Descendants of William Twiford from GHOTE Don Bellessa Generation No. 1 1. W ILLLIAM1 TWIFORD was born Abt. 1636 (Source: Virginia, Northampton County - Court Records, vol v p. 89, A deposition of receipt of goods on 18 Feb. 1673/4 William Twiford age 37 or thereabouts..), and died Abt. May 28, 1709 in Northampton County, Virginia (Source: Virginia, Northampton County - Court Records, Vol xix p 50, Will dated 9 apr 1708 Prob. 26 May 1709; land in Somerset Co., MD, names wife and children.). He married JANE (Source: Virginia, Northampton County - Court Records, 2 Mar 1682Vol xiv p 67, A discharge from service after he (Wm Twiford) served his time bound to Wm. Bradford.-"-to said Twiford & Jane, his wife--.") Bef. 1682 in Northampton County, Virginia. She was born in Northampton County, Virginia, and died in Northampton County, Virginia.Notes for W ILLLIAM TWIFORD:This is the ancestral line of the Twiford (Twyford) family to Margaret Ann Addison Burton Twiford, the wife of Peter Ferguson. Twiford (Twyford) families can be found in England from the 1300's up to the present time. After the 1500's, they became more numerous. It has not been determined from which area William Twyford came. He was a hat maker by trade. The Twifords probably emigrated from England to Virginia in the early to middle 1600's. They settled in the eastern most part of Virginia, Accawack County, which is a strip of land bordered by Maryland on the north, the Chesapeake Bay on the west and the Atlantic Ocean on the east. Accowmak County was formed in 1634. In 1642/3 it became Northampton County. In 1663, the upper half of Northampton County became Accomack County. Searching for ancestors during this period is difficult because Accomack and Northampton Counties did not keep birth and death records until 1853. Northampton has marriage records from 1706; land, probate and court records from 1632. Accomack County has records from 1774; land, probate and court records from 1663. Personally, we found the records to be well preserved and we appreciate the hard work of the many people who have the forsight to keep them so. William Twiford (Twyford) is first found in the county court records, volumes 7 and 8 page 19 in Northampton County in 1655. The contents are unreadable. William Twyford is found in court records of Deeds and Wills, page 67 in 1682/3 in Northampton County. His wife Jane was mentioned. The record has to do with land. ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA CERTIFICATES AND RIGHTS 1633-1709 AND TITHABLES, 1633-1695, Stratton Nottingham). William Twyford is listed in Accomack County Tithables (tax) every year from 1684 to 1695. It is interesting to note that William Burton is listed in the same pricincts on the same pages as William Twyford, indicating that they probably lived in the same area. ABSTRACTS FROM ACCOMACK CO., VIRGINIA COURT RECORDS William Twiford -A deposition given by William lists him as "age 37 or thereabouts" - 18 Feb. 1673/4 v. v p. 50 ABSTRACTS OF WILLS OF NORTHAMPTON CO., VIRGINIA William Twiford, Felt maker - Will dated 9 Apr. 1708 - Recorded 30 April1708 - Probated 28 May 1709. v xix - p. 50. He leaves his estate to his sons James, Bartholomew, William and John. To his daughters Jane and Mary, each, one ewe lamb Bartholomew receives the hattery and all things belonging to Willliam's "Shope". The hand mill goes to James and Bartholomew. The rest of the estate goes to his wife Jane, after her death to sons William and John. Bartholomew is to sell 150 acres of land to settle debts. Notes for J ANE:Jane was born on date unknown. She died in Northampton County, Virginia. More About W ILLLIAM TWIFORD and JANE:Marriage: Bef. 1682, Northampton County, Virginia Children of W ILLLIAM TWIFORD and JANE are:2. i. BARTHOLOMEW 2 TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia; d. 1759, Accomack County, Virginia.3. ii. JAMES TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia; d. Abt. July 11, 1721, Northampton County, Virginia. 4. iii. WILLIAM TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia; d. Accomack County, Virginia. iv. JOHN TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1729, Northampton County, Virginia. Notes for JOHN TWIFORD: John's will was probated in 1729 in Northampton County. Inventory taken 1725. A John Twiford appeared on the list of tithables in 1729, 1740 and 1741. It may have been John, Jr. John and James remained in Northampton County after settling their father's estate. v. JANE TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia; m. WILLIAM HAMERIN (Source: Whitlaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, 550.). Notes for JANE TWIFORD: There is no further information on Jane. vi. MARY TWIFORD, b. Northampton County, Virginia. Notes for MARY TWIFORD: There was no further information on Mary.
Generation No. 2 2. B ARTHOLOMEW2 TWIFORD (WILLLIAM1) was born in Northampton County, Virginia, and died 1759 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Abstracts of wills of Accomack Co., Virginia.). He married (1) UNKNOWN. He married (2) SARAH WATKINSON in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of CORNELIUS WATKINSON and SUSANNA. She died Abt. 1775 in Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for B ARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD:WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS OF ACCOMACK CO., VIRGINIA 1663 - 1880, NOTTINGHAM Bartholomew Twiford - will dated 4 Jan. 1759 - Prob. 27 Feb. 1759 - v. xxvi-w-p. 125 To my wife Sarah house & plantation during her widowhood & and at her marriage or death to be sold and the money divided between my 3 sons Daniel, John & Bartholomew Twiford. Bal. of estate to wife for life, (words unclear) Sarah & Rachel Lingo. Sons James, William * Levin Twiford. Wife & Thomas Custis Exrs. Witt: Elisha Custis, Southe Savage, Bridget Chance. In order of probate: Bartholomew Twiford heir at law. DEEDS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY Deed Book No. 1 1715 - 1729, pt 1 p. 522 Edward Kellam, of Accomack County, to Bartholomew Twiford of same place 20 acres of land along Matchateague Creek. Deed Book - 1729 -1737, pt 2 p. 130 Deed dated 12/5/__ Acknowledged in court 12/7/1737 Fisher Bradford of Accomack County to Bartholomew of same place 85 acres of land in Accomack County, which was given to Fisher Bradford in a deed of gift from his father Mileain Bradford upon the head of Machapeuge Creek. Notes for S ARAH WATKINSON:WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS OF ACCOMACK CO., VA Sarah Rodgers - 14 Jan. 1774 - July 1776 - To son James Twiford. To dau. Margaret Wise. To grandau. Sarah Wise. To grandau. Sarah Twiford. To grandson Henderson Rodgers 18s., the same to be put in a pair of shoe buckles for him. To grandson Robert Rodgers. To daus. in law Anne Twiford, Dorothy Rodgers & Elizabeth Rodgers. Sons John and Robert Rodgers and dau Margaret Wise Resid. legatees. Sons John & Robert Exrs. Witt: John Warton & Elizabeth Wharton - p. 435. In order of prob: John Wharton , one of the witnesses, since deceased. More About B ARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD and SARAH WATKINSON:Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia Children of B ARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD and UNKNOWN are:i. BARTHOLOMEW JR. 3 TWIFORD, d. Abt. 1775, Accomack County, Virginia; m. BRIDGET BRADFORD (Source: (1) Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia, D. B. ii p. 731 31 Jan. 1757, Regarding land formerly purchase by Nathan Addison, the former husband of Bridget, his wife., (2) Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia, D.B. iii p. 13 on 27 June, 1757, Stating the relationships of Bridget: Nathan Land record states that Bridget was daughter of William Bradford, married Nathan Addison and after his death married Bartholomew Twiford.a., (3) Whitlaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, 729 A43, "the wife of Nathan Addison, John Peirce and Bartholomew Twiford Jr.".), Abt. 1741.Notes for BARTHOLOMEW JR. TWIFORD: A Bartholomew Twiford appears in the 1787 Accomack County, Virginia Tax Records (Book 1782-1787) with 1 Poll (person or head) and no slaves. Since his father died in 1759, it is likely that this is that person listed. Bartholomew Twiford, Daniel Twiford & Tamer his wife, John Twiford & Sarah his wife & Sarah Twiford, widow of Bartholomew Twiford, dec., of the county of Accomack, to William Ward, Jr., of the county of Northampton. That the said Bartholomew in his will did devise 109 acres to his wife the aforesaid Sarah Twiford, during her natural life of widowhood, & at her death or marriage to his 3 sons Bartholomew, Daniel & John Twiford to be sold by them and the money to be divided between them, and whereas the said 3 sons and the said Sarah, their mother in law, (should this read "step-mother"? terms may have been interchangeable?) hath agreed to sell the said land and divide the money between them & c. - 29 Mar. 1763 - D. B. iii -p. 226. More About BARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD and BRIDGET BRADFORD: Marriage: Abt. 1741 5. ii. DANIEL TWIFORD, b. May 17, 1744; d. October 26, 1779, Accomack County, Virginia. iii. JOHN TWIFORD, d. Bef. February 26, 1798, Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for JOHN TWIFORD: ACCOMACK COUNTY COURT ORDERS 1798, p. 360 2/262798 Estate of John Twiford deceased, William Mears, administrator , with Richard Savage and John Wyatt Security. George Savage, John Fosfque, Charles Richardson and John Sturgis to appraise per estate. iv. SARAH TWIFORD, d. Bef. 1789, Accomack County, Virginia; m. CALEB LINGO, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for CALEB LINGO: Sarah died before her husband. His will was dated 16 January 1789. More About CALEB LINGO and SARAH TWIFORD: Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia v. RACHEL TWIFORD, d. Aft. 1781, Accomack County, Virginia; m. JOHN LINGO, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Accomack County, Virginia. More About JOHN LINGO and RACHEL TWIFORD: Children of B ARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD and SARAH WATKINSON are:6. vi. JAMES 3 TWIFORD, d. Aft. 1785, Accomack County, Virginia.vii. LEVIN TWIFORD. Notes for LEVIN TWIFORD: viii. WILLIAM TWIFORD, b. Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for WILLIAM TWIFORD: ix. MARGARET TWIFORD, b. Accomack County, Virginia; m. JOHN WISE; d. Abt. 1781, Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for MARGARET TWIFORD: 3. JAMES2 TWIFORD (WILLLIAM1) (Source: Virginia's Eastern Shore: A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties; Ralph T. Whitelaw) was born in Northampton County, Virginia, and died Abt. July 11, 1721 in Northampton County, Virginia (Source: Virginia, Northampton County - Court Records, Vol xxiii-B p. 127, Will 20 June 1718 Prob. 11 July 1721. Names wife Joan, Sons and daughters.). He married JOAN.Notes for J AMES TWIFORD:James's will was written 20 June 1718 and probated 11 July, 1721 in Northampton County ( v xxiii p. 127. Listed were wife, Joan, sons John & Hillary and dau. Elizabeth. James was on the list of tithables dated June 10, 1720. James and John remained in Northampton County after settling their father's estate. Children of J AMES TWIFORD and JOAN are:i. HILLARY 3 TWIFORD, m. ROSANNA BAYLY (Source: Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia, vol xx partii p. 130, Sale of land to Hillary Twiford of Accomack & Rosanna Twiford, his wife.).Notes for HILLARY TWIFORD: DEED BOOKS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA Deed Book 1746 - 1757, p.203 deed dated 4/25/1749 Hilly (Hillary) Twiford of Accomack County and Rosanna, his wife to Henry Bayley all that tract of land in Craddock Creek which said Rosanna holds in right of dower as the late wife of Henry Bayley, deceased. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONA OF ACCOMACK COUNTY VIRGINIA 1663-1800, PAGE 172: TWIFORD, HILLARY - Adm his est. to Rosannah Twiford 31 Mar 1761. ii. ELIZABETH TWIFORD. 7. iii. JOHN TWIFORD, b. Bef. 1721, Accomack County, Virginia. 4. WILLIAM2 TWIFORD (WILLLIAM1) was born in Northampton County, Virginia, and died in Accomack County, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH WATKINSON, daughter of PETER WATKINSON and DOROTHY GRAY. She was born Abt. 1684 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Miles Files.), and died in Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for W ILLIAM TWIFORD:LAND RECORD OF DORCHESTER CO., MARYLAND, VOLUME F 1763 -1767 BY JAMES A. McALLISTER, JR lists the following transactions: 9 Old 5/Aug 8 1732 Wiliam Twyford and Elizabeth his wife of Dor Co, Hatter to Henry Leake Junr. of the same co; part of a tract called "Andrews Desire" on a marsh at the head of Charles Creek of Hungar River, containing 124 a. more or less, excepting two small pieces belonging to the heirs of Richard Dean decd. Wit: John Pitt, Charles Lownes. Ackn: Aug 8 1732 before Henry Ennalls and Thomas Woolford, Justices. 9 Old 11/Oct 1732/Richard Lewis and Susannah his wife of Charles co, Planter, to William Twyford of Dor Co: 1/2 of "Barel Green" on the west side of Davis Creek in Taylors Island, containing 200 a. more or less. Wit: Walter Campbell, Tobias Pollard. Ackn: Oct 31 1732 before Tobias Pollard and Walter Campbell, Justices. Notes for E LIZABETH WATKINSON:Elizabeth is named in her half-brother's, William Littlehouse, will of January 8, 1719/20. Her son, William is also named. William and Bartholomew moved to Accomack County after settling their father's estate. William moved to Accomack County between 1688 and 1718. He is named in Jarrett Hitchens' will of November 30, 1708 as a witness. Child of W ILLIAM TWIFORD and ELIZABETH WATKINSON is:i. WILLIAM 3 TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1712.
Generation No. 3 5. D ANIEL3 TWIFORD (BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born May 17, 1744 (Source: Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia, 319.), and died October 26, 1779 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia, 319.). He married TAMER (Source: Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia, D. B. iii p. 226 29 Mar 1763.) in Accomack County, Virginia. She died Bef. 1775 in Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for D ANIEL TWIFORD:ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEED BOOK Deed Book 1737 - 1746, p. 417 Lease dated 1/29/1743-4 - Charles Bayley of County of Accomack, Planter, to Daniel Twiford of the same place, Lease of 100 acres of land in County of Accomack for 21 years. C__s 4 barrels of corn and 80 pounds of tobacco. (No description of the land). Daniel died a few months after his stepmother. His will was probated v. xxxv-w p. 451. October 1777 in Accomack County, Virginia. It was written May 17, 1774. His estate was to be sold "as will" to pay his debts and the balance to be divided between four children. William Seymour and son Robert were the Executors of the Estate. Sons Robert, George & Bartholomew & dau. Margaret Window resid. legatees. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1663-1800 Twiford, Daniel - 17 May 1744 - 26 Oct. 1779 - To son Bartholomew Twiford (etc) page 319 More About D ANIEL TWIFORD and TAMER:Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia Children of D ANIEL TWIFORD and TAMER are:i. BARTHOLOMEW 4 TWIFORD (Source: Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia, 412.), d. December 1794, Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for BARTHOLOMEW TWIFORD: DEED BOOKS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA ORD 1793 - 1796, P. 270 Estate of Bartholomew Twiford deceased, Robert Twiford, administrator with John Gootee and James Twiford as security. (This James Twiford is probably his nephew, son of Robert. Revel West, Isaac Beech, Babel Chandler and Levin Rodgers to appraise personal estate. A Bartholomew Twiford appears in the 1787 Accomack County, Virginia Tax Records (Book 1782-1787) with 1 Poll (person or head) and no slaves. Since his grandfather died in 1759, and his brothers, George, and Robert and nephews, James and John are listed the same year, it is likely that this Bartholomew is that person listed. Another source of this will is page 412 of WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1663 - 1800. Twiford, Bartholomew - Adm his estate to Robert Twiford 30 Dec 1794. ii. GEORGE TWIFORD, b. Accomack County, Virginia; d. Aft. May 14, 1785, Accomack County, Virginia; m. REVELL. Notes for GEORGE TWIFORD: George was a witness to Bartholomew Taylor's will of may 14, 1785. He appears in the 1787 Tax Record for Accomack County, Virginia with 1 poll (person or head) and no slaves. Notes for REVELL: George married a girl named Revell. Her given name is unknown. iii. MARGARET TWIFORD, b. Accomack County, Virginia; d. Bef. May 01, 1793, Accomack County, Virginia; m. ABEL WINDOW, Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for MARGARET TWIFORD: Margaret's will was probated May 1, 1793 in Accomack County, Virginia. Date is from orders for probate. She administered her estate to Robert Twiford with Joseph Heath and Solomon Smith as security. More About ABEL WINDOW and MARGARET TWIFORD: Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia 8. iv. ROBERT TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1750, Accomack County, Virginia; d. December 1812, Accomack County, Virginia. 6. JAMES3 TWIFORD (BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) died Aft. 1785 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (1) NANNY DIX (Source: Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia, Vol xxvii - w-p. 241, Will of Sabra Dix 5 Jan 1764.) Aft. 1762 in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of SABRA. She died Aft. 1774 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (2) AMEY BURTON Aft. 1774 in Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for J AMES TWIFORD:DEED BOOKS OF ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA Deed Book 1746 - 1757, p. 525, deed dated 2/24/ 1754 Thomas Repres of Northampton County, to James Twiford of the same place, Carpenter, a tract of land in Accomack County containing 149 acres. (description given). Deed Book 1746 -1757 p. 522, deed dated __1754 James Twiford, planter of Accomack County to Mr. James of same place a parcel of land in Accomack County containing 39 1/2 acres (description given. Abstracts of Wills and Administrations of Accomack Co., Virginia 1704-1787, pp. 227 & 276: (v. xxxvi-w -p. 210 court record) James died between October 12, 1785 and February 1, 1786. His will written October 12, 1785 and was probated February 1, 1786 in Accomack County, Virginia. There were four children but names of three were not given in the will. John was under age when the will was written. Twiford, James - 12 Oct 1785 - 1 Feb. 1786 - To wife Amey Twiford 1/2 my planta. for the term of 2 years. To son John Twiford (under age) my planta. including 6 A. purchase of Smith Kellam. To dau. Nancy Twiford. To dau. Mary Dix. Children, except John, resid. legatees. Friend Thomas Burton to be guardian of my 3 youngest children & friend Edmund Custis to be guardian of my son John Twiford. Friends John Bull & Edmund Custis Exrs. Witt: Smith Kellam. Codicil: 3 Dec. 1785 - To son John an equal share with the rest of my children of my personal est. Witt: Robert Rodgers, Reubin Wise, Edmund Custis- p. 210 WILLS 1761-67 P241 JAMES TWIFORD IS Named as son-in-law of Sabra Dix and also names daughter Nanny Twiford. More About J AMES TWIFORD and NANNY DIX:Marriage: Aft. 1762, Accomack County, Virginia More About J AMES TWIFORD and AMEY BURTON:Marriage: Aft. 1774, Accomack County, Virginia Child of J AMES TWIFORD and AMEY BURTON is:i. JOHN 4 TWIFORD.7. JOHN3 TWIFORD (JAMES2, WILLLIAM1) was born Bef. 1721 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married SARAH.Notes for J OHN TWIFORD:It is possible that this John Twiford is the Dr. John O. Twiford listed in the 1800 Census of Accomack County: Dr. John O.. Twiford (age from 26 to 45) 1 male child under 10; 2 males 26 to 45, including John; 3 slaves; (no females were listed). However he would be about 79 years old and not likely to have a child under 10. Since this is not in my direct line I shall let someone else sort this out. (See John Outten Twiford # 11.) Child of J OHN TWIFORD and SARAH is:i. JAMES 4 TWIFORD (Source: Whitlaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, 550.).
Generation No. 4 8. R OBERT4 TWIFORD (DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1750 in Accomack County, Virginia, and died December 1812 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (1) TABITHA OUTTEN (Source: (1) Outten Family History., (2) Mihalyka, Jean M., and Wilson, Faye Downing, compilers, Graven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia, including Liberty and Parksley Cemeteries, (3rd ed. Bowie, Maryland; Heritage Books, 1992), 276, Twyford, Tabitha (w/o Robt) 30 Jan. 1751 - 12 July 1801.) Abt. 1763 in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of PURNELL OUTTEN and MARY HOUSTON. She was born January 30, 1750/51 in Coventry Parish, Sommerset County, Maryland (Source: Cemetery Headstone.), and died July 12, 1801 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Cemetery Headstone.). He married (2) COMFORT COPES March 14, 1805 in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of SOUTHY COPES. She died Aft. 1816.Notes for R OBERT TWIFORD:Robert Twiford was listed in the Accomack County, Virginia Tax Records of 1787 with Polls (persons or head) and 3 slaves. Robert was approximately 62 years of age when he died. His will was probated April 20, 1813 in Accomack County, Virginia. The date is when the inventory and appraisement of the estate was taken. The sales and audit were settled and approved by the court on May 30,1816. The balance due on the estate was $2521.54. His will was written December 26, 1812 in Drummond, now Accomack, the county seat of Accomack County. Only the younger group of children, starting with John O., were in the will. He willed the houses, lots and a tanning establishment in the city to son Wiley Jones Twiford. The tannery and everything pertaining to it was willed to Wiley J. and son-in-law, John A. Bundick, Elizabeth Twiford's husband. It appears Wiley J. sold the hat making business to his brother-in-law, James Eichelberger, before June, 1815. The plantation, located in St. George's Parish, Accomack County, purchased of John Young, was eventually to be owned by Wiley J. and his brother-in-law John A. Bundick. As executors of the estate, they were to pay all debts, pay the dower to Comfort Copes West, Robert's second wife, and divide the remainder of the estate as indicated in the will to Henrietta, John O., Elizabeth, Purnell O. and Mary (Polly) Rodgers. VIRGINIA'S EASTERN SHORE WHITELAW A91 p. 1018 1804 --Potter sold two acres to Robert Twiford-- Twiford Part 1813 Twiford (wife Comfort) left to his son Wiley Jones-- A37 p. 724 Margaret Bayly Part 1796 Mrs. Ewell sold 90 acres to Robert Twiford, which he and his wife Tabitha resold the next year-- Notes for T ABITHA OUTTEN:Tabitha was 50 years old when she died. She was buried in the Twiford Cemetery that was in Drummond, now Accomack, the county seat. The area is now occupied by a county building and the gravestones are gone. Records of the occupants of the cemetery were made in 1940. It was previously thought that Tabitha might have been the daughter of Zorbabel Rodgers and Mary Revel but information coming from Karen Stephens, who had done a lot of research on Outten families, revealed the proof listed below. Abstracted from Somerset, Maryland Wills, by Leslie Dryden is the following: Purnell Outten, Smt Co, MD will written Sept 8, 1795 and probated Dec 8, 1795, to wife Mary, all lands for life, at death to son Purnell, son Joseph, daughter Sarah Kellam, wife of John Kellam, grandson John Purnell Outten, ten pounds, rest of estate equally to Joseph Outten Polly Burnet, Tabitha Twiford, Betty Smith, Lovey Lankford & Delitta Taylor, wife Mary, extrx. Wit John Conner, Wm Conner, Wm Moore.
Further abstracts reveal the distribution of the estate was to Robert Twiford in right of his wife as follows: May 1803 Jessee Outten , administrator (w i a) Purnell Outten, Smt Co. Md. Will, accountant in right of wife, Robert Twiford in rt of wife, Soloman Smith in rt of wife, Joseph Barrett in rt of wife, Jessee Taylor in rt of wife, Representative of Joseph Outten. (Som. Accts EB 24-225). More About T ABITHA OUTTEN:Burial: July 1801, Twiford Cemetery in Drummond, now Accomack. More About R OBERT TWIFORD and TABITHA OUTTEN:Marriage: Abt. 1763, Accomack County, Virginia More About R OBERT TWIFORD and COMFORT COPES:Marriage: March 14, 1805, Accomack County, Virginia Children of R OBERT TWIFORD and TABITHA OUTTEN are:9. i. REVELL 5 TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1764, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Aft. February 27, 1821, Accomack County, Virginia.10. ii. JAMES TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1766, Accomack County, Virginia; d. February 27, 1815, Accomack County, Virginia. iii. ZOROBABEL TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1768, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Bef. December 24, 1802, Accomack County, Virginia; m. AGNES WATSON, April 05, 1786, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Some Virginia Marriages 1700 - 1799, Compiled by Cecil D. McDonald, Jr., Pages not numbered., Accomack marriage.). Notes for ZOROBABEL TWIFORD: Zorobabel was approximately 34 years of age upon his death. His children were orphans by December 24, 1802. He was listed in the Accomack County, Virginia Tax Records in 1787 with three Polls (persons or head). However, his name was spelled "Taorobable" in the transcript. More About ZOROBABEL TWIFORD and AGNES WATSON: Marriage: April 05, 1786, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Some Virginia Marriages 1700 - 1799, Compiled by Cecil D. McDonald, Jr., Pages not numbered., Accomack marriage.) iv. DANIEL TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1770, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Bet. July 11 - August 26, 1811, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Abstracts of wills of Accomack Co., Virginia.). Notes for DANIEL TWIFORD: Daniel was employed as a carpenter in Accomack County, Virginia. Daniel was about 41 years old when he died. He was unmarried. His will was written on July 11, 1811; Probated Aug. 26, 1811. Will listed the following: Friend, William B. Addison Nephew, George W. Twiford Negro girl, Rose Niece, Elizabeth W. Twiford Nephew, Revell W. Twiford Niece, Nancy Twiford of Babel when she arrives age 18 Peter Parker Brother, Revell Twiford Witt: Zorobabel Kellam, Weskit Elliott, John M. Watson. Prob: John Finney and Elijah White Securities. 1809-12 Wills & Codicils Pg 369 Orders to Audit: 1 Feb 1814 Rec'd 2 Mar1814 John Finney, Adm'r of Wm B. Addison dec'd who was Ext'r Legacies to revell Twiford, George W. Twiford, Elizabeth W. Twiford, Nancy Twiford's legacy (dau of Babel) retained in hands of Adm'r, Peter Parker his legacy. Auditors: William E. Wise & Levin L Joynes 1812-1814 Wills & Codicils Pg 391. v. WILLIAM TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1772, Accomack County, Virginia; m. CATY SLIMP, Abt. October 13, 1797, Wythe County, Virginia. More About WILLIAM TWIFORD and CATY SLIMP: Marriage: Abt. October 13, 1797, Wythe County, Virginia 11. vi. GEORGE TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1774, Accomack County, Virginia. vii. JOHN OUTTEN TWIFORD (Source: Leslie P. Dryden Files - Salisbury, Maryland.), b. Abt. 1776, Accomack County, Virginia; m. ANNA (Source: Whitlaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, 919, Lot No. 28 1800 He (Tully Snead) and his wife Rosey sold to Dr. John O. Twiford and four years later, his wife Anna joined him in a sale.), Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for JOHN OUTTEN TWIFORD: This John is probably not the John Twiford listed in the 1787 Accomack County Tax Records as previously stated in my record as he would be eleven years old and probably would not be head of a household. See # 7. More About JOHN TWIFORD and ANNA: Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia 12. viii. POLLY TWIFORD, b. March 24, 1778, HacksNeck Accomack County, Virginia; d. 1817. ix. WILEY JONES TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1780, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1816, Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for WILEY JONES TWIFORD: Wiley J. was about 35 years of age when he died. He was unmarried His will was probated June 17,1816 in Accomack County, Virginia. It was written on January 20, 1815. It was not witnessed but his signature and seal were on the will. The matter was taken to the Accomack Court on June 17, 1816 where Thomas Joynes and Thomas Cropper swore under oath that it was written by Wiley Jones Twiford and the will was allowed to be probated. Those included in the will were his slaves. Some were to be freed immediately, others to be loaned to sister, Henretta, neice, Zipporah Rodgers, and to niece Harriet H. Twiford, daughter of Purnell, until each slave arrived at the age of 21. To Purnell O. was given all books, 1 bed, 2 pieces of furniture, all wearing apparel and "my best" horse of his choice. To Henrietta a gold watch and accessories and a looking glass in the possession of John A. Bundick. To Polly Rodgers a mahogany case and bottles. To Betsy Bundick one pair of cut glass decanters. To Robert W. Twiford, son of George, the balance of the estate after paying taxes. Purnell O. Twiford and brother-in-law John Rodgers to be joint executors. 13. x. ELIZABETH TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1782, Accomack County, Virginia. xi. ZIPPORAH TWIFORD, b. April 29, 1784, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Mihalyka, Jean M., and Wilson, Faye Downing, compilers, Graven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia, including Liberty and Parksley Cemeteries, (3rd ed. Bowie, Maryland; Heritage Books, 1992), Twiford Cemetery.); d. April 01, 1800, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Mihalyka, Jean M., and Wilson, Faye Downing, compilers, Graven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia, including Liberty and Parksley Cemeteries, (3rd ed. Bowie, Maryland; Heritage Books, 1992), Twiford Cemetery.). Notes for ZIPPORAH TWIFORD: Zipporah died at age 15. She was buried in Twiford Cemetery that was in Drummond, now Accomack. The area is now occupied by a county building and the gravestones are gone. Records of the occupants of the cemetery were made in 1940. More About ZIPPORAH TWIFORD: Burial: April 1800, Twyford Cemetery, Accomack County, VA 14. xii. PURNELL OBEDIAH TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1787, Accomack County, Virginia; d. January 05, 1852, Accomack County, Virginia. xiii. HENRIETTA TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1790, Accomack County, Virginia; d. Bef. December 1819, Accomack County, Virginia; m. JAMES EICHELBUGER, May 06, 1816, Accomack County, Virginia; b. 1779, York, Pennsylvania; d. February 18, 1848, Accomack County, Virginia. Notes for JAMES EICHELBUGER: James' marriage to Henrietta was his second. John J. Wise was security. More About JAMES EICHELBUGER and HENRIETTA TWIFORD: Marriage: May 06, 1816, Accomack County, Virginia
Generation No. 5 9. R EVELL5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1764 in Accomack County, Virginia, and died Aft. February 27, 1821 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (1) RACHEL WEST 1783 in Accomack County, Virginia. She was born 1764. He married (2) MARY LAYFIELD March 11, 1816 (Source: Abstracts of wills of Accomack Co., Virginia, 552.).More About R EVELL TWIFORD and RACHEL WEST:Marriage: 1783, Accomack County, Virginia
More About R EVELL TWIFORD and MARY LAYFIELD:Marriage: March 11, 1816 (Source: Abstracts of wills of Accomack Co., Virginia, 552.) Children of R EVELL TWIFORD and RACHEL WEST are:15. i. OBED P. 6 TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1787; d. January 11, 1872, Accomack County, Virginia.ii. REVELL W. TWIFORD. iii. GEORGE W. TWIFORD. iv. ELIZABETH W. TWIFORD, m. AYERS. 10. JAMES5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1766 in Accomack County, Virginia, and died February 27, 1815 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (1) MARGARET ADDISON Abt. 1798 in Accomack County, Virginia. She was born Unknown in Accomack County, Virginia, and died Bef. January 1807 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married (2) MARGARET HANCOCK January 26, 1807 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 299, Twiford, James m. Peggy (Margaret) Handcock of Elijah 26 Jan. 1807.).Notes for J AMES TWIFORD:Little is known about James. He was listed on his brother Zorobabel's marriage bond of April 5, 1786. There was a James Twiford listed in Accomack, Virginia Tax Records in 1787. It is likely that it is this James,since the others that we have record of had died before this time. He was listed as security on his uncle Bartholomew's death "Orders" in 1790. He and his second wife sold fifteen acres of land in Accomack County on August 13, 1814 to Francis Savage. James died either late in 1814 or early 1815. According to his only child, Margaret Ann born 1806, she was eight when her father died. There is a James Twiford listed in the 1819-1821 Accomack County Probate Records pp 365, 366. James Twiford Inventory and Sales; Sales and Audit, December 20, 1820. Appraisement and Sales of James Twiford, Dec. Sales to Revell Twiford, Thomas Bagley, etc. At a court appearance dated February 27, 1821 balance due estate $8.94. (I have not had access to this orig. will) Abstracted from STATUTES AT LARGE BEING A COLLECTION OF ALL THE LAWS OF VIRGINIA from the first session of the Legislature, by William Waller Hening, Volume XII, Chapter XCII: (Passed 20 November, 1787) An Act to authorise the court of Accomack county, to levy a sum of money for the use of Charles Bagwell and the executors of Alexander Stockly. Bagwell and Stockley were church wardens of the parish of Accomack. They, by virtue of an order from the vestry, contracted with JAMES TWIFORD to build a church in said parish. The vestry afterwards refused to to permit the church to be built and refused to pay Twiford for materials which he had provided. Twiford sued for his money and Bagwell and Stockley paid him. In the second section of the Act the parish members were assessed an amount to be paid to Bagwell and Stockley for reimbursement. Abstracted from STATUTES AT LARGE BEING A COLLECTION OF ALL THE LAWS OF VIRGINIA from the first session of the Legislature, by William Waller Hening Volume XIII: (Passed 21 December, 1790):The petition of Joseph Wiley of North Carolina, James Rosekrans of New York, and ROBERT TWIFORD OF ACCOMACK, may have the exclusive privilege of running a stage waggon from Northampton courthouse to the line of Maryland near Swansey-gut bridge, and also the privilege of transporting passengers across Chesapeake Bay: (The Chapter LXII contains nine (9) sections dealing with the rights, rates, penalties, bonds and privileges of running packet boat in addition, and other rules and regulations of running a stage. Notes for M ARGARET ADDISON:No documentation has been found to prove this person to be the wife of James Twiford. The information was taken from other family charts. The most likely connection we have found is that John Addison and Sarah "Unknown" had a daughter Margaret. We have found no documentation of James and Margaret Twiford's daughter being "our" Margaret Ann Addison Burton Twiford, either. There is reason to believe that Margaret may hve been married to a man named Addison then married James Twiford. If that were the case she may have been Margaret Bull. More About J AMES TWIFORD and MARGARET ADDISON:Marriage: Abt. 1798, Accomack County, Virginia More About J AMES TWIFORD and MARGARET HANCOCK:Marriage: January 26, 1807, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 299, Twiford, James m. Peggy (Margaret) Handcock of Elijah 26 Jan. 1807.) Child of J AMES TWIFORD and MARGARET ADDISON is:16. i. MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON 6 TWIFORD, b. Abt. 1806, Virginia; d. April 03, 1878, Pike County, IN, at the home of son, Joseph..11. GEORGE5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1774 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married ESTHER ADDISON in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of JONATHAN ADDISON and COMFORT.
Notes for G EORGE TWIFORD:George is listed in the 1787 Tax Records of Accomack County, Virginia as head of a household. George is listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census in Accomack County. More About G EORGE TWIFORD and ESTHER ADDISON:Marriage: Accomack County, Virginia Child of G EORGE TWIFORD and ESTHER ADDISON is:i. ROBERT W. 6 TWIFORD, b. Bef. 1816.12. POLLY5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born March 24, 1778 in HacksNeck Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Family Bible (Rogers) - Mrs H. Battaile and Katherine Read Kellam.), and died 1817. She married (1) JOHN JR. PARKER January 02, 1790 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Virginia Marriages Early - 1850.). She married (2) BENJAMIN SCHOOLFIELD November 19, 1795. She married (3) JOHN ROGERS April 07, 1803 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 239.), son of PETER ROGERS and MARGARET ADDISON. He died 1820 (Source: Family Bible (Rogers) - Mrs H. Battaile and Katherine Read Kellam.).
More About J OHN PARKER and POLLY TWIFORD:Marriage: January 02, 1790, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Virginia Marriages Early - 1850.)
More About B ENJAMIN SCHOOLFIELD and POLLY TWIFORD:Marriage: November 19, 1795 More About J OHN ROGERS and POLLY TWIFORD:Marriage: April 07, 1803, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 239.) Children of P OLLY TWIFORD and BENJAMIN SCHOOLFIELD are:i. ANNE 6 SCHOOLFIELD, b. November 02, 1797.ii. HARRIETT HOUSTON SCHOOLFIELD, b. October 11, 1799; d. October 14, 1799 (Source: Family Bible (Rogers) - Mrs H. Battaile and Katherine Read Kellam.). Children of P OLLY TWIFORD and JOHN ROGERS are:iii. LOUIS PETER 6 ROGERS.iv. GEORGE SEYMOUR ROGERS, m. MARGARET JANE MOORE, September 28, 1829, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 239.). More About GEORGE ROGERS and MARGARET MOORE: Marriage: September 28, 1829, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Marriage Records of Accomack County, Virginia 1776-1854, 239.) v. JOHN HOUSTON ROGERS. 13. ELIZABETH5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1782 in Accomack County, Virginia. She married JOHN A. BUNDICK May 24, 1806 in Accomack County, Virginia. died (Source: Whitlaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1018, 1815--to John A. Bundick, and the next year his widow, Elizabeth sold--.).More About J OHN BUNDICK and ELIZABETH TWIFORD:Marriage: May 24, 1806, Accomack County, Virginia Child of E LIZABETH TWIFORD and JOHN BUNDICK is:i. JOHN S. 6 BUNDICK, m. JANE.14. PURNELL OBEDIAH5 TWIFORD (ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1787 in Accomack County, Virginia, and died January 05, 1852 in Accomack County, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH HANNIFORD April 17, 1805 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Turman, Nora Miller, Accomack County, Virginia Marriages.).Notes for P URNELL OBEDIAH TWIFORD:Purnell died at approximately 64 years of age. He is buried in the Joynes Cemetery in Accomack County. More About P URNELL TWIFORD and ELIZABETH HANNIFORD:Marriage: April 17, 1805, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Turman, Nora Miller, Accomack County, Virginia Marriages.) Child of P URNELL TWIFORD and ELIZABETH HANNIFORD is:i. HARRIET 6 TWIFORD, b. Aft. 1805.
Generation No. 6 15. O BED P.6 TWIFORD (REVELL5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1787, and died January 11, 1872 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Accomack Death Register, per email message to GHOTES on July 10 1999 from Phyllis Elmore-reply by Gail Walczyk.). He married (1) BETSY B. HORNSBY October 22, 1833 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia. Turman, Nora Miller.). He married (2) CHARLOTTE ANN AILWORTH March 26, 1838 in Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Turman, Nora Miller, Accomack County, Virginia Marriages, Joseph N. Bagwell and Stephen Hopkins sec.). He married (3) MARY S. EDMUNDS (Source: Mihalyka, Jean M., and Wilson, Faye Downing, compilers, Graven Stones: Inscriptions from Lower Accomack County, Virginia, including Liberty and Parksley Cemeteries, (3rd ed. Bowie, Maryland; Heritage Books, 1992), 276.) September 25, 1849 in Accomack County, Virginia, daughter of THOMAS EDMUNDS and ANN B.. She was born January 18, 1832, and died February 12, 1855. He married (4) MARGARET JOYNES Bet. February 12, 1855 - October 15, 1856 in Accomack County, Virginia.Notes for O BED P. TWIFORD:Obed P. Twiford - not to be confused with his uncle, Purnell O. (or Obediah) Twiford, s/o Robert and Tabitha Outten Twiford - had the following slaves, for which I cannot give proper source, except to say I lifted them from an email message to GHOTES written by Gail Walczyk (PETERSROW) on 9 July 1999: Mariah, f/slave, of Obed Twiford, in Mar 1854 in ACC, croup, 6 mo. c/o Harriet, born in ACC, unmarried, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Catherine, f/slave, of Obed Twiford, 20 Feb 1855, in First Dist., worms, 4 yrs, c/o Lucy born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Custis Sr., m/slave of Obed P. Twiford, 12 Jul 1855, in First Dist., pneumonia, 44 yrs, c/o born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Custis, Jr., m/slave, of Obed P. Twiford, 10 Sep 1855, in First Dist., croup, 7 mo., born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Emory, m/slave, of Obed P. Twiford, 25 Feb 1855, in First Dist., consumption, 18 yrs, c/o Harriet, born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Lucy, f/slave, of Obed P. Twiford, 16 Feb 1855 in First Dist., childbirth, 25 yrs, c/o Harriet, born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Levi, m/slave, of Obed P., Twiford, 15 Feb 1855 in First Dist., 87 yrs, born ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. Lucy, f/slave, of Obed Twiford, 15 Feb 1855 in First Dist., 2 yrs. c/o Lucy, born in ACC, Twiford, Obed P., Owner, g/info. - - - Quote Gail - "Also in recently published 1870 Accomack County Census it lists: LM511 436 Twiford, Obed P., 63 W/m, farming, $2,600.00 $1,500.00" Twiford, Marg't 35 keeps house Twiford, Mary B. 17 W/f Twiford, Wm. L. H. 13 W/m Twiford, Rob't 8 W/m Twiford, Bettie B. 3 W/f Joynes, Susan 45 W/f Downing, Harriet 25 B/f domestic servant Mason, Jim 30 B/m farm laborer Burk, Wm 19 W/m More conflicting sources- - - In another Accomack publication by Gail, Tammy BeloteElvina quotes - - -"Obed P. and Marg. S. had a son Robert P. A. who died 22 Dec 1877from Typhoid Fever, he was born in Accomack County and had a brother Wm. L. H. Also thid publication showed O.P. Twiford wo was the husband of Mary S. Edwards, daughter of Thomas and Ann whos date of death is listed as 11 Jan 1872." Gail Responded: Twiford, Mary S., W/f 12 Feb 1855, in 1st Dist., quinsy, 24 yr c/o Edwards, Thos. & Ann b. Acc, w/o Obed P. Husband gave info. (NOTE: This record states that his wife at the time of his death was M. S. and she was the sister of John J. Joynes. The Accomack census shows a Margaret age 35. In the household there is a Susan Joynes age 45. An abstract of the 1860 census shows Obed P. Twiford 53, Margaret 22, Mary B. 7, Wm. L. H. 3. Twyford, Robt. P. A., W/m, 22 Dec 1877, St. Geo. P., typhoid fever, 16 yr c/o Obed P. & Marg. S., born Acc. Twyford, Wm. L. H., brother g/info. The informant gave the information to the Commissioner of Revenue, who returned it to the Clerk and he recorded it as it is now. The information passed through three people, not two. This accounts for the semi-alphabeticalorder the records are in. There were also unaccountable duplications in the records and errors in agess. The way in which information was collected (it went through three people and took 1 1/2 to be recorded) may account for some of the errors. Accomack Birth 1853- 1896 Records in progress, to be published in Fall 99 states: Lucy, f/s born alive in December 1855 Twiford, Obed P., Owner, c/o Rachael. Owner g/info. None, m/s, born alive, February 1855 Twiford, Obed P., Owner, c/o Lucy Owner ginfo. Twiford, None, W/m born alive, 10/15/56 Twiford, Obed P., father g/info. (This is Wm. L. H.) In another response Gail gave corrections from the original copies of censuses, marriages, etc. I have corrected the entries with their sources as she gave. Gail states that she has never found a marriage for Margaret Joynes to Obed but their marriage after 12 Feb 1855 but before 15 October 1856 can be documented by 4 things: The birth of Wm. L. H. (above) 2. 1860 census 3. 187 census (above) and 4. Obed P. Twiford is buried in the Joynes Plot, located NW of Painter. (Mihalyka, Jean Merritt, Graven Stones p. 276) Although Mihalyka stated Obed P. Twiford d. 5 Jan 1852; (ibid), he died 11 Jan 1872 as the above shows. Also in this plot is Susan A. Joynes d/o John and Elisha 13 April 1828. 7 Sept. 1887 age 59, william J. Joynes, s/o John and Elisha 13 April 1833, 12 July 1904, Sallie S. McKown, wid/o Thosmas, d/o John and Elisha, 14 February 1825, 22 July 1889, Mary Levenia Young, w/o S. J. 15 March 1830, 20 August 1904 age 74 years, 5 mos, and 5 days, and Severn J. Young, h/o M. L. 7 December 1833, 27 October 1900 (ibid). More About O BED P. TWIFORD:Burial: 1872, Joynes Plot, NW of Painter, Virginia More About O BED TWIFORD and BETSY HORNSBY:Marriage: October 22, 1833, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Abstracts of Court Records of Accomack Co., Virginia. Turman, Nora Miller.) More About O BED TWIFORD and CHARLOTTE AILWORTH:Marriage: March 26, 1838, Accomack County, Virginia (Source: Turman, Nora Miller, Accomack County, Virginia Marriages, Joseph N. Bagwell and Stephen Hopkins sec.) More About O BED TWIFORD and MARY EDMUNDS:Marriage: September 25, 1849, Accomack County, Virginia More About O BED TWIFORD and MARGARET JOYNES:Marriage: Bet. February 12, 1855 - October 15, 1856, Accomack County, Virginia Child of O BED TWIFORD and MARY EDMUNDS is:i. TWIFORD 7.16. MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD (JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born Abt. 1806 in Virginia, and died April 03, 1878 in Pike County, IN, at the home of son, Joseph.. She married PETER FERGUSON (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 122 1850.) July 27, 1826 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., Indiana, son of JOHN FERGUSON and SUSAN ASHBY. He was born June 22, 1803 in Christian County, Kentucky, and died November 05, 1859 in Pike County, IN.
MARRIAGES Peter Ferguson and Margaret Twifert was married July the 27 1826 J. W. Richardson and Mary Ferguson was married June the 1st 1848 James Ferguson and Caroline M. Fleener was married January 9th, 1851 John Ferguson and Matilda Jane Humphrey was married Nov. 20 1851 Jackson Ferguson and Martha Scales were married Dec 6th 1955 Isaac Fleener and Mahala Ferguson were married nov 25th 1855 Thos Ferguson and Mary Ann Julian were married Jan 13th 1853 Joseph Ferguson and Mary Jane Ricketts were married Nov. 1857 Jackson Ferguson and Margery Fowler were married January 23rd 1859
BIRTHS Edward P. Richardson was born 25th of December 1852 Margaret Richardson was born (no date given) Eliza Richardson was born (No date given) Polly Fleener was born March 29th 1835 Mahala E. Ferguson was born September 3 1850 Mary M. Fleener was born________1856 T (Unable to read the rest) BIRTHS Marguiet ________ was bornd Jan the 9th ______ Matilda C. Ferguson was borned the 17th of Dec. 1856 (This would be about the time the Dau of Thos & M.A. was born -date off) Sarah A. Ferguson was borned March the 25th 1860 (Parents Thomas & M.A.) Julia Ann Fleener was born Oct the 14th 1825 Peter C. Fleener was born May the 9th 1860 This child died in 1861 Caroline M. Fleener (Unable to read the rest was born ______ 186?? More About P ETER FERGUSON:Census: 1850, 1850 PIKE COUNTY INDIANA CENSUS: Peter Ferguson (46) farmer, wife Margaret (43) born in VA - James (20), John (18), Thomas (17), Mahalia (13), Joseph (11), Levi (7), Hiram (6) and Mary (77). (It is assumed that Mary is Mary Sullivan Ferguson second wife of More About P ETER FERGUSON and MARGARET TWIFORD:Marriage: July 27, 1826, Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., Indiana Children of M ARGARET TWIFORD and PETER FERGUSON are:17. i. MARY 7 FERGUSON, b. January 24, 1828, Pike County, IN; d. November 26, 1864, Pike County, IN.18. ii. JAMES SILAS FERGUSON, b. August 01, 1829, Pike County, IN; d. February 14, 1914, Warrick County, In. 19. iii. JOHN FERGUSON, b. February 21, 1832, Pike County, IN; d. January 10, 1909, Pike County, IN. 20. iv. THOMAS FERGUSON, b. April 05, 1833, Pike Co, Indiana; d. September 06, 1890. 21. v. JACKSON FERGUSON, b. November 19, 1834; d. October 29, 1915. 22. vi. MAHALA E. FERGUSON, b. September 13, 1836, Pike Co, Indiana; d. December 18, 1897. 23. vii. JOSEPH FERGUSON, b. September 18, 1839, Pike Co, Indiana; d. April 20, 1908, Pike Co, Indiana. 24. viii. LEVI FERGUSON, b. May 29, 1841, Pike Co, Indiana; d. August 15, 1911, Wellington, Kansas. 25. ix. HENRY FERGUSON, b. June 20, 1843, Pike Co, Indiana; d. August 18, 1900, Pike Co, Indiana.
Generation No. 7 17. M ARY7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: Ancestor Chart Prepared by Ruth Smith Hammond, October 18, 1983.) was born January 24, 1828 in Pike County, IN, and died November 26, 1864 in Pike County, IN. She married JEFFERSON WASHINGTON RICHARDSON (Source: (1) Indiana, Pike County - Census, 129, Monroe Township 1860: J. W. Richardson 30 farmer; Mary 32; Edward P. 11; Margaret A. 9; James F. 7; Eliza 5; Matilda J. 2; Mahala 9/12, all born Indiana., (2) Ancestor Chart Prepared by Ruth Smith Hammond, October 18, 1983.) June 01, 1848 in Pike County, IN; ceremony performed by Rev. John Allmon. (Source: Warrick County,Indiana Marriage Book No.1, License # 207.), son of EDWARD RICHARDSON and ELIZA FLEENER. He was born June 24, 1829 in Warrick Co, Indiana, and died February 07, 1920 in Pike Co, Indiana.Notes for M ARY FERGUSON:John Ferguson writes in his history the following: "Mary, the oldest child, was born in Januaryk 1827, and upon coming to womanhood married Elder J. W. Richardson, of the Regular Baptist Church." Notes for J EFFERSON WASHINGTON RICHARDSON:J. W. Richardson laid out the town of Spurgeon, first called Pleasantville, in 1859. when a post office was established, there was already a town in Indiana called Pleasantville, so the name had to be changed. He named the town after Charles Spurgeon, a Famous evangelist. More About J EFFERSON WASHINGTON RICHARDSON:Occupation: Regular Baptist Minister, Justice of the Peace, Member of the Indiana State Legislature, Pike co. County Clerk and Treasurer. More About J EFFERSON RICHARDSON and MARY FERGUSON:Marriage: June 01, 1848, Pike County, IN; ceremony performed by Rev. John Allmon. (Source: Warrick County,Indiana Marriage Book No.1, License # 207.) Children of M ARY FERGUSON and JEFFERSON RICHARDSON are:i. EDWARD PENDELTON. 8 RICHARDSON, b. May 12, 1849 (Source: Family Bible - Benjamin F. Ferguson.); d. 1932; m. (1) EMMA BARRETT; m. (2) EMMA WHEELER.Notes for EDWARD PENDELTON. RICHARDSON: ii. MARGARET A. RICHARDSON, b. Abt. 1851; m. (1) JONATHAN BOWMAN; m. (2) BATES. iii. JAMES F. RICHARDSON, b. Abt. 1853; m. LUCY ROY; b. August 26, 1864 (Source: Charles Spinn- List of Microfilm.research.); d. February 01, 1924. iv. ELIZABETH F. RICHARDSON, b. Abt. 1855; m. FRANCES E. HEURING. Notes for FRANCES E. HEURING: v. MAHALA RICHARDSON, b. September 24, 1856 (Source: Horralll, Donna (Corn), from Neal Ferguson.); d. June 09, 1861. vi. MATILDA RICHARDSON, b. Abt. 1858; m. LLOYD THOMPSON. vii. WILLIAM JACKSON RICHARDSON (Source: Ancestor Chart Prepared by Ruth Smith Hammond, October 18, 1983, All names and dates in this family group included.), b. June 09, 1862, Pike Co, Indiana; d. December 06, 1948, Petersburg, Indiana; m. MARY ELLA GLADISH, 1881; b. May 21, 1862, Pike County,Indiana; d. June 06, 1953, Petersburg, Indiana. More About WILLIAM RICHARDSON and MARY GLADISH: 18. JAMES SILAS7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: Warrick County,Indiana Census, 1860 and 1870.) was born August 01, 1829 in Pike County, IN, and died February 14, 1914 in Warrick County, In. He married CAROLINE MATILDE ADDISON FLEENER (Source: Fleener Family History, Gibson County Public Library.) January 09, 1851 in Warrick County, Indiana; officiated by I Broadwell (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriages 1813 - 1859, 99.), daughter of ISAAC FLEENER and MARY CRAWFORD. She was born June 05, 1832 in Warrick Co, Indiana, and died August 23, 1904 in Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana.Notes for J AMES SILAS FERGUSON:1870 WARRICK COUNTY, HART TWP, INDIANA CENSUS James Furgerson (sp)(40) teacher born IN - Caroline (38) wf - Simon (17), Louisa (13), Mahala (11) Levi E. (4) and Isaac (2). John seemed to have more to say about his brothers than his sisters in his story of the family. About James he wrote: "James, the oldest boy, was born in 1829, was a remarkably pious youth and learned to read his bible before he entered the public schools. His sturdy character made him a great help to his mother in care of the younger boys. he became noted as a speller and attend spelling matches for miles around, and was not "spelled down" in Warrick, Gibson, nor any of the surrounding counties. At the age of 17 he became a public schoolteacher, teaching subscription schools before the public system was organized. he followed teaching for 42 years and taught 61 schools in two different counties. He early became interested in work of pioneer preaching and was granted a license as an Exhorter in the Methodist Church by H.S. Talbott, Presiding Elder of the Evansville District. He often preached upon the Sabbath in the same school room where he taught through the week. He probably has a record for officiating at more funerals and weddings than any other pioneer preacher in Indiana. Although now seventy seven years of age, he spends his winters going from school to school and addressing and encouraging the pupils. He was a good boy, one of those boys who did not die as a baby and go to heaven. God left him here for he has been a most useful man." Guy Ferguson further explains the life of James thusly: "he also was a licensed preacher for more that ha half century. He began teaching at the age of eighteen, in 1847. He missed the following year but from 1849 he taught forty successive years. Public schools were of only six weeks in duration at this time and were held sometimes longer, the teacher being paid by subscription. In the fall of 1847 he was employed as a clerk in a small store of John Lynn, for whom Lynnville is named and worked there for 15 months. In 1862 he began to study law in the office of Isaac Moore, a prominent lawyer in Southern Indiana. He intended to make law his Profession but at the time of the breaking of the Civil War was forced to give it up and return to his home to care for his mother and his brother's wives, all six brothers having served in the Army. James tried at different times to get into the service but unable to serve on the account of being too short in height. He was a strong advocate of temperance and made several temperance lectures. "Uncle Jim" as he was familiarly known was a lovable character. A kinder or more gentle man one never met, a great lover of children and was known by almost every child of school age throughout Pike, Warrick and adjoining counties which he visited each year. His wife was an invalid for twenty eight years, but he gave her personal attention and care. He joined upward toward three hundred couples in his lifetime and for the most part the knots he tied stuck. He kept a diary for several years. He died at his home in Folsomville February 12, 1913 and was buried there." All of his six brothers served the country in the civil war and left James to care for their 6 families, being the oldest brother. More About J AMES SILAS FERGUSON:Burial: 1914, Spurgeon Cemetery, Spurgeon, Indiana Occupation: School Teacher and Minister Religion: Methodist Minister Notes for C AROLINE MATILDE ADDISON FLEENER:See page 138 for Caroline's place in the Fleener line. I am curious as to where the "Addison" in her name derived. Her mother was born about 1792. Margaret Ann Burton Addison Twiford was born in the early 1800's. They may have been neighbors and friends when Caroline was born. More About C AROLINE MATILDE ADDISON FLEENER:Burial: 1904, Garrison Chapel Cemetery, Warrick County, Indiana More About J AMES FERGUSON and CAROLINE FLEENER:Marriage: January 09, 1851, Warrick County, Indiana; officiated by I Broadwell (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriages 1813 - 1859, 99.) Children of J AMES FERGUSON and CAROLINE FLEENER are:i. NANCY JANE 8 FERGUSON, b. May 18, 1852, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; d. July 12, 1926, Warrick Co, Indiana; m. JOHN W. GARRISON, March 31, 1877, Warrick County, Indiana.More About JOHN GARRISON and NANCY FERGUSON: Marriage: March 31, 1877, Warrick County, Indiana ii. SIMON PETER FERGUSON, b. February 1854; d. June 17, 1906; m. (1) MARY BELLE BARNETT, September 25, 1873; m. (2) MARGARET DIMMITT (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriage Applications, Microfilm no. 1443642.), January 11, 1906, Warrick County, Indiana by Henry Hart. More About SIMON FERGUSON and MARY BARNETT: More About SIMON FERGUSON and MARGARET DIMMITT: iii. MARY LOUISE ADDISON FERGUSON, b. October 21, 1856, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; d. February 20, 1895, Warrick Co, Indiana; m. SAMUEL MAURICE JONES, January 16, 1873, Tennyson,Warrick Co., Indiana. Notes for SAMUEL MAURICE JONES: More About SAMUEL JONES and MARY FERGUSON: iv. MAHALA EMELINE FERGUSON, b. October 06, 1858, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; d. October 11, 1938, Warrick Co, Indiana; m. ROBERT PERIGO, May 07, 1878; b. May 07, 1852, 3 dec 1948. More About MAHALA EMELINE FERGUSON: Notes for ROBERT PERIGO: More About ROBERT PERIGO and MAHALA FERGUSON: v. JOHN JACKSON FERGUSON, b. April 18, 1862, Selvin, Warrick County, Indiana; d. December 11, 1864, Warrick County, Indiana. More About JOHN JACKSON FERGUSON: vi. LEVI ELLSWORTH FERGUSON, b. May 31, 1866, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; d. February 05, 1956; m. MARY LUCINDA ASHBY, September 30, 1888. More About LEVI FERGUSON and MARY ASHBY: vii. ISAAC NEWTON FERGUSON, b. July 1868, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; m. MARY COTTRELL, October 20, 1889. More About ISAAC FERGUSON and MARY COTTRELL: viii. LUCETTA B. FERGUSON, b. October 1872, Selvin, Warrick Co, Indiana; m. FRANCIS M. FORSTON, March 21, 1892. More About FRANCIS FORSTON and LUCETTA FERGUSON: 19. JOHN7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 123, Monroe Township 1860: John Ferguson 28 born Indiana; Matilda J. 29 born Kentlucky; Peter M. 7; Wiliam H. 5; Asbury 3; Elis J. 7/12 all born Indiana; Margaret A. 54 born Virginia (Peter's Widow).) was born February 21, 1832 in Pike County, IN, and died January 10, 1909 in Pike County, IN (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). He married (1) MATILDA JANE HUMPHREY November 20, 1851, daughter of WILLIAM HUMPHREY and FERGUSON. She was born December 12, 1830 in N.C. (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.), and died March 04, 1879. He married (2) MARGARET MARY BARTON May 24, 1883 in Warrick County, Indiana by Geo. G. Heuring (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriage Applications, Microfilm No. 1443642.), daughter of WILLIAM BARTON and MATILDA BECOR.Notes for J OHN FERGUSON:More About J OHN FERGUSON:Burial: 1909, Spurgeon Cemetery, Spurgeon, Indiana Military service: Civil War; Captain; Chaplain. Occupation: farmer, school teacher, brick manufacturer and Minister. More About J OHN FERGUSON and MATILDA HUMPHREY:Marriage: November 20, 1851 More About J OHN FERGUSON and MARGARET BARTON:Marriage: May 24, 1883, Warrick County, Indiana by Geo. G. Heuring (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriage Applications, Microfilm No. 1443642.) Children of J OHN FERGUSON and MATILDA HUMPHREY are:i. PETER MONROE 8 FERGUSON, b. September 18, 1852 (Source: Family Bible - Benjamin F. Ferguson.); d. 1931 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.); m. SARAH ERNESTINA ANDRECHT (Source: Maier, Lynnelle.), November 21, 1874, Warrick County, Indiana; b. June 10, 1856; d. April 16, 1929 (Source: Charles Spinn- List of Microfilm.research.).More About PETER FERGUSON and SARAH ANDRECHT: Marriage: November 21, 1874, Warrick County, Indiana ii. WILLIAM HERSCHEL FERGUSON, b. January 31, 1855; d. February 23, 1879. iii. ASBURY FERGUSON, b. December 25, 1856. iv. ELIZABETH JANE FERGUSON, b. October 22, 1859; d. September 03, 1860. v. JOHN WESLEY FERGUSON, b. September 11, 1861; d. October 12, 1862. vi. MARY J. FERGUSON, b. July 29, 1864; d. February 28, 1866. vii. ABRAHAM LINCOLN FERGUSON, b. August 16, 1865; d. November 09, 1899. viii. MORRIS FERGUSON, b. October 13, 1869; d. January 28, 1921. ix. ARTIE ANN FERGUSON, b. September 20, 1871 (Source: Charles Spinn- List of Microfilm.research.); d. November 11, 1885. More About ARTIE ANN FERGUSON: x. JAMES EMMETT FERGUSON, b. September 20, 1873; d. November 21, 1914; m. EFFIE DAMON. xi. LUCETTA FERGUSON, b. March 01, 1875; d. March 15, 1875. 20. THOMAS7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: (1) Indiana, Pike County - Census, 129, Monroe Township 1860: Thomas Ferguson 27 Physician; Mary A. 23; Margaret E. 6; Matilda C. 3; Sarah 2/12, all born Indiana., (2) Indiana, Pike County - Census, 1870., (3) Indiana, Pike County - Census, 1880.) was born April 05, 1833 in Pike Co, Indiana, and died September 06, 1890 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). He married MARY ANN JULIAN January 13, 1853 in Warrick Co, Indiana (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriage License.), daughter of SAMUEL JULIAN and ELIZABETH FLEENER. She was born August 20, 1836 in Warrick Co, Indiana, and died March 06, 1893 in Pike Co, Indiana (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.).Notes for T HOMAS FERGUSON:Brother John Ferguson had this to say about Thomas: "My brother Thomas, the third son of the family, was a different sort of boy. He was more interested in sports and found his interests and companions among different things and among different people than James. He studied medicine and became a very successful physician and died at his post of meeting death while attending a patient." Thomas enlisted in the Army of the Union, 91st Regiment, Company B, Indiana Infantry on August 16, 1862 at Lynnville, Warrick County, Indiana. He served at Smithland, Kentucky where a battle was fought. It is not known whether he was injured. He was promoted to Hospital Steward. Evidently the battle was bloody because it is said that they closed the hospital surgery after the war because of the blood stains. He was discharged on December 29, 1862 after serving only three months. The discharge read "Paralysis of the bladder requiring the introduction of the catheter twice & often thrice per day. He is also afflicted with chronic diarrhea which had reduced him so as to render him unfit for duty or service. He has done no duty for the last six weeks. Signed by Eli Lewis Surgeon Discharged this twenty ninth day of December 1862 at Henderson, Kentucky." The descendants of Margaret Ferguson, Matilda Ferguson and Thomas Levi Denton Ferguson will be found in Chapter Ten. James Edward's family follows in this chapter. More About T HOMAS FERGUSON:Burial: 1890, Spurgeon Cemetery, Spurgeon, Indiana Census: 1860, Thomas Ferguson, age 27 was listed as a physician in the 1860 Census in Pike county, Indiana with his wife, Mary Ann, age 23, and daughters, Margaret E. (6), Matilda C. (3) and Sarah A. (2 Mo). Sarah was never found again in Indiana records. Education: Medical School, Keokuk, Iowa Occupation: medical doctor Notes for M ARY ANN JULIAN:There is a long line of the Julian family. It goes back to a Revolutionary soldier and further to the 14th century in France. This writer has a copy of the line containing thousands of names. I will share information with anyone wishing to pursue that line. More About M ARY ANN JULIAN:Burial: 1893, Spurgeon Cemetery, Spurgeon, Indiana Marriage License Issued: January 15, 1853, Warrick Co, Indiana More About T HOMAS FERGUSON and MARY JULIAN:Marriage: January 13, 1853, Warrick Co, Indiana (Source: Warrick County, Indiana Marriage License.) Children of T HOMAS FERGUSON and MARY JULIAN are:i. MARGARET ANN 8 FERGUSON (Source: Court Records, Indiana, Pike County - Deaths - County Court House, Book H-1 74.), b. January 09, 1854, Pike Co, Indiana; d. August 30, 1920; m. GEORGE M. WHITNEY (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 1900 page 62.), September 06, 1873, Pike Co, Indiana, Officiated by John Ferguson, Margaret's uncle. (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Marriages, Book 5; page 252, John Furguson, minister (Uncle of the bride).); b. July 27, 1854, Muhlenburg Co, Kentucky; d. November 12, 1923.Notes for GEORGE M. WHITNEY: 1870 PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CENSUS Lovit Whitney (63) Farmer- born SC- wf, Mariann (spelling) (56) -Emaline (23), William (15), James (17), George (16), and Francis fe, (10). Note that the last three have been found to be grandchildren, relationship was not indicated in this census. 1900 PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CENSUS George W. Whitney (50) born Feb 1850 - wf Margrett (45) born IN Dec 1854 John (22)born IN Sept. 1877 coal miner son, Nute (16) born IN May 1884 day laborer son, Link (2) born IN Sept. 1897 son. According to the obituary in Pike County George was born in Muhlenburg, Kentucky July 1854. He was the son of John Whitney and wife, both of whom died in his infancy. In the autumn of 1855 he was brought to Pike County, Indiana by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Whitney, and for many years lived with them on the Petersburg and Otwell road. More About GEORGE WHITNEY and MARGARET FERGUSON: ii. MATILDA C. FERGUSON, b. December 22, 1857; d. March 25, 1895, Indiana; m. WILLIAM NORMAN WHITNEY (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 1900 pages 223 - 224.), March 23, 1875, Pike Co, Indiana (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Marriages, Book 06; Page 190.); b. March 08, 1855, Muhlenberg Co, Kentucky (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Cemetery Records.); d. July 11, 1905. Notes for WILLIAM NORMAN WHITNEY: 1880 PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CENSUS William W. Whitney (25) farm laborer born KY wf Matilda C. (20) born IN Mary A. (3) daughter Pike County Court Records: WILLIAM N. AND MARTHA WHITNEY - sold property Sept 1897 - Book 27 Pg 369 1900 PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CENSUS Wm. C. Whitney (45) born IN(?) March 1855 carpenter wf Martha J. (42) born IN Feb 1858, Ida Bilderback (20) born Nov. 1879 st-daughter, Levi T. Bilderback (18) born IN Sept. 1881 st- son, Willie O. Bilderback (14) born IN June 1885 st-daughter, Charles E. Whitney (12) born IN Jan. 1888 son, Adolphus F. (10) born IN Oct. 1889 son, John Byron (7) born IN Oct 1892. 1910 PIKE COUNTY, INDIANA CENSUS Martha Whitney wf widowed (52) Adolpha (21) son farm laborer works out, John (18) son, Elsie (15) daughter. More About WILLIAM NORMAN WHITNEY: More About WILLIAM WHITNEY and MATILDA FERGUSON: iii. SARAH A. FERGUSON, b. March 25, 1860 (Source: Family Bible - Benjamin F. Ferguson.). iv. THOMAS LEVI DENTON FERGUSON, b. August 08, 1862, Pike County, Indiana; d. April 03, 1938, Vincennes, Indiana; m. AMERICA INDEPENDENCE HOUSEMAN, March 08, 1882, Pike County, Indiana (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Marriage Certificate, Certificate No. 150, Ceremony by John Ferguson.); b. April 27, 1867, Pike County, Indiana; d. 1927, Vincennes, Indiana. More About THOMAS LEVI DENTON FERGUSON: Notes for AMERICA INDEPENDENCE HOUSEMAN: America was called 'Meriky by family. She was fifteen years old when she married Levi "Tom" Ferguson. He was the son of Dr. Thomas and Mary Ann Julian Ferguson. When we researched the Ferguson family, we found that Mary Ann Julian's father was Samuel Denton Julian. Levi had the name, as well. His grandson is Robert Denton Howell. The history of this family will be related in a later chapter of this book. Times were hard during the years their marriage. Their daughter, Etta told of the arrangement of marriage for the daughters at age thirteen. There would be a party and the daughter would be expected to go home with the man chosen for her. I suppose part of this was due to the fact that they could not afford to feed and clothe the children. Levi was a farmer and miner. He was commonly known in the community as "Tom Chicken" because he fought game chickens and bulldogs. The family moved from job to job. Some of the children were born in Pike County, Indiana, and some in the Danville, Illinois area. In the spring of 1927 the Ferguson family home burned, as well as most of the contents. About six months later, America drank some carbolic acid and died a horrible death the next day at the home of her daughter, Mary Harrell in Vincennes, Indiana. They had been living in a tent in Edwardsport, Indiana on the river since the fire. The granddaughters of America agree that she had had a great deal of pain for some time and it was thought she had cancer. Stories of how the grandchildren spent much time there and how everyone was fed first, then, if there was anything left, Grandma would eat. The only pictures of her were taken about that time in her life. They indicate that she was very thin at the time. After the death of America, Levi lived with his son and daughters. One of his grandsons remembers following him as he planted peanuts. Donald Gene ate the peanuts as fast as Grandpa planted them. Once when Donald Gene was 6 years old, he wanted some of Grandpa's home grown tobacco. After asking for a chew several times, Grandpa said "OK buddy, you got it". He broke off a piece of chewing tobacco from the twist and said "chew". He did. One thing Grandpa did not tell him. Spit! After swallowing the juice he never chewed tobacco again. A lesson well taught. More About AMERICA INDEPENDENCE HOUSEMAN: More About THOMAS FERGUSON and AMERICA HOUSEMAN: v. JAMES EDWARD FERGUSON (Source: (1) Green, Cyetta (Ferry)., (2) Indiana, Pike County - Census, 1910.), b. February 01, 1869, Indiana (Source: Green, Cyetta (Ferry), Edward Fearguson Bible.); d. October 20, 1914; m. CORDELIA FERRY, April 22, 1888, Pike County, Indiana; b. May 21, 1870, Indiana (Source: Green, Cyetta (Ferry), Edward Ferguson Bible.); d. February 25, 1900, Spurgeon Cemetery, Spurgeon, Indiana. Notes for JAMES EDWARD FERGUSON: James Edward was the youngest son of Thomas and Mary Ann Ferguson. His wife Cordelia Ferry was directly related to the Ferry families in the Whitney/Houseman Line, however we did not have the Ferry line included in the book. In addition to being listed with his parents in the censuses of 1870 (age 1) and 1880 (11) James E. was censused in 1910 age 40, wife Cordelia (39) Adelphus (17), son, Commodore (11), son, Mary (8), daughter, and Goldie (5), daughter. This census gave the month and year each person was born. However this does not agree with the dates given in the family bible (in possession of Cyetta Green) This printout corrects the dates given in the book. More About JAMES EDWARD FERGUSON: More About CORDELIA FERRY: More About JAMES FERGUSON and CORDELIA FERRY: vi. WALTER FERGUSON, b. 1878. Notes for WALTER FERGUSON: 21. JACKSON7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 108, Monroe Township, 1860 Jackson Ferguson 25 Farmer; Margaret J., 20; B.F., 2 M; James M. 1; Levi Ferguson 19, farm laborer; All born Indiana; Sarah E Thomas 10. born Illinois.) was born November 19, 1834, and died October 29, 1915 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). He married (1) MARTHA SCALES December 06, 1855 in Pike County, IN by Joseph Woolsey (Source: Pike County, Indiana Marriage Records.). She was born February 26, 1837 (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Cemetery Records, Log Creek Cemetery, Lockhart Twp..), and died January 23, 1858 in Pike County, Indiana. He married (2) MARJORIE FOWLER January 25, 1859 in Pike County, IN. She was born March 16, 1840, and died April 19, 1904.Notes for J ACKSON FERGUSON:John relates that Jackson taught school in the winter and farmed, as well as serving Pike county as treasurer. He was converted early in life and has rendered much service to his church. More About J ACKSON FERGUSON:Military service: August 16, 1862, Civil War; 2nd Lieutenant;
Company B, Reg't 91, Indiana Vol. Injured Summer of '64 in Georgia. More About J ACKSON FERGUSON and MARTHA SCALES:Marriage: December 06, 1855, Pike County, IN by Joseph Woolsey (Source: Pike County, Indiana Marriage Records.) More About J ACKSON FERGUSON and MARJORIE FOWLER:Marriage: January 25, 1859, Pike County, IN Children of J ACKSON FERGUSON and MARTHA SCALES are:i. LOUVICA 8 FERGUSON, b. October 12, 1856 (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Cemetery Records, Log Creek Cemetery, Lockhart Twp,, age 1 yr 5mo 3 days.); d. March 15, 1858, Pike County, Indiana.ii. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FERGUSON, b. January 19, 1858 (Source: Family Bible - Benjamin F. Ferguson.); d. March 05, 1942; m. ALICE BILDERBACK, January 19, 1881, Pike Co, Indiana; b. August 29, 1860; d. May 28, 1938. More About BENJAMIN FERGUSON and ALICE BILDERBACK: iii. MARY FERGUSON, b. September 09, 1864, Spurgeon, Indiana (Source: Indiana, Oakland City Journal - Newspaper, 9 July 1948, Obituary.); d. July 1948, Princeton, Gibson Co., Indiana (Source: Indiana, Oakland City Journal - Newspaper, July 9, 1948, Obituary.); m. ALKEN WILLIAMS. Children of J ACKSON FERGUSON and MARJORIE FOWLER are:iv. MARTHA C. 8 FERGUSON, m. GEORGE THOMPSON, July 10, 1884, Pike County, IN (Source: Pike County, Indiana Marriage Records.).More About GEORGE THOMPSON and MARTHA FERGUSON: v. ESTELLE C. FERGUSON, d. May 05, 1955 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). Notes for ESTELLE C. FERGUSON: vi. JOHNATHAN B. FERGUSON. vii. ENOCH FERGUSON. viii. PENINA FERGUSON, b. 1868; d. 1933. Notes for PENINA FERGUSON: ix. CHARLES W. FERGUSON, m. OLA WOOLSEY. Notes for CHARLES W. FERGUSON: x. JAMES MONROE FERGUSON, b. 1859; d. 1934; m. (1) EMMA ROGERS; m. (2) EMMA SELBY; b. 1853; d. 1920. xi. IRA R. FERGUSON, b. July 17, 1873; d. April 30, 1899. Notes for IRA R. FERGUSON: 22. MAHALA E.7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born September 13, 1836 in Pike Co, Indiana, and died December 18, 1897. She married ISAAC WASHINGTON FLEENER (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 123, Monroe Township 1860: Isaac E. Flener 25 farmer; Mahala E. 24; Mary M. 3; July Ann 3; Peter C. 1/12; Henry Ferguson 16 farm laborerall born Indiana; William Thomas 14, born Illinois.) November 25, 1855 in Pike County, Indiana (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Marriages.), son of ISAAC FLEENER and MARY CRAWFORD. He was born March 29, 1835, and died September 26, 1897.Notes for M AHALA E. FERGUSON:John describes Mahala in this manner: "Another sister, Mahala, was the sixth child and married Washington Fleener, a farmer, and lived and died near the home of her parents." Notes for I SAAC WASHINGTON FLEENER:See his place in the Fleener line in The Descendants of Michael Fleener. More About I SAAC WASHINGTON FLEENER:Burial: 1897, Pike County, Indiana Occupation: farmer More About I SAAC FLEENER and MAHALA FERGUSON:Marriage: November 25, 1855, Pike County, Indiana (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Marriages.) Children of M AHALA FERGUSON and ISAAC FLEENER are:i. MARY MARGARET 8 FLEENER, b. August 31, 1856; m. MARION CATO.ii. CAROLINE FLEENER, b. 1860; m. THOMAS HINMAN. iii. LOUISA FLEENER, m. GEORGE COUTS. iv. JACKSON FLEENER, m. CYNTHIA POWERS. v. ELIZA JANE FLEENER, m. WALTER POWERS. vi. ISAAC FLEENER. Notes for ISAAC FLEENER: vii. JULIA ANN FLEENER, b. October 14, 1857, Pike Co, Indiana; d. August 05, 1937, Pike Co, Indiana; m. ADAM OWENS, August 24, 1880; b. October 15, 1853, Pulaski Co, Kentucky; d. March 23, 1926, Oakland City, Indiana. More About JULIA ANN FLEENER: More About ADAM OWENS and JULIA FLEENER: viii. PETER FLEENER, b. May 09, 1860; d. August 14, 1861. ix. H. JOSEPH FLEENER, b. October 04, 1864; d. April 09, 1930; m. (1) MATILDA CHANCELLOR; m. (2) TINA CATO, February 14, 1895; b. January 13, 1874; d. November 25, 1916. Notes for TINA CATO: More About H. FLEENER and TINA CATO: x. LOVENA FLEENER, b. September 1876; d. September 1878. xi. SARAH FLEENER, b. September 06, 1880; d. November 19, 1881. 23. JOSEPH7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) (Source: Indiana, Pike County - Census, 108, Monroe Township 1860: Joseph Ferguson 21 Farmer; Mary J. 19 both born Indiana.) was born September 18, 1839 in Pike Co, Indiana (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.), and died April 20, 1908 in Pike Co, Indiana. He married MARY JANE RICKETTS March 24, 1857 in Pike County, IN by J. Richardson, daughter of JOHN RICKETTS and MARY FLEENER. She was born June 17, 1841 in Lynnville, Warrick Co, Indiana (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.), and died March 31, 1918 in Pike Co, Indiana.More About J OSEPH FERGUSON:Cause of Death: Paralysis Military service: August 16, 1862, Co B Reg't 91 IN Vol - injured by explosions of shell powder at Spaniger, GA Jul. or Aug. 1864.Mus. out 05-26-1865 Occupation: farmer, County Commissioner (Pike) Religion: Regular Baptist (Source: John Ferguson and Paul Shepard, "Recollections of John Ferguson," 6.) More About J OSEPH FERGUSON and MARY RICKETTS:Marriage: March 24, 1857, Pike County, IN by J. Richardson Children of J OSEPH FERGUSON and MARY RICKETTS are:i. MARY ANN 8 FERGUSON, m. JOE GENTRY.ii. JOHN T. FERGUSON. iii. LUCETTA FERGUSON. iv. JOSIE FERGUSON. v. RILDA FERGUSON. vi. JANE FERGUSON. vii. SAMUEL WASHINGTON FERGUSON, m. (1) DORA BUSH; m. (2) FLORENCE G. RICHARDSON, May 28, 1888, Pike County, IN by James Ferguson (Source: Pike County, Indiana Marriage Records.). More About SAMUEL FERGUSON and FLORENCE RICHARDSON: viii. ELIZA E. FERGUSON, m. (1) THOMAS BUSH; m. (2) THOMAS BUSH. ix. IVA LEOTA FERGUSON, b. November 09, 1870, Pike County, IN or KY; d. December 30, 1944, Pike County, IN (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.); m. CHARLES SUTTON, February 16, 1894, Pike County, IN; b. August 12, 1874, Crawford County, IN; d. August 11, 1961, Pike County, IN (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). More About IVA LEOTA FERGUSON: More About CHARLES SUTTON and IVA FERGUSON: x. TILMAN FERGUSON, b. April 11, 1877; d. March 24, 1959, Pike County, Indiana (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon Cemetery.). xi. CALLIE J. FERGUSON, b. January 01, 1878; d. April 20, 1903. Notes for CALLIE J. FERGUSON: 24. LEVI7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born May 29, 1841 in Pike Co, Indiana (Source: THE MONITOR-PRESS NEWSPAPER, Wellington, Kansas,Wednesday, August 16, 1911, Vol XXXVIII No. 33, 1, Obituary gives dates of birth, death and marrriages for Levi and spouses.), and died August 15, 1911 in Wellington, Kansas. He married (1) MARY B. MONTGOMERY August 09, 1860 in Pike Co, Indiana. She was born Abt. July 1844, and died April 27, 1867 in 23yr 9mo. He married (2) AMELIA THOMAS September 03, 1868 (Source: Wellington, Kansas Monitor-Press Newspaper, 1, Wellington, Kansas, Wednesday August 16, 1911: Death Has Claimed Him. Levi Ferguson, etc.). She was born September 03, 1850 in Indiana, and died June 08, 1930 in Wellington, Kansas.Notes for L EVI FERGUSON:"My brother Levi began life as a teacher, later became a clerk in a store in Lynnville, Indiana and then turned his attention to law and has been practicing law for forty years. During this time he has served as judge of the Circuit Court and auditor of Pike County eight years. He is now (1906-1908) Post-master at Wellington, Kansas." Words of brother John. Guy Ferguson wrote: "He was a great political leader of the Republican Party, a 32nd degree Mason, a member of the G. A. R. and also of I. O. O. F." More About L EVI FERGUSON:Burial: 1911, Wellington, Kansas Elected: 1872, delegate to the Republican National Convention, when President Grant was renominated and served as an elector in 1876. Funeral: First M. E. Church, Wellington, Kansas Military service: July 01, 1861, 1st IN Cavalry, reassigned in 1862 to 91st IN vol,commissioned Captain of Company K. (His obituary listed him having the rank of Major) Occupation: Auditor, Pike Co., 8 years and Morgan Co. (IN), Lawyer, judge, postmaster in Wellington, KS More About L EVI FERGUSON and MARY MONTGOMERY:Marriage: August 09, 1860, Pike Co, Indiana More About L EVI FERGUSON and AMELIA THOMAS:Marriage: September 03, 1868 (Source: Wellington, Kansas Monitor-Press Newspaper, 1, Wellington, Kansas, Wednesday August 16, 1911: Death Has Claimed Him. Levi Ferguson, etc.) Child of L EVI FERGUSON and MARY MONTGOMERY is:i. FLORA A. 8 FERGUSON, m. BRANCH.Children of L EVI FERGUSON and AMELIA THOMAS are:ii. RAY 8 FERGUSON.iii. MINNIE FERGUSON, m. OWENS. 25. HENRY7 FERGUSON (MARGARET ANN ADDISON BURTON6 TWIFORD, JAMES5, ROBERT4, DANIEL3, BARTHOLOMEW2, WILLLIAM1) was born June 20, 1843 in Pike Co, Indiana, and died August 18, 1900 in Pike Co, Indiana. He married (1) MARIAH MCCLARY August 17, 1861. She was born September 05, 1845 (Source: Calculated from tombstone.), and died August 31, 1866. He married (2) LUCY GAY February 03, 1867. She was born February 08, 1842 in Pike Co, Indiana (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.), and died July 27, 1934 in Pike Co, Indiana.More About H ENRY FERGUSON:Military service: February 27, 1862, Co B Reg't 91 IN Vol Occupation: farmer Religion: General Baptist (deacon) (Source: "The History Of The Ferguson Family As Told By Guy Ferguson.") More About H ENRY FERGUSON and MARIAH MCCLARY:Marriage: August 17, 1861 More About H ENRY FERGUSON and LUCY GAY:Marriage: February 03, 1867 Children of H ENRY FERGUSON and MARIAH MCCLARY are:i. MARY M. 8 FERGUSON, d. in infancy.ii. THOMAS J. FERGUSON. iii. JOSEPH LEVI FERGUSON, b. April 25, 1864; d. May 21, 1934; m. MARY LUCINDA SHOULDERS (Source: John T. Ferguson, written record.), March 14, 1890, Pike County, IN by Joseph Ambrose; b. December 17, 1869; d. November 26, 1964. More About JOSEPH FERGUSON and MARY SHOULDERS: Children of H ENRY FERGUSON and LUCY GAY are:iv. DORA A. 8 FERGUSON, m. BILL LANGFORD.v. EDMOND G. FERGUSON. vi. PETER W. FERGUSON, m. MARY SMITH. vii. SHARLOTT FERGUSON, m. HENRY WEBBIE. viii. ELMER U. FERGUSON, b. 1869; d. 1935 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.); m. LOIS DAVIS; b. 1874; d. 1938 (Source: Headstone, Spurgeon, Indiana Cemetery.). ix. MARIAH J. FERGUSON, b. June 12, 1871, Spurgeon,Indiana; d. January 18, 1951, Johnson, Indiana; m. MILES MELVIN POWERS, November 22, 1891, Pike Co., Indiana; b. September 08, 1867, Pike Co., Indiana Monroe Township; d. May 01, 1949, Johnson, Indiana. More About MILES POWERS and MARIAH FERGUSON: x. AURORA TODD FERGUSON, b. March 08, 1875, Pike Co, Indiana; d. May 28, 1954, Petersburg, Indiana; m. FANNIE C. GILLUM, January 21, 1900. More About AURORA FERGUSON and FANNIE GILLUM: Return to the top of this page Return to the Family Data Files page Return to the GHOTES home page If you have material for the GHOTES Web site, please contact Thanks! 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