Economic Life on the Eastern Shore

Updated February 15, 2004


accomactomatoesparksley.jpg (60550 bytes)
Accomack Tomatoes - Byrd Packing Co., Parksley
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Accomack Tomatoes - Eastern Shore of VA Produce Exchange, Onley
bloxomtomatoes.jpg (18109 bytes)
Accomack Tomatoes - R. L. Somers, Bloxom
accomackpotatobaghorseyva.jpg (29240 bytes)
Accomac Potatoes - S. Lockwood Justis, Horsey
capechasseedpotatoes.jpg (60798 bytes)
Business Card for R. A. Parsons Co., Cape Charles, Seed Irish Potatoes, etc.
ayers.jpg (60147 bytes)
J. Fulton Ayers, Dealer and Packer of Fruits and Produce
esvatomatolabel.jpg (62005 bytes)
Northampton Tomatoes - Douglas Packing Co.
CustisSweetPotatoes.jpg (36756 bytes)
Woodside Manor Sweet Potatoes, D. P. Custis, Nassawadox

Manufacturing and Retail

accomackbankingcompanybank.jpg (51994 bytes)
Accomack Banking Company
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An Exmore bottle
onancocktendollarbill.jpg (28146 bytes)
First National Bank of Onancock Ten Dollar Bill
onancocktendollarbillback.jpg (24449 bytes)
First National Bank of Onancock Ten Dollar Bill (reverse)
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Nock Motors brochure
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Nock Motors brochure
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Nock Motors brochure
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Nock Motors brochure
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Parks Shoes
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Three Bottles
token.jpg (25304 bytes)
Token for James E. Douglas Canning Co.
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Two Brass Tokens for Northampton Canning Co., Nassawadox, Owned by Jimmy Douglas
townsendbottlecap2.jpg (9303 bytes)
Woodson, Jones and Sons Milk Bottlecap


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Adams' Oysters
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The "Beaver" - Off Shore Sport Fishing
capechasbassfishermen2.jpg (19902 bytes)
Cape Charles Bass Fishermen
chincoteaguefishing2.jpg (37147 bytes)
Chincoteague Fishing
chincoteagueoysters2.jpg (15408 bytes)
Chincoteague Oysters
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Nottingham Brothers Oyster Tag
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Waterman Boat Horn


Crossing the Bay
exmore.jpg (54392 bytes)
The Exmore
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Steamer Leaving Onancock Wharf
elsshaleeakarichardpeck1912b.jpg (23473 bytes)
Steamer "Richard Peck" in 1912
sspocahontasold2.jpg (11857 bytes)
S. S. Pocahontas
sspocahontas2.jpg (14912 bytes)
S. S. Pocahontas
SSPrincessAnne2.jpg (20309 bytes)
S. S. Princess Anne

Page updated February 15, 2004 (wls)

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