Four Wills of the MISTERs of Accomack CountyTranscribed by Gail M. Walcyk
Last Will and Testament of William MISTER Senior Last Will and Testament of Benjamin MISTER Last Will and Testament of William MISTER Last Will and Testament of Issac MISTER Senior
Last Will and Testament of William Mister SeniorAccomack County Wills 1806-1809:92 In the name God Amen I William Mister Senr being of sound mind and disposing
memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and
form as follows William Mister Signed sealed and acknowledged John Shepard Ker At a Court held for Accomack County February the 23rd 1807 this last and Testament of William Mister Senr decd was proven by the oath of John K. Revell a witness thereto who also swore that the said will was acknowleged before the said John S. Ker and John S. Snead by the said testator and signed by him in their presence and attested by them in the presence now being deceased and the said John S. Snead being removed from the State it is adjudged to be fully proven and ordered to be recorded. John Wise clk Return to the top of this page.
Last Will and Testament of Benjamin MisterAccomack County Wills 1824-1825:60 In the name of God Amen I Benajmin Mister do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following To wit Imprimis it is my will and desire that after my decease all my Estate real and personal should be sold and my just paid out of the proceeds there of Item after the payment of my debts it is my wish and desire that the remainder of the proceeds of my Estate real and personal be equally divided between James F. Mister, George Sharply and Famey Sharod daughter of Thomas Sharod Lastly I constitute and appoint William S. Martin Exec. to this my last will whereby I revoke all other wills made my me. Witness my hand and seal this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three Benjamin Mister His Mark Witness Eliza Wise At a court held for Accomack County on the 30th day of August 1824 this last will and testament of Benjamin Mister decd was proved by the oaths of John C. Wise and John L. Wise witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of William S. Martin the Executor therein named taking oath and giving bond according to Law in the of $500 with James Walker and William F. Savage securities thereto a certificate is granted to him for a probate thereof in Richard D. Bayly clk Return to the top of this page.
Last Will and Testament of William MisterAccomack County Wills 1824-1825:271 In the name of God Amen I William Mister of Wm of the County of Accomack in the State of Virginia being in perfect health do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following Viz Imprs I lend unto my Abigal Mister all my Estate both real and personal be it of whatsoever kind or nature soever that I may possess during her natural life or widowhood which ever that may happen Item I give and beqeath one half of my above property after the death or marriage of my wife Abigal to my son William Mister during his life and at his death to his son John Mister and his heirs forever Item I give and bequeath to my two grand daughters Ellen and Patience (children or my decd son Azariah) after the dispossesion of my wife as above the other half of my property provided they attain to the age of twenty one years or their marriage and in case of either of their deaths it is my bequest and desire the the survivor should to take the whole least in case of both their deaths I wish it to return to my lawful heirs that may or shall then be living now it is the thence intent and meaning if giving my property as above that in case my absent sons Stephen and Jessee Mister shall themselves in their own persons return to the County of Accomack that either or both may or shall be entitled to an equal share of all my property both real and personal with my son William and grand daughters Ellen and Patience Mister and if they nor either of them shall ever hereafter return the gift and divison of my property as above to my son William grandson John and grand daughters Ellen and Patience to stand good although this latter provision had not been made lately not been made Lastly I constitute and appoint brother Isaac Mister Executor to this my last will and testament revoking and disavowing all wills by me heretofore made given under my hand and seal 30th day of August 1811 William Mister Signed and acknowledged Levin S. Joynes At a quarterly session Court held for Accomack County on the 29th day of November 1824 this last will and testament of William Mister deceased was proved by the oaths of Levin S. Joynes and Jno. B. Revell witnessed thereto sealed ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Isaac Mister the Executor in will nameed taking oath and giving bond according to law in the sum of $2,000 with Levin Parker, Wm S. Watson and John Fosque securities there to a certificate is granted here in for attaining a propate thereof in due form Richard D. Bayly clk Return to the top of this page.
Last Will and Testament of Issac Mister SeniorAccomack County Wills 1828-1846:364:367 I Isaac Mister Senr of the County of Accomack in the State of Virginia do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I give to my daughter Susan Mister and during her natural life the one half of the tract upon which I now reside, the same adjoining the lands belonging to the heirs of John J. Wise decd and supposed to contain in the whole two hundred and thirty four acres, be the sum more or less and moreover I give to my said daughter for and during her natural life the sum of twelve hundred and ninty four dollars and sixty six cents, and at her death, should she leave a child or children legal heirs to inherit the same then and in that case I give the said lands and money to it or them and their heirs forever: but should she die without leaving such child or children legally to inherit the same then and in that case I give the said lands and money to my daughter Betsey Mister and her heirs forever---- I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsey for and during her natural life the one half of the tract of land upon which I now reside, the same adjoining the lands belonging to the heris of John J. Wise decd, and supposed to contain in the whole two hundred and thirty four acres, be the sum more or less and moreover i give to my said for and during her natural life the sum of twelve hundred and ninty four dollars and sixty six cents, and at her death, should she leave a child or children legal heirs to inherit the same then and in that case I give the said lands and money to it or them and their heirs forever: but should she die without leaving such child or children legally to inherit the same then and in that case I give the said lands and money to my daughter Susan Mister and her heirs forever. I do hereby constitue and appoint my Executrix henceinafter to be named as Trustee for the following purposes to wit: I desire to have placed in her hands the sum of fifteen hundred and ninty four dollars and sixty six cents after first deducting the whole amount of money hitherto in anywise furnished further for the use of Henry C. White the balance together with my lot near the new church, upon which Henry C. White resides, and the annual income of this sum with the annual rent of said lot to be applied solely to the maintainance of my daughter Sally the wife of Henry C, White and her daughter Mary Ann White. I place this sum of money whatever it may be with the lot aforesaid entirely in the possession and under the control of my Executrix Trustee afsd. and I do desire then to be used in whole or in part (for the purpose aforemetioned) at her descretion - And I hereby empower and direct my Executrix Trustee as aforesaid to secure this money and lot for the proceeds thereof to my grand daughter Mary Ann White during her natural life, and then to her child, or children (should she leave such) and their heirs forever but should my grand daughter afsd. die without qiving such child, Then and in that case the same money and land to be equally divided among such of my children, or their heirs as may be surviving. it is my desire ti leave at the discretion of my said Trustee the time when to execute these directions in relation to the property intended for my grand duaghter - but I wish it secured to her at such time as may seem to my Trustee most proper and expedient. I place in the hands of my said Trustee the sum of one thousand and ninty seven dollars and thirty three cents or the balance of this sum after first deducting from its amount the the one half of the money hitherto furnished to my son Henry P. Mister decd for the sole use of my said grand duaghter Susan Mister, duaghter of my said son Henry P. Mister And I desire my Trustee to secure this money, at such time as to mer may see most proper, to my said grand daughter during her natural life, and afterwards to her child or children should she leave such legally entitled to inherit the same, but if my grand daughter afsd. should leave no child or children as afsd. then the money aforesaid to be given to her sister my grand daughter Mary Charlotte Mister and her heirs forever. I place in the hands of my Trustee aforesaid a like sum of eight hundred and ninty sever dollars and thirty three cents, or the balance remaining of this sum after first deducting from it the one half of the money hitherto furnished to my son Henry P. Mister decd for the sole use and benefit of grand daughter Mary Charlotte Mister daughter of said son Henry P. Mister decd and I desire my Trustee to secure the money at such time as to her may seem proper to my said grand daughter during her natural life and afterwards to her child, or children should she leave such legally entitled to inherit the same, but if my grand daaghter afsd. should leave no child or children as afsd., then the money afsd. to be given to her sister, my grand daughter Susan Mister and her heirs forever. I intend nothing that is said or is to be said herein to deprive my daughter Sally the wife of Henry C. White from such assistance as my Trustee can afford out of the protion of my estate given to my grand daughter Mary Ann White, but I hereby direct my said Trustee to aid her individually as much as possible so long as she may live out of the amount. It is my desire that the remaining of that amount of my estate be equally divided into four equal parts, one of which to be given to my daughter Susan Mister upon the same conditions as that already given her - one fourth to be given to my daughter Betsey Mister upon the same terms as those another portion of my estate has already been herein given to her - one fourth to be placed in the hands of my Trustee for the benefit of my grand daughters Susan Mister and Mary Charlotte Mister, and to be used and directed as their portion of my estate before mentioned. And lastly I do hereby consitute and appoint my daughter Susan Mister Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. And I solemnly enjoin it upon her to discharge conscientiously and faithfully the trust which I have herein unavoidably imposed upon her, by securing to my grand children the property placed by me in her hands for their benefit at as early a period as safety will permit and I trust she will not change her situation in life by marriage, or die, before appointing some representive fully empowered to execute my wishes in situation to my grand children this above obstruct it which is to prevent Henry C. White, husband of my daughter Sally, and Susan Mister, widow and relict of my deceased son Henry P. Mister from participation in the enjoyment of in any count of any part of my estate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. Isaac Mister Senr His Mark Signed, sealed published and William M. Riley 1840 September the 7th upon a revision of my will this day I find that by accident the month and day of the month upon which it was made are left out therefore now in the presence of the subcribing witnesses i do sign seal and publish and declare it, the subjoined paper as and for my last will and testament and do hereby constitute and appoint John C. Wise Executor and Trustee to the same instead of my daughter Susan Decd who was appointed Executrix and Trustee thereto. Isaac Mister Senr. His Mark We in the presence of Isaac John Parker At a Court held for Accomack County on the 28th day Sept. 1840 - The last will and testament of Isaac Mister decdwas proved by the oath of William M. Riley and Levin R. Ayres witnesses therto and ordered to be recorded and a codicil to said will was proved by the oaths of John Parker, George Nelson and John H. Custis witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded - And on the mootion of John C. Wise the executor named in said codicil taking oath and giving bond according to law in the penalty of $20,000 with John E. Finney and Thomas R. Joynes securities thereto certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Teste Thomas R. Joynes clk
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