTON.
204. Molly Beach DUNTON was born on 1 Dec 1856. She died on 11 Nov 1890. She was buried in Onancock Cem., Onancock, Va. She was married to Luther Nottingham BOGGS. Luther Nottingham BOGGS was born in Oct 1846 in Accomac Co., Va. He died on 29 Jul 1925.
205. Bettie Custis DUNTON was born on 28 Apr 1865. She died on 7 Mar 1954. She was christened. She was married to Jefferson Davis JACOB on 2 Apr 1884. Jefferson Davis JACOB was born on 1 Jan 1861. He died on 20 Oct 1944.
211. George Rickards ("Bee") DUNTON. B. Dunton is said by Scott Walker, Rosa Mae James and Mag Whitehead to have been George R. Dunton. He was married to Eva (Marguerite) COLONNA.
212. Virgil O. DUNTON was born in 1863. He died in 1939. Virgil O. Dunton was a farmer. He was married to Clara COLONA. Clara COLONA was born in 1876. She died in 1971.
214. Ernest DUNTON. He was married to ???? ????. Children of Ernest DUNTON and ???? ???? were: +370 i. Sophia DUNTON. +371 ii. Bernard Martin DUNTON. +372 iii. Ernest DUNTON Jr.. +373 iv. Gilmer DUNTON.
216. Harry Clifford DUNTON was born on 23 Mar 1882. He died on 21 Apr 1919. He was buried in Capeville, Va. He was married to Doris C. SCOTT. Doris C. SCOTT was born on 15 Feb 1894. She died on 7 Jun 1950. She was buried in Capeville, Va.
217. John T. DUNTON was born on 11 Mar 1893. He died in Jul 1985. He was buried in Cape Charles Cem, Cape Charles, Va. He was married to Jewel KASTNER. Jewel KASTNER died in 1953. John T. DUNTON and Jewel KASTNER had no known children.
218. Alice M. DUNTON was born on 10 Jan 1880. She died on 11 Apr 1939. She was married to Charles Rogers BELL. Charles Rogers BELL was born in 1883. He died in 1967. Alice M. DUNTON and Charles Rogers BELL had no known children
219. Huldah Mae DUNTON was born on 3 Dec 1886. She died on 2 Feb 1981. She was married to Albert L. DETWILER. Huldah Mae DUNTON and Albert L. DETWILER had no known children.
220. Lorena DUNTON was born on 19 Jul 1888. She died on 19 Mar 1971. She was buried in Cape Charles Cem, Cape Charles, Va. She was married to James Edward BOWDEN. James Edward BOWDEN was born on 24 Oct 1873 in Seaford, DE. He died on 30 Mar 1941. He was buried in Cape Charles Cem. +375 i. Elizabeth Sara "Bess" BOWDEN. 376 ii. John Nevins BOWDEN was born in 1924.
221. Jacob Benjamin "Jake" DUNTON was born on 18 Mar 1846. He died on 20 Mar 1924. He was buried in Old Dunton Cem. Jake Dunton was a boatbuilder. He was married to Sallie Smith DUNTON. Sallie Smith DUNTON was born on 5 Oct 1856. She died on 8 Jul 1925. She was buried in Old Dunton Cem. +377 i. Carlton Moore DUNTON Sr.. +378 ii. David A. DUNTON. +379 iii. James Smith DUNTON. +380 iv. Joseph Lee DUNTON. +381 v. Howard Franklin DUNTON. +382 vi. Jacob Benjamin DUNTON Jr.. +383 vii. Mary Bagwell DUNTON. +384 viii. Elizabeth "Lizzie" DUNTON. +385 ix. Belle Sarah DUNTON.
222. Alice Frances DUNTON was born on 19 Jan 1848. She died on 22 Oct 1931. She was buried in Pine Bluff Cem., Northampton Co., Va. She was married to Francis Bushrod MAPP on 23 Sep 1869. Francis Bushrod MAPP was born in 1832. He died in 1893. Children: +386 i. David Dunton MAPP. +387 ii. Richard Benjamin MAPP. +388 iii. Charles Watts MAPP. +389 iv. Joseph Thomas MAPP. +390 v. Ella MAPP.
223. Annie Topping "Top" DUNTON was born on 21 Apr 1852. She died on 10 Jan 1943. She was married to John Rodgers TANKARD on 11 Dec 1890. John Rodgers TANKARD was born on 29 Jul 1842 in Belle Haven, Va. He died on 9 Jan 1928.
224. Maude Hunter DUNTON was born on 21 Sep 1854. She died on 5 Feb 1941. She was married to James Smith WYATT. James Smith WYATT was born on 28 May 1853. He died on 25 Jul 1925.
225. Alpheus Bell DUNTON was born on 8 Nov 1858. He died on 18 May 1937. He was married to Margaret Esther ROBERTS in 1893. Margaret Esther ROBERTS was born on 13 Aug 1858. She died on 25 May 1933. Children: +391 i. Nannie Jacob DUNTON. +392 ii. Helen Douglas DUNTON.
226. Anne Kendall Jacob DUNTON. She was married to George L. E. TANKARD Dr. Anne Kendall Jacob DUNTON and George L. E. TANKARD Dr. had no known children.
227. John Benjamin DUNTON was born on 19 Jun 1859. He died on 22 May 1931. Ref: Will Brown-GHOTE He was married to Marion Upshur GODWIN. Marion Upshur GODWIN was born on 9 Sep 1867. She died in May 1931. +393 i. Alexander Godwin "Alex" DUNTON.
228. Sallie Smith DUNTON was born on 5 Oct 1856. She died on 8 Jul 1925. She was buried in Old Dunton Cem. She was married to Jacob Benjamin "Jake" DUNTON. Jacob Benjamin "Jake" DUNTON was born on 18 Mar 1846. He died on 20 Mar 1924. +377 i. Carlton Moore DUNTON Sr.. +378 ii. David A. DUNTON. +379 iii. James Smith DUNTON. +380 iv. Joseph Lee DUNTON. +381 v. Howard Franklin DUNTON. +382 vi. Jacob Benjamin DUNTON Jr.. +383 vii. Mary Bagwell DUNTON. +384 viii. Elizabeth "Lizzie" DUNTON. +385 ix. Belle Sarah DUNTON.
229. Ernest Milton JAMES Jr.. He was married to Frances KELLAM. Children of Ernest Milton JAMES Jr. and Frances KELLAM were: +394 i. Ernest Milton JAMES III. 395 ii. Roy K. JAMES. +396 iii. Cassandra JAMES.
230. James Milton "Mook" STEWART was born on 4 Aug 1912 in Jamesville, Va. He died on 29 Apr 1995. He was buried on 1 May 1995 in Belle Haven Cem..
He was married to Georgia Walter DAVIS on 6 Aug 1940. Georgia Walter DAVIS was born on 9 Aug 1919 in Painter, Va.
231. Edward Graham STEWART was born on 13 Apr 1909. He was married to Minnie Stockley BOGGS. Minnie Stockley BOGGS was born in May 1911. She died in 1962. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem.
232. Margaret Claudia STEWART was born on 9 Jul 1915. She was married to Winston Joynes "Dynamite" CUSTIS. Winston Joynes "Dynamite" CUSTIS was born in Apr 1909. Dynamite operated the Custis Record Shop in Exmore.
233. Thomas Pettit ASHBY was born in 1903. He died in 1963. He was buried in Belle Haven Cem. He was married to Helen Loleta AMES in Aug 1926. Helen Loleta AMES was born in 1904. She died in 1991. She was buried in Belle Haven Cem.
236. Linda Thomas MAPP was born on 15 Mar 1943. She died in Jul 1995 in Smyrna, GA. She was buried on 7 Jul 1995 in Belle Haven Cem. She was married to David SWOPE. She was
divorced from David SWOPE. Linda Thomas MAPP and David SWOPE had no known
238. Mary Elizabeth MAPP was born on 26 Jul 1949 in Nassawadox, Va. She was married to Joseph Thomas MAPP in 1967. Mary Elizabeth MAPP and Joseph Thomas MAPP had no known children.
239. Sallie Bell MAPP was born on 13 Aug 1929. She died on 25 Apr 1996 in Alexandria, Va. She was buried on 28 Apr 1996 in Modest Town, Church Cem. She was married to Malcolm
Brooks SAVAGE. Malcolm Brooks SAVAGE was born on 7 Jun 1923. He died on 20 Jun
1985. He was buried in Modestown, Va.
252. Richard Floyd JAMES was born on 17 Jun 1919. He died on 28 Sep 1944 in World War II. He was christened. Richard F. James was a Lt. USNR.
253. Lucille JAMES. She was married to Frederick K. WALKER.
256. Harry Milton "Pinky" JAMES Jr. was born in 1925. He died on 29 Mar 1994 in Melfa, Va. He was buried on 1 Apr 1994 in Franktown Cem. He was married.
270. James Benjamin SCOTT was born on 16 Jul 1827. He died on 17 Mar 1891. He was married to Emily Sarah WILLIAMS on 2 Mar 1847. Emily Sarah WILLIAMS was born on 27 Aug 1829. She died on 31 May 1903. Children: +452 i. Benjamin Thomas SCOTT. 453 ii. Emily Goffigon SCOTT was born on 29 Mar 1849. She died on 4 Mar 1936. +454 iii. Columbia Elizabeth SCOTT. 455 iv. James Holland SCOTT was born on 27 Jun 1859. He died on 13 Sep 1888. +456 v. George Luker SCOTT. +457 vi. William Lucius SCOTT. +458 vii. John Luker SCOTT. +459 viii. Clinton SCOTT. +460 ix. Walter SCOTT.
271. James GOFFIGON was born on 26 Dec 1853. He died on 5 Jan 1926. He was christened. He was married to Charlotte Ayers THOMPSON in Nov 1898 in Northampton Co., Va. Charlotte Ayers THOMPSON was born on 5 Sep 1870. She died on 23 Oct 1930. 461 i. Frederick James GOFFIGON was born in 1899. 462 ii. Willis Thompson GOFFIGON was born on 2 Jan 1907. He died on 18 Feb 1907. Willis died in infancy.
273. Clarice GOFFIGON was born on 6 Oct 1857. She died on 18 May 1938. She was christened. She was married to William Eva THOMAS on 27 Nov 1894 in Northampton Co., Va. William Eva THOMAS was born on 13 Aug 1860 in Montgomery Co., MD.
274. Cumpston GOFFIGON was born on 16 Mar 1859. He died on 21 Jul 1924. He was christened. He was married to Mary BUTT. Children of Cumpston GOFFIGON and Mary BUTT were: 463 i. William Frederick GOFFIGON was born on 16 Aug 1893. 464 ii. Grace Ely GOFFIGON was born on 27 Sep 1895. 465 iii. Dorothy GOFFIGON. +466 iv. Page Nottingham GOFFIGON Sr.
275. Julia GOFFIGON was born on 7 Jul 1860. She died on 20 Sep 1930. She was christened. She was married to Marion SCOTT on 29 Jun 1898 in Northampton Co., Va. Marion SCOTT was born on 27 Nov 1859 in Northampton Co., Va. He died on 10 Oct 1952. 467 i. William John SCOTT was born in 1895.
276. Frances "Fanny" Simkins GOFFIGON was born on 16 Jul 1862. She died in 1950. She was buried in Holmes Church, Eastville, Va. She was married to William Simkins SPADY on 29 Mar 1889 in Northampton Co., Va. William Simkins SPADY was born in 1855. He died in 1936. He was buried in Ho 468 i. Frederick Goffigon SPADY was born in 1891. 469 ii. Maria Ann Jarvis SPADY was born on 27 Aug 1894. 470 iii. William Simkins SPADY Jr. was born in 1898. He died in 1952. +471 iv. Thomas Sanford SPADY. 472 v. Wallace Cooke SPADY. Wallace died in infancy. She was married to William JARVIS Jr. on 14 Dec 1795 in Northampton Co., Va. William JARVIS Jr. was born in 1770. He died on 1 Jan 1831.
277. Kemper GOFFIGON was born on 19 Sep 1864. He died on 22 Nov 1951. He was buried in Holmes Church, Eastville, Va. He was married to Ann Pinckney THOMPSON on 28 Jun 1893 in Northampton Co., Va. Ann Pinckney THOMPSON was born on 13 Mar 1872 in Northampton Co., Va. +473 i. Kemper GOFFIGON Jr. +474 ii. Catherine Ayres GOFFIGON. +475 iii. Clarence Thompson GOFFIGON. +476 iv. Julia GOFFIGON. 477 v. Helen Thompson GOFFIGON. 478 vi. Ann Pinckney GOFFIGON. 479 vii. Mary Elizabeth (Liz) GOFFIGON.
278. Gilmer GOFFIGON. He was married to Mary BALLANTINE. Gilmer GOFFIGON and Mary BALLANTINE had no known children.
279. Emily GOFFIGON was born on 3 Jan 1869. She died on 12 Apr 1925. She was buried in Holmes Church, Eastville, Va. She was married to George Temple JARVIS on 20 Nov 1892. George Temple JARVIS was born on 2 Aug 1860 in Northampton Co., Va. He died on 20 Oct 1931. 480 i. Jessie Nelson "Biggie" JARVIS was born in 1893. 481 ii. Mary Goffigon JARVIS was born in 1900. +482 iii. George Temple JARVIS Jr.. +483 iv. Thomas Robins JARVIS.
280. John Milton GOFFIGON was born in 1872. He died in 1949. He was buried in Holmes Church. He was married to Mary Goffigon NOTTINGHAM on 20 Dec 1908 in Northampton Co., Va. Mary Goffigon NOTTINGHAM was born in 1869. She died in 1940.
281. Clifford GOFFIGON Sr. was born in 1875. He died in 1938. He was buried in Holmes Church, Eastville, Va. He was married to Hyla HUNT on 15 Nov 1910 in Northampton Co., Va. Hyla HUNT was born in 1881. She died in 1961. She was buried in Holmes Church. Children +484 i. Clifford GOFFIGON Jr.. +485 ii. Marian Nottingham GOFFIGON. +486 iii. Hyla Hunt GOFFIGON. +487 iv. Lucy Anne GOFFIGON. 488 v. Mary E. GOFFIGON was born on 17 Jun 1922.
284. Lucy Ellen GOFFIGON was born in 1835. She died in 1858. She was married to Edgar I.
SPADY on 23 Oct 1856 in Northampton Co., Va. Lucy Ellen GOFFIGON and Edgar I. SPADY
had no known children.
285. Edwin GOFFIGON was born in 1812. He died in 1882. Edwin's father unknown-per Barbara Cox-GHOTE. {If anyone has information regarding the father of Edwin Goffigon, please notify ghotes@esva.net. Thanks.) He was married to Luisa SPADY on 8 Jan 1839. Luisa SPADY was born in 1810. She died in 1877. Ref: Barbara Cox-GHOTE Children of Edwin GOFFIGON and Luisa SPADY: 489 i. daughter GOFFIGON was born in 1839. 490 ii. John GOFFIGON was born in 1840. He died in 1910. 491 iii. Susan GOFFIGON was born in 1840. She died in 1859. +492 iv. Nancy (Nannie Spady) GOFFIGON. 493 v. Maryl GOFFIGON was born in 1851. She died in 1853.
286. Margaret Esther ROBERTS was born on 13 Aug 1858. She died on 25 May 1933. She was married to Alpheus Bell DUNTON in 1893. Alpheus Bell DUNTON was born on 8 Nov 1858. He died on 18 May 1937. +391 i. Nannie Jacob DUNTON. +392 ii. Helen Douglas DUNTON.
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