~Northampton County~ Updated November 24, 2000 Note: You can find geographic sites on USGS maps at the following address: USGS MAP SEARCH Northampton County, Virginia A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z Northampton County - Created in 1634 as one of eight original Shires under the name of Accawmack. It's name was changed to Northampton in 1642/3. Southernmost of Virginia's two counties that form Virginia's Eastern Shore, it is bounded to the north by Accomack County, VA, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean and to the south and west by the Chesapeake Bay. It's greatest length is 32 miles and mean width, if Atlantic islands are included, about 10 miles. It has about 320 square miles. Population: 1820, 7,705; 1830, 8,644; A
B Bayview - small community in the southern part of the county, near the head of Kings Creek, and east of Capeville. Belle Haven - small community north of Nassawadox.
Birdsnest - small community in northern part of county on Rt 13
Brickhouse Neck - a jut of land on the seaside bounded by Mill Creek and Red Bank Creek, and near Hog Island Bay. Bridgetown - small community in nw side of county at headwaters of Hungars Creek Brockenberry Bay - small body of water just north of Mockhorn Bay and south of Ramshorn Bay, on the eastern shore of the county at Oyster. C
Cape Charles - southernmost point of the county
Cheapside - small community in sw part of county, west of Rt 13 and due west of Capeville. Cheriton - small community in middle of county on Rt 13 between Oyster and Cherrystone. Cherrystone Inlet situated on the nw side of the county, Bay side, abutting Savage Neck, Eyreville Neck, Eyrehall Neck, and Cherrystone. Tributaries include: Old Castle Creek, Eyreville Creek, Eyrehall Creek, and Mill Creek. Chesapeake - small community in the eastern part of the county between Eyrehall Neck and Brockenbery Bay Church Neck - a large neck of land on the bayside, nw part of the county, bounded by Hungars Creek, west of Bridgetown. Cobb Island - large barrier island adjoining the Atlantic and east of Cobb Bay and Ramshorn Bay Crossroads - a small community in ne part of county, just west of Rt 13. D
Elliotts Creek - small creek in sw part of county, Bayside, and south of Old Plantation Creek Elliotts Neck - a jut of land on the bayside bounded by Church Creek, Nassawadox Creek, and Warehouse Creek, near Bayford.
Eyrehall Creek - a small creek flowing into Cherrystone Inlet, bounded by Eyrehall Neck. Eyrehall Neck - a small jut of land on the bayside bounded by Eyrehall Creek and Eyreville Creek, west of Chesapeake. Eyreville Creek - a small creek flowing into Cherrystone Inlet, bounded by Eyreville Neck. Eyreville Neck - a jut of land on the bayside bounded by Old Castle Creek and Eyreville Creek, west of Simpkins. F
Fairview - small community in southern part of county, east of Cape Charles. Fisherman's Island - southernmost island of the county, currently serving as home to Fisherman's Island National Widdlife Refuge and is first landfall for northbound traffic on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Franktown - small community in nw part of county, w of Rt 13 near Warehouse Creek. G
Great Neck - a small jut of land into the Chesapeake Bay, on the southern end of Church Neck. Greens Creek - small creek in ne part of county flowing into Machipongo River The Gulf - creek located on the Bay side, nw side of county separating Old Town Neck and Savage Neck, just west of Eastville. H
Hadlock - a small community in ne part of county on Rt 13 just south of Exmore Hare Valley - small community in northern part of county on Rt 13 north of Nassawadox Hog Island - large island located between Atlantic Ocean and Hog Island Bay. Hog Island Bay - large body of water between Hog Island on the ocean side, Upshur Neck to the north, Ramshorn Bay and Outlet Bay to the south, and the eastern shore of the county, east of Marionville and Nassawadox Holt Creek - small creek emptying into Ramshorn Bay, near Martins Siding Holt Neck - a seamarsh island on the seaside adjacent to Ramshorn Bay Hungar's Creek - large creek on the Bay side, nw part of county, separating Wilsonia Neck and Church Neck. Tributaries include: Jacobus Creek,
Indiantown Neck - body of land on the seaside adjacent to Taylor Creek and Ramshorn Bay and due east of the Town of Eastville. J
Jamesville - small community in nw part of county on Occohannock neck Johnsontown - small community in nw part of county, w of Rt 13 and west of Hungars Creek K
Kendall Grove - small community in ne part of county, east of Rt 13 and north of Indian Town Neck. Kings Creek - large creek on the Bayside just north of Town of Cape Charles Kiptopeake - small community in southern most part of county L M
Machipongo - small community in ne part of county, e of Rt 13 Machipongo River - separates Northampton and Accomack Counties, flowing into Hog Island Bay
Marionville - small community in ne part of county, e of Rt 13 and Weirwood. Martins Siding - small community in ne part of county, e of Rt 13, and near Shadyside. Mattawoman Creek - located on the Bay side and nw side of county, separating Wilsonia Neck and Old Town Neck. Mill Creek - creek in ne side of county, emptying into Ramshorn Bay above Webbs Island Mockhorn Bay - body of water between Mockhorn Island and the sea marshes and the eastern shore of the county, east of Seaview and Oyster, and immediately north of Magothy Bay and Brockenberry Bay. N
Nassawadox Creek - large creek on the Bay side adjoining Occohannock Neck, Wellington Neck, Chruch Neck and Elliotts Neck. Tributaries: Church Creek, Warehouse Creek, O
Oakland Park - small community in ne part of county s of Willis warf on Parting Creek Old Neck - a small jut of land on the bayside off Occohannock Neck, extreme nw part of county, and bounded by Occohannock Creek. Old Plantation Creek - large creek on the Bay side, sw part of county, south of Cape Charles Old Town Neck - a large land mass on the Bayside bounded by Mattawoman Creek and The Gulf, northwest of Eastville. Occohannock Creek - large creek in nw corner of county separating it from Accomack County, on Bayside. Occohannock Neck - a large jut of land on the bayside, nw part of county, bounded by the Chesapeake Bay and Nassawadox Creek. Old Neck - a jut of land off Occohannock neck at Killman Cove on Occohannock Creek Oyster - small community on the seaside, middle part of county at Mockhorn Bay P
Park Hall Historic Home located in Eastville.
and Cemetery -
Parting Creek - in ne part of county, east of Exmore and serves are dividing line between Northampton and Accomack Counties
Phillips Creek - small creek in ne part of county flowing into Hog Island Bay
Poorhouse - built for the county's poor after the Revolution. Current structure is pre-civil war. The section build for the county's Black population is post Civil War. The Slaughter house dates to the mid 1700s. The Kitchen is in what is known as the Powell House, thought to be the oldest house on the Eastern Shore, dating from the ca. 1650s. Located on Rt. 13 North of Eastville. Now home to the Barrier Islands Conservancy.
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Red Bank - small community ne part of county on Red Bank Creek near Hog Island Bay
Red Bank Creek - small creek in ne part of county flowing into Hog Island Bay Red Bank Landing - located in Red Bank at the water's edge. Built ca. 1841 when the County Commission wanted to build a public landing. The property upon which the landing was built into estimation as well the use of the lands to be laid open for such road as the additional fencing which will thereby be rendered necessary." Submitted by Will Brown. It is further noted that "The landing was made of red brick and small rocks used as ballast. There were no other rocks there and it gave off a red appearance." Submitted by Ruth Williams. S
Seaview - small community on the seaside, west of Mockhorn Bay and east side of Rt 13. Shadyside - small community in nw part of county, w of Rt 13 and east of Wilsonia Neck Simpkins - small community in the ne part of county, east of Rt 13 and near Taylor Creek. Sparrow Point - located on Occohannock Neck at Occohannock Creek at Chesapeake Bay T
Taylor Creek - small creek on seaside, emptying into Ramshorn Bay at Indian Town Neck Townsend - small community se part of county between Cedar Grove and Capeville, east of Rt 13 Treherneville - small community in ne part of county, ne of Johnsontown. U
Upshur Creek - small creek in ne part of county, near Nassawadox, flowing into Machipongo River V
Walls Landing Creek - see Purgatory Creek Wardtown - small community in nw corner of county on Occohannock neck Weirwood - small community in ne part of county, e of Rt 13, between Nassadox and Birdsnest. Wellington Neck - a jut of land on the bayside, in the nw part of the county, bounded by Warehouse Creek and Nassawadox Creek, west of Franktown. Willis Warf - small community in ne part of county, e of Rt 13 and se of Exmore Wilsonia Neck - a large mass of land on the bayside bounded by Mattawoman Creek and Hungars Creek. Woodlawn Historic Home and Thomas Cemetery - located on the Seaside Road south of Exmore. A beautifully restored home dating to the mid 1700s.
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