We quickly become accustomed to reading transcriptions of historical documents. These make information widely and quickly available from publishers, from Web pages, and other sources. Thank heavens! Such transcriptions make information accessible that we might otherwise never find. The hours that transcribers save us are innumerable. Yet the flavor, the feel, the emotional satisfaction that can be derived by seeing documents in their original form deserves our attention as well. The original documents, or at least pictures of them, can carry us to other ages, ages of grace and courtesy. These were ages when creating written records, invitations, letters, cards, and other documents meant to be seen and handled by others involved great expenditures of time and sometimes other resources. Like the photographs and portraits of our ancestors, original historical documents have an important place in understanding our history, and an important place on the Ghotes Web site. We hope you enjoy what you find here. —bc
Marriage bond for William Willett and Betsy Stevens 26 May 1806 from Carol Chiveral
Marriage bond for Waitman Willett Jr. and Polly Bloxom 27 Jan 1812 Polly Bloxom is the daughter of Robert Bloxom and Nannie Belote. from Carol Chiveral
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