Warrington & Related Court OrdersAccomack County, Virginia 1600-1800 Part 1These data, transcriptions of Court Orders from Accomack County, Virginia, containing some reference to the Warringtons of Accomack, are the posting of Mr. Harry F. Bell Sr.'s Notes of Accomack County Court House Documents, as transcribed by this writer. Court Orders are an excellent source of genealogical data for those performing genealogy research. The documents reveal a wealth of information including surnames and other information about the principals and their recorded activities. The documents generally reveal: the identification of the principals and an indication if a principal is alive or deceased; the type of legal suit, action or other transactions that the Court, Principals and Others were involved in; the date and location of the activity and conditions recorded; the names of Principals, Witnesses, Securities, Justices, Jurors, Clerks, and other Court designated individuals involved in assigned orders. Note: An attempt has been made by this writer to keep the spelling as it appears in Mr. Bell's notes and not as the words, if they existed, would be spelled today. Punctuation is limited in most documents copied, and these transcriptions carry only that punctuation observed or that which was felt necessary for clarity. C.E.W. Although many of the principals in each of these Court Orders are named Warrington, a wide range of other Accomack and Northampton County's surnames is contained in each recorded order. This should make their reading of interest to those researching surnames of the area. Note: These Warrington Court Orders, as posted, represent complete transcriptions of those Accomack County Court Orders copied by the late Mr. Harry F. Bell Sr. The Orders have been posted in the chronological order of the Court events and are independent of the previous Warrington Wills posted to this page and the Warrington Deeds in the process of being transcribed. The writer hopes that these Warrington et al. postings will be of benefit to the Ghotes and other interested individuals browsing this home page. Ghotes comments and those of other readers are welcome. My very best regards, C. E. Warrington. Warrington & Related Court OrdersAccomack County, Virginia
Orders Book 1673-1676 Page 297 Orders Book 1676-1678 Page 128 Wills, Orders & Claims 1682-1697 Page
23 This day Stephen Warrington produced to ye Court twenty-two yds of Virginia woolen cloth and having made legal proofe thereof certiff is accordingly granted him to ye next assembly. Wills, Orders and Claims 1682-1697 Page
132 Whereas John Warrington by his ffather (sic) Stephen Warrington exhibited his Bill in Chancery against John Jenkins executor of his ffather John Jenkins. As executor of his ffather John Jenkins, deceased. At ye request of ye defendant liberty is granted him until ye next court to put in his answer. Orders Book 1703-1709 Page 1 The Court do order and appoint John Warrington be Constable in his former precincts and that he be forthwith repaired to ye next magistrate to be sworn. Orders Book 1703-1709 Page 56 Orders Book 1703-1709 Page 64 Orders Book 1703-1709 Page 129 Orders Book 1717-1719 Page 9 This day John Warrington presented to this Cort a Deed of Sailes of land made by him to Alexander Warrington & acknowledged ye same in open Cort to be his act and deed which ye Cort admitted to record. Orders Book 1717-1719 Page 22 Orders Book 1719-1724 Page
24 Orders Book 1719-1724 Page 33 This day Anne Warrington widow and exs. of Alexander Warrington, dec'd. presented to the Cort ye inventory and appraisement of ye estate of ye sd. Warrington, she being sworn as ye law directs which ye sd. court admitted to record. Orders Book 1719-1724 Page 55 Whereas Walter Warrington brought accon of Trespass upon ye case to this Cort agst. Christopher Robinson & John Leatherbury Merchants Exrs. & c of William Gordon, decd., and case damages 37:2:0 Curn't money of Virginia & this day ye accon being called & ye Pltff. & Deft. by their att'ys. appearing & ye deft's by his atty. praying imparlanee to ye next Cort wch. was granted. Orders Book 1719-1724 Page 61 Whereas Walter Warrington brought accon of Trespass upon ye case to March Cort agst. Christopher Robinson & John Leatherbury Merchants Exs of ye Last will & Testament of William Gordon, decd., & c damages 37:2:0 curn't. money of Virginia & ye sd accon was continued from time to time to this Cort. Orders Book 1719-1724 Page 66 Whereas Walter Warrington brought accon of Trespass upon ye Case to March Cort against Christopher Robinson & John Leatherbury Merch'ts & exor's of ye Last Will & Testament of William Gordon, decd., a C damages fifteen pds current money of Virginia & ye sd accon was continued from time to time to this Cort and this day ye accon being called & ye Plft. & Defts. by their atty's appearing was ruled yt: ye def'ts plead & come to try all the first Friday in December next or Judgement trial to be entered. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 2 Whereas Walter Warrington brought accon upon ye case to March Cort agst. Christopher Robinson & John Leatherbury Merch'ts. & extrs. of the Last Will and Testament of William Gordon, decd., 15 currn't. money of Virginia & ye sd accon was continued from time to time to this & this day ye accon being called & ye Plt'ff. failing to appear to prosecute ye sd suit nor was atty. for him & ye defts by their atty's praying yt: ye suit dismissed & prayed non suit with costs & one atty's fee wch ye cort granted & ordered yt sd suit be dismissed & yt ye Pltf. be non suit and pay five shillings & costs according to Law and one Atty's fee. Orders book 1724-1731 Page 12 This day Stephen Warrington pet. this Crt. for his attendance he being summoned as an evidence for William Haslup in an accon defending this Cort whereas Richard Drummond is Pltf. & ye Haslup and William Kellam Defts. & having made oath yt; he attended 22 days thereon ye crt. doe order yt ye sd Haslup forthwith pay to ye sd Warrington ye sum of 880 pds. of tobb. & charges of Crt alias expenses. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 14 Whereas Edmond Scarbugh brought accon of trespass upon ye case to this court agst. Walter Warrington, damage 431 pds. of tobb. & this day ye accon being called was continued by consent to ye next Cort. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 40 This day William Rogers Senr. as intermarrying with ye widow & relict of John Spiers, decd, petitioned this Court for letters of Adm'con on ye estate of ye sd Jno. Spiers, decd., he dying intestate, he being sworne to ye same, as ye law directs & ye Cort taking ye same into considercon doe thereupon grant unto ye sd Rogers Letters of adm'con on ye estate of ye sd Jno. Spiers, decd,. Walter Warrington security who ye Cort accepted of & ordered yt ye Clk. take bond accordingly. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 25a Whereas Edm'd. Scarburg brought accon of trespass upon ye case to January Cort agst. Walter Warrington damages 431 pds tobacco 7 ye sd accon was continued to this Cort & this day ye accon being called & ye deftt. not appearing & ye pltt. by his atty prayed judgement agst ye deft in case of a nihel dict ye next Cort which ye Cort granted. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 28 Whereas Edmund Scarbugh brought accon upon ye case to January Cort agst. Walter Warrington damages 431 pds. of tobacco and it was con't. to last Cort & ye last Cort being called & ye defd't not appearing & ye Pltt by his atty prayed judgement agt ye def'tt in case of a nihil dict this and this day ye accon being called & ye deftt not appearing & ye prayed judgement be considered agst ye deftt for ye just debt which is 271 1/2 pds of tobacco with costs & one Atty's fee which ye Cort granted & ordered that ye judgement be confirmed & that ye def'dt forth with pay to ye pltt ye sd sum of two hundred seventy one & 1/2 pds of tobacco with costs and one atty's fee alias execucon. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 53 In the Ejectione ffir me between John Goodright Pltt & Littleton Scarbugh Major deft for one Indian Cabin one small logged house & sixty acres of land in the County of Accomack which Rowley demised to the pltt as is set forth in the declaracon which ejectione frome being continued from time to time & this day it being again called & ye pltt by his attys appearing and ye deftt by his atty also appearing and pleaded the general issue having before entered into ye general rule to wch ye pltt replied and a Jury being impaneled & sworn to try the issue joyned whose names are as followeth: Thomas Wise, John Rogers Jnr., John Jinkeson (probably Jenkinson,) Ambrose Willet, Sacker Parker, William Prichard, John Warrington, Samuel Welbourne, Jno. Barnes, Bayly Hinman, Robert Watson & Thomas Bagwell. And on ye tryall ye Pltt. attys offered as evidence an attested copy of ye Will of William Major, decd., under which Will the Lesser of the pltt claimed title to ye lands & primisses in ye declaracon mentioned which ye Court refused to receive as evidence to ye Jury and ye Court being informed that a certain Ann Bull had ye custody of the original Will of Wm. Major aforesd - ordered the Sheriff to sumons ye sd Bull to appear then immediately before ye Court & to bring with her the sd Will which ye Sheriff accordingly did & ye said Ann Bull appeared then before ye Court with a trunk locked & declared on her oath that she believed ye sd original Will was in the trunk but refused to open ye trunk in order yt ye sd Will might be produced to ye Court & Jury & therefore ye sd Will was not produced, and ye pleas & allegations being fully heard& debated on both sides ye Jury being charged therewith went out & in sometime after returned their verdict in these words Viz. We ye Jury find for ye deft. John Barnes (foreman) therefore it is considered by ye justices here yt ye afsd John take nothing from his Bill afsd but for his false claims thereupon he be in mercy & yt ye afsd Littleton Scarbugh Major be thereof with out day & yt ye afsd John pay cost without an atty's ffee alias execucion. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 78 In the accon of debt between Richard Drummond Pltt & Walter Warrington Defand. the same being agreed is dismissed. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 87 In the Scire Facias brought by Maj'r. Edm'd.Scarbugh plantif against Walter Warrington defend't for Three Hundred Fifty Four and one halfe pounds of tobacco & fifteen shillings or one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco for one atty's fee the defendant failing to appear. It is therefore considered in the Court that the Plaintif recover judgement against the said defand't for the said sum of three hundred fifty four & one halfe pounds of tobacco together with the costs & one atty's fee alias execution. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 103 On consideration of the petition of John Warrington it is ordered that his son James Warrington be from hence forth levy free. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 140 In the accon upon the case between Thomas Mingham Plaintiff & John Willis defendant for goods sold and delivered by ye said Plaintiff to ye said defendant to the value of eight pounds six shillings & seven pence farthing, Virginia currency. The plaintiff & defendant by their attry's appearing joyned issue. A Jury was impaneled and sworn to try the same by name- Griffith Savage, William Phillips, Jacob Litchfield, Edmond Bayly, Robert Justice, John Tankard, David Watson, John Simpson, Walter Warrington, Howell Booty, George Johnson & John Arrington, who having heard the evidence and received their charge were sent out and soon after returned into Court and brought in their verdict in these words. Wee of the Jury find for the defendant. Griffith Savage (Foreman.) Which verdict at the motion of the defendant's atty is admitted to record. And is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff pay to the said defendant his costs in this suit expended and one atty's fee alias execution. From which judgement the plaintiff prayed an appeal to the tenth day of the next general Court, which is granted. James Gibson security. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 140 In the accon of assault between Oliver Hubert A. E. Kramviet (sic) plaintiff and James Earle defendant, the plaintiff & defendant by their attorneys appearing a Jury was impaneled & sworn to try the matter in issue, by name William Phillips, Jacob Litchfield, John Rogers Junr., John Justice, David Watson, Griffith Savage, William Bloxom, John Tankard, John Simpson, Walter Warrington, Howell Booting, Joseph Stockley who having heard the evidence and received their charge were sent out and soon after returned into Court and brought in their verdict in these words. Wee of the Jury find for the plaintiff two shillings & six pence cash, Griffith Savage Foreman. Wch verdict at the motion of the plaintiff's attorney is admitted to record. And it is ordered that the defendant pay to the said plaintiff the sum of two shillings & six pence being the damages by the Jurors in manner aforesaif assesed and to pay no more costs than damages alias execution. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 142 In the action upon the case between Robert Abbott plaintif & John Simpson defendant, the plaintif & defendant by their atty's appearing, a Jury was impannelled & sworn to try the issue by name Griffith Savage, Joseph Stockley, Walter Warrington, David Warson, John Barnes, Jacob Litchfield, John Fitzgerald, Jonathan chambers, John Bagwell, Hancock Nickless, Edmond Baily, Thomas English who having heard the evidence and received their charge were sent out and soon after returned into Court and brought in their verdict in these words; Wee the Jury find for the Plaintiff damages forty shillings, Hancock Nickless, Foreman, which verdict at the motion of the pltiff's atty is admitted to record and it is ordered that the defendant pay to the sd pltiff the sd sum of Forty shillings, being the damages by the Jury, in manner aforesd assessed together with costs & one atty's fee alias execution. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 143 Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 148 Joseph Gunter in open Court presented and acknowledged his Deed for land to Sarah Warrington at whose motion the same was admitted to record. Orders Book 1724-1731 Page 195 Walter Warrington in open Court presented and acknowledged his Deed to John Wimbrous (Wimbrough) at whose motion it is admitted to record and Arnassah (sic) Warrington his wife being first privately examined relinquished her right of dower as in and to the land in the said Deed mentioned. Orders Book 1731-1736 Page 129 In the petition exhibited by Walter Warrington plaintiff against Warrington Stanton defendant, the defense came personally into Court & confessed judgement to the pltiff for eight hundred and forty eight pounds of tobacco. Whereupon it is considered by the Court that the plaintif recover against the said defendant the afsd quantity of eight hundred & forty eight pounds of tobacco together with his costs & one atty's fee alias execution. Orders Book 1731-1736 Page 179 In consideration of the petition of William Warrington setting forth that the market road from Jingiteague (sic) to Pitts Landing is injurious to him unless he be allowed to keep bars and gate which he promises to make with suffecient conveniency to the inhabitants. It is therefore ordered that he have liberty to erect a gate on his land according to his prayer in his petition. Orders Book 1731-1736 Page 189 John Warrington presented a certificate granted him by John Smith, Gent. One of his majesties Justices of the Peace for taking up a run away negro man slave belonging to Job Sherry which is ordered to be certifyed to the General Assembly _ Orders Book 1737-1744 Part 1 Page
2 In the petition of Elizabeth Ease against Stephen Warrington for her freedom. Ordered that the said Warrington be summoned to appear at the next Court to answer the said petition and the said Warrington do not in the meantime restrain the said Elizabeth from attending to prosecute her suit. Orders Book 1737-1744 Part 1 Page
196 John Warrington presented and acknowledged his indenture to Robert Elliott & admitted to record, previous to which Mary the wife of the said John was privately examined and voluntarily relinquished her rights to dower, the lands contained in the said indenture. Orders Book 1737-1744 Part 2 page
367 George Warrington presented & acknowledged his Indenture to Anna Clements to be his act & deed & by the Court admitted to record. Previous to which Agnes the wife of the said George was privately examined as the law directs & voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the lands comprized in the said Indenture. Orders Book 1737-1744 Page 464 On the motion of Jonathan Warrington taking the oath & giving John Nock & Robert Nock for his securities who entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Taylor, decd. Orders Book 1737-1744 Page 466 The petition exhibited by Jonathan Warrington against John Fisher. The said John saith he can not gain say but that he is indebted to the said Jonathan in forty bushel of corn. Whereupon it is considered that the said Jonathan recover against the said John the said forty bushels of Indian corn & his costs by him in his behalf expended. Orders Book 1737-1744 Page 640
The Last Will and Testament of Jonathan Warrington, decd, was presented in Court by Sarah Warrington his wife & the executor therein named who made oath thereto according to law & the same being proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto is admitted to record. And on the motion of the said executrix Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Orders Book 1744-1753 Part 1 Page
15 In the action upon the case brought by Thomas Warrington & Benjamin Stockley against Agnes Adams. Came the said Thomas & Benjamin by Geo. Douglas their attorney and the said Agnes tho called came not. Whereupon it is considered by the Court that the said Thomas & Benjamin recover against Agnes & John Bagwell her bail what damages they have sustained upon a writ of inquiry to be executed as also their costs by them about their suit in this behalf expended. Unless the said Agnes shall appear and answer them of their plea aforesaid at the next Court. Orders Book 1744-1753 Part 1 Page
24 An Inventory & appraisement of the estate of Jonathan Warrington, decd, returned by his executrix is admitted to record. Orders Book 1744-1753 Part 1 Page
34 In the action upon the case between Thomas Warrington & Benjamin Stockley plts against Agnes Adams deft. Came the said Thomas & Benj'm. by Geo. Douglas their attorney & John Bagwell Gent. having in Court become special bail for the said Agnes in Comm. form. The said Agnes by William Arbuckle her attorney came and imparled until next Court. And ordered by consent of parties that a commission issue to Jacob Kollock, Rivers Holt, John Neal & Shepherd Kollock any two or more of them to take the deposition of some material witnesses in the County of Sussex in the Province of Pennsylvania. Orders Book 1744-1753 Part 1 Page
37 John Warrington presented & acknowledged his Indenture to Samuel Doe to be his act and deed & by the Court admitted to record. Orders Book 1744-1753 Page 82 The Last Will and Testament of Stephen Warrington, decd., was presented in Court by Tabitha Warrington his widow & Extrix. Robert Abbott guardian to the heir at law being present in Court & having nothing to object the same was proved by the oaths of William Beavans & Geo. Johnson two of the witnesses thereto & admitted to record. And on the motion of the said Extrix. & taking the oath certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Orders Book 1744-1753 Page 191 In the petition exhibited by Tabitha Warrington Extrix & C of Stephen Warrington, decd, against James Gibson. Came the petition by Mitchel Scarbugh her attorney & the said James by William Arbuckle his attorney and on examination of the witness produced it is considered by the Court that the said Tabitha recover against him the said James two pounds thirteen shillings current money together with her costs by her about her suit in this behalf expended and the said James in mercy of Court. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 1 Page
92 The Last Will and Testament of John Warrington, decd, was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. The heir at law appearing gratis and consenting. And on the motion of Mary Warrington taking the oath and giving William Bagge and Denmead Tignor for her security. Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Ordered that William Kellam, Perry Leatherbury, John Nelson and George Wise or any three of them appraise the slaves in current money (if any) and personal estate of the said John Warrington (being first sworn before a Justice of Peace for this County) and make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 1 Page
109 An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of John Warrington, decd, being returned is admitted to record. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
355 The action upon the case brought by Stephen Warrington against William Bratten being agreed is dismissed. Orders book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
404 An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Abbott Warrington, decd, being returned is admitted to record. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
415 Eliza Warrington guardian to Betty Warrington, orphan, has made oath to acct against said orphan. Same is admitted to record. Eliza Warrington guardian of Stephen Warrington has made oath to his acct against said orphan. Same is admitted to record. Elizth Warrington guardian to Jonathan John Warrington, Orphan, has made oath to her acct against said orphan. Same is admitted to record. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
416 On the motion of Ezekiel Delastatius, It is ordered that those who appraised the estate of Abbott Warrington, decd, or any two or more of them audit and divide the same and make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
494 In the suit brought by Elizabeth Warrington against Joseph Sharpley by a petition. Came the parties in their proper person and upon examination of Sundry witnesses and hearing the parties it is considered that the plt recover against the sd Joseph the sum of five pound current money together with his coats by him about his suit in this behalf expended & costs Clks due Shl 23 D S total. Total net 77 of toba. Orders Book 1753-1763 Part 2 Page
601 Ezekiel Delastatius presented and made oath to his account against Stephen Warrington, John Warrington, Elizabeth Warrington & Anne Warrington orphans of Abbott Warrington, decd., and admitted to record. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 213 Ezekiel Delastatius, Guardian to Stephen Warrington, John Warrington and Anne Warrington, Orphans, presented & made oath to his account against the said orphans, and admitted to record. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 276 In the suit in Chancery brought by John Booth & Anne Warrington complts of Ezekiel Delastatius & Elizabeth his wife Extrix and C of Abbott Warrington, decd., defs. Came the parties by their attorneys and it being suggested that the female deft. is dead the suit submitted agst the said Ezekiel & continued til next Court. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 312 The same rule for an Alias Copias as next above in the action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington Plt. against John Townsend & Thomas Townsend defts. The same rule for an Alias Copias as next above. In the action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against William Patterson deft. The same rule for an Alias Copias as next above. In the action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against William Bratten and John Stockley defts. The same rule for an Alias Copias as next above. In the action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against John Stockley. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 319 In the action of Debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against Samuel Rynoldson & William Patterson defts. Came the plt by Littleton Dennis his attorney & on his motion it is ordered that severance be made between the said defts Samuel & William and he may proceed against the said Samuel separately who being solemnly called failed to appear Whereupon it is considered that the plt recover against him the said Samuel & Ezekiel Young his bail, his deft in the declaration mentioned together with his costs by him about his suit in his behalf expended unless he shall appear at the next Court to be held for this County and answer the Plt of his plea aforesaid. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 320 In the action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against William Stockley & John Stockley defts. Came the plt by his attorney Robert Pitt and on his motion it is ordered that severance be made the defts William & John and that he may proceed against the said William now present in Court separately who by Littleton Dennis his attorney prays leave to impait (sic) till the next Court & he hath it. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 363 In the debt upon a bond Stephen Warrington Plt and William Bratten & John Stockley defts. Came the plt by littleton Dennis his attorney and on his motion it is ordered that severance be made between the said defts William & John and that he may proceed against the said William here present in Court seperately who in his proper person comes and defends the force & inaway (sic) when O C and saith that he cannot gain say the plt action against him nor but that the writings obligations in the declaration mentioned is his act and deed. Whereupon it is considered that the said Stephen recover against him the said William Twenty Pounds current money of Virginia. together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended & the said William in mercy O C. But this judgement _ unto the costs is to be discharged by the payment of Ten pounds current money of Virginia with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five pounds p cent p annum from the XII day of August MDCCLXI til payment costs Clks ng Sher 36 total 155 lbs tobacco & 157 or 150 pd tobo. Orders Book 1764-1765 Page 364 The action brought by Stephen Warrington plt against John Stockley deft dismissed, Cash and taxed at request Robert Pitt Clk 74 shs Total 92 lbs Tobo & 157 or 150 wth tobo. Orders Book 1765-1767 Page 41 The Sherif having returned the Capias Ad. Satisfaction iendum sued out by James Murray against James Justice. The like sued out by Littleton Dennis against William Arbuckle. The like sued out by Andrew Newton against William Arbuckle. The like sued out by Stephen Warrington against William Patterson, and the like sued out by Edward Parrish against William Patterson. That he had taken the bodyes of the said several defendants and had them ready as by the several writs he was commanded. the same several returns admitted to record. Orders Book 1765-1767 Page 84 The action of debt brought by Stephen Warrington plt against John & Thomas Townsend. The Sherif having made return that the said John & Thomas were not found within his bailiwick. The same is dismissed. Orders Book 1767-1768 Page 92 The Last Will of Edmund Warrington was proved by the oaths of Jacob Broadwater and Stephen Taylor, two of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. And on the motion of Mary his widow taking the oath and giving Jacob broadwater and William Wheaton for her securities who acknowledged their bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted her for obtaining Letters of Administration on the estate of the said decedent with his Will annexed. Orders Book 1767-1768 Page 390 The Last Will and Testament of William Warrington, deceased, was proved by the oaths of Thomas Matthews and James Matthews, two of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. And on the motion of Comfort Warrington taking the oath and giving Alexander Warrington and Ezekiel Delastatius for her securities and entered into and acknowledged their bond for the purpose. Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate there of in due form. Orders Book 1769-1770 Page 57 The Sherif having made return on the Copias Satisfaction iendum sued out by Francis Boggs Junr. plt against John West defd. The like sued out by George Warrington plt against Thomas Bloxom deft. The like sued out by Benjamine's extors agst Samuel Benson defd. The like sued out by Edward Kerr plt against Samuel Reynoldson defd. That the several writs were satisfied. The same several returns are admitted to record. Orders Book 1769-1770 Page 445 Littleton Dennis is by the Court appointed Guardian to Rebecca Warrington and Rhoda Warrington co-heirs of Alexander Warrington, decd, to contest the proof of his Will and being present and having nothing to object the same was approved by the oaths of Edward Benston and Josephus Warrington witnesses thereto and admitted to record. And on the motion of Margaret his widow and William Patterson the extors therein named and taking the oath and giving Covington Corbin and William Patterson (Possibly should be William Taylor) for their securities who entered into and acknowledged their bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate in due form. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 25 The action upon the case brought by Benjamin Thomas Watson plt against Geo. Warrington deft. On the motion of the deft by James Henry his attorney case is dismissed and thereupon this considered that the deft recover against plt his costs by him as in his defence in this behalf expended & C. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 126 The presentment of the Grand Jury against Tabitha Warrington for not enlisting her two wheel chair is dismissed on her listing the same and paying the costs 79 lbs tobo & 15 p or 150 lb tobo. Ordered that Tabitha Warrington's two wheel carriage be added to the list. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 132 The petition exhibited by Geo. Warrington against Elisha Vannelson being agreed is dismissed. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 227 The Last Will and Testament of Tabitha Warrington, decd, was proved by the oaths of Joseph Nock & Mary Nock two of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. And on the motion of George Warrington the executor therein named taking the oath and giving George Holden for his security who entered into and acknowledged a bond for the purpose. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Ordered that William Drummond, Alexander Stockley, Richard Justice and Arnold Morgan or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County do appraise in current money the slaves if any and any personal estate of Tabitha Warrington, decd, and make return thereof to the next Court. Ordered that Alexander Stockley, John Watts, Richard Justice and Arnold Morgan or any two of them audit and settle the Administrative Acct's on the estate of Stephen Warrington, decd, on the motion of George Warrington and make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 228 The Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Warrington, decd, was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. Thomas Parramore being by the Court appointed Guardian to George Warrington the heir at law to contest the Will of thereof and having nothing to object. And on the motion of Comfort Warrington the executrix therein named taking the oath and giving Michael Bonnewell & John Rogers (Son Richard) for her security who entered into & acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate in due form. Ordered that Luke Luker, Elijah Addison, James Turlington & John Arrington or any two of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County do appraise in current money the slaves, if any, and the personal estate of Benjamin Warrington, decd, and make return thereof to the next Court. Ordered that the same persons as above or any two of them audit & settle Comfort Warrington's her administrations accounts on the said estate and make return as above. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 229 Stephen Warrington came into Court and made choice of Isaac Smith for his guardian who gave Thomas Parramore and Luke Luker for his security's and entered into & acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 246 William Shrieves is by the Court appointed guardian to Benjamin Warrington, who gave Sacker Parker for his security & acknowledged bond for that Purpose. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 309 The same Judgement as next above against the deft and Nehemiah Stockley his bail for want of appearance. In the action of debt brought by George Warrington exor & C of Tabitha Warrington, decd, plt against Thomas Bloxom executor of John Bloxom, decd, deft. The same Judgement as next above against the deft and Nehemiah Stockley by his bail for want of appearance. In the action of debt brought by the same plt against Thomas Bloxom deft. The same Judgement as next above against the defts and John Howard & Solomon Johnson their bail for want of appearance. In the action of debt brought by the same plt against Nathaniel Howard, Ambrose Howard and John Sharply defts. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 316 In the action brought by Josephus Warrington plt against Comfort Warrington deft came the plt by George Corbin his attorney as also the said deft by Littleton Dennis her attorney and on his motion praying leave to impar until the next Court & she hath it. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 321 In the action of debt brought by George Warrington plt against George Holden deft. Came the plt by James Henry his attorney and also the deft by Littleton Dennis his attorney and prays leave to impart till next Court and he hath it. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 322 In the action of debt brought by George Warrington exor & C of Tabitha Warrington, decd, plt against Mitchell Dickeson & William Patterson defts. Came the plt by James Henry his attorney as also the defts by Littleton Dennis their attorney and praying over the writing obligatory in the declaration mentioned and they hath it. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 327 In the action of debt brought by George Warrington, exor & C of Tabitha Warrington, decd, plt agst Thomas Bloxom. came the said plt by James Henry his attorney and also the said deft by William E. Waggoman his attorney. Whereupon Nehemiah Stockley became special bail for the said Thomas in common form and on his motion praying over of the writing obligatory in the declaration mentioned he has it. Orders Book 1770-1773 Page 358 George Warrington executor & C Tabitha Warrington, decd, agst Nathan Howard, Ambrose Howard and John Shoe defts in debt upon a bond. This day came plt by his attorney and the defts being severally solemnly called failed to appear. Whereupon the Conditional Judgement entered agst them and John Howard, Solomon Johnson and Nathaniel Howard their common bail the last Court is confirmed pursuant to the rule thereof and thereupon considered that the said George recover agst them the said def and John Howard, Solomon Johnson & Nathaniel Howard their bail Forty pounds current money of Virginia together with the costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended & the said defts & bail in mercy & C. costs Clk. 115 shillings 81 shillings total 196 shs & tobo 113 & 15 pnds 150 Tabo. addt costs 21 lb 5th May 1772. But the Judgement is to be discharged by the payment of Twenty Pounds curr. money with legal interest thereon to be computed from the XXL st day of August MDCCLXX til payment & the costs. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 13 The action of debt brought by George Warrington agst George Holden abated by the death of the deft. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 67 George Warrington plt agst Clement Parker, William Williams & Benjamin Parker admrs & C of William Taylor, deceased, defts in case. Came the plt by his attorney as also the defts by James Henry their attorney and retracteth their pleas which they had before pleaded and say that they cannot gain say the plts action agst them nor but that their intestate in his lifetime did assume upon himself in manner & forms as the plt in his declaration hath setforth and that he failed to perform the same whereby the said plt hath sustained damages by means thereof to besides his costs. Whereupon it is considered that the said plt recover agst the said defts the said the damages in form aforesaid assessed together with the costs by him in this behalf expended if so much thereof they have in their hands to be administered. If not the costs to be levied of their own proper Goods and Chattels Certs clk 106 shf: 90 total 196 lb tobo & 1/3 prest. David Bowman Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 114 Josephus Warrington plt agst Comfort Warrington deft. In case by consent of parties, It is ordered that all matters in dispute in this cause be referred to the determinat'n of Littleton Dennis and George Corbin, Gent. and that their award therein be the judgement of the Court. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 124 The same rule & special bail in the action of debt brought by George Warrington by Luther Martin his attorney plt agst William Vere deft on motion said deft by said Corbin atty. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 136 George Warrington plt agst James Drummond deft in debt. Came the plt by Luther Martin his attorney as also the deft in his proper person and saith that he cannot gain say the plts action agst him nor but that the writing obligatory in the declaration mentioned is his deed. whereupon it is considered that the said plt recover agst the said deft Seven pounds fifteen shillings curr. money of Virginia with legall interest thereon from the XXXth day of November MDCCLXXIII til payment together with costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended & the said deft in mercy & C costs clks 81 sher 30 total 150 lbs tobo. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 146 In the action upon the case brought by Josephus Warrington plt agst Comfort Warrington deft. Came the parties by their attorneys and the parties having failed to have their award returned. On the motion of the plt it is ordered that James Ingram, Gent be appointed in the room of Littleton Dennis (who was formerly appointed and now unable to attend) to arbitrate and settle the differences together with Gent. heretofore appointed and that their award, in the premise be the Judgement of this Court & that they make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 193 Anne Warrington made choice of Alexander Stockley for her guardian who gave George Corbin for his security and entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 207 Geo. Warrington plt agt Eliza Warrington & Nancy Warrington defts in chancery. Came the complt by James Henry his attorney and also the defts by Luther Martin their attorney and on their motion time is given them til next Court to answer to complts bill. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 230 In the petition brought by George Warrington plt agst William Williams, Benjamin Peck & Clement Parker admin's O C of William Taylor, decd, defts. Came as well the said plt by George Corbin his attorney as the said defts by Luther Martin their attorney and say that the testator in his life time nor the said admrs since his death assumed the payments thereof within five years. Since the cause of the action first accrued and on hearing them it is considered that the petition be dismissed and that the defts go hence without delay and recover agt the said petitioner their costs by them about their suit in this behalf expended & the said plt for his Flare Clamor be thereof in mercy & C costs 776 lawyers fee. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 302 An Indenture from John Warrington & Susannah his wife to Stephen Warrington was presented and acknowledged by the said John as his act & deed & the same together with the Commission for the privy examination of Susannah the wife of said John, with the certificate of the Commissioners return thereon endorsed and admitted to record. Stephen Warrington presented & acknowledged his Indenture as his act and deed to John Warrington and admitted to record. Anne Warrington guardian to Stephen Warrington, Jacob Warrington & Rebecca Warrington orphans of Edmund Warrington, decd, presented separate accounts agst the said orphans which were allowed and ordered to be recorded. Orders Book 1774-1777 Page 362 The Last Will and Testament of George Warrington, decd, being presented was proved by the oaths of Samuel Warren a subscribing witness thereto & admitted to record. And on the motion of James Henry & George Corbin executors therein named taking oath and giving William Riley for their security who entered into & acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereon in due form. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 109 Alexender Warrington's extors plt vs Josephus Warrington deft in case. This day came the parties attorneys & the deft saith that he is not guilty as the plt agt him hath alledged and of this he putteth himself upon the country & the plt likewise & the plt agrees that the deft may give the special matter in evidence at the tryal which is referred til next Court. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 152 George Warrington plt vs Sacker Parker deft trespass asslt & batty. Same rule by plts death. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 163 George Warrington compl vs Eliz & Nany Warrington defts in case. Abates by plts death. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 304 John Warrington & C compl vs Abbott Warrington ex'rs deft in chancery abates by the parties death. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 306 Alexander Warrington exrs plt vs Josephus Warrington deft. in case same rule. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 308 William Crippen & C plt vs George Warrington & C deft in chancy. Abates by the parties death. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 345 Anne Warrington plt vs Samuel Beavans deft. On action same judgement for L-5 with interest from Jan. 7, 1773 til payment and the costs. cy sy issued Nov 8th 1779. Orders Book 1777-1780 Page 501 An Indenture from Eliz'a Warrington to George Bundick was partly proven by the oath of Parker Barnes & William Bundick witnesses thereto. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 2 An Indenture from Elizabeth Warrington to George Bundick was fully proved by the oath of Leah Barnes another witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Orders book 1780-1783 Page 128 Comfort Warrington exhibited an account against James Warrington orphan and ordered to be recorded. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 177 The Last Will and Testament of George Warrington, decd, was proved by the oath of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Benjamin Warrington taking oath & giving John Dix senr for his security who entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 412 Elizabeth Warrington plt against Abel Jenny & Elizabeth his wife defendants in debt. Same rule vs the defts and Sally Simpson on their bail. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 414 Elizabeth Warrington Plt agst Gilbert Pielee (Pieley) in case. Same rule against the defendant & William Lillaston his security. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 417 Elizabeth Warrington Plt agst Robert James defendant in case. Same rule & same bail. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 436 An Inventory & appraisement of the estate of George Warrington, decd, being returned is ordered to be recorded. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 465 Elizabeth Warrington plt against Gilbert Paelee deft in case. Same Rule. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 472 Elizabeth Warrington plaintif against John Pitts extor's viz George Stewart deft in case. Same Rule. Orders Book 1780-1783 Page 492 Elizabeth Warrington plt agst Abel Jenny & wife defts in debt. Same Judgement against the defendants and Selby Simpson security for their appearance for fifteen pounds & costs. But to be discharged by the payment of fifteen pounds with the interest from the first day of March 1782 til payment & costs. Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 77 Elizabeth Warrington plaintif in case against Charles Snead Senr deft. (same rule.) Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 262 George Warrington's executor plaintif against Richard Justice deft in debt. (Same rule.) Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 320 Ordered that Solomon Read, Robert Twiford and Nathan Addison or any two of them being first duly sworn do appraise in current money the slaves if any & personal estate of Comfort Warrington deceased, and make return thereof to the next Court. On the motion of William Badger taking oath & giving Henry Heath & William Polk for his security who entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the estate of Comfort Warrington, deceased. Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 324 Elizabeth Warrington plt against Gilbert Pielee deft in case in debt. Same Judgement for sixteen pounds. Interest from January 1782 & costs. Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 389 Rebecca Warrington plaintif on a petition against Howell Gladden defendant. Same Judgement for five pounds with interest from 1771 til payment & costs. Jacob Warrington plaintif on a petition against Howell Gladden defendant. Same judgement for four pounds fifteen shillings with interest from December 1771 til payment & costs. Orders Book 1783-1784 Page 499 Executor of Alexander Warrington, decd, plt against Joseph Warrington, defendant in case. Same rule. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 11 William Patterson executor & C of Alex'r Warrington, decd, Plt in case against Josephus Warrington, defendant. Southy White came into Court & undertook for the defendant that in case he shall be cast in this suit he shall satisfy & pay the condemnation of the Court or render his body to prison in execution for the same or that he the said Southy White will do it for him and thereupon the defendant prays & his lease to impart until the next Court and then to plead. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 51 Comfort Warrington, orphan of Benjamin Warrington, decd, made choice of Benjamin Warrington for her guardian who gave William Onions for his security. The following suits abates by the death of one or other parties to wit: Robert Coleburn - Kendall Savage - John L. Fulwell vs John Lyon. John Glasey (Glasby) vs Geo. Churns ex. Naomi Ewells ex. vs Skin Wallop, Sampson Bloxom vs John Riley. Same as above. Clement Parkers ex vs Isaac Melson Senr. James Arbuckle vs William Andrews. Elizabeth Warrington vs Charles Snead Senr. Susana Dennis vs Massey Benston's ex. Solomon Bunting vs John Lyon. Same vs Same. John Lyons vs Solomon Bunting. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 255 On the motion of William Warrington to quash an execution sued out against him by Leah Chace (Chance.) It is ordered that the said execution be suspended until the next Court & that Nathaniel Beavans & John Burton Gent. do settle all matters in difference between the parties and make return of their settlement to the next Court. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 266 Stephen Warrington is by the Court appointed constable in the District of Onancock in the room of Garrett Topping and the said Stephen qualified according to law. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 304 Ordered that Peggy Warrington be bound by the Church Wardens of St. George Parish to Levin Bunting till lawful age to learn the art of spinning and weaving. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 330 The Last Will and Testament of Southy Warrington, deceased, was proved by the oath of Henry Fletcher witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Comfort Warrington and George Warrington taking oath & giving Jacob Taylor & William Onions for their security who entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Ordered that Henry Fletcher, Solomon Johnson & Southy Northam & Elijah Northam or any three of them being first duly sworn do appraise in current money the slaves if any & personal estate of Southy Warrington, deceased, and also audit and settle the said estate & make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 466 On the motion of William Warrington taking oath and giving Nehemiah Broughton and William Patterson for his security who entered into and acknowledged a bond for that purpose. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the estate of Josephus Warrington, deceased. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 471 Benjamin Warrington plaintif against Thomas Rogers defendant on a petition. Same Judgement for two pounds six shillings & five pence with interest from September the 30th 1783 til payment and costs. Orders Book 1784-1786 Page 483 Ordered that Peggy Warrington be bound by the Church Wardens of Accomack Parish to Robert Evans til lawful age. Orders Book 1787-1790 Page 50 William Warrington admin. of Josephus Warrington plt against John Parks & Sampson Marshall defts on a petition. Same Judgement four pounds seventeen shillings with interest from the 27th day of February 1786 til payment & costs. Orders Book 1787-1790 Page 107 Ordered that Levin S. Joynes, John Rogers, and Edmund Wise or any two of them audit and settle the estate of James Warrington, deceased, and make return thereof to the next Court. Orders Book 1787-1790 Page 331 An audit & settlement of the estate of James Warrington, deceased, being returned is ordered to be recorded. Orders Book 1787-1790 Page 337 An Indenture from Stephen Warrington & Susanna his wife to John Hannaford was acknowledged by the said Stephen and Susan as their act and deed and ordered to be recorded. The said susan having been first privately examined as the law directs, did voluntary consent thereto. Orders Book 1787-1790 Page 367 Sacker Gladden administrator of Jacob Warrington, decd, Plaintif against
Dixon Hall defendant, in case. This day came the plaintif by his attorney
and thereupon a jury viz; Thomas Rogers, Thomas Parker, William Smith Custis,
Nathaniel Badger, Levin Ayres, Richard Ayres, George Trader, Charles Leatherbury,
Edmund Bayly, Americus Scarbugh, Francis Ayres, Joakim White being sworn
will and truly to inquire of damages in the suit upon their oath do say
that the plaintif hath sustained damages by the defendants non performance
of the assumption to Six Pounds Sixteen Shillings and his costs by him
about the suit in this behalf expended. Therefore it is considered by the
Court that the plaintif recover against the said defendant his damages
aforesaid in form afore & C. said assessed & his costs. And the
said defendant in mercy. Return to the top of this page Return to the Originial Source Materials page Return to the GHOTES home page Page accesses to date: | ![]() |