First Generation1. Thomas1 Purnell (I) was born in England about 1619. Thomas died 1694 in Somerset Co., MD. He married twice. He married Elizabeth (N) (wife of Thomas Purnell) before 1673. Elizabeth died about 1674. He married Sarah (N) (wife of Thomas Purnell) about 1674. Sarah died before 1693. He made a will in Somerset Co., MD, March 5, 1693. (Vernon L. Skinner, Jr., Worcester Co. MD Wills MH3 f.33) Thomas's will was probated in Somerset Co., MD, May 31, 1694. Thomas was from Gloucester, England and arrived on the eastern shore of Virginia on the ship "George" on August 21, 1635 (Passenger Lists 1600-1700, John Camden Hotten). He moved to Somerset Co., MD (now Worcester) about 1666, (Matthew Wise, The Littleton Heritage, p. 421) and recorded his cattle mark there in 1669 (notes of F. Edward Wright). Court orders for Acomack/Northampton Counties VA show Thomas was originally in Virginia. (notes of Vernon L. Skinner) Thomas was assigned "Fairfield" in 1676, an 800 acre tract originally patented to William Stevens. Thomas immigrated to Talbot County from Northampton Co., VA, by 1663 and transported his wife Elizabeth by 1673. Deeds of 1674-5 show that Thomas' wife was named Sarah. Several researchers have believed that Thomas married first an Elizabeth Dorman and others indicate he married second Sarah Dorman, daughter of John Dorman and Sarah (some show her as Hickman). NOTE: A typescript of Somerset Co., MD shows a Sarah Percell married John Dorman Dec. 31, 1672. A judicial record of Nov. 9, 1675 indicates that Sarah "Percell" Dorman had a sister, Elizabeth, who had married John Teague and had a daughter, Elizabeth, in 1669. After Teague's death, Elizabeth married Richard Turner in 1671, and she died by 1675, when Turner brought the child Elizabeth to the Dormans because 'she has no other relatives in this county.' It is not known if this marriage and judicial record are for the same John Dorman who conveyed "Dorman's Delight" to Thomas Purnell in 1675. It is not known if the surname of Sarah and Elizabeth was Percell or Purnell and what, if any, relation they were to Thomas Purnell. This report does not suggest a surname for the wives of Thomas Purnell: Sarah and Elizabeth. No other record of a Thomas Purnell in the proper time frame appears in Talbot County and it is presumed that this is the same Thomas who moved to Somerset Co., MD. (notes of F. Edward Wright) There is nothing definitive to show a relationship between Thomas of Somerset and the Purnells of Talbot & Caroline. In his 1693 will, Thomas left "Paggi" and "Cold Harbor" to his daughter, Sarah. He left "Fairfield" and "New Fairfield" to his son, Thomas. He left his son, John, land. Worcester land records indicate John having land at "Paggi" "Cold Harbor" "Fairfield" and "New Fairfield." Thomas named his daughter, Elizabeth Nutter. Deed to Christopher Nutter from Thomas Purnell and Wife, Dorman's Delight, Recorded 3 Feb 1678 Liber W. W 1676 to 1679, p. 416 Somerset Co., Md. Deed between Thomas Purnell and Sarah, his wife, of Somerset Co., Md., and Christopher Nutter, consideration 8000 lbs. tobacco, patent 10 March year of Dominion of Cecillus 1670 to John Dorman, cooper, land on east side of Chesapeake bay on a river called Nanticoke on the south side of the river in the creek of said river called Quantico on the east side of the Creek beginning at a marked pine being the marked tree of a parcel of land of Christopher Nutter standing in the creek running * * * Southeast angling with the creek one hundred and fifty * * * with a line drawne into the woods for length northeast three hundred and twenty perches with a line drawne northwest one hundred and fifty perches bounded upon the land of Christopher Nutter with a line drawn Southeast three hundred & twenty perches bounded upon the said land till it intersects the first bounded tree then laid out for three hundred acres. * * * Thomas Purnell (Seal) Sarah Purnell (Seal) Witnesses: Wm. Stevens, John White. Recorded 9 Febr. 1678. Item 11 - Deed Book O-5, page 416. Somerset County Records. Recites that on March 10, 1675, a Patent was granted to John Dorman, cooper, called "Dorman's Delight", on East side of Chesapeake Bay, on Nanticoke River, on Quantico Creek, containing 300 acres; that on March 10, 1675, John Dorman conveyed to Thomas Purnell, and that now Purnell and wife, Sarah, convey to Christopher Nutter. Item 21 - Vol O-5, page 416, Somerset County Records. January 28, 1676. Thomas Purnell, of Somerset County, Maryland, and Sarah, his wife, to Christopher Nutter, of the same County. Recites that on March 10, 1674, a Patent was granted to John Dorman, cooper, of the said County of Somerset, for a tract of land called "Dorman's Delight' lying on the Nanticoke River, on the south side of the river and on a Creek of the said river called Quantico, on the east side of the Creek. Beginning at a marked pine, being the marker for a parcel of land of Christopher Nutter ... containing 300 acres; that on March 10, 1675, John Dorman conveyed 300 acres to said Thomas Purnell, and that the said Purnell and wife Sarah now conveys to Christopher Nutter. In the name of God amen. March 5th anno dom. 1693/4 I Thomas Purnell of the County of Somersett and Province of Maryland planter being at this present time Sick and weak in body but of good and perfect memory ~~ Thanks be to the Allmighty God and Calling to remembrance the uncertain Estate of this transitory Life and that all flesh must Yield unto Death when it shall Please God to Call I do make Constitute ordain and depute this to be my Last will and Testament Revoking and annulling by these presents all and Every testamt. and Testaments will and wills heretofore by me made or declared Either in word or writting and this is to be taken for my Last will and Testament and none other. First being penitent and Sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past most humbly desireing forgiveness for the Same I give and Committ my Soul unto the almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the Merrits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be Saved and to have full pardon and remission of all my Sins and that my Soul with my Body at the Generall Day of Resurrection Shall rise again with Joy and through merrits of Christ Death and Passion possess and inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen and my body to the Earth to be buried with decent buriall and now for the Settling of my Temporall Estate of what Goods Chattels and Debts as it hast pleased God far above my Deserts to bestow upon me I do give order and dispose of the Same in manner and form following That is to say I will that all those Debts which I owe in right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly Contented and paid or ordained within Convenient time after my decease by my Execs. here after named. Item my will and Desire is to give and bequeath unto Nathaniel Veasey a parcell of Land Containing about ninety or one hundred acres it being part of a tract of Land called Coule harbor the said ninety or hundred acres to be Laid out as followeth to begin at Nathaniel Veaseys Corner Tree Standing on the side of a branch running up the Said Branch unto the first small branch that issues out of the afd. branch thence Running up the Small branch unto the head of it, thence with a direct Line unto Nathaniel Vesseys Line Containing about ninety or a hundred acres. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Purnell unto her and her heirs for Ever a tract of Land called paggam Containing two hundred acres I also give and bequeath unto my foresaid Daughter Sarah part of a piece of Land which lyes both sides of the Deep branch part on the head of timber Quarter and part on the head of pagam which said part on the head of paggam I give unto my Daughter Sarah Purnell to her and her heirs for Ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Purnell unto him and his heirs for Ever a Tract of Land called new Fairfield of four hundred acres I likewise give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Purnell to him and his heirs for Ever a parcell of Land Joining on Fairfields of one hundred and Thirtie acres I also give and bequeath unto my Son Purnell unto him and his heirs for Ever a parcell of Land Lying between new Fairfield and the Tract of Land formerly belonging to Edward Smith which Said Land was Entered with Mr. William Whittington and Surveyed by him. Item I give and bequeath unto my Son John Purnell unto him and his heirs for Ever all the rest of my Lands which I have or bear Title to. Item my will and Desire is that my Daughter Sarah Purnell shall have priviledge in the Land and marsh that I have given to my Son John Purnell to make hay and winter Ten head of Cattell Durering her Naturall Life. Item my will and Desire is that my daughter Elizab Nutter shall have the Molette Girl Jane not as part of her portion but a particular gift and the rest of my Estate withindoors and without of what nature quality or Condicon Soever Either in the Goods Negros or Cattells I desire may be Equally divided amongst my four Children and Each of Them to have their parts & portions allotted them as soon after my decease as can Lawfully be divided: Elizabeth Nutter haveing received already part as in Cattell and I do further appoint my two Sons John Purnell and Thomas Purnell to be Joint Executors of this my Last Will and Testament in Wittness of the truth hereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written. Thomas Purnell (Seal) Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of -- Daniell Selby Silas Chapman Parker Selby Christian Harmanson Under the foregoing will was subscribed this viz. Memorand. that this Last day of May 1694: Probat of this Will was made by the oathes of the above said wittnesses viz: Daniell Selby Christian Harmanson and Parker Selby who were sworn on the holy Evangelist before me Samll Hopkins Depty County (Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD: Wills Liber 2, fols. 319-22)
Thomas Purnell(I) had the following children:
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