The Jerom Griffith Family of Northampton County, Virginia 1644 - 1727 Supplement Number One to Along The Neuse, The Craven Bryan Griffin Family, 1728 - 1992
by A. Ray Griffin, Jr. Danville, Virginia
1995 by A. Ray Griffin, Jr. All rights reserved. Reproduction of materials in this supplement without the express written permission of the author is limited to brief passages quoted in review and direct quotations of limited length in genealogical or historical works where proper credit is given.
Please direct all orders for Along the Neuse and/or supplement Number One and information to: A. Ray Griffin, Jr. 333 Chadwyck Drive Danville, Virginia 24541-3306 TABLE OF CONTENTS MAP of Pimeno Branch / Magotha Bay Area, Northampton County, Virginia Research Notes The footnotes did not convert from MSWord to HTML format; consequently, the reader will need to go to this document to view the research notes.
INTRODUCTION For those of us infected with the disease known as genealogitis, the pursuit of unknown ancestors is ever present. Family histories and genealogies are always out-of-date because there is always a new birth and death, a new marriage, and new research on those illusive ancestors. This supplement represents research completed after my book, Along The Neuse, The Craven Bryan Griffin Family, 1729-1992 was published in 1993. The discovery of the parents and ancestors of Benjamin Griffen of Craven County, North Carolina has long eluded family researchers. It was quite by luck, hard research, and tips and assistance from experienced genealogy professionals that I can now offer my research findings to the family. Particular thanks to the following friends for their guidance and assistance are in order: Mrs. Clifford S. Dwyer, a longtime Griffin researcher, historian, and professional genealogist; Mrs. Mary Leigh Boisseau, a noted Virginia genealogist and historian; Mrs. Jean Mihalyka, a noted Eastern Shore historian and Virginia genealogists; my wife Ida and daughter Katie, for allowing me to spend all of those hours in the library and archives and in front of the computer. This supplement would not have been possible without the assistance of these friends and for that I will forever be grateful. Readers should not be confused about the linkage of the name Griffin to the Griffith family. Both name forms are from the Welsh. One must also remember that early Clerks and Scribes spelled phonetically. Several Northampton County, Virginia records interchange the names Griffith and Griffin in the same document for the same person. Accawmack County was one of the original eight Shires created in 1634. In 1642/3 the name was changed to Northampton County and in 1663 the county was divided, forming Accomack County in the northern part of the peninsula and Northampton County being retained in the southern half of the peninsula. All county records for Northampton and Accawmack from 1634 to 1663 are found in Northampton Records at Eastville, VA and the Virginia State Archives in Richmond, VA. It is unique in that all of its Records are extant, thereby providing a bonus for anyone researching ancestors on the Eastern Shore. Even though this supplement adds another significant chapter to Along The Neuse and our family history, the search is by no means over. The question has now evolved into the following: who were the parents of Jerom Griffith and who were the parents of William Gelding and his wife Elizabeth //? Sometimes I am almost convinced that they came from Mars!! Despite proofing and checking, I am confident that this Supplement contains errors and omissions. Readers are encouraged to submit corrections, amplifications, and comments to the writer.
A. Ray Griffin, Jr. Danville, Virginia April 1995
CHAPTER ONE THE JEROM GRIFFITH FAMILY First Generation Jerom Griffith is the earliest known ancestor that has been discovered for our branch of the Griffin family. It is not known if he is the immigrant ancestor; however, I have been unable to find references to him prior to 1660 in any other Virginia county or in Maryland. In 1660, he, along with Nicholas Phillips, is shown in the Records as being responsible for a debt owed to William Kendall in the amount of 100 pounds current money of England. Court Records indicate that he had been living in Northampton County since 1660. Court Records further indicate that he was a Cooper as early as 1666 and was literate. The later point is very interesting since none of his sons were literate. This fact, along with the 1660 debt owed to William Kendall would indicate that he may well have been the immigrant ancestor; however, this is speculation at this point and further research is needed. Jerom Griffith is found in numerous land and court records of the era. He is first found acquiring 100 acres on the seaboard side from John Wilkins in 1666 On 24 Dec 1667 he sells property to John Waterman. Regrettably, the description does not give any indication if the land is the property he previously purchased from Wilkins or if it came from another source. In 1673 he purchased 200 acres from William James (Junis) Senr. On 23 Mar 1675/6 he received a 345 acre patent on Pimeno Branch. In 1707 he divided his property on Pimeno Branch among several of his children: Benjamin Griffith, Jonas Griffith, James Griffith and Jerom Griffith. Whitelaw traces Jerom Griffith's land as being part of an original patent to Edmund Scarborough for 400 acres in 1638. The area, identified as N16 by Whitelaw, was described as being between two creeks, Purgatory to the south and Peminoe to the north. Both Peminoe Creek and Purgatory Creek have disappeared from modern maps. Through the gracious efforts of Mrs. Jean M. Mihalyka, it as been determined that Purgatory Creek is now known as Walls Landing Creek. Other old land records refer to a creek north of Peminoe Creek as Andrews Creek. That creek, by all probabilities, is now referred to on modern maps as Mill Creek. Peminoe Creek is shown as an unnamed creek between these two creeks. There are several old Griffith burial grounds in this area. This area is shown on page 2 of this Supplement. In January 1678 Jerom Griffith is cited in a suit between John Joboul orphan who was indentured as a servant to him, to be trained as a Cooper. Perhaps the most valuable court reference occurred in 1689 when it was recorded that he was about 50 years of age and had lived in the area for about 29 years. The other most significant court record is his will in which he names his children as follows: sons - Jonah (Jonas), Luke, Thomas, Benjamin, Jerom; daughters - Francis Hall, Esther Freshwater, Dorothy Hayes, Elizabeth Freshwater, Margaret Griffeth. Children: Second Generation
On 1 Jul 1709 he sold the plantation upon which he lived to John Baker. The plantation was formerly his wife's, Mary, property given to her by her late husband William Batchelor. He attested to the validity of his brother's, James Griffeth's will 27 Feb 1717 in Northampton Co, VA. In his will, Benjamin names his children as follows: sons - Benjamin and Luke; no daughters mentioned; Sister - Elizabeth More, Brothers - Thomas Griffith and Jonas Griffith. Benjamin apparently died young because his will mentions his two sons whey they become of age at 16 and they would receive their share of the estate at age 18. A brief abstract of the will provides the following information: To my son Luke the south side of my plantation bounded by Jurram (Jerom) Griffith, to son Benjamin the northern 50 acres of my land, but for want of my two son's heirs then Luke's land to my sister Elizabeth More's son Thomas More, and Benjamin's land to my brother Thomas Griffith's son Thomas. My brother Thomas and my two sons executors. My two sons to be at age when 16 and to receive their estates when 18. If my two sons die without heirs, then their estates to my brothers Jonas and Thomas. Wit: William Willett, Jonas (x) Griffith, Cornelious Loughland.
In his will, Luke mentions family members as follows: sons: Luke, Emanuel, Benjamin; daughters: Ann, Susannah, and Elizabeth; wife: Elizabeth. Witnesses: Ann Fathree, John Markland, Mary Garris.
In his will, Jerom gives 50 acres to son William and 50 acres to son Jerom which formerly belonged to his brother Jonas Griffith and the remaining estate was to be divided between all of his children, but they are unnamed. The will does not mention a wife, so it is assumed that she predeceased him. Witnesses were Susannah Bowdoin and John Shelton and son William was the executor. The wife of Jerom Griffeth Jr. is unknown to this writer. 29.1 v. Thomas Griffith was born in Northampton Co, VA. Jonas is found in several Records of the era and is found under the names of Jonas, Jonah, and Josias. As previously stated in the section on his father, Jerom Griffith, Jonas received 50 acres on Pimeno Branch from his father in July 1707 and inherited another 50 acres on Pimeno Branch in his father's will. The former tract was sold in 1719 by Jonas, brother Jerom Griffith and brother-in-law Thomas Moor. The latter tract was sold by his son and widow, Benjamin Griffith...Planter and Ann Griffith Widdow and relic of Jonas Griffith late of the sd County Cooper Dec'd , on 10 Oct 1719 to John Wilson selling ...Fifty acres of wodland and Marsh...mentioned a certain Deed of Gift bearing Date the Twenty fifth day of July...1707 by Jerom Griffith Sr...Cooper to the sd Jonas Griffith... He attested to the validity of Benjamin Griffeth's will 12 Feb 1718 in Northampton Co, VA. The basis for proving the relationship between the Craven County, NC Griffin family groups of Benjamin, Solomon and Jonas Griffin and Ann Griffin Coward and the Jerom Griffith family of Northampton County, VA is summarized as follows:
Third Generation
Charles West and there is no mention of her children in the Records; however, the will of John Linsey leads one to believe that they had at least one child.
In Along The Neuse, this writer presented information based on an application approved by the Colonial Dames XVII Century in 1986 which showed that John Bryan married Elizabeth Joyner, daughter of Bridgeman Joyner. Subsequent Joyner research by others yields information that disproves this relationship. Other research indicates that John Bryan was married to Alice Macque, daughter of Lawrence Macque of Bertie County, North Carolina. Consequently, this section should be considered as a correction to Along The Neuse. John Bryan of Craven Co, NC was married to Alice Macque, daughter of Lawrence Macque, Shoemaker of Bertie Co, NC, before 15 Apr 1718. In his will, Lawrence Macque refers to his daughter Alice Bryan and appoints his dutiful son John Bryan as one of his executors. A transcript of Jonas' will is provided as follows: To son Benjamin one Negro girl Tner and feather bed and Bolster, to son Major one Negro boy Sam and feather bed, to son Jonas all my land and three Negroes, to grandson Robin Griffen one Negro girl Winnie and bed and two sheets & bolster, to daughter Jennet Brewton Negro girl Rose, son Jonas to take care of grandson Robin until he is of age. Dated 13 Feb 1786. Signed Jonas (I) Griffin. Witnesses: Thomas Miers, Furguson Hails, Susanna Haile, Benjamin Haile. Proved 15 Mar 1786. {NOTE: Refer to page 5 of Along The Neuse, The Craven Bryan Griffin Family, 1728-1992 for a continuation of this family group to 1992.} Children: "UNLINKED" GRIFFITHS The descendants of Jerom Griffith (d. 1707) are numerous. Research into the middle of the 18th century has led me to find many Griffiths that I have been unable to link with the established descendants of Jerom Griffith. It seems as though every family had a Luke, Thomas, Benjamin and William in the early years and a Moses and Nathan in the later years. There is no doubt that these Griffiths are descendants of Jerom Griffith; however, the linking of them to his descendants remain for future research. It is hoped that readers will be able to help unravel these mysteries and share that information with this researcher, and others searching for those illusive Griffith ancestors. Luke Griffith, died 1752, married Elizabeth // and had the following descendants: Luke Griffith Sr. , dead by Dec 1746.Thomas Griffith, dead by Dec 1750, married Ann // Thomas Griffin , will 1775, married Peggy. References Hungars Creek.Thomas Griffith Jr., dead by 9 Jul 1745, married Mary // Thomas Griffith , dead by 1765. References Pimino Branch. Could this be son of Thomas Griffith Jr., son of Thomas Griffith (Person 5)?John Griffith , dead by 12 Apr 1787, married Peggy //John Griffith , dead by 11 Jul 1749John Griffith , dead by 10 Sep 1745, married Ursula //John Griffith , dead by 13 Feb 1765. Son of Mary Roberts and brother of Nanny Carpenter
CHAPTER TWO THE WILLIAM GELDING FAMILY Elizabeth Gelding, wife of Jerom Griffith, was the daughter of William Gelding and Elizabeth //. A brief summary of the early Gelding family is provided in the following pages: First Generation An abstract of his will is as follows: ...Being anchient and lame...I confirm my deed of gift of 200 acres to my son Charles Gelding. To my other son William Gelding the remaining half of my land, it being the part where I now live. To my eldest daughter Elizabeth Griffin, to daughter Katherine Moore, to daughter Danirus Pike, to daughter Ellenor Moore. My loving wife Elizabeth Gelding, legatee and executrix. Signed: William (x) Gelding Sr. Witnessed: Thomas (TC) Coffin, William Howard, John Burroughes. William Gelding first appears in Records as being imported by William Burdett. Burdett received 1,050 acres in Accomack County on the seaboard side on 18 Mar 1639 for importing William Gelding and 19 other persons. On 28 Mar 1666, William Gelding received 400 acres in Northampton County which had formerly been granted to Wm. Birditt, dec'd and found to have escheated. Whitelaw shows that William Gelding's land was part of an original patent to Stephen Charlton in 1637 and has identified it as section N25. This area is several miles north of Jerom Griffith's land, on the seaboard side of the peninsula. Gelding is an unusual name and may be found under variant spellings as follows: Gelding, Geldinge, Gilding, Golding, Goulding, Guilding, Gildin, and Gilden. An abstract of Elizabeth's will is provided as follows: ...Being very my sons Charles and William Gelding, to my daughters Elizabeth the wife of Jerom Griffith, Katherin the wife of Gilbert Moore, and Ellenor the wife of Thomas Moor...All my remaining estate to the three children (not of legal age) of my son William, viz., Luke, Osbourne, and Elizabeth Gelding which he had by his first wife Ann Gelding, dec'd. My friends and neighbors John Stockly Sr and William Wilson executors. Signed: Elizabeth (E) Gelding. Witnesses: Mathew Moore, Elizabeth Moore, George Noble. Probated 9 Apr 1698. Second Generation 6. William2 Gelding (William1), son of William Gelding and Elizabeth //. Married first: Ann //. He married second Elizabeth //. BIBLIOGRAPHY
This printing of The Jerom Griffith Family of Northampton County, Virginia 1644-1727, Supplement Number One to Along The Neuse, The Craven Bryan Griffin Family, 1728-1992 is printed in Times New Roman font as follows: 12 pt for chapter headings, 10 pt for text, and 9 pt for footnotes Supplement specifications are as follows: 8 1/2 x 11 size, 20 pages printed on 24 LB acid-free paper, The data was initially input in Roots IV Ver 1.1 genealogy software program and subsequently transferred to and reformatted in MiscoSoft Word, Ver 2.0 wordprocessing software. Printing was performed by a Hewlett Packard Deskjet 540 printer. INDEX B Baker John, 6 Barfield Cullen, 13 Drucilla, 13 John, 13 Nicy, 13 Sarah Ann, 13 Vincent, 13 Batchelor William, 6 Bibbe John, 8 Bowdoin Susannah, 8 Bryan Alice, 12 John, 11, 12, 13 Sarah, 11 Burdett, William, 16 Burroughes John, 16 Bruton Charlotte, 12 John, 12 Lavicy, 12 Mary, 12 Sarah, 12 Burton Jr John, 12 C Carpenter Nanny, 15 Clary Ann, 13 Coffin Thomas, 16 Cogan John, 16 Costin, 11 Coward Ann, 13 Chloe, 13 Elisha, 13 Frederick, 13 James, 13 Jamima, 13 John, 12, 13 Keziah, 13 Mary, 13 Michael, 13 Sally, 13 Sharrack, 13 William, 12 E Ellson, 7, 14 Evans, 11 F Fatherly Ann, 11 Hillard, 7 John, 7, 11 Fathree Ann, 7 Fathrey Elizabeth, 7, 10 John, 7 Freshwater, 6,7 Elizabeth, 5 Esther, 5 G Garris Mary, 7 Garrison, 17 Gelding Agetha, 17 Ann, 16 Chairty, 17 Charles, 16, 17 Comfort, 17 Danirus, 17 Ellenor, 16 Elizabeth, 6, 7, 8, 169, 16, 17 Ellenor, 17 Hesia, 17 Hope, 17 Katherin, 16, 17 Luke, 16, 17 Osbourne, 16, 17 William, 5, 16, 17 Gelding Jr Charles, 17 Goodman William, 10 Griffen Ann, 9, 12 Benjamin, 9, 12, 13 Jennett, 12 John B., 13 Jonas, 9, 12 Major, 12 Soloman, 9 William, 13 Griffen, Jr. William, 13 Griffeth Ann, 10 Benjamin, 9 James, 7, 8 Jerom, 5 John, 7 Luke, 6 Margaret, 5 Martha, 8 Thomas, 7 William, 9 Griffin Abigail, 13 Alice, 12 Alice Ailsy, 13 Ann, 13 Anne, 14 Benjamin, 10, 11 Betsy, 13 Beverly Allen, 13 Bryan, 13 Eleanor, 13 Elizabeth, 13, 16 Jesse, 12, 13 John, 14 Jonas, 10 Keziah, 13 Levi, 13 Lewis, 13 Major, 10 Mary, 13 Mary Polly, 13 Moses, 10, 12 Rebecca, 13 Sally, 13 Soloman, 9, 11, 12 Solomon, 10 William, 13, 14 Griffin Jr Benjamin, 13 Griffith Ann, 7, 10, 11, 14 Anne, 14 Benjamin, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15 Benjamin H., 6 Daniel, 14 Dorothy, 6, 7 Elizabeth, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14 Emanuel, 7, 10 Esther, 6, 14 Frances, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15 Hezehial, 14 Hiram, 14 James, 4, 6, 8 Jeremiah, 14, 15 Jerom, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 Jerome, 4 John, 7, 11, 15 Jonas, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13 Louisa, 14 Luke, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 Major, 14 Margaret, 6, 8 Martha, 14 Mary, 14, 15 Nathan, 14 Patience, 14 Rahcel, 14 Sarah, 9, 11 Susanna, 14 Susannah, 14 Susannah], 11 Sussannah, 7 Thomas, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 William, 9, 11, 14 Griffith (III) Jerom, 9 Griffith Jr Jerom, 6, 8 Thomas, 7 H Hall Frances, 5 Immanuel, 8 John, 8 Hayes Christopher, 8 Dorothy, 5 John, 8 Robert, 7 Thomas, 8 Hickman Nathaniel, 14 Hill John, 13 Hollon, 11 Holloway John, 13 William, 13 Holton James, 12 Hook Ann, 7 Betty, 7, 10 Howard William, 16 I Isdall, 14 J Jackson James Sr William, 4 Jenkins Elizabeth, 10 John, 10 Joboul John, 5 Johnson Robert, 13 Joyner Bridgeman, 11 Elizabeth, 11 K Kendall William, 4 Kilpatrick Alexander, 13 Charity, 13 Chloe, 13 Francis, 13 Wm., 13 Kimbrell John C., 13 Thomas, 13 Knight, 14, 15 L Linsey Hampton, 10 Margaret, 10 Loughland Cornelious, 6 M Mackqillan William, 15 Macque Alice, 11, 12, 13 Lawrence, 12 Markland John, 7 Markland ? Abigail, 13 Moor Thomas, 9, 16 Moore Aready, 17 Charles, 17 Elizabeth, 16, 17 Ephraim, 17 Gilbert, 16, 17 Isaac, 17 Katherin, 16 Mathew, 16 Phebe, 17 Phebee, 17 Sanitkee, 17 Santake, 17 Thomas, 17 More, 7 Elizabeth, 6 John, 7 Thomas, 6 N Noble George, 16 O O'Dear, 17 P Paine Daniel, 7 Esther, 7 Patrick Betsy, 13 Memoah, 13 Nicy, 13 Phillips Nicholas, 4 Pike, 17 R Roberts Mary, 15 Rogers, 14 Roules Arribella, 17 Daniel, 17 John, 17 Rue, 17 Southy, 17 S Sadler Elizabeth, 13 Scarborough, Edmund, 5 Shelton John, 8 Steel Daniel, 17 Francis, 17 Stockly Francis, 17 Stockly Sr John, 16 T Thompson Abigail, 13 William, 13 Turlington, 11 Luke, 11 W Waterman John, 4 West Betsy, 13 Charles, 11 James, 13 Mary, 13 Redding, 13 Wilkins John, 4 Willett William, 6 Wilson William, 16 Y Yardly ESQ, 5 Back to the Family Histories page | ![]() |