EIGHTH GENERATION 221. Rev. Perry A. LEATHERBURY (Thomas-7, Charles-6, Thomas-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 17 Mar 1817 in Accomac, Accomack, Virginia, USA. He died on 13 Mar 1897 in Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. He was buried about 13 Mar 1897 in Onancock Cemetery, Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. He was married to Zipporah EVANS (daughter of Peter EVANS and Zipporah EVANS) on 28 Nov 1840 in , Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Zipporah EVANS was born on 11 Apr 1819 in , Somerset, Maryland, USA. She died on 25 Jul 1865 in Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. She was buried about 25 Jul 1865 in Cokesbury Cemetery, Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. Rev. Perry A. LEATHERBURY and Zipporah EVANS had the following children:
He was married to Leah Ann (Annie) NELSON (daughter of George NELSON Jr. and Serena Esther (Hessy) HATTON) on 5 Jul 1866 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. Leah Ann (Annie) NELSON was born on 5 Mar 1831 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. She died on 30 Apr 1896 in Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. She was buried on 2 May 1896 in Onancock Cemetery, Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. Rev. Perry A. LEATHERBURY and Leah Ann (Annie) NELSON had the following children:
223. Elizabeth S. LEATHERBURY (Thomas-7, Charles-6, Thomas-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1821 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. She was married to Ezekiel MOORE on 6 Dec 1849 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. Ezekiel MOORE was born in , , Virginia, USA. 228. Charles Purnell LEATHERBURY (John T.-7, Charles-6, Thomas-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1834 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He has Ancestral File number JKC3-TK. He was married to Louise TAYLOR in , , , USA. Louise TAYLOR was born in , , , USA. Charles Purnell LEATHERBURY and Louise TAYLOR had the following children:
He was married to Rachel DEALE in , , , USA. Rachel DEALE was born in , , , USA. Charles Purnell LEATHERBURY and Rachel DEALE had the following children:
229. William Thomas LEATHERBURY (John T.-7, Charles-6, Thomas-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 6 Jun 1844 in Onancock, Accomack, Virginia, USA. He died on 14 Sep 1916 in Galesville, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. He was buried about 14 Sep 1916 in Quaker Burial Ground, Galesville, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA. He has Ancestral File number JKC3-Z8. He was married to Ellen Jane SIMMONS (daughter of William Henry SIMMONS) about 1867 in , , Maryland, USA. Ellen Jane SIMMONS was born on 15 May 1847 in , , Maryland, USA. She died on 5 May 1928 in , , , USA. She was buried about 5 May 1928 in , , , USA. William Thomas LEATHERBURY and Ellen Jane SIMMONS had the following children:
232. Maj. Robert LEATHERBURY (John-7, John-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1770 in , , Maryland, America. He died about 1840 in , , Maryland, USA. He was buried about 1840 in , , Maryland, USA. He was married to Elizabeth in , , Maryland, USA. Elizabeth was born in , , Maryland, America. Maj. Robert LEATHERBURY and Elizabeth had the following children:
233. Bridget LEATHERBURY (John-7, John-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born in , , Maryland, America. She was married to William BOUNDS Jr., II (son of William BOUNDS Sr., I and Mary COLLIER) in , Somerset, Maryland, America. William BOUNDS Jr., II was born in 1760 in , Somerset, Maryland, America. He died in 1820 in , , , USA. He was buried in 1820 in , , , USA. Bridget LEATHERBURY and William BOUNDS Jr., II had the following children:
237. Elizabeth (Betsy) LEATHERBURY (Charles-7, John-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1779 in , , Maryland, America. She was married to Thomas GILES on 21 Dec 1798 in , Somerset, Maryland, USA. Thomas GILES was born about 1777 in , , , USA. 242. Samuel LEATHERBURY (Charles-7, John-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1794 in , , Maryland, USA. He was married to Mary DONE on 18 Dec 1818 in , Somerset Parish, Somerset, Maryland, USA. Mary DONE was born about 1795 in , , , USA. 243. Amelia LEATHERBURY (John-7, Robert-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1785 in , , Maryland, USA. She was married to George AYRES on 14 May 1803 in , Somerset, Maryland, USA. George AYRES was born about 1783 in , , , USA. 249. Priscilla Atkinson LEATHERBURY (John-7, Robert-6, John-5, Charles-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1800 in , , Maryland, USA. She was married to Samuel G. HOLBROOK on 18 Apr 1822 in , Somerset, Maryland, USA. 259. Anne STEVENSON (Sarah LEATHERBURY-7, William-6, William-5, Thomas-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 23 Jan 1821 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. She died on 29 Jan 1889 in Philadelphia, , Pennsylvania, USA. She was buried about 29 Jan 1889 in Fernwood Cemetery, Fernwood, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. She was married to John Merritt SPARKS on 9 Sep 1840 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. John Merritt SPARKS was born in , , , USA. Anne STEVENSON and John Merritt SPARKS had the following children:
260. Elizabeth STEVENSON (Sarah LEATHERBURY-7, William-6, William-5, Thomas-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 6 May 1823 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. She died on 17 Sep 1884 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. She was buried about 17 Sep 1884 in , Kent, Delaware, USA. She was married to Samuel Price WRIGHT in , , Delaware, USA. Samuel Price WRIGHT was born in , , , USA. 263. William Denny STEVENSON (Sarah LEATHERBURY-7, William-6, William-5, Thomas-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 3 Apr 1832 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. He died on 23 Feb 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. He was buried about 23 Feb 1880 in , , Pennsylvania, USA. He was married to Elizabeth KIRK in , , Delaware, USA. Elizabeth KIRK was born in , , , USA. 264. Lydia STEVENSON (Sarah LEATHERBURY-7, William-6, William-5, Thomas-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born in 1825 in Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA. She died in 1910 in , , , USA. She was buried in 1910 in , , , USA. She was married to James MCDOWELL in , , Delaware, USA. James MCDOWELL was born in , , , USA. 291. Thomas LEATHERBERRY (Henry Sylvester-7, Thomas-6, Abel-5, Thomas-4, Charles-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 26 Jan 1829 in , Jefferson, Ohio, USA. He was married to Rachel in , , , USA. Rachel was born in , , , USA. Thomas LEATHERBERRY and Rachel had the following children:
292. Col. John W. LEATHERBURY (John-7, Edmund-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 17 Aug 1797 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1863 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. He was buried about 15 Mar 1863 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. He was married to Sally Custis WEST (daughter of Charles C. WEST Jr. and Joanna DUNTON) on 30 Nov 1818 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. Sally Custis WEST was born about 1798 in , , Virginia, USA. She died on 6 Dec 1839 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. She was buried about 6 Dec 1839 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. Col. John W. LEATHERBURY and Sally Custis WEST had the following children:
He was married to Vianna G. GODWIN (daughter of Esau GODWIN and Esther Gray JACOB) on 26 Sep 1840 in , , Virginia, USA. Vianna G. GODWIN was born on 10 Feb 1805 in , , Virginia, USA. She died on 22 Apr 1882 in , , Virginia, USA. She was buried about 22 Apr 1882 in Myrtle Grove, Northampton, Virginia, USA. Col. John W. LEATHERBURY and Vianna G. GODWIN had the following children:
293. Elizabeth LEATHERBURY (John-7, Edmund-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born in , , , USA. She was married to Littleton WATSON (son of Ephraim WATSON and Tabitha WHARTON) on 8 Dec 1818 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. Littleton WATSON was born about 1797 in , , Virginia, USA. He died before 29 Jul 1822 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He was buried about 29 Jul 1822 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. Elizabeth LEATHERBURY and Littleton WATSON had the following children:
294. Margaret Custis LEATHERBURY (John-7, Edmund-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 19 May 1811 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. She died on 15 Aug 1849 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. She was buried about 15 Aug 1849 in Willow Grove Cemetery, , Northampton, Virginia, USA. She has Ancestral File number CFC5-VK. She was married to John Robins MAPP I (son of Robins MAPP and Margaret (Peggy) MATTHEWS) on 24 May 1838 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. John Robins MAPP I was born in 1797 in , Northampton, Virginia, USA. He died on 1 Aug 1873 in , , Northampton, Virginia, USA. He was buried about 1 Aug 1873 in Willow Grove Cemetery, , Northampton, Virginia, USA. He has Ancestral File number 3W71-CP. Margaret Custis LEATHERBURY and John Robins MAPP I had the following children:
295. James L. BELOTE (James-7, Eleanor LEATHERBURY-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born before 1806 in , , Virginia, USA. He was married to Frances FLANAGAN in , , , USA. Frances FLANAGAN was born in , , , USA. 296. Anne BELOTE (James-7, Eleanor LEATHERBURY-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1808 in , , Virginia, USA. She was married to George SIMPSON in 1848 in , , , USA. George SIMPSON was born in , , , USA. 297. Perry L. BELOTE (James-7, Eleanor LEATHERBURY-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1811 in , , Virginia, USA. He was married to Cinciana in , , , USA. Cinciana was born in , , , USA. 299. George E. BELOTE (Perry Leatherbury-7, Eleanor LEATHERBURY-6, Perry-5, Edmund-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born about 1827 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He died in 1866 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He was buried in 1866 in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. He was married to Susan WOOD in , Accomack, Virginia, USA. Susan WOOD was born in 1826 in , , , USA. She died in 1919 in , , , USA. 303. Shepherd HOUSTON (Mary PRETTYMAN-7, Shepherd-6, William-5, Comfort LEATHERBURY-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 11 Aug 1806 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. He was married to Susan MAULL on 31 Mar 1830 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Susan MAULL was born about 2 Jan 1809 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. She died on 19 Jan 1835 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. She was buried about 19 Jan 1835 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Shepherd HOUSTON and Susan MAULL had the following children:
He was married to Ruch C. ORR on 1 May 1843 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Ruch C. ORR died before 19 May 1852 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. She was buried before 19 May 1852 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. She was born in , , , USA. Shepherd HOUSTON and Ruch C. ORR had the following children:
He was married to Margaretta L. BODDY on 19 May 1852 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Margaretta L. BODDY was born in , , , USA. Shepherd HOUSTON and Margaretta L. BODDY had the following children:
311. Perry PRETTYMAN (Nehemiah-7, Perry-6, John-5, Comfort LEATHERBURY-4, Perry-3, Thomas-2, Roger-1) was born on 4 Feb 1824 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. He died on 25 Nov 1871 in , New Castle, Delaware, USA. He was buried about 25 Nov 1871 in St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Odessa, New Castle, Delaware, USA. He was married to Rachel WARREN on 3 Oct 1846 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Rachel WARREN was born about 1830 in , Sussex, Delaware, USA. Page updated February 9, 2004 (wls)Back to the first page | ![]() |