HAINAULT FamilyFirst Generation1. Rainer Iv, Count1 Hainault was born in of, HAINAULT, BELGIUM about 950. Rainer died 1013/1049 at 64 years of age. He married Adwige (Avoise), Princess France about 996. Adwige was born in France about 972. Adwige was the daughter of Hugh "Capet" King France and Adelaide Princess Of Aquitaine. Adwige died after 1013. Adwige was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints March 25, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was endowed April 6, 1933. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was sealed to her parents May 24, 1943. Temple Code: SL. Line 5278 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Rainer IV Count Of /HAINAULT/ Line 4757 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Rainer IV Count Of /HAINAULT/ Line 3036 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Rainer IV Count Of /HAINAULT/ Line 5242 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Rainer IV Count Of /HAINAULT/ Rainer Iv, Count Hainault and Adwige (Avoise), Princess France had the following children: 2 i. Beatrix, Countess Of2 Hainault was born in of, HAINAULT, BELGIUM about 998. Beatrix, died November 5, 1987 at 989 years of age. Beatrix, was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints November 23, 1935. Temple Code: temple code unknown. She was endowed December 18, 1935. Temple Code: temple code unknown. 3 ii. Rotilde, Countess Of Hainault was born in of, HAINAULT, BELGIUM about 1000.
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