Descendants of Levin Joynes
Th information about Levin Joynes' descendants and the pictures linked to this page are made part of the ghotes Web community through the generosity of Barbara Charles with assistance from ghote Ruth Williams. Barbara Crites Charles is the gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Levin Joynes. Barbara's parents met when they attended school in Chautauqua, New York. In 1910, they moved to Hood River, Oregon, where they raised their four daughters. Her father was an educator all of his life, and Barbara became a nurse. Barbara Charles and Ruth Williams "met" in 1979 when Ruth answered a query in the Virginia Genealogical Quarterly. They exchanged information by mail, but never met. Now with Ruth's help, Barbara is once again sharing her information and family pictures, this time with the wide world of the Internet via GHOTES. Many thanks to Barbara and Ruth for the information and pictures shared here. Names listed in blue and underlined are linked to a picture of that individual. Click on the name to view the picture. Use the "back" button of your browser to return to this page. 1 Levin Joynes .. +Ann Smith ........ 2 Thomas Robinson JOYNES, Sr. 1789 - 1858
............ +Ann Bell Satchell 1792 - 1862 ................... 3 Thomas Sachell JOYNES 1813 - 1815 ................... 3 William JOYNES 1814 - 1814 ................... 3 Mary Stockley JOYNES 1815 - 1885 ....................... +George Parker Scarborough 1807-1879 ................... 3 William Thomas JOYNES 1817 - 1874 ....................... +Margaret Field May d 1884 ................... 3 Levin Smith JOYNES 1819 - 1881 ....................... +Susan Valentine Archer 1821-1912 ................... 3 Louisa Ann Smith JOYNES 1822 - 1852 ....................... +George Robertson Dennis 1822-1882 ................... 3 Charlotte Bell JOYNES 1825 - 1843 ................... 3 Sarah Elizabeth JOYNES 1826 - 1904 ....................... +Charles B. Duffield (dates unknown) ................... 3 Thomas R. JOYNES, Jr. 1829 - 1868 ....................... +Sally Wise Bagwell 1835 - 1898 ............................. 4 Alice Stuart JOYNES 1856 - 1857 ............................. 4 Sarah Satchell JOYNES 1857 - 1863 ............................. 4 Alice Bagwell JOYNES 1859 - 1914 ............................. 4 Virginia Susan (Marnie) JOYNES 1862 - 1909 ................................. +Henry Allen Griffith 1853 - 1946 ........................................ 5 Ruth Douglas Griffith 1886 - 1957 ............................................ +Jesse William Crites 1884 - 1931 ........................................ 5 Helen Stuart Griffith 1888 - 1967 ........................................ 5 Virginia Wise Griffith 1889 - 1976 Return to the top of this page. Return to the GHOTES home page If you have material for the GHOTES Web site, please contact Thanks! Page accesses to date: | ![]() |